An overview of politics and policy-making in the US Congress. Learn More About the Degree Concentrations in the Course Catalog. This course will examine the life of many different kinds of technologies through the lens of human use, institutional practice, economic interests, policy, and social movements. We will survey challenges to collective action, consider interdisciplinary perspectives on why and how international environmental problems emerge, and assess proposed solutions. Environmental Studies and Sustainability (BA). ", "All of my experiences have led me to embrace challenges as opportunities. The interdependence of states means that many of these challenges cannot be overcome by local or national policy alone, but rather require international or global solutions. PSCI366 Supreme Court and American Politics 4.0 Credits. Though cultural and personal preferences influence what we eat, our food choices unfold in the context of public policies such as agricultural subsidies, trade agreements, and food safety regulations, etc. Visiting us is the best way to get firsthand information about a Drexel education. Catalog Home > Undergraduate > The College of Arts and Sciences > Minor in Politics.

This course considers these questions and more. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. This course provides students with concepts, principles and tools of quantitative research methodology for political science. We will learn key concepts and paradigms that are used by urban climate change experts. For the most up-to-date list of writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing Intensive Course List at the University Writing Program. PSCI371 Science, Technology, & Public Policy 4.0 Credits. We will study a major theoretical problem: how international organizations attempt to govern a planet made up of self-interested, sovereign states. "kLTWC8cL6W0.rO[X0 6},&U?vQb)61VCc%ZvQ5G)6[4'=3?U \j94MxNv9?j`{[P+ clBP:h5N^p,KP^Q5#& s@,Mu{YNCvtu#a'+WcGDnf`VBel`gKH;s_(9ckMAkz3F^uCdM/gl^d2Ft8B*x$}at4^hd)K+fzzr^#f#]l^I'!e4 ed4mn+Y3mav=60b@2 W4_ym>S9G+km94E~zIA;s ' @ endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream Analyzes nation-states in their external relations, including the interaction of the great powers with each other and with emerging areas. PSCI250 American Foreign Policy 4.0 Credits. %PDF-1.5 % 3018 MacAlister Hall PSCI364 Constitutional Law III 4.0 Credits. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid clustering these courses near the end of their matriculation. 0000002531 00000 n PSCI352 Ethics and International Relations 4.0 Credits. The LP track is most appropriate for students considering law school, and for those whose research interests include judicial politics, as well as students who seek careers in civil society organizations. See department for details of current offerings. These include public policy, environmental politics, international organizations, human rights, and law and society. Human relationships with animals vary by time and place: the same species might be a pet at one time, a food at another, and somewhere else, a model organism for experimental research. How do they matter? Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
Includes issues of causation, explanation, and inference, as well as practical considerations of specific research designs and methods. This course examines how politics shapes our diet.
We look forward to hearing from you! Sample co-op positions include: The flexible programs allow students to shape a curriculum that meets their needs whether they are preparing for the business world, graduate school in history or political science, the department's master's program in Science, Technology, and Society, an MBA or other business program, or law school. s jS\~"0l`M_kgP:$ "hpLQ(9&XEzk+6k3YfYK=QR[0vrtY7&sfocO0/2+3HLI{RMeq dR,v6WHy,{eEpOGVviCFfm'KKI'K97=k1jII- The APP track is most appropriate for students looking ahead to law school or a graduate degree in American politics, as well as for students planning for careers in electoral politics and campaigns, public administration, public policy or government. Examines public opinion and propaganda from a variety of perspectives, including the process of opinion formation and change and its role in the development of public policy and methods of measurement and analysis of public opinion. This course focuses on the workings of the modern Supreme Court: theories of judicial interpretation; internal decision-making processes; the interplay of law and politics on the Court's personnel, agenda, and rulings; and the role of interest groups in shaping the Court's jurisprudence. This flexible program allows students to shape a curriculum that meets their needs whether they are preparing for public service, the business world, graduate school in political science, an MBA or other business program, or law school. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. Solving environmental problems is not simply a question of using available science and technology; rather, proposals to combat environmental degradation confront political context that may or may not favor the aims of environmental policy. Examines the process of formulating research questions in political science, developing theories with testable implications, and hypothesis testing. The IP track is most appropriate for students who wish to attend law school to focus on international law or graduate school to pursue studies in international relations, as well as students who seek careers in international business, the foreign service, or international organizations like the United Nations or the World Bank. Students have the opportunity to earn a salary while honing and applying their skills in social science research, critical thinking, data analysis and communication. 0000001036 00000 n 3250-60 Chestnut Street Pi Sigma Alpha, Drexel Universitys Political Science Honors Society, is a part of the National PSA Honor Society.
