You can repeat this for farming purposes. - 1 for each party member for being killed (minus protag): (1*8)-1 =7 The Citys Hard Hitter Path of Adyeshach: Consists of 13 floors. The bottom of The Path of Sheriruth is the furthest you will be able to progress before December 24. When fighting enemies for the first time, try out different types of attacks till you find the one that they are weak to. This will hit it up toward the large target in the center-left of the cages. See One Who Rebels Against a God for more info on that Persona and its recipe. After throwing your bait, pull it back once it notices and attempts to follow it. Electric Chair executions are available from the Velvet Room from 08/01 onwards. Every Mementos floor has a chance of having one in it. You are first introduced to making tools during early story progression; you will be asked to make some lockpicks first. The Fortune Confidant, at Rank 7, gives you the Fortune Read ability. They are as follows, along with their required materials: - 3 for weakness known, or all affinities revealed with no weaknesses: 3 During battle, ailments: The list for this is found in the supplementary guide: Engage in the latter to meet the requirements of this trophy.
It is a very strong shadow that can one hit kill parties if youre particularly unprepared.
Aggressive Searcher Just finished Shido and his Palace reached the innermost of Mementos. This is assuming you have the Personas ready from the first playthrough, as stated in the Roadmap. Health: The function of this execution is to essentially consume one Persona to add EXP points to another, without fusing them. They are the secret boss, that you can only fight in New Game Plus.
- 3 for acquiring random items stolen from enemy using physical attack (Magician Confidant 5): 3 - 1 for each party member hitting weaknesses for already downed enemies: 1*8 = 8 This means youll have to basically beat them at the same time. Passionate Listener Beginner Phantom Thieves Execution Leading to Rebirth Once you are at Strength Confidant 3, venture to the Velvet Room and perform a Lockdown. (MISSABLE) Each question will have been asked of you in a lesson earlier in the year. Lastly, the highest level Persona of each Arcana can only be created once that social link is maxed. The trophy will unlock once you do. In order to earn this trophy, you need to unlock all 25 fast travel points on the map. First, you need to establish the Hanged Man Confidant, Munehisa Iwai.
Easy is our recommendation for new players. The following is a list of drinks: (MISSABLE) There are eight characters you can date.
Normally you will have to be at least the level of Persona that you are trying to create. Most are identified and can be completed in Mementos automatically, and others require some investigation (just follow what the request says to do in the request menu, which is found by pressing ). If you complete the dungeons requirements past November 16, youll miss a certain event and have to start the week earlier. As such, the above list is more meant for those not following the spreadsheet by choice. Because of the high cost of all of these, it is recommended you have a large sum of money ready. Soul of Rebellion Magician: Morgana Ranked up automatically, Priestess: Makoto Niijima Ranked up socially, Empress: Hara Okumura Ranked up socially, Emperor: Yusuke Kitagawa Ranked up socially, Hierophant: Sojiro Sakura Ranked up socially, Lovers: Ann Takamaki Ranked up socially, Chariot: Ryuji Sakamoto Ranked up socially, Justice: Goro Akechi Ranked up automatically, Hermit: Futaba Sakura Ranked up socially, Fortune: Chihaya Mifune Ranked up socially, Strength: Caroline and Justine Ranked up through fusion tasks, Hanged Man: Munehisa Iwai Ranked up socially, Temperance: Sadayo Kawakami Ranked up socially, Sun: Toranosuke Yoshida Ranked up socially, Judgment: Sae Niijima Ranked up automatically, Serious attitude: Likes irritable responses, Ambiguous attitude: Likes gloomy responses. - 8 during the boss battle in the Pyramid Palace: 8 (MISSABLE) Cruiser of Pride Sinks Note: Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke cant be burned, shocked or frozen respectively: (3*8)-3 = 21 Note that 11/17 is the last day to get a book from the Shujin Academy Library due to story happenings until 12/22. In this case, do not use Kawakami to make items until this trophy is unlocked. During the Rank 8 interaction, you have to choose Hell yeah I am. The trophy will unlock when you max out the last stat. True Talent The Spaceport Palace is the fifth dungeon of the game. When the aforementioned date arrives, venture to the Velvet Room and perform an Electric Chair execution. It will always appear if you stay for five minutes on the same floor in Mementos. I'm stuck and can't go out of the dungeon.
