We know that cargo space is valuable, but its a small space to give up for big peace of mind. Cars are designed to run hot, but there's a limit to how hot they should run. Yahoo! The Auto Channel. You can buy a great first aid kit for road trips here. http://www.partsamerica.com/Maintenance/MaintenanceClimate.aspx, Martin, Hugo. BusinessWeek.. Dec. 30, 2005. http://www.businessweek.com/autos/content/dec2005/bw20051230_520984.htm, "How do I know when my car really needs a brake job?" Bring an extra bottle of oil and an extra bottle of coolant, along with a funnel and some rags to help keep your work clean. 1.) Here's the kicker: put the above items INSIDE of the cooler! 6.) If your tires are a total of eight pounds under-inflated -- not uncommon at all -- you'll waste up to up to a gallon of gas per month [source: PartsAmerica.com]. This can dramatically shorten the lifespan of your battery. Bucket and shovel: Have kids? Keep a small compact multi-tool kit in your emergency kit at all times. Keep reading to find out. Summer is the best time to be out on the road, traveling to places filled with fun. 8.) On the next page, we'll look at some other parts of your engine you might've overlooked -- hoses and belts. The air conditioning maintenance industry has changed a lot since 1994, when the Federal government outlawed the use of a refrigerant called R-12, known by its brand name Freon. Have a roll of quarters tucked away for tolls, meters, or an emergency food/beverage run. That said, it goes to follow that your phone charger is also crucial to the plan. If you change your own oil and oil filter, don't just throw the old oil and used filter in the garbage or dump the oil down the sewer drain.
And don't forget about your spare! If not, weve got you covered! Some auto computers, such as this one in a 1993 Lincoln Mark VIII, can tell you if you need more coolant. Not all tire problems would automatically require tire replacements, anyway. If your wipers are leaving visible streaks or take several passes to clear away light rain, they need to be replaced.
Regularly detach the battery cables and wipe off the terminals. Find out on the next page. Extended periods of driving can potentially damage cars that are not road trip ready. Summer heat can speed up the chemical reaction inside a battery, causing the battery to be overcharged [source: CBS News]. QLO Management Inc. l Suds Express Inc. l MCGW Properties Corp. 130 Dearborn PlaceWaterloo, ON N2J 4N5Ph: 519.886.0561. Frisbee: A casual day at the beach or park can quickly transform into a competitive round of Frolf (Frisbee golf) once this gets pulled from the trunk! Autos. Have you had your car looked over top-to-bottom? 8. Many of us use our smartphones GPS app to get us to and from our destinations, and more often then not it may lead us to place without reliable cell service. The fewer stops you make, the sooner you can get to your destination. #JiffySays you should also keep bug spray on hand. Sitting in traffic on a hot day is one of the quickest ways to overheat your car. There's no point in having a spare tire if your spare is in worse condition than the rest. Ditch the heels (which aren't exactly sand and grass friendly) and slide on a pair of flip-flops. Autos. Modern day smart phones have an app for just about everything including CAA and a handy flashlight feature. Your local service shop or specialty tire store can also check your tires for proper alignment and balance. Consult your owner's manual or the sidewall of your tire to see what your tire pressure should be and check it with a hand pressure gauge or just let the guys at the service shop do it for you. On the next page, we'll talk about something shocking -- your car's battery. You should always have it on your person at any given point in time, for your safety. Are you ready to drive in summer showers? 5.) #JiffySays you should make sure that all your tire changing necessities such as a jack and tire iron are in your car at all times. http://www.automedia.com/Undercarriage_Wash/ccr20050501uw/1, "Drive Your Way to Better Fuel Economy This Summer with Pep Boys." Before hitting the road this summer, you can take several simple precautions to keep your family safe and save money at the pump. Roll out that blanket, kick off those kitten-toes, and take full advantage of every sunlit minute summer shines upon you! 1.

Take note if the belt looks excessively slick or smooth. Change Store. CBS Early Show. It keeps hardworking engine parts running clean, smooth and cool. Especially when traveling alone, you should have the means to call for help or roadside assistance should the situation arise. Getting ready for this type of trip takes a lot of planning and preparation, from fun accessories to make your ride more fun to intensive car maintenance inspections, so weve compiled a list of our top essential items to have in your car during a road trip so you wont forget anything important and can focus on the fun. Corroded battery terminals prevent your car from running at its best. Pro tip: Save your unused, wrapped utensils from to-go orders. Cut car clutter with these tips and tricks from blogger Mike Marshall, a guy that knows top-tier car organization tactics! These can also serve as a water dish for pets. Place the oil in a recyclable plastic container like an empty two-liter soda bottle. This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. Wintertime is notorious for dead batteries and early morning jumpstarts. Reusable shopping bags: Many of you already have these awesome eco-bags in your trunk at this very moment. See more. Make sure the battery is strapped down tightly and that all connections are secure. & Digital Marketing. Oil is the lifeblood of your car. Fast, warranty-approved services without the wait. The Los Angeles Times.
