Find out more about available scholarships! Last month, PCS Latin II students sat for the annual National Latin Exam (NLE) a test given annually to Latin students across the United States and around the world. Julia Barlow, Sincerely, For more information or for questions about this exam, please e-mail On this exam, students answeredquestions on grammar, comprehension, mythology, derivatives, literature, Roman life, history, geography, oral Latin, and Latin in use in the modern world. Hillary Arimoto [7th]Wiley Hormel [8th]Anna Richardson [8th]Matthew Uribe [8th]Essay Woldesamuel [6th], Lillian Carpenter [8th]Effie Eads [8th]Jonathan Eller [7th]Danny Gallagher [7th]Gabe Henriques [6th]Adelein Hormel [6th]Ava Hughes [8th]Abram Wenger [6th]Maya Weniger [6th]Qedus Yared [7th], Cale Allen [8th]Alexander Bucher [7th]Caleb Cain [7th]Mackenzie Drumheller [7th]Anna Kosalka [8th]Chloe Ladner [7th], Jonathan Pascarella [6th]Jane Peters [8th]Riley Scheidt [8th]. No knowledge of grammatical usage, derivatives, or other information is necessary. They earned the following awards: Nathan joins a very select group, as only 25 other students earned a perfect score for the Introduction to Attic Greek exam. Depending upon their score, students may earn certificates, medals, and may even qualify for scholarships. (, From left: Olivia Holmstedt, Caden Schroder, Conall McClelland, Aiden Bonjernoor, Joseph Paynter. The test covers general knowledge of Latin grammar and vocabulary, mythology, Roman culture, derivatives, and translation abilities. Siena Flanigon Saavani Datta The Latin 2 list contains those words which a student is mostly likely to encounter in a traditional Latin class that is preparing the student for Caesar or similar Classical authors.The list is based almost entirely on "Latin Vocabulary For The First Two Years" by Elmer Bogart, which is free from Google Books or may be downloaded, The Latin 3, 4, and 5+ lists are based almost entirely on "The Vocabulary Of High School Latin" by Gonzalez Lodge, which is based on the vocabulary of Caesar, Vergil, and Cicero, and is free from Google Books or may be downloaded. National Latin Vocabulary Exam | NLVE, Vocabulary List Source Materials & Methodology, This is a test of proficiency in Latin vocabulary (nouns, verbs, numbers, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. Department of Academic Advising and Student Support Services. award - Joseph and Caden were only one point away from winning gold medals! The NLE is not meant to be a competition but rather an opportunity for students to receive reinforcement and recognition for their accomplishments in the classroom. In February, all 5th-8th grade students took the National Mythology Exam. In March, our 6th-8th grade students took the National Latin Exam.
Henry White Charlotte Patterson The details of the exam can be found below. Aiden Bonjernoor (10th grade) achieved thecum laudeaward; Olivia Holmstedt (10th grade) and Conall McClelland (11th grade) achieved themagnacum laude; and. Cale Allen [8th]Jonathan Eller [7th]Adelein Hormel [6th] Chloe Ladner [7th]Charlie Loucks [9th] Anna Richardson [8th]Riley Scheidt [8th]Matthew Uribe [8th]Qedus Yared [7th], Hillary Arimoto [7th]Alexander Bucher [7th]Lillian Carpenter [8th] Rhianna Crider [8th]Effie Eads [8th]Levi Eller [6th] Ava Hughes [8th]Rachel Kidd [6th]Jackson Ladner [9th]Holly McAdams [6th]Abram Wenger [6th]Maya Weniger [6th]. Latin teacher Mrs. Rachel Humphrey shares, I am so proud of all the students in the class who worked so hard to prepare for this year's exam. Results and awards will be distributed later in the school year. Joseph Paynter (10th grade) and Caden Schroder (11th grade) won silver medals and themaximacum laudeaward - Joseph and Caden were only one point away from winning gold medals! The Oxford Latin Dictionary will also be considered a source. The instructions are very thorough and will walk you through the entire process from start to finish. The administered exams are specific to the level of Latin in which the student is currently enrolled. Verbs - questions will test a knowledge of meanings, conjugation numbers, and principal parts. Mr. Paul Peri, Principal The Weston Public Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, disability, religion or sexual orientation. 