priate to his habitual A similar, non-literal of the interpretation transmigration from Ennead III.2.8. It is to these souls that the experience of Evil falls.
order, that Plotinus the is a mistake to assume, as Inge does, that he is not particularly in the incarnate he says x) interested image of the soul. He was an original and profound thinker in his own right, who borrowed and re-worked all that he found useful from earlier thinkers, and even from his opponents, in order to construct the grand dialectical system presented (although in not quite systematic form) in his treatises. It is with this pure soul, soul as part of the intelligible is primarily But it concerned. when describing for instance, the various possible modes in which the soul may be reincarnated, adopts the same playful tone and even similar vocabulary used by Plato in the famous passage of the Phaedo 3) where Plotinus to that the transmigration of human In other passages sketched. Since such a fallen soul is almost a separate being (for it has ceased to fully contemplate its prior, or higher part), it will be subject to the judgment of the Higher Soul, and will be forced to endure a chain of incarnations in various bodies, until it finally remembers its true self, and turns its mind back to the contemplation of its higher part, and returns to its natural state (cf. ?) This level at which the Soul becomes fragmented into individual, embodied souls, is Nature (phusis). de?
????? the Phaedrus5) is obviously discusses the theory that 4) of the Plotinus' the lives and periodically descends body. This content downloaded from on Fri, 7 Mar 2014 16:14:17 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOTINUS IN REINCARNATION BY AUDREY There minimize appears Plotinus truth.
This is a complete English translation of the Fragments in Diels. At this stage, the personality serves as a surrogate to the authentic existence provided by and through contemplation of the Soul. 8. But before When with ??? or seminal reason of the animal body nature, whereupon is bestowed upon it by the higher soul. Chicago, its the form of something, but it is a substance deriving not from the fact that it is lodged in the body, but from the soul of such and that it existed prior to becoming such so far from being a body . cit., pp. Admittedly that the soul's "true awakening" is from the body and not with the at all to body, but that does not mean that he pays no attention the soul in its unawakened stands state. IV.8.3-4) even if this means a temporary lapse into evil on the part of the individual or fragmented souls that actively shape and govern matter. are reborn as lower animals, in kind falls upon them in their next retribution and sometimes carnation therefore But to this one might reply that the apparent beings". But that is as it should be. This individual soul now comes to be spoken of by Plotinus as if it were a separate entity by. All order in the physical cosmos proceeds from the power of the Soul, and the existence of individual souls is simply the manner in which the Soul exercises its governing power over the realm of passive nature. is inconsistent when is so vividly Enneads, he when authority bodies and fourth soul has a choice assume of a different as Pistorius suggests, to referring something Nor is Inge's criticism on the subject The Philosophy of Plotinus, Vol. But this does not necessarily Plotinus is, in these and similar that valid, ?) The highest attainment of the individual soul is, for Plotinus, likeness to God as far as is possible (I.2.1; cf. The foundation provided by the One is the Intelligence. He makes it clear that the soul, insofar as it must rule over Matter, must also take on certain characteristics of that Matter in order to subdue it (I.8.8). ?id. 10, Fasc. This is to say, on the one hand, that dialectic dissolves the tension of differentiation that makes each existent a separate entity, and therefore something existing apart from the Intelligence; and, on the other hand, that dialectic is the final flourish of discursive reasoning, which, by analyzing the synthesis, comes to a full realization of itself as the principle of order among all that exists that is, a recognition of the essential unity of the Soul (cf. and abides it can, he says2), the soul the universal soul. These considerations serious us to admit force to the doctrine that Plotinus of Reincarnation. 2) 3) 4) 5) is alien that into souls animal third chief disembodied to earth imply passages, to his own Plotinus to that, way of thinking. Ethics for an "amphibian" soul: thE plotinian sElf in its mEtaphysical EnvironmEnt tica para uma alma "anfbia": o Eu plotiniano Em sEu ambiEntE mEtafsico, Qu tan elementales son los cuatro elementos? This the soul accomplishes through the purely intellectual act of Contemplation. This fine translation of the more accessible, if not always most relevant, treatises of Plotinus serves as a valuable introduction to the work of a difficult and often obscure thinker. Now since the objects which the mind comes to grasp are the product of a soul that has mingled, to a certain extent, with matter, or passivity, the knowledge gained by dianoia can only be opinion (doxa). The true or noble desire or love is for pure beauty, i.e., the intelligible Beauty (noetos kalon) made known by contemplation (theoria). 5) I. Since, then, retriin this bution did not always follow in the wake of wrongdoing pure ness there must be other lives, Plotinus existence, argued3), the soul could do penance for its crimes. ?ste??? 6. The "Platonic be entirely fanciful, be taken as a serious myth" of III.4.2 as Inge implies, is really inconclusive. seems point sufficiently to the doctrine of Reincarnation. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. The problem arises when the soul is forced to think through or with the aid of these constructed images of the forms (eide), these types (tupoi). In order to drive the point home, Plotinus makes use of a striking illustration. The remedy is, as we have seen, the exercise of virtue and dialectic (also, see above). Yet the lower (or active), governing part of the Soul, while remaining, in its essence, a divine being and identical to the Highest Soul, nevertheless, through its act, falls into forgetfulness of its prior, and comes to attach itself to the phenomena of the realm of change, that is, of Matter. t? V.1.4-5). ?st??