If it's really filthy, then it obviously needs to be changed. Protein bars & non-perishable snacks: Similar to water, having sustenance at arm's reach will provide happiness and full bellies to all around! 14.) Does that mean I need a brake job?" Set of plastic cups/utensils: You'll be surprised at how beneficial storing a six-pack of plastic cups can be pop up bar in a pinch! #JiffySays consider keeping a reflective vest in your glove box to ensure your highly visible at all times when a roadside emergency hits. To ensure your phone isnt running on empty when you really need it, always keep a car charger, or portable battery bank close at hand. Lots of caked-on gunk will also make your engine and transmission run hotter, because heat has a harder time escaping through the bottom of the car. If you suspect that your battery is being overcharged or isn't holding a charge well, take it to a service shop where they can run a quick battery inspection. But the truth is that hot weather is even tougher on your battery. 23.) Sitting in traffic on a hot day is not a good time for your car's air conditioning to run out of refrigerant. Flashlight/LED lantern: Keep adventures going at anytime of day or night! A travel-sized bottle can last you the whole summer. So at least check your oil before you head out on that road trip with the family.
If the oil is a dark color or there's a lot of dirt and grime in it, then you definitely need an oil change and oil filter replacement. http://autos.yahoo.com/maintain/repairqa/air_filters_oil/ques126_0.html, "How to Fight High Gas Prices." What's our number one car summer maintenance tip? From impromptu picnics and beach retreats to off-the-cuff cruises turned road trips, keep your summer in drive by packing this auto-friendly arsenal. Bring a bottle of hand sanitizer and some wet wipes to make sure that you can stay safe even without access to a handwashing area., Nothing is worse than locking the keys in the car when you go to the gas station, or losing them at one of your stops. Make sure your license is in your wallet or another safe space that you can carry with you, and that your registration and insurance documents are in a safe, easily accessible place like your glovebox before hitting the road. Jumper Cables: You never know when you or another motorist will need a boost. Flashlight: Lighten up! Just Lubes LTD 577 Elm Street Port Colborne, ON L3K 4P5. Put together an easily accessible snack pack with fresh water and your favourite munchies. When buckets of water are beating against your windshield, you need wipers that really work. Completely Firestone's holiday driving tips was created to keep you safe while visiting friends & family during the holidays. #JiffySays make sure you test your flashlight regularly and keep extra batteries on hand. Over the winter, your car's air filter can get clogged with salt and other thick debris. Youre motoring along to your sunny destination of choice and a roadside emergency hits! First Aid Kit: Not just a seasonal staple this year-round emergency car kit essential should be maintained and restocked seasonally. Drive a Firestone. 21.) Although, some bigger items might be necessary for your trip, so check your owners manual for your cars maximum load, and overall, pack only what you need.. Pro tip: Pack these bags inside the roll of the paper towel. If you notice a brake problem, it pays to have it inspected or repaired as soon as possible. Protect yourself from the hot summer sun by keeping a ball cap or wide brimmed hat and a bottle of 30 SPF sunscreen in your emergency kit. Maybe by now the summer heat is making you thirsty. Thats well and good for you if thats going to help you rest and recharge. Play Your Part." An under-inflated tire bulges outward and puts undo pressure on the sidewalls of the tire. Theres no telling what time youll have car issues. You can even buy premixed coolant so you don't have to bother with the measurements. Dont ever trust the cleanliness of a gas station, especially during their busy seasons. Snow tires are heavy. Depending on who youre traveling with, you can prevent lockouts by keeping the spare on you or on another trusted person, or in another safe place., Phones are often our primary navigation systems, and so making sure their batteries arent drained when you need them is a factor of safety. When replacing a wiper blade, it's better to replace the whole blade, not just the rubber part [source: NAPA Online]. Open the hood and locate the oil dipstick. Consider keeping non-perishable food items such as dry cereal, trail mix or granola bars in your car kit as well, just in case. #28738 CO 80122-2708 Stocking up on several road flares will also help you to be seen miles away when in low traffic areas. Brakes squeal and squeak for a wide variety of reasons, including moisture on the brake pads, discs, shoes and drums. This is also the preferred option, especially if youre traveling with children. Go to an auto parts store and they'll be able to give you the right blades for your make, model and year. Phone Charger: Before leaving on a road trip you should always ensure your phone is fully charged, but of course things happen. This document is very important as it gives you all the information you might need about your car and why its not working the way it should. A clogged air filter can really lower your fuel efficiency. Roll of quarters: Never let your journey be deterred by tolls. 4. Place the oil filter over a plastic pan or tray and let it drain for 12 hours. Not sure what to include? Do yourself a favor and save some room in your trunk for the following items. Paper towels: From cleaning messes to drying hands, paper towels are as much of a staple in the car as they are in the kitchen. Two to five gallons worth should be enough for this. http://autos.yahoo.com/maintain/repairqa/brakes/ques005_1.html, "How often should I replace my air filter?" Autos. Summertime is travel time.