Two are sold by the second hand shop in in Yongen-Jaya, with the remaining four being in Akihabara: So while it technically is missable, you would have to actively be avoiding using enemies weaknesses in order to miss this. Note that the deadline is listed November 20, but the actual hard limit to enter this dungeon is November 16 due to a wall and some mandatory story stuff. Also, Treasure Demons, which can't be fused and must be captured through negotiation, are required for the compendium.
In doing so, you will engage in a number of activities on your way to the platinum trophy, including hanging out with friends and developing your social statistics, as well as fighting shadows and capturing them as Personas. Also, pay attention to Passionate Listener, as, while some players unlock it easily, others have a bit of difficulty. (work at Flower Shop twice), Calling for Justice for Cats (work at Convenience Store twice), One Who Bullies Bullies (speak to some NPCs outside Aoyama-Itchome gate), Akihabara Hermit Rank 2 or Tower Confidant prerequisite, Vanish Ball: Thick Parchment x1, Plant Balm x1, Spotlight: Thick Parchment x2, Cork Bark x2, Silk Yarn x1, Limelight: Condenser Lens x4, Aluminum Sheet x2, Tanned Leather x4, Megido Bomb: Tanned Leather x4, Red Phosphorus x3, Liquid Mercury x2, Element Set: Tin Clasp x3, Plant Balm x3, Cork Bark x3, Forces Set: Silk Yarn x3, Iron Sand x3, Condenser Lens x3, Eternal Lockpick: Aluminum Sheet x20, Liquid Mercury x10, Smokescreen: Thick Parchment x2, Plant Balm x2, Hypno Mist: Silk Yarn x3, Plant Balm x1, Iron Sand x3, Reserve Ammo: Iron Sand x10, Aluminum Sheet x10, Red Phosphorus x10, Treasure Trap: Silk Yarn x2, Plant Balm x3, Cork Bark x1, Flowerpedia: 1p Work at the Shibuya Flower Shop, Batting Science: 1p Spend time at the batting cages in Yongen-Jaya, Essence of Fishing: 1p Fish at the fishing pond once, Cinema Treasures: 1p Watch a movie once in any location. Another character that is great is Ryuji. Charm: Spent time at the bathhouse at night, particularly on Mondays and Thursdays, We Aren't Just Your Slaves (work at Crossroads twice), Who's Been Assaulting People!?
The trophy will unlock as soon as you obtain 30 Personas through negotiation.
Unlike other activities, the video games are not passive, and require your involvement beyond just selecting the game to play. Path of Sheriruth: Consists of 14 floors. The trophy will unlock as soon as you exploit 100 weaknesses. Start a game in New Game Plus using the clear save you finished the last playthrough with. The function of this execution is to transform the Persona into a predetermined item. - 2 for when two or more party members are below half: 2 Characters with Magic stats, particularly Ann and Haru, are great for this trophy. We highly recommend doing this trophy on the lowest difficulty ball speed. For this trophy, you will have to reach the very depths of Mementos. The deadline for the palace is listed as May 2nd, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss. Passing through the door from this path, you will enter a new dungeon, with a number of floor puzzles and regularly-scattered enemies. Of great help to this will be Chinhodados fusion calculator on GitHub, which can be seen here: The following is a video example of this trophy being performed with Ann. They cannot be used in battle, but the moves they carry are very useful for fusion. As always, the spreadsheet covers all of the games. Countless Masks Video Guide: (MISSABLE) There are ten ailments this time around and there are more enemies that inflict ailments. Reading this book, or accepting Ryujis invitation to hang out at the fishing spot, will unlock the Ichigaya map location.