Contact[emailprotected] or call us at 215.895.1805 for more information about the Bachelors of Political Science. Calendar Type: Quarter What are the responsibilities of militaries and rebel groups to people under their control -- and do they meet them? Across substantive areas, including matters of security, trade, environmental affairs, and human rights, international law is playing an increasing role in international politics. This course is designed to gain leverage on these questions by surveying an eclectic literature from international relations and comparative politics. From advanced knowledge of government systems and political development, to marketable skills in research, data analysis and communication, the benefits of a political science degree are numerous. Course examines the role of the American city in the larger project of state-building. Issues covered include ethnicity, gender, race, nationalism, globalism, economics, and class. These three tracks reflect our research and teaching strengths, and are designed to prepare students for a variety of career paths. We also consider the practical issues that confront the UN and other international organizations. PSCI255 International Political Economy 4.0 Credits. To answer these questions, we will take an in-depth empirical look at movements representing LGBT people and their successes/lossesas well as those of their oppositionacross time and place, from the late 1800s to present day and across the globe. A minor in Politics enriches almost every major. 0000006125 00000 n Recent graduates have gone on to bachelors in political science jobs like: Find out what you can do with a political science degree from Drexels Department of Politics. Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor. The second part of the course examines the ideas and practices of food-based social movements that seek to create a food system that is less harmful to human and international health and more socially just than the existing system. This course is a general introduction to issues posed by the notions of development and progress of societies. The third can be in any discipline. PSCI150 International Politics 4.0 Credits. PSCI210 American Political Development 4.0 Credits. University requirement is two consecutive courses; the third language course, though listed here, is a departmental requirement. Issues to be discussed include indices of social development, economic growth, and health progress, and their significance in relation to general views on social development and human progress. Topics in this course include animal rights and experimentation, the livestock industry, animal intelligence, and environmental legislation.
In many countries, the subject of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans) rights has entered the political discourse with unprecedented speed and suddenness. 0000035026 00000 n These include genocide, political repression, the rights of women, and religious and cultural minorities. The third can be in any discipline.
", "The support I have gotten through the co-op program has allowed me to dedicate time solely to developing myself professionally. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid clustering these courses near the end of their matriculation. 3250-60 Chestnut Street It is increasingly accepted that climate change is one of the major threats for human society. HWMo719BR#]8A Ez0M N_>RoRz+")cARR)s-|\>-/^Ra)ZXV*GDzhq-RRR;%Mu|_^xO?J7_=,n'ZHs "=omp{O{ wr-GX>wH9$ These practical experiences in the real world can reinforce the lessons of the classroom, sharpen skills, and establish important contacts. 0000034911 00000 n The course considers theoretical approaches and contemporary events to better understand where international law comes from, how it is designed, and why states comply (or not). Choose a level and format to learn more and apply today. For additional information, and an up-to-date list of the writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Drexel University Writing Center page, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. which includes study of a foreign language and allows for options in the fulfillment of humanities, social science, math, and science requirements. This track includes courses on American political processes (such as public opinion, state and local politics, political parties), specific areas of public policy (such as immigration policy or urban public policy), and theory courses dealing with democratic theory, representation and participation. Catalog Home > Course Descriptions > Quarter > Undergraduate > Political Science, PSCI100 Introduction to Political Science 4.0 Credits. 3018 MacAlister Hall Assumes some familiarity with Middle Eastern history and concentrates primarily on contemporary politics and political economy. The concept of standard of living, the human development index, the demographic transition and the gender and political aspects of development will be also discussed. Uses the tools of comparative politics to examine key political issues across democratic and non-democratic countries. PSCI335 Political Communication 4.0 Credits. 0000002443 00000 n 26 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000013590 00000 n The course will use a combination of readings, a text, films, lectures, and guest speakers. HWK6)(w GM&d){: `~L*ZM^X$S^_7.uGl4$0i'2 ]JkWkWFzn6Jl6P%~v9^tf ="EChrj z!C2.L4]*/.':]{D|STAchUB1}}@4-k1>P?QT]g!R$kqcyB~WeyMi%J{}}now}5O^nLW(_5[;ve> /EX qO2@x4) Lg94}fgmrOq_ $b \EXc5SoU[zh%p= 215.895.2590 |, Associate Director of Programming and Partnerships PSCIT380 Special Topics III 0.5-12.0 Credits. Analyzes such common problems as nationalism, religion, and state/society relations, then examines in depth four countries representing various regimes. PSCI232 Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science 4.0 Credits. All students also have the opportunity to specialize their coursework by following one of the informal concentration tracks of study detailed below. American politics and policy considers the relationships between public opinion, legislative representation, and policy-making in democratic entities. What determines who is elected to Congress, and who leads once members are in place? 0000001370 00000 n PSCI330 Public Opinion & Propaganda 4.0 Credits. 0000011856 00000 n Political Science majors have a wide variety of co-op experiences from which to choose. Political science pairs well with economics, criminal justice, psychology, public health, history, anthropology, communications, or education. Finally, do movements actually matter for bringing about change? In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive courses after their freshman year. contemporary China, the European Union), international organizations, and comparative public policy. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts (BA) For additional information, and an up-to-date list of the writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Drexel University Writing Center page, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research in Political Science, Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science, Power in Protest: Social Movements in Comparative Perspective, The Politics of LGBT Movements and Rights, City in United States Political Development. How much does money matter in Congressional politics?
