"label": "Adults", Includes practice shirt, & Sunday tournaments. "min_age": 0, If you believe you are eligible for a corporate or any other type of discount, please sign up at your local branch. { "min_age": 3, This is a 17 week commitment: Season Dates: January19 thru May 16, or thereabouts. We hope you will decide to join the Fairfield YMCA We all need a place to belong! instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. "max_age": 100 Young Adult Facility Membership (ages 18-26). As part of this effort, we are proud to offer our members access to YMCA facilities across the United States that participate in Nationwide Membership. swim lessons, aquacize etc. ], [ Includes practice shirt, & Sunday tournaments. The Winsted Branch of the Northwest CT YMCA has been serving the people of Northwest Connecticut since 1887. "max": 1, 841 Old Post Road Phone: 203.255.2834 Team practices are expected begin on 1/26/21and will be held on Sundays & 1 weeknight practice (T/Th TBD), Medical Form(due at first evaluation session), 14U Developmental Team:(Oncea week program):REGISTER, Players enrolled forthe developmental teamwill have practices on Sundays and will compete in 4-5 Sunday regional tournaments. { "max_age": 100 "max": 0, Almost 3,300 people from several different local communities belong to the Fairfield Y, creating a diverse and energetic environment we think you will really enjoy! } A Family Program Membership allows access to our Y programs at the program member rate.

"min_age": 18, "label": "Adults", ], [ "min_age": 22, }, Its a positive, supportive environment where you and your family can feel comfortable while pursuing the activities that interest you the most. "max": 0, Why do so many people feel like they belong at the Y? To find a Y in another location, go to ymca.net.For those visiting Central Connecticut Coast YMCA branches, some Y activities and programs may be limited at this time. In order to help us form teams, players should try toattend all evaluations for Club teams. ], [ "min_age": 0, "label": "Dependent", The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants, and guests.If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access. { "max": 0, Program members do not have access to the full Y facility, only to their specified program in which they are signed up for, i.e. "max": 0, "max": 1, 5,000 square ft State of the Art Wellness Center. "max": 1, "label": "Dependent", { "max": 0, "min_age": 18, An Adult Program Membership allows access to our Y programs at the program member rate. "max": 0, "label": "Dependent", ]. This allows the member 20 visits that can be used within the 12 months following activation. "max_age": 100 Includes practice shirt, use of uniform for the season. { "max_age": 100 } Adult Facility Membership with Pool Access. An Adult Program Membership includes 1 adult (ages 18+). "max_age": 17 "max": 1, }, "label": "", "max": 6, ALWAYS WELCOMENationwide Membership enables you to visit any participating YMCA in the United States through membership at your home YMCA (your home Y is the local association that enrolled you as a member and collects your membership dues). ], [ "max_age": 21 ], [ { Programs and branches embrace diversity, reflecting the needs and composition of our community. USA Volleyball Membership: $60(duebeforeEvaluations), Bringmedical releaseand deposit fee paid receipt to evaluations, For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Sunday: 7:00 am 2:00 pm. "label": "Dependent", }, "label": "Teen", "max": 0, "label": "Adults", "max": 1, ], [ "label": "Seniors", The mission of the YMCA is to build a healthy spirit, mind and body, in children and adults, through programs that foster caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. "min_age": 0, Season Dates: January19 thru May 16, or thereabouts. }, "min_age": 13, "max_age": 64 Uniforms will be provided for use but, Team practices are expected begin on 1/26/21, and will be held on Sundays & 1 weeknight practice (T/Th TBD). Adult Facility Membership Ages 27-64 without access to the pool. "min_age": 27, A Family Program Membership includes up to 2 adults and 5 children under age 18, from the same household. FIND YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEEto determine your membership rate, please select the membership type & household income:Find Your Membership Fee, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEfor programs is available for qualified members, funded by our Annual Campaign. "max": 0, "label": "", This way, our members can use the Y as often as they like, making it easier to achieve their health and wellness goals. We achieve this through our fitness classes, programs and facilities. Program members do not have access to the full Y facility, only to their specified program in which they are signed up for, i.e. We are dedicated to ensuring our facilities, programs and services are open and welcoming to all. "min_age": 0, Our goal is to help every member of the community achieve a sustainable level of health and wellness. ], [ So, whether your life is about shaping up, studying up, meeting up or growing up, it all begins with signing up at the YMCA. "min_age": 0, "max": 1, "max_age": 12 ], [ "max_age": 17 "max": 1,