7th and 8th grade students completed these two sections as well as a section based on the heros journey through the lens of Theseus story. A second email will follow with additional "day of" instructions and the "secret word.". Briar Sutherland-Dufour This 45 minute test covers questions about Latin history, culture, and translation as well as questions about Latin phrases and English derivatives from Latin. ACLvalues individual privacy and we want to give our website visitors the opportunity to know what information we collect about them and how they can limit the use of personally-identifiable information beyond the purposes for which they first provided it. Aurik Mah Andrew Goldstein Jackie Burns Please join us in congratulating the following students: Weston High School National Latin Exam Results 2021-2022, Gold Medal- Summ Cum Laude Celia Lawlor For example, if a student is in Latin 1, that student should download the Latin 1 vocabulary list and memorize the information related to those words, as ONLY words that are on that list will be asked on the Latin 1 exam.
Josh Sima Congyu Euge, discipuli! Chloe Schiller Daniel Zhu Refer to the full Privacy Policy for more details. Latin 4 and 5+ vocabulary exam will consist of at least 50% of the Latin 3 list with the remainder coming from"The Vocabulary of High School Latin" (see below). For additional questions, seethe Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Any school administrator, counselor, or sponsoring teacher may proctor the exam. Nouns - questions will test a knowledge of meanings, declension numbers, gender, and the nominative and genitive forms. In keeping with our tradition of testing ourselves on a national level, they participated in the National Greek Exam for the first time this spring. The NLE is not meant to be a competition but rather an opportunity for students to receive reinforcement and recognition for their accomplishments in the classroom. In addition, they continued our tradition of sitting for the National Latin Exam and the National Mythology Exam., Greater Boston Regional Student Advisory Council, Student Representation on District Committees,,, WPS Awarded Best Communities for Music Education, Welcoming WHS Assistant Principal Jennifer Knight, Final Memo from Principal peri and Asst. Calvin Yu Our 10th Grade students began studying Greek this year a first in the history of Redeemer. They are a really fun group - we are learning a lot [and] we are laughing a lot too!. We are happy to report that we had 12 students receive gold medals (summ cum laude), 9 students receive silver medals (maxim cum laude), 8 students receive magn cum laude certificates, and 2 students receive cum laude certificates. Max Ding Jack Tutun Effie Eads [8th]Ava Hughes [8th]Anna Richardson [8th]Matthew Uribe [8th]Essay Woldesamuel [6th], Caleb Cain [7th]Jonathan Eller [7th]Chloe Ladner [7th]Charlie Loucks [9th]Qedus Yared [7th], Lillian Carpenter [8th]Rhianna Crider [8th]Levi Eller [6th] Jackson Ladner [9th]Holly McAdams [6th]Abram Wenger [6th]. Hamilton, Ohio 45013. The NLVE will only ask questions about words that are on the official lists. Zunian Luo In March, some of our Latin students voluntarily participated in the National Latin Exam. 5th and 6th grade students completed sections on the 12 Olympian gods and the Theseus myth based on Daulaires Greek Myths. Nadia Wilkins Sofia Watkins Information relating to words from the other lists will NOT be asked of a Latin 1 student. Redeemer Classical School, 1688 Indian Trail Rd., Keezletown, United States. Select images by Be Thou My Vision Photography.
This year our Griffins took part in multiple country-wide exams including two for the first time: the National Greek Exam and the Universal Latin Exam. Oh-Jak Kwon Latin teacher Mrs. Rachel Humphrey shares, I am so proud of all the students in the class who worked so hard to prepare for this year's exam. 860 NW Washington Blvd., Suite A