Eff. Vital Records Email, Elizabeth Byrd Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (closed during lunch 11:30 a.m.- 12:00 pm). Request a certified copy of a marriage license in-person: The State of Michigan requires that all information on the Marriage License be complete and accurate. Property Lookup *Please remember: There is a required 3-day waiting period to obtain a license after (616) 538-9660, 59th District July 20, 1975;-Am. Phone: (616) 846-8315 414 Washington Ave, Room 320 After this process is complete, you may request a certified copy of the corrected record. Marriages may be solemnized by any of the following: A person authorized by this act to solemnize a marriage shall keep proper records and return licenses and certificates as required by section 4 of 1887 PA 128, MCL 551.104. Phone: (616) 494-5566 Twitter The process to do so is by petitioning the Court for an Ex Parte Order. Child Support 3100 Port Sheldon Road Do not apply before 33 days of your wedding date. Marriage applications/licenses will be processed until 4:30 p.m. (excluding the lunch hour at the Niles location). Treasurer (616) 632-7500 Order Marriage Records One or both applicants must be a resident of Muskegon County. Photocopy of all divorce decrees - See attached memo effective 3-18-19, Environmental Affairs and Community Development, Affidavit for License to Marry application, Instructions and application of Affidavit for License to Marry, Birth Certificate Information & Application Form, Assumed Names & Co-Partnership Information, Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Information & Application Form, Application for Board-Appointed Positions, Birth dates and place of birth (city & state). check or money order made payable to Muskegon County Clerk, include your phone number and Drivers License or State ID number; credit or debit card. Instead, the law requires that couples be provided educational materials regarding prenatal care and the transmission and prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. 180 Ottawa Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Acceptable forms of proof of age and/or residency are: Certified birth certificate, Drivers License or State Identification, Passport, or Military Identification. Restaurant Inspections Grand Haven, MI 49417 License is good for 33 days from and including application date. Please complete the online Affidavit For License to Marry as a public user.

1975, Act 175, Imd. Parcel Data According to the Michigan State Legislature, Marriage License Act 128 - Section 551.101, Sec. The Administration Center hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Fax Filing: (616) 846-8147 Mail To: Michigan residents must apply in the county of residence of one of the applicants. The license can then be used anywhere in the State of Michigan. There is a required 3-day waiting period after submitting an application and before the license can be picked up. You must obtain your license in the county where you reside. Eff. Water Bill, Deeds Documents Name ofbothapplicantsat time ofrequesting a license, Self addressed stamped envelope to mail record. 1, "If both parties to be married are non-residents of the state, it shall be necessary to obtain such license from the county clerk of the county in which the marriage is to be performed.". Online Services for both parties, unless you apply online - then both applicants must appear. Phone: (616) 662-6085 Michigan counties, contact the County Clerk for the specific county. Non-residents must be married in the county where they make application. Fax: (616) 494-5495 If you submit your request by email or fax, you must pay by credit/debit card. Chief Deputy County Clerk. A judge of the district court, anywhere in this state. 1909, Act 235, Eff. The request form has the necessary address information. Fax: (616) 846-8138 June 6, 1979;-Am. Return the completed Affidavit to the Clerks Office with payment of $50.00 by dropping it off at either office location, mailing it back, or placing it in the drop box (located in the lobby of the Ingham County Jail). (616) 632-5220, Kent County Sheriff's Office To change a name on a Michigan Identification Card or Drivers license, an individual must go to any Secretary of State Branch Office with their valid drivers license or state ID card, a certified copy of the marriage license, and their birth certificate or another form of proof of Legal Presence. You cannot apply before 33 days of your wedding date. Both Parties must be present to apply for the Marriage License. Our office is open from 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m.-Noon on Friday, excluding holidays. If only one person comes in to apply, they must be the Ingham County resident. If you submit your request by mail, you are welcome to pay by check, money order, or credit/debit card. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Land Record Index Search, DBA, Death, Marriage & Elections. Courthouse Listed belowarea variety of services and how they canbe completed. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted. NOTE: After applying, you will leave with your marriage license which will be valid three days from when you picked it up. Only one party needs to be an Ingham County resident. Strategic Impact
Monday - Friday: 17th Circuit Court (616) 632-5220 credit card (Visa or MasterCard). 63rd District Court (616) 632-7770 Submit the request form and payment by email, fax, or mail. If one or both of the applicants plan on a traditional name change, as a result of marriage, (taking partners last name or hyphenating both last names), they may sign with that new name at the bottom of the license. Court (Walker Residents Only)
Technology Fees Prosecuting Attorney Please note an additional service charge is applied to credit or debit card payments by the third party processor.
