Prefixes +240-290% Enhanced Damage (varies) Stormstrike Kelpie Snare Stormspire, All Unique Scepters Below is a list of builds that use the Call to Arms Runeword in D2R. Leviathan (L) Ral Venom Grip Fortitude (L) Why not join us today? This runeword is exclusively used as a weapon switch combined with a Spirit shield to use these Warcries and buff the character and their team. Tarnhelm Possessing a slew of useful modifiers, the Call to Arms runeword stands out for one reason: it grants its wielder a +1 to +6 bonus to the Battle Orders skill. Battle Command temporarily increases all skills by 1. Spire of Honor, Elite: Call to Arms is a Runewordsin Diablo 2.
Clvl Required: 57, +40% Increased Attack Speed Thunderstroke (L) Stormrider Eth Corpsemourn, Elite: Stealskull Buriza-Do Kyanon Steel Carapace TheCall To ArmsRune Wordis created using Amn+Ral+Mal+Ist+Ohm in that order. Duress Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Spirit Ward, Class Shields: Call to Arms grants a maximum of +6 to Battle Command.
The Cranium Basher, All Unique Swords
The Chieftain +2-6 To Battle Command (varies) Steelrend, All Unique Helms Vidala's Rig, Aldur's Watchtower Moser's Blessed Circle While the skill bonuses stack with those of a Barbarian (but limited to +3), they are granted to any character, making this rune word one of the best offhand weapons for practically any character build thanks to the large buffs to health, mana, and skills. Level required Ichorsting Lava Gout Snakecord Giant Skull To create Heart of the Oak youll need any 5-socket weapon, preferrably one-handed, so you can wield Spirit in the off-hand (the +2 Skills on Spirit will do your Battle Orders good). Remove ads and unlock special features, Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.4 - New Runewords, Buffs, Nerfs and Bug Fixes. Fal Also reward from Act V quest Rescue on Mt Arreat. Atma's Wail Arctic Gear Knell Striker Ghoulhide Ruby King's Grace Hellmouth, Elite: Hawkmail

Soul Drainer Rockstopper Natalya's Odium Stealth Cathan's Traps Replenish Life +12 Bing Sz Wang You will need to obtain a Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm Rune to make the Call To Arms Runeword. Once you have the base weapon, youll need to insert the runes Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm, in order. Nightwing's Veil Pierre Tombale Couant Best Shopping Experience with Professional Service - AOEAH, Please use the portrait screen to access the website, Best Gears Recommend For The BuildWeapon: Hand of Justice Phase BladeHand of Justice*100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You DieLevel 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped+33% Increased Attack Speed+280-330% Enhanced Damage (varies)Ignore Target's Defense7% Life Stolen Per Hit-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance20% Deadly StrikeHit Blinds TargetFreezes Target +3Swap Weapon: Call To Arms Crystal SwordCrystal Sword[4 Sockets & 10-14ED]Sale [4 Sockets]Sale [10-14 EDmg]Crystal Sword 1H damage: 5-15 Base speed: [0] Class speed: Ama, Asn, B, D, P, N - FastS - Normal Adds range: 1 Durability: 20 Req Strength: 43 Quality level: 11 Treasure class: 12 Max sockets: 6 Call To Arms*+1 To All Skills+40% Increased Attack Speed+250-290% Enhanced Damage (varies)Adds 5-30 Fire Damage7% Life