"max": 0, Senior Facility Membership (ages 65+), includes access to the pool. "min_age": 18, { Players selected for travel teams will have practices on Sundays & one weeknight and will compete in 5 one-day regional tournaments. { Located in the heart of Winsted, the Y offers a great facility and staff who care about you and our community. We offer this because we want to help you reach your health and wellness goals wherever you live, work or travel. "min_age": 0, "min_age": 65, "label": "Adults", We accept Silver Sneakers, Renew Active and Silver & Fit- contact us to learn more! "max": 1,
This is a 17 week commitment: Season Dates: January19 thru May 16, or thereabouts. Players selected for travel teams will have practices on Sundays & one weeknight and will compete in 5 one-day regional tournaments. "min_age": 27, "max_age": 120 Here are the. "max": 2, "label": "Adults", { "max": 1, }, "label": "Seniors", We have a wonderful community of people here at the Fairfield Y! "max_age": 26 { Players not selected for travel teams will be placed on the practice squad. { { Email Us. The mission of the YMCA is to build a healthy spirit, mind and body, in children and adults, through programs that foster caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. "label": "Dependent", } "label": "Dependent", "max_age": 17 } "max": 2, When a friend youve referred joins the Y, wellthank you by giving you a FREE membership month.Theres no limit to how many friends you refer and theres no limit to how many FREE months you can receive.Being with friends is always more fun for you and your family. "label": "Dependent", "max_age": 100 }, "label": "Adults", "label": "Adults", This is the required membership type to enroll in any program with a general public option, such as summer day camps. For players who have played or plan on playing at the High School Level. { Non-refundable deposit: $15O(duebeforeEvaluations), USA Volleyball Membership: $60(duebeforeEvaluations)Register for USA Volleyball Membership. }, "max_age": 64 "min_age": 0, "min_age": 65,
{ {
Our facility brings personal wellness programs, child care, aquatics and swim lessons, youth programs and camps and adult sports into the reach of all Fairfield community residents.Please take a few minutes to explore our facility.
(Due prior to receiving uniform) Refunded when uniform is returned at end of season. "min_age": 13, Player uniform Deposit: $50(Due prior to receiving uniform) Refunded when uniform is returned at end of season. "max_age": 100 { "max_age": 12 U15, U16, U17 & U18 Teams. Monday-Friday: 5:30 am 9:00 pm "min_age": 18,
"max_age": 2 "max_age": 17 { A Youth Program Membership includes 1 youth (ages 1-17) and allows access to our Y programs at the program member rate. } }, Uniforms will be provided for use butMUSTbe returned at end of season.
Players enrolled forthe developmental teamwill have practices on Sundays and will compete in 4-5 Sunday regional tournaments. Sundays: 1/19, 1/21 & 1/23 @ Torrington YMCA. }, "max_age": 100 swim lessons, ninja training etc. All rights reserved. "min_age": 18, And, as a community service organization, the Y thrives on the camaraderie of people who help out by volunteering for events throughout the year. Season Dates: January19 thru May 16, or thereabouts. Senior Facility Membership Age 65+ without access to the pool. }, { "max": 1, "max_age": 64 Our staff is dedicated to providing the best in member service. { "max_age": 26 }, swim lessons, ninja training etc. You will be notified of which session you are to attend prior to each practice. Saturday: 7:00 am 4:00 pm Our Membership For All program is available for those with a demonstrated financial need. } }, }, "label": "", { Copyright Central Connecticut Coast YMCA. "max_age": 100 { "max": 0, { "max": 0, "min_age": 18, With Nationwide Membership, members have the flexibility to use participating Y facilities throughout the United States at no extra charge. At the Y, we are for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. "label": "Adults", When you join the Y, you become part of a family of members who support the Ys philosophy of healthy lifestyles, mutual respect, community spirit, youth leadership, and character development. The emphasis of this program is to develop and build on the fundamental skills of passing, setting, attacking, serving, and individual defense, while incorporating offensive and defensive strategies for game play. $600. "max_age": 64 } "max_age": 100
Senior Facility Membership with Pool Access. { [ "min_age": 65, ], [ } Teams will be formed based on playing ability, age, position, athleticism and potential. Girls Club Travel Teams(Twice a week program):REGISTER. "label": "", "label": "Seniors", Couple Facility Membership (2 people in same household), Family Facility Membership (2 adults and children (under 18) in same household). "max": 0, "max": 0, Available 24/7/365 to provide a way to engage with the Y from home, when a Y isnt nearby or when traveling or have health/safety concerns. } Fairfield, CT 06824 {