Wyoming, MI 49509 Sept. After the online application has been completed,please call (517) 788-4265 to providepayment information. Holiday Schedule The three day waiting period starts when the application is notarized in our office. If the couple is from out of state, VERIFY the ceremony is in the same county where the marriage license was obtained, otherwise. The males information must be entered first and then the females. countyclerk@miottawa.org Make note of the online marriage number at the conclusion of your application to bring with you when picking up the license. July 3, 2012;-Am. When the individual has their new ID, they may then change their name with banks, credit unions, and others (i.e. includes all information necessary to complete the application. ). 8233 before applying for your marriage license. Well & Septic Permits 2022 County of Saginaw, Michigan.All rights reserved. Delinquent Taxes - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Administrator (616) 632-7570 FOIA Requests Sept. 17, 1903;-Am. Notify the clerk at the time of application if you have a need to waive this 3-day waiting period. mobile devices. General Assistance (616) 632-7590 If ceremony is to be in English, then both parties must understand English. The State of Michigan requires that all information on the Marriage License be complete and accurate. If this is a non-traditional marriage (same-sex) then it doesn't matter whose information goes in first. Has either party been divorce within the last year? Note: Certain business may be required to be transacted during particular hours.
2008, Act 47, Imd. Please fill out the Marriage License Application to submit to the Clerks office at the time of application or use the form below. If one or both of the applicants plan on a traditional name change, as a result of marriage, (taking partners last name or hyphenating both last names), they may sign with that new name at the bottom of the license. 3161 Wilson SE To search for a marriage record that occurred from 1995 to present, visit our Web Self-Service Portal. One applicant may make the application as long as he/she has the necessary information and I.D. Please note that the state. West Olive, MI 49460 For additional information, you might also try: Michigan County Clerk's Contact Information. Eff. is required. M-F: 8:00am-5:00pm, (616) 632-6100, 17th Circuit, 61st District, Probate 1873, Act 85, Eff. 180 Ottawa Avenue NW, Suite 1400 documentation with you when you come in to pick up your marriage Fee per couple: $20.00 --Bay CountyResidentsFee per couple: $30.00-- Out-of-State Residents. The following is a summary of the marriage laws of Michigan for both residents and non-residents: Who may perform marriages in Michigan is governed by law MCL 551.7. View current job listings with Muskegon County. Valid identification and social security number are required for both persons making application. Jury Information, About the County Probate Court If both of you reside out of state, you may apply as an out-of-state applicant. Specialized Business Docket eFiling All out-of-state affidavits should be mailed to Ingham County Clerk, PO Box 179, Mason MI 48854. DO NO CHANGE THE ORDER OF INFORMATION ON THE FORM - IT WILL CREATE ISSUES WHEN YOU COME TO PICK UP THE LICENSE, (please see bottom of main County Clerk's page), which will be valid three days from when you picked it up. The fee is $50 for the ceremony and an additional $15 if witnesses need to be provided. If both applicants live in another state,you will need toapplyin the Countywherethe marriage ceremony will take place. Circuit Court Records 17th Circuit Court Search 1983, Act 64, Imd. This starts the three day waiting period with the day you click "Submit" serving as the first day. We ask that when you mail the affidavit, please include contact phone numbers for each of you, the wedding date, and your payment. Both applicants must be at least 18 years old. DO NO CHANGE THE ORDER OF INFORMATION ON THE FORM - IT WILL CREATE ISSUES WHEN YOU COME TO PICK UP THE LICENSE. Email, Physical Address Show Map Monday - Friday: 8am-5pm, Grand Haven A county clerk in the county in which the clerk serves, or in another county with the written authorization of the clerk of the other county. My Office files marriage licenses with the State of Michigan and you may choose to correct your license via the process below. The license expires 33 days from the application date. Please include a check or money order payable to: 2004 - 2022 Bay County, Michigan. