Other classes already suffer from worse block rates. Also worth adding that the first time you will see a 4os Paladin Shield is Nightmare difficulty. Can i have double spirit large shield on my sorc please? Then do so. Please we need more shield options for spirit. That is to wear a Monarch. Thanks. JavaScript is disabled. Other classes have other advantages. Sure.
Tradeoffs are by design. Shields are sorta Paladins thing. Thats why he has access to better shields. Yes you hear that right paladins have full advantage of those low strength requirement paladin shields that can have up to 4 sockets and requiring less that 100 strength. Spirit shield is strong and white monarchs arent that hard. Just not +vita from items like treks. Youre already partially refunded a lot of that Str investment via Spirit granting 100 mana and 22 vitality, not to mention if using Enigma, torch, anni, etc, the Str investment youd need is minimal to none. Deal with it. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship, Heater, Luna, Hyperion, Monarch, Blade Barrier, Aegis, Troll Nest, Ward, Require Strength: 77 to 185 (depending on shield type), Max Defense: 110 to 170 (depending on shield type), Max Sockets: 2 to 4 (depending on shield type). But you have no problem with a pally using a spirit shield at 25. Just make spirit Ber, Mal, Ohm, Cham. Other classes arent supposed to block like a PALADIN. idk why you casual guys want to destroy a good game changeing it into an easy game so you can farm and quit a week later the ladder begin. Strongly disagree, Spirit is one of the strongest and end game shields for a lot of builds; its a really bad idea to give easier access to it; also troll nest its a really good shield for Sanctuary, you wont be able to force it with larzuk with your bad idea. True for drops and vendors, but you can Larzuk or cube four sockets into paladin shields from normal (lvl 25+, according to dii.net's socket list). Hard points into vitality do benefit from bo. Yes you hear that right paladins have full advantage of those low strength requirement paladin shields that can have up to 4 sockets and requiring less that 100 strength. If we want to balance the game more we need to make more of the other shield options to spawn with up to 4 sockets. Thats the cost of being able to equip Spirit in two slots. Please we need more shield options for spirit. Monarch which requires 156 strength to wear is the lowest strength requirement shield for the everyday character with the exception for paladins. Lets not make this easier. I wouldnt call it unfair. Then you can put it in a tower shield all day. Making a spirit ideally out of a 45 all resist Sacred Targe would provide 80 poison/light/cold resist and 45 fire resist. So he is great with shields and that is his advantage. Tough. Spirit swords are already strong enough for low level characters.
Your base reasoning for this change is invalid. We dont need double Spirit at low levels. Most classes dont have issues surviving in D2R that can be solved with a few hp. However 4 socket shields are very limited. I think how it is currently is 100% okay/good/balanced. Depends on your torch and anni really. People demanded this years back in patch 1.10 but it never happened. It doesnt help with the problems other classes have. Id take that extra buffable life over monarch any day. Yes as they should. There is someone to complain about everything in this game huh. I think I am beginning to understand what happened to WoW. So if a class wants to block and survive more, they choose different shields. I'm better stating the obvious, so you don't end up like.. :shocked: looking at your shiny new gemmed monarch. Thats just not right. Sorceresses for example have teleport at level 18 without having to farm up two HRs. Yeah, we all knew that already but thanks for the heads up. Keep in mind that you must use a regular white item (one that is not magical, etc) to get maximum sockets. Im not arguing that it benefits a sorc to have more points to not have to use on str. Monarch which requires 156 strength to wear is the lowest strength requirement shield for the everyday character with the exception for paladins. Id take that extra buffable life over monarch any day. I think you are playing the wrong game, I think it would balance the class issues even further. I think it would balance the class issues even further while allowing people to be more creative with the style shield they like using while keeping the strength requirements low. Paladin is mostly fighting at close range, he doesnt have big health pool like barb or druid, or evading like amazon. Obviously finding perfect 15% ED bases becomes a little bit easier, but dont know if its worth changing drop rates to keep this equal or not? There are other shield options if you choose not to invest the points. Sorry thats not how it works. Its good to have more options with lower str req.
You must log in or register to reply here. However 4 socket shields are very limited. As far as I see it paladins have an unfair advantage over the other classes as they can have a low strength requirement spirit and not the other classes. I just hate putting all those extra points into strength. Im inclined to agree with more 4os shield options. Like I said, there are other choices for your shield slot. And for the sorc needs more help yes I do. I just hate putting all those extra points into strength. On top of that those shields can spawn with up to 45 all resist. It just doesnt need it. No we really dont. So jack everything up and likely buff every spirit using class for cosmetics? Dont need extra buffs. Larzuk's socket reward can add sockets to a shield (any shield). Spirit/Phoenix are very offensive shields and have crazy bad blockrates. What you really want is to be able to have your cake and eat it too. You think sorc needs more help? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As we all know Diablo 2 has shields and different options of shields to choose from. Even builds like wind druid and bone necro dont always achieve 156 str at base str even with enigma. As far as I see it paladins have an unfair advantage over the other classes as they can have a low strength requirement spirit and not the other classes. Though that that many Just the Elites. Either reduce sockets or pally shields or increase sockets on regular shields. Ooo ooo I know, how about Sorceress getting teleport, thats a popular one to whine about. Also make sure you have RWM installed, otherwise the result will be much less impressive. This was already discussed, lower str requirement shield dont have 4sockets for a reason. I think they should do what they did with body armor, Body armor is basically a cosmetic thing Shields should also be a cosmetic thing, Itd be happy if they roughly equalised all the elite shield bases and made them all more-or-less equal in terms of Strength required, defense, and number of open sockets, Just standardize all these values so they are more similar to Monarch shield (4 sockets max, about 150-160 str required, about 130-150 defense), Then players can select what shield they visually prefer without affecting current game balance. Its the only way around the high strength requirement people dont like on Monarch. Strongly disagree. Whats next, gonna complain Barb can dual wield but other classes cant? Im not saying this for myself but for everybody else that had to use a Monarch and had to waste extra points into strength for that 1 reason.
No kidding we would all take the extra points if its there. They do have an advantage in this area.