Under-the-Table Goods Video Guide: (MISSABLE) (GLITCHED)
The vending machines are located in Yongen-Jaya, Shibuya, Aoyama-Itchome, Shinjuku and Akihabara. These enemies produce ailments, with their locations: A list of currently-known lines is as follows, under a spoiler tag owing to the lists large size: You can use Concentrate to power Ann, and use a move such as Debilitate to lower the enemy defense. (MISSABLE) When you win a battle: First, youll need to read the book Batting Science, purchased in Shinjuku after you go to the batting cages for the first time.
Where is heaven? - 1 for when one teammate buffs or heals another, and a third teammate with Envy does friendly fire damage in reaction to that: 1 Once you down one, pass the baton onto the next, and repeat that until the fourth person comes around. Confidants are the social links of past games, characters whom you form intense bonds with. The vending machines are marked on the map, viewable with .
So, as we mentioned in the roadmap, follow that. Also, you must get every question correct on the exam if its the very final test in December. This is the first trophy you will earn in the game.
- 1 for each party member for being downed: 1*8 = 8 During battle, for each party member: Now trying to reel in the guardian is really tough, its advisable to lure the guardian closer to you, before letting it go for the bite. Also, if you choose to play on Safe difficulty, you will not be able to change the difficulty in the middle of a playthrough, or for New Game Pluses that use that save file. A Perfect Job Video Guide: (MISSABLE) If not, then you will either have to grind levels with the Reaper in order to fuse the necessary Personas, or use the above suggested Strength arcana skill. Also, you can use these to save-scum and reload your game after you have finished a trophy.

On the map, which can be accessed by pressing , anywhere you see white bubbles along a pathway, those are map points that havent been unlocked yet. To earn this trophy, use a strong attack that is powered by a baton pass, and that an enemy is weak to. - 2 for entering rush mode: 2 - 2 for first baton pass: 2 Also note that some of these drinks drop from enemies in dungeons; this does not count towards this trophy, you must buy them. (MISSABLE) In the opinion of this guides writers, we would be amazed if you managed to miss it. Progress as far as you can in Mementos.
Credits: Also, you can turn off which DLC Personas you don't own in the settings menu of that page. Is there any place to heal SP?
For the latter two of those, you will need the Retro Games Console and Old CRT TV from the secondhand shop in Yongen-Jaya. You can also find them hiding in breakable objects in Palaces. Additionally, there is a wall in this dungeon, which must be bypassed in the real world via some mandatory story scenes. Pretend like you have a bad reaction time. Also to assist with this, Anubit3Blad3 has constructed a rather convenient checklist to ensure you've got everything associated with a trophy. Baton pass: - 1 for being spotted by a shadow and raising the alert percentage in a Palace: 1 After that, press on Harus turn to fire her grenade launcher at them.
Skilled Gunman
In which case, the trophy guide accommodates for this by providing individual methods for obtaining each trophy on your own.
Excellent work, inmate. - 5 after beginning the secret boss fight in New Game Plus: 5 Choose a gun to customize and upgrade it to unlock the trophy. The Ultimate Strike Video Guide: (MISSABLE)
The reason this book is necessary is because reading it allows you to use Third Eye while batting with , allowing you to slow down time. Treasure Demons are highly resistant to most attacks, but some earlier ones feature one or maybe two weaknesses. - 1 for an enemy that has just run away: 1 Also, reading the books after the location has already been found will not spend time. On December 24, do not accept the deal. This way, you can fuse Satanael even if youre below his level, which you probably are since hes level 95. 205 lines. You can fight them as soon as Mementos is unlocked in New Game Plus, where Caroline will appear beside the Velvet Room door and propose a duel. Story related. The list of books, with page amounts, is as follows: My level is 60 there's no way out and no way to heal Why does Akechi not have a Palace? Ichiko Ohya, Devil Arcana: During the Rank 7 interaction, choose Youre charming as you are.
- 1 for each party member for having less than a quarter health: 1*8 = 8