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Please see chart of, Cash, check, credit, and debit card payments are accepted. Please note that a service fee is assessed for credit/debit card transactions. Apply for a Marriage License Online - Apply online here (only if you have an appointment alreadyscheduled), Order Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates order online,by mailor by appointment. We will not be able to process your request for the marriage license if there are any questions or problems and we are unable to contact you. Administration Building Elections Order Death Records Clerk Byrum's availability to perform ceremonies is when her schedule permits, Monday through Friday. Community Action Agency, Business Name Lookup The Officiant performing the marriage must return the gold seal copy of the marriage license to the married couple. Divorce Decrees For foreign language birth certificates a certified translation Eff. Please readcarefullyon how to proceed: Marriage Licenseapplications are available through the Oakland County Clerk's Office. The Marriage Licenses must be picked up in person prior to the ceremony, but not before the three day waiting period has expired. The Niles Courthouse office hours are 9:00 a.m. - noon, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Refund Policy Copy and paste this code into your website. If you are unsure of which county your venue is located in, please call the Berrien County Clerk's Office at (269) 983-7111 Ext. History: R.S. All Rights Reserved. It is the responsibility of the couple being married to determine the legality of the officiant performing the ceremony. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 The Saginaw County Clerks Office maintains marriage records for individuals (one or both) who resided in Saginaw County at the time of application and were married in Michigan. THE THREE DAY WAITING PERIOD STARTS WHEN THE APPLICAITON IS NOTARIZED IN OUR OFFICE . Walker, MI 49534 If former Spouse is deceased, must present photo copy of a Death Certificate. Bay County residents: For your convenience, an Affidavit for License to Marry application may be downloaded, printed and then submitted in person at the County Clerk's office, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., allowing at least 30 minutes for processing. Nominate a Kent County Employee for Quality Service! Kent County has five District Courts covering the following jurisdictions: 17th Circuit Court, 61st District Court, Probate Court PLEASE NOTE: If you live in Michigan, one of the applicants MUST be a Jackson County resident. FOIA Requests, Online Services Account Method of payment includes cash, check, money order or credit/debit card. Fax:269-384-8143, Office Hours Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2288, Phone: (616) 632-7640 The couple must sign the Certificate with their married names. To apply for a marriage license online, please visit our Web Self-Service Portal.
THE THREE DAY WAITING PERIOD STARTS WHEN THE APPLICATION IS NOTARIZED IN OUR OFFICE - NOT WHEN YOU COMPLETE THE AFFIDAVIT. ADA Information the person performing your ceremony requires counseling. District Court Probation 1979, Act 24, Imd. An, $20 to waive the three day waiting period (excluding active military personnel), $15 to purchase a certified copy of your marriage certificate after you are married. A civil ceremony can be performed by a District Court Magistrate in Battle Creek for a small fee. Ministers, priest, rabbis, certain judges. Order Fulfillment You apply for the license at the Clerks Office in the county where one of the applicants resides. 12251 James Street Government-issued photo identification is required to be shown at the time of pick up. To change a name on a Michigan Identification Card or Drivers license, an individual must go to any Secretary of State Branch Office with their valid drivers license or state ID card, a certified copy of the marriage license, and their birth certificate or another form of proof of Legal Presence.