Find out how to keep it cool on the next page. However, there are some steps you can take to enhance the value of your vehicle after an accident. While you should have all these areas covered in your pre-road trip car inspection, sometimes you may need to top off your cars oil or coolant, especially if you have an older car. http://www.midas.com/AutoEducation/Brakes/WhattoWatchFor/tabid/91/Default.aspx, Bumbeck, Mike. But if an engine is allowed to get too hot, moving metal parts can actually start to melt and fuse together, causing a variety of internal problems for your engine -- and, you guessed it, a hefty repair bill. Make sure to check your tire pressure regularly with an accurate gauge. http://autos.yahoo.com/maintain/repairqa/fluids_heat_air_conditioning/ques025_0.html, "NAPA Know How: Wiper Blades." Watch their eyes light up when you pull a bucket and shovel out of your trunk. For even more car maintenance and service tips, check out the links on the next page. "Undercarriage Wash." AutoMedia.com. The oil should look brownish yellow and clean on the stick. Bring a tire sealant to address smaller issues. Any major accident lowers the value of your car. Can your windshield wipers handle the downpour? You should keep a minimum of one bottle of water per person on hand at all times, replenishing as necessary. Autos]. You can save time in the store by pre-booking your maintenance service appointment online today. Inspecting your tires regularly and being aware of their condition can help give you confidence when on the road, but unexpected flats do happen. Have allergy medication on hand for those unexpected seasonal allergy reactions! The one tool every driver needs. Remember to seal it tight and completely, so you dont have to worry about having a spilled gas canister at the back of your car. You're looking for two things here: the level of oil and how the oil looks [source: CBS News]. Midas. If it turns out to be at night, especially if youre in a remote place, its best if you have roadside flares to alert others of your location. If you do a lot of driving on dirt or gravel roads, then your air filter is going to clog up much faster than an air filter in a vehicle that's used strictly for highway driving. Dave Roos Check hoses for cracks, leaks and loose connections. Gallon of water: Besides providing hydration for both human and furry friends, having a gallon of water can also aid in the case of an overheated radiator. To do that, you would also need the tire jack to help make changing tires easier for you. Find out more on the next page. The hoses connected to the radiator help pump coolant to and from the engine block, and the belts run the fan that helps cool the system further [source: CBS News]. An obvious essential for the prepared traveler. way to document your escapades. Belts can also be visually checked for cracks and damage. Some people dont necessarily care much for their cars owners manual. Available on iPhone and Android. This is because the debris in the filter becomes part of the filtering process, trapping smaller particles that might have otherwise slipped past. The summertime is notorious for sudden, violent thunderstorms. Double check that your car has the correct ports for the electronics youll bring along the way, and if it doesnt then you can get a great power inverter for your car here. Is that true?" Tire pressure changes with the rising temperatures -- approximately one to two PSI (pounds per square inch) for every 10-degree increase in outside air temperature [source: RMA]. Powerful storms can dump a lot of water on your car. May 28, 2002. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/05/27/earlyshow/living/home/main510253.shtml, "Springtime Maintenance." Our Summer Road Trip Car Inspection Checklist is a helpful guide in assessing your vehicle before it takes you on your next adventure. "Top 10 Car Summer Maintenance Tips" If youd instead not handle flares, you can use reflective triangles instead. Car Care Council. 20.) Spare swimsuit/change of clothes: A spare swimsuit and change of clothes tucked away in the trunk has rescued me in multiple scenarios, and is especially valuable if you have kids. Replacing a dirty or clogged air filter can improve gas mileage by as much as 10 percent [source: Pep Boys]. http://www.napaonline.com/NapaKnowHow/NapaKnowHow.aspx?sect=w, Nerad, Jack. Utility knife: Zoom from outdoor novice to MacGyver status by adding a utility knife to your summer car pack. This is because there's no air flowing across the engine to help keep it cool. During this time, we may tend to focus more on our well-being and staying safe that we end up overlooking other things, such as our vehicles.