becomes ?)
Now Plotinus does not state that human affection or even carnal love is an evil in itself it is only an evil when the soul recognizes it as the only expression or end (telos) of its desire (III.5.1). IV.3.9). 5 ) ? If it is excessively to the body, then it attached this must be drawn form once realm of back towards instead more, disembodied the material sphere to assume bodily the pure souls to the own fact, to use Plotinus' a temporary bow from the stage of departing In existence. Furthermore, the reliance on the products of sense-perception and on dianoia may lead the soul to error and to forgetfulness of its true status as one with its source, the Higher Soul. Pure power and self-presence, for Plotinus, cannot reside in a being capable of generative action, for it is a main tenet of Plotinus system that the truly perfect existent cannot create or generate anything, since this would imply a lack on the part of that existent. et???? We may best understand dialectic, as Plotinus conceives it, as the process of gradual extraction, from the ordered multiplicity of language, of a unifying principle conducive to contemplation. One final statement must be made, before we exit this section on Plotinus Metaphysics and Cosmology, concerning the status of Nature in this schema. The individual souls that are disseminated throughout the cosmos, and the Soul that presides over the cosmos, are, according to Plotinus, an essential unity. 4. This is accomplished because the One effortlessly overflows and its excess begets an other than itself (V.2.1, tr. ?? In fact, Plotinus develops a radical stance vis-a-vis ethics, and the problem of human suffering. Contemplation is the power uniting the One, the Intelligence, and the Soul in a single all-productive intellectual force to which all existents owe their life. This content downloaded from on Fri, 7 Mar 2014 16:14:17 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions. It must be understood, however, that this differentiation does not constitute a separate Soul, for as we have already seen, the nature and essence of all intelligible beings deriving from the One is twofold for the Intelligence, it is the ability to know or contemplate the power of the One, and to reflect upon that knowledge; for the Soul it is to contemplate the Intelligence, and to give active form to the ideas derived from that contemplation. It is the process of returning the divided and differentiated ideas to their original place in the chain of emanation that constitutes Life or temporal existence. 232-238 Published by: BRILL Stable URL: . In other words, we may say that the personality is, for Plotinus, a by-product of the souls governance of matter a governance that requires a certain degree of affectivity between the vivifying soul and its receptive substratum (hupokeimenon). Since the One is self-sufficient, isolated by virtue of its pure self-presence, and completely impassive, it cannot properly be referred to as an object of contemplation not even for the Intelligence. Plotinus does, however, maintain that each particular being is the product, as it were, of an intelligence (a logos spermatikos), and that the essential quality of each psychic manifestation is already inscribed as a thought with the cosmic Mind (Nous); yet he makes it clear that it is only the essence (ousia) of the individual soul that is of Intelligible origin (V.7.1-3).
with some souls only take metaphor, of life. or on the other hand to explain how transmigration attempt to the scheme set forward in this passage, For, opeiates. Therefore, a part of the living being will, of necessity, descend too far into the material or changeable realm, and will come to unite with its opposite (that is, pure passivity) to the point that it falls away from the vivifying power of the Soul, or the reasoning principle of the We. In order to understand how this occurs, how it is remedied, and what are the consequences for the Soul and the cosmos that it governs, a few words must be said concerning sense-perception and memory. F. HOMER CU, American Philological Association After death the soul can only go to its completely purified "own" place3). The greatest student is often the most violently original interpreter of his masters thought. What more is called for than a laugh? (III.2.8, tr.
Being differentiates the unified thought of the Intelligence that is, makes it repeatable and meaningful for those existents which must proceed from the Intelligence as the Intelligence proceeds from the One. Being is necessarily fecund that is to say, it generates or actualizes all beings, insofar as all beings are contained, as potentialities, in the rational seeds which are the results of the thought or contemplation of the Intelligence. However, this highest principle must still, somehow, have a part in the generation of the Cosmos. Moreover, since every embodied soul forgets, to some extent, its origin in the Divine Realm, the drama of return consists of three distinct steps: the cultivation of Virtue, which reminds the soul of the divine Beauty; the practice of Dialectic, which instructs or informs the soul concerning its priors and the true nature of existence; and finally, Contemplation, which is the proper act and mode of existence of the soul. Rather, we must understand this process of the Souls fragmentation into individual souls, its resultant experiences of evil and love, and its eventual attainment of happiness, as a necessary and eternal movement taking place at the final point of emanation of the power that is the One, manifested in the Intelligence, and activated, generatively, at the level of Soul.