The Law and Politics track looks at the relationships between judicial institutions and other political and social actors, both nationally and internationally. PSCI375 Politics of Immigration 4.0 Credits. PSCI493 Political Science Thesis II 4.0 Credits. Analysis of contemporary politics in South and Central American, as well as Cuba, with several in-depth country cases. Covers topics including atomic energy, electronic communications, and weapons development.
PSCI372 City in United States Political Development 4.0 Credits. Environmental Studies and Sustainability (BA), Knowledge of worldwide political systems and processes, Cross-cultural knowledge and understanding, Experience with research methods and independent projects. 215.895.2463 |, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 215.895.2000, All Rights Reserved. Students will examine how environment and health are defined by different stakeholders. Examines major political, social, and economic problems of state, local, and metropolitan governments. For additional information, and an up-to-date list of the writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Drexel University Writing Center page, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. This course is designed to gain leverage on the processes that explain this rapid global expansion of LGBT rights by surveying an eclectic literature on comparative and transnational LGBT politics. hb``f``f`a`AXzT60 !Q~VSN)Ljiii &X+00U0(*XDh?7:Xv24|@WBXa% . 0000013890 00000 n 0000002330 00000 n PSCII199 Independent Study in PSCI 0.0-12.0 Credits. Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 19-3094.
The course provides historical and political background that makes sense of vital present-day issues like national security, racial and ethnic politics, and health care policy. A political science degree is excellent preparation for careers in law, policy and government, as well as many positions that require analytical and communication skills. 0000011745 00000 n Apply now, or visit our campus to experience life at Drexel firsthand. 0000019796 00000 n Total Credit Hours: 180.0 We examine the definition and causes of armed conflict, before turning to key issues such as civilian coping strategies during armed conflict, common patterns of violence against civilians, legal and policy remedies for human rights violations, and the politics of human rights advocacy. Academic Building, 311 Any Biology (BIO), Chemisitry (CHEM), Geoscience (GEO), Nutrition (NFS), Physics (PHYS) or Environmental Science (ENVS) course. These include local and regional policies, nongovernmental and governmental research, and experiments at the intersection of health, ecology, and infrastructure. Along the way we will familiarize ourselves with international institutions designed to manage ozone depletion, ocean resources, and climate change and consider how global environmental issues are intertwined with trade, migration, and national security concerns. PSCI334 Politics of Environment and Health 4.0 Credits. PSCI220 Constitutional Law I 4.0 Credits. Visiting us is the best way to get firsthand information about a Drexel education. Apply to Drexels BS in Political Science, or visit campus to get firsthand information about a Drexel education. Using historical and contemporary case studies, students will engage with these questions at different scales of analysis, learning about the politics of knowledge, social movements, the medical establishment, and the ethics of health in late industrialism. 26 37 PSCI131 [WI] Research Design for Political Science 4.0 Credits. Studies the political process, which determines who gets what, when, and how in society. 215.895.1208 |, Accelerated BA in Political Science + JD Law, Department of Politics Students develop and begin an in-depth research project under the supervision of a political scientist. Academic Adviser Examines the nature and realization of justice over time, with special attention to the ways that justice has been conceptualized and re-conceptualized over time. Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center page for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate opportunities. Students produce a research proposal including research question, literature review, and research design. This track includes courses that explore the politics of marginalized people, social movements, inter-state war, intra-state civil war, the politics of specific countries or regions (i.e. Transfer students need to meet with an academic advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to graduate. Examines the emergence of judicial review, the judiciary's role in the system of check and balances, and the powers and limitations on each branch of government. \:Q 5{9AU,15H5bn$ODYW6O ~O. How do technologies shape politics, and how do human interests produce particular kinds of technologies? As a general introduction to the issues implied by the relationships between economic progress, population growth, health, and politics, as major concepts involved in the notion of social development, the course has links with demography, sociology, history of political thought, economics, anthropology, and the health sciences. With a minor in Politics, you can hone your analytical and critical thinking skills and take your understanding of political science and research methodology to your field of study.