Stolen Per Hit+2-6 To Battle Command (varies)*+1-6 To Battle Orders (varies)*+1-4 To Battle Cry (varies)*Prevent Monster HealReplenish Life +1230% Better Chance of Getting Magic ItemsSheild: Dragon Vortex ShieldVortex Shield[4 Sockets & ETH & 40-44 ResSale [4 Sockets]Sale [ETH]Sale [+40-44 Res]Vortex Shield Defense: 182-225 Durability: 90 Req Strength: 148 Req level: 66 Quality level: 85 Treasure class: 87 Max sockets: 4 Weight: Light Base block: 19 Class block: P: 49% Paladin smite dmg: 5-87 Dragon20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On StrikingLevel 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped+360 Defense+230 Defense Vs, Top 7 D2R Best Small Charms To Find In Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Ladder Season, Project Diablo 2 Season 5 Dark Pact Necromancer Build Guide: Attributes, Skills, Merc & More, New Best D2R 2.4 FoH Ultimate Paladin Build Guide - Attributes, Merc Items, Skills, Gameplay Tips Of Fist Of Heaven's Paladin Build, How To Build Wealth in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 1 | D2R 2.4 Ladder Wealth Guide, D2R Early, Mid, End Game Farming Guide - Best Runes, Uniques, Chests, Gold, Bosses Farming Strategies in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Death's Fathom (L) Bloodthief Nadir Messerschmidt's Reaver, All Unique Bows Click/Tap the other Runewords Guides below. Carrion Wind Infernostride Heart Carver Normal: Venom Ward Infinity (L) Belts Greyform Lore The Grim Reaper, Exceptional: View cart for details. Shadow Dancer (L), All Unique Amulets Iratha's Finery The Gnasher The guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected seeks to help new players find their footing in Sanctuary by providing build advice and information on gear and how to farm it. Titan's Revenge Lo Goblin Toe Lycander's Aim Voice of Reason (L)
Goldwrap Normal, 1H: The Centurion Arreat's Face Rogue's Bow Amulets Kinemil's Awl Hel Executioner's Justice (L) Magewrath Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Tal Bloodfist The Disciple Heaven's Light (L) Eaglehorn Nokozan Relic Skystrike White The Mahim-Oak Curio RunewordsconvertArmororWeaponsin Unique Equipmentonce the required amount ofRunesis placed inthecorrect order, granting said item a fixed set of properties.
The Battlebranch Spike Thorn Arioc's Needle
Ohm Um, Mal Learn more at. Rixot's Keen Wraith Flight (L) Twitchthroe Tancred's Battlegear Result: Wizardspike, All Unique Polearms The Hand of Broc Treasure Classes Darkglow Todesfaelle Flamme The Diggler Dragon (L) Widowmaker (L) Kuko Shakaku Ort Crescent Moon
7% Life Stolen Per Hit Normally a Barbarian-only Warcry, Call to Arms allows any character to use this skill, which will increase their Life, Mana and Stamina by an amount that varies based on the level of the Battle Orders skill being used. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Download the client and get started. Griswold's Legacy Normal: Mara's Kaleidoscope Vampire Gaze Gloom's Trap Crown of Ages Caster Recipes Topaz Guardian Naga, Elite, one-handed: The Atlantean, Exceptional, 2H: Memory, Oath (L) Djinn Slayer (L)
Breath of the Dying Normal: Shaftstop
Prevent Monster Heal Earthshaker, Exceptional, 2H: Ripsaw Woestave Blacktongue This page was last edited on 23 September 2021, at 14:35.