15.) Sunscreen/bug spray: If you choose ignore packing everything else on this list but sunscreen and bug spray, you will remain in fine shape. Shield yourself from the elements with a raincoat or small compact umbrella. Hoses should be firm, never soft and malleable. Throw your co-pilot (or children) a water gun and give them a five-second head startwhoever comes away driest wins! 2.) Luckily, all modern cars have an ingenious cooling system that uses a chemical coolant, called antifreeze, and a series of pumps, hoses, thermostats and fans to keep the car at its optimal running temperature. http://www.partsamerica.com/Maintenance/MaintenanceSpringtime.aspx, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Consumer Reports: How to Maintain Your New Car. The salt that's used to melt snow and ice on roads can get caked on the underside of your car and begin to eat away at the metal. Copyright Gateway Auto. Just take your time, read the instructions carefully and everything should work out. Investing in a flat repair kit and keeping a tire pressure gauge in your roadside emergency kit can help to keep you rolling forward. First of all, get rid of those snow tires. It works just as effectively in alerting other motorists about your car troubles without the risk of injuring yourself from handling a live flare. Littleton, #JiffySays print off a copy of our Get a Jump on It blog article detailing how to boost your battery and keep it with your jumper cables. When winter's over, swap them for lighter all-season tires. 16.) Picnic blanket: Keep clothes dry and sans-dirt. PartsAmerica.com. 9 & 10.) Why You Should Protect Your Car from Rainwater. 7.) 12.) There's no real science to knowing when it's time to replace the filter. Baby powder: A handy sweat-absorber AND when sprinkled on after beach fun, the sand will literally brush right off! Water guns: Drive off the beaten path and park the car. Check under the hood and make sure that your coolant levels are fine. 3. 11.) Especially in long stretches of roads, gas stations can be very few and far between. Keep your phone charged as much as possible so that you can call for help quickly. #JiffySays that with summertime comes allergy season. In the event your adventure takes you camping, you could also store a fire starter for emergency lighting. Yahoo! http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/tires-auto-parts/car-maintenance/ how-to-inspect-belts-and-hoses-1205/overview/, "How to Stay Cool?" This is a sign of metal-to-metal contact, which can permanently damage brake parts. To check your oil, let your car run for a few minutes, then park it on a level surface and shut off the engine. On the next page, we'll look at some winter maintenance you should undo for summer. Otherwise, go with your gut. Visibility Kit: When stranded roadside you want to see and be seen. Even more so at night, when a rain storm can decrease visibility to 15 or 20 feet in front of your vehicle. Convenient for when you need to carry key items or need a temporary receptacle. Interestingly, a slightly dirty air filter works better than a totally clean one [source: Yahoo! But the truth is that an under-inflated, over-inflated, worn down or misaligned tire can be extremely dangerous, particularly in hot summer weather. For more information on what cookies we use and how to manage these cookies please visit our, California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. 17.) No one wants to spend a long day locked in a messy or smelly car. But any problems with this system -- low coolant levels, cracked hoses, loose or broken belts, a leak in the radiator or even a loose or missing radiator cap can cause your car to overheat and break down. June 29, 2007. http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2007/06/29/053777.html, "Hot Weather the True Culprit of Car Battery Trouble." Experts say the risk of belt failure rises dramatically after 36,000 miles (57,936 kilometers) [source: Consumer Reports]. 3.) We're going to talk about the radiator and coolant soon, but first you need to check the hoses and belts. Add that oil to the two-liter bottle, put the used filter in a plastic bag and take everything to your nearest designated recycling center. In some states, it's illegal to refill a leaky system with R-12. Seasonal Protection: With the warm weather comes an entire new set of elements that you need to be prepared for. If you haven't used your battery in a while, you might need a recharge or a replacement. Store With enough heat and pressure, that tire eventually will blow. These inexpensive toys are also a fun way to cool off pets and people alike. Ice, snow, salt and extreme temperatures make cracks and tears in the rubber that lower the effectiveness of the wipers. Completing your emergency kit should include a screwdriver, swiss army knife, and wrenches to let you do any other tinkering that you would need to do. We recommend this include a screwdriver with multiple bits, a few feet of rope or twine, pliers and various wrench sizes.