The Spirit Shroud Normal: Biggin's Bonnet The Oculus Humongous, Exceptional, two-handed: Radiance, Ancient's Pledge Staves Any class can cast Battle Orders with Call to Arms equipped. Call to Arms can be applied to Weaponsand is composed of 5 Runes. Crow Caw Fleshripper Heavenly Garb Infernal Tools Soulflay Highlord's Wrath Guardian Angel
Heaven's Brethren Hand of Blessed Light, Elite: Battle Orders gives a massive life, mana, and stamina boost to all team members within radius of the war cry. Call to Arms grants a maximum of +6 to Battle Orders. Rune FAQ +40% Increased Attack Speed Cow King's Leathers Prudence In order to createCall to Arms you need to socket these Runes in the following order: Call to Arms can be used in the following equipment: Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Call to Arms Runeword | Diablo 2 Resurrected Wiki. Potions Gravepalm
Steel Pillar Skin of the Flayed One Zephyr,
Valkyrie Wing Polearms Rune hunting Replenish Life +12 Tir Demon Limb Templar's Might (L) Possible in 1.11 and 1.10, AmnRalMalIstOhm Call to Arms is the rune word 'AmnRalMalIstOhm' for weapons in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Item Generation Tutorial Ondal's Wisdom, All Unique Throwing Weapons The Patriarch, Exceptional, 1H: Swords Sigon's Complete Steel Skull Collector, Elite: Exile Axe of Fechmar Shadow Killer (L), Barbarian Helms Gheed's Fortune Something went wrong. Steelclash Gloom Chains of Honor Throwing Exceptional: Skull Splitter Stone of Jordan
Stone Crusher Jade Talon
The item you've selected was not added to your cart. Wind Passion Blood Crescent Soul Harvest Steelshade Rune Master (L), Normal, two-handed: Razortine Normal: Bverrit Keep Call to Arms - From Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm in All Weapons. Dream (L) The prices of D2R Call To Arms* Runeword are ranged from 0.39USD to 23.32USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Call To Arms* Runeword trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Wizendraw
Gleamscythe Rattlecage Tearhaunch, Exceptional: It should be noted that + skills from other sources does increase the potency of the skill. Toothrow Doombringer Hotspur Bane Ash Based on the server, Usually take a few hours or more than one day. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Frostburn, Exceptional:
Death's Disguise, Hsaru's Defense Demon Machine, All Unique Daggers Sandstorm Trek Pal Shields The Cat's Eye Gore Rider, Elite:
Leaf Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder S1 Date Announced! This limits applicable base weapons to Crowbills, Crystal Swords, Double Axes, Flails and War Scepters, and even then, only specimens with a high enough iLv can drop with enough sockets, so dont expect one before Hell difficulty. You need Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm rune to create Call to Arms. Holy Thunder Islestrike Boneflame Bladebone Sapphire Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. +250-290% Enhanced Damage Dracul's Grasp Enlightenment Moonfall Stone Razortail Veil of Steel, Circlets: Stormchaser Manald Heal
No, Call to Arms is not ladder only in Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction and Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Based on the items you buy, usually deliver in 5-40 minutes. The level bonus is not increased by the level of Battle Command, only the duration is increased.
Atma's Scarab
Blastbark, Exceptional:
Below we explain every way you can find these required runes. Hexfire Crown of Thieves Edge (L) Swordback Hold Unique Paladin Shields The Dragon Chang Endlesshail Emerald Witherstring The Salamander 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items. Sur Scepters Druid Helms Darkforce Spawn (L), Paladin Shields Based on your server, usually deliver in 10 minutes to few hours. Suicide Branch Verdungo's Hearty Cord, All Unique Armor Spellsteel Chromatic Ire Amn, Sol Dream (L) Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Butcher's Pupil Grief (L), Hand of Justice Harlequin Crest Lionheart, Myth Magefist Mal and Ist are also somewhat valuable, but again, not prohibitively so. We updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages. The recommended base to make Call to Arms is a Phase Blade, a Scourge or a Caduceus. Harmony (L) Famine Astreon's Iron Ward Rakescar, Exceptional, one-handed: This is a non-trivial boost, and it makes Call to Arms a popular weapon for all builds to keep in their alternate weapon slot, swapping to cast Battle Orders, then swapping back to their business weapons. Blackhorn's Face, Elite: With enough +Skills (it has to be bonuses to All Skills, class or tree specific bonuses will not apply), the Battle Orders from Call to Arms can easily reach sLv10+, granting a 60%~ bonus to affected statistics for around two minutes. Cerebus' Bite (L)
Silkweave Skull, Crafted Items
Rhyme Windhammer Baranar's Star Peasant Crown no Lenymo
Hell Countess and Hellforge, Nightmare+ Secret Cows, Act 5 Nightmare and above, Hell Countess (rare), Nightmare Secret Cows, Act 2 Hell and above, 1-Handed Mace: Flail, Knout, Scourge (5 sockets max), 1-Handed Axe: Double Axe, Twin Axe, Ettin Axe (5 sockets max). Warshrike (L), All Unique Javelins Marrowwalk Grim's Burning Dead, Elite: Demonhorn's Edge (L) Hitpower Recipes Duskdeep Enigma Milabrega's Regalia Darksight Helm Iceblink Sorc Orbs, Rune list Arcanna's Tricks Call to Arms is most popular for allowing any character to cast Battle Orders and Battle Command. Deathbit Boneslayer Blade Nature's Peace (L) +2-6 To Battle Command Coif of Glory Normal: DIABLO 2: RESURRECTED +6BO Battle Orders CTA Call to Arms Rune WordPC SC, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Insight (L) Crushflange
Normal: Lance Guard Medusa's Gaze Wisp Projector, All Unique Shields 1.07, 1.10current(disabled 1.081.09d) Swordguard, Elite, 1H: Torch of Iro Mang Song's Lesson (L) Obedience (L) Call to Arms is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining amn + ral + mal + ist + ohm into a 5 socket weapon. Arachnid Mesh Boneflesh The Minotaur, Elite, two-handed: Rain Immortal King Horizon's Tornado Dragon Hone Sundan
Gold Find, Modifiers Witchwild String Goldskin RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors. Bloodtree Stump Doom Wealth, Delirium Frostwind Plague Bearer Wrath (L) Stoneraven (L), Assassin Claws Nightsmoke Steelgoad 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items, Armor Javelins String of Ears Treachery The Impaler The Gavel of Pain, Elite, 1H: Radament's Sphere, Elite: All Ranged & Melee Weapons {5} Circlets Zakarum's Hand When creating this for a Paladin, a good option is to a look for a. with +3 to Holy Shield, this way the Paladin's Holy Shield will be even more potent when buffing. Cloudcrack Tomb Reaver (L) Athena's Wrath
Black Hades Bows Arkaine's Valor Schaefer's Hammer, Elite, 2H: Tal Rasha's Wrappings Spirit (L) Nosferatu's Coil Crossbows Asn Claws Viscerataunt Gul Fortitude Unique Necro Totems, All Unique Charms To avoid any Dexterity requirements, Crystal Swords and Double Axes are preferred. Death Cleaver (L) It requires at least level 57 to equip. When creating this for a Paladin, a good option is to a look for a Caduceus with +3 to Holy Shield, this way the Paladin's Holy Shield will be even more potent when buffing.
Homunculus Snowclash Sparking Mail Spineripper Eld Normal: Husoldal Evo Daggers Normal+ Countess, Hellforge, and Secret Cows; Act 3 Normal and above. Hellslayer Skin of the Vipermagi The Ward, Exceptional: Eternity Ladder only? Cham Bladebuckle, Exceptional: M'avina's Battle Hymn, Naj's Ancient Vestige Waterwalk Normal: Safety Recipes, Calculations Based on your server, usually deliver in 30 minutes to few hours. Culwen's Point, Normal, 2H: Gargoyle's Bite, All Unique Wands Viperfork, All Unique Staves Silks of the Victor, Exceptional: Maces
Ginther's Rift Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Trogdor Holy Fire Paladin Build Guide | D2R 2.4 (PTR) Patch New Builds, Provide documents for payment verification.
Warpspear Brainhew Usually take 30 minutes to several hours. Heart of the Oak Merman's Sprocket Other useful modifiers on Call to Arms includes +1 to All Skills (useful enough for boosting Battle Orders), +2 - 6 to Battle Commands (gives +Skills, higher levels only increase duration), +40% Increased Attack Speed, +250% - +290% Enhanced Damage, and 7% Life Leech (if youre for some reason inclined to actually hit something with this weapon) and +30% Magic Find. Ohm is easily the rarest and most expensive part of this runeword, and while its a high rune, its not prohibitively rare to the point where youll need an extreme amount of luck to acquire one - finding enough midrunes should allow you to eventually upgrade to Ohm. Jalal's Mane Suffixes Books & Scrolls, El +1 To All Skills Stormguild Seraph's Hymn (L) Ist Spears Goldstrike Arch, Elite: Lycander's Flank Normal, one-handed: Nightmare+ Countess, Normal Hellforge and Secret Cows, Act 4 Normal and above. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Prevent Monster Heal Rift (L) Deathspade Pelta Lunata Razor's Edge Serpent Lord Kira's Guardian (L) Duriel's Shell The General's Tan Do Li Ga The Face of Horror, Exceptional: Chance Guards Cranebeak Gravenspine Strength
With some +skill gear one can easily reach a lvl 10 Battle Orders, good for +62% life, mana and stamina. Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes Guide - Why Do Many Diablo 2 Resurrected Players Don't Find High Runes? Nef Chaos
The Meat Scraper The Eye of Etlich Gloves The Iron Jang Bong, Exceptional: Malice Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. With our reliable and timely upated D2R Call To Arms* Runeword Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, Xbox, you can easily to check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Call To Arms* Runeword Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! Magic Find That being the case, the +Battle Orders roll on this weapon is the most important feature, with everything else falling safely into the nice to have or irrelevent category. Honor
Sander's Folly War Traveler Last Wish (L) Bloodmoon Goreshovel Notice : Using illegal leveling and gold service might terminate the account, Copyright 2017-2022, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Lance of Yaggai Spire of Lazarus Griffon's Eye (L), All Unique Boots Lum Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Crainte Vomir Pompeii's Wrath Diamond Orphan's Call Bloodraven's Charge (1 of 2) A decent Call to Arms specimen, with a natural +6 Battle Orders. Tiamat's Rebuke Zod, All Unique Belts Amethyst (Note Magic(Blue),Rare(Yellow),Set(Green), andUnique(Brown)items cannot be used as bases forRune Words. Soulfeast Tine Vex Coldkill Barb Helms Pride (L) Felloak The Vile Husk Based on the items you buy, usually deliver in 30 minutes to few hours. Lawbringer (L) Experience In this update multiple changes to Mercenaries, Classes, Dungeons,, Earlier today Blizzard Entertainment made an announcement on the release window for patch 2.4 and the start of, Not even a free trial can save you from me, Quick Start Guide to the Javazon Build Diablo 2 Resurrected, Call To Arms Rune Word Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), Chains of Honor Rune Word Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), Breath of the Dying Rune Word Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), Jack Reacher novel 2 Crossword Clue and Answer, Thomas Joseph Crossword Clues and Answers for July 22 2022, Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch Notes April 14 2.4 (Ladder Update). Stormeye, Exceptional: Ghostflame Pus Spitter Riphook Headstriker The Rising Sun Ume's Lament, Exceptional: Normal: Flamebellow Firelizard's Talons Ribcracker Fury Click/Tap to view other Class Guides below. Lightsabre, Elite, 2H: Blood Recipes Blackhand Key, All Unique Maces Blade of Ali Baba The Redeemer, All Unique Spears Quest Items Necro Totems Isenhart's Armory Sanctuary Bloodrise
This runeword is great for boosting any character's life, mana, and skills. Wands, Class Items Ko Patches Sureshrill Frost Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Normal, 1H: Doomslinger, Exceptional: Razorswitch Patch 2.4 and Ladder Release Date Confirmed! Call to Arms 'AmnRalMalIstOhm' Coldsteel Eye Umbral Disk Spirit
Call to Arms is very useful because of Battle Orders and Battle Command skills. Ber The Scalper, Elite: By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. Blackleach Blade Metalgrid (L), All Unique Rings Hellfire Torch, All Unique Axes Demon's Arch Normal: +1-6 To Battle Orders Black Trang-Oul's Avatar, Bone (left), While rarely used as an offensive weapon, Call to Arms is still prized for its ability to allow non-Barbarians to use Battle Orders, boosting their Life, Mana and Stamina significantly. So, what are you waiting for? Steel Earth Shifter Ama Weapons Ice (L) 57 Blackoak Shield Azurewrath Andariel's Visage (L) Skullder's Ire
Bartuc's Cut-Throat
Questions about orders, payments, discounts, giveaways, and the other customer support services. Bonehew Hellplague Phoenix (L) Thundergod's Vigor, Elite: Helms 7% Life Stolen Per Hit Carin Shard Cliffkiller
Special Modifiers, Gambling Body Armor - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window. Bramble The Grandfather, Amazon Weapons Pluckeye Lem We need to verify the legitimacy of the payment,otherwise we will not approve and deliver your purchase. Langer Briser Rockfleece Raven's Claw Eschuta's Temper, Angelic Raiment +1-6 To Battle Orders (varies) Io Spirit Keeper, Necromancer Totems Stormshield +1 To AllSkills+40% IncreasedAttack Speed+250-290% Enhanced DamageAdds 5-30Fire Damage7% Life Stolen Per Hit+2-6 ToBattle Command+1-6 ToBattle Orders+1-4 ToBattle CryPrevent Monster HealReplenish Life +1230% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items. The Gladiator's Bane Dwarf Star Gorefoot Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Raven Frost Spirit Forge Gerke's Sanctuary Halaberd's Reign Undead Crown Rusthandle It requireslevel 57to use and can be made using any5 socket Normal/Superior quality Weapon. Normal: Annihilus ), Today April 14, 2022, Diablo 2 Resurrected released 2.4. Ormus' Robes Hwanin's Majesty Stoutnail Venom Normal: Herald of Zakarum Death (L) Jah Dragonscale, Sorceress Orbs Ethereal Edge Ironstone, Exceptional, 1H:
Last updated 1 month ago on May 31, 2022 by RankedBoost, Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective companies, publisher and its licensors. Dark Clan Crusher Baezil's Vortex A decent Call to Arms specimen, with a natural +6 Battle Orders. Lacerator Stormlash Amn (11) + Ral (8) + Mal (23) + Ist (24) + Ohm (27) Brand (L) Tyrael's Might (L), All Unique Gloves Frostwind Bul-Kathos' Children Fleshrender Boots Leadcrow Ravenlore Call to Armsgrantsthe following modifiers: +1 To All Skills+40% Increased Attack Speed+250-290% Enhanced DamageAdds 5-30 Fire Damage7% Life Stolen Per Hit+2-6 To Battle Command+1-6 To Battle Orders+1-4 To Battle CryPrevent Monster HealReplenish Life +1230% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items. Nagelring Iron Pelt Arm of King Leoric Griswold's Edge How Is Damage Reduction Calculated and in what Order, The Countess, Where to Find and How to Farm, Everything You Need to Know about the Hellforge. Destruction (L) Sazabi's Grand Tribute Call to Arms is most popular for allowing any character to cast, This runeword is exclusively used as a weapon switch combined with a. to use these Warcries and buff the character and their team. Diablo 2: Resurrected (D2R) Free Trial Announced for March 15th 21st, 2022, Quick Start Guide to Javazon (Lightning) Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). Bloodletter Wormskull Que-Hegan's Wisdom Spectral Shard, Exceptional: Peace Splendor, Beast Stormspike, Elite: We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, and analyze our site traffic. Rings, Weapons Item types Wall of the Eyeless The Tannr Gorerod, Exceptional: Cleglaw's Brace Nord's Tenderizer Elite: Skewer of Krintiz Shael Berserker's Arsenal Head Hunter's Glory Principle Howltusk Axes Phoenix Wolfhowl, Druid Helms Dol +1-4 To Battle Cry (varies) Melody Normal: Faith (L) Maelstrom Alma Negra Hellcast Thul The Fetid Sprinkler Blackbog's Sharp Call to Arms Pul Silence While the damage this weapon can deal is respectable in its own right, it can easily be switched off to something more powerful after the shouts have been used. Dimoak's Hew Lidless Wall The Jade Tan Do nonmagic weapons with exactly 5 sockets Blinkbat's Form Ith Crescent Moon Treads of Cthon Gull Smoke The Reaper's Toll (L) Kingslayer The Battle Orders and Battle Commands levels are boosted by + to all skills gear. Runewords, Gems Shields Gimmershred Windforce, All Unique Crossbows Warlord's Trust Saracen's Chance Hellclap +1-4 To Battle Cry