how a particular piece of code operates. format your comments (not as an example of how to write Java code): Notice that the comments are formatted similarly in all cases This example uses a single-line comment before a line of code: This example uses a single-line comment at the end of a line of code: Multi-line comments start with /* and ends with */. Hopefully, this post helps in understanding when to write comments and should prevent loads of clutter from being added to future code. At Java Software we have decided to document both of these outside of doc comments, though we do make exceptions. Leahy, Paul. It's good practice to get into the habit of putting Java comments into your source code to enhance its readability and clarity for yourself and other programmers. Define main function. He spends many hours testing the optimal settings for a piece of safety equipment used in factories. Multiple @author tags should be listed in chronological order, with the creator of the class listed at the top. An example of the program is shown below: Java compilers don't care about them and when compiling the program, they just skip over them. c., Q:Which of the following is not a java keyword? For conventions, see Use In-Line Links Economically. If desired, groups of tags, such as multiple @see tags, can be separated from the other tags by a blank line with a single asterisk. These are usually a couple of lines written above or beside Java code to clarify what it does. With flat file output, such as Javadoc 1.1, directories would be located in the package directory and named "images-
12% One of the first things I was told when I started working was to not write comments and, at first, I was a bit skeptical, but after a while, it made sense. Notice also that the method comment includes the "@param" and public static void main (String[] args){ The Javadoc compiler ion the Java 8 JDK adheres to HTML 4.01 **THE CODE SHOULD BE IN JAVA** For an extra look into comments and some of the useful annotations that can be used in javadocs, check out (Adding @since tags to each class is technically not needed, but is our convention, as enables greater visibility in the source code.) The master images would be located in the source tree; when the Javadoc tool is run with the standard doclet, it would copy those files to the destination HTML directory. There is no dispute that these contribute to a developer's understanding and help a developer write reliable applications more quickly. Select 4 correct, A:The following declarations is java conventions The package doc comment should provide (directly or via links) everything necessary to allow programmers to use the package. You can add an unlimited number of comments to a Java file, but there are some "best practices" to follow when using comments. How many years until retirement? I have to design a calculator in java. Then individual programmers can be assigned to @author at the class level. A, A:public class Palindrome{ Run 1: That is, all default constructors in public and protected classes should be turned into explicit constructor declarations with the appropriate access modifier. Implementation comments in Java code are only there for humans to read. Thus, it may be more difficult for a writer to write the documentation for interfaces and abstract classes that have no implementors. c. not Any text between // and the end of the line Be aware that the word "field" has two meanings: use "also known as" instead of "aka", use "that is" or "to be specific" instead of "i.e. An engineer would copy this whole file, rename it to package.html, and delete the lines set off with hash marks: #####. Adding two numbers in programming is essentially the same as adding two numbers in general arithmetic. This occurs in three cases: In the first two cases, if a method m() overrides another method, The Javadoc tool will generate a subheading "Overrides" in the documentation for m(), with a link to the method it is overriding. The first sentence of each doc comment should be a summary sentence, containing a concise but complete description of the API item. { You should also comment all auto-generated fields and methods such as those created by your GUI-creating These two targets are described in the following sections. ", and use "in other words" or "namely" instead of "viz.". If you want to document an anonymous class, the proper way to do so is in a doc comment of its outer class, or another closely associated class. But the final comments must be approved by the responsible engineer. >> 5 When you create a file, %I% is set to 1.1. b. double costvalue c. main Q:I have to design a calculator in java. The problem On that basis, at Oracle, references in this section are critical to the Java Compatibility Kit (JCK). The description begins with a lowercase letter if it is a phrase (contains no verb), or an uppercase letter if it is a sentence. case_12 (avoid when you mean "all forms" of the add method). It's useful to go into further detail about how to document bugs and workarounds. Comments are ignored by Java Compiler. d. System.out.println(userAge + " \nis " + userName + "'s age. Also see order of multiple @author tags. Based on the naming recommendations in the book, which of the following is a good identifier for a. variable that will be used to hold an employees phone number? That way when someone comes along and looks at that code, they can simply look at the method name and know what it should do. These guidelines describe how to document exceptions with the @throws tag. Exceptions must be set apart and prominently marked as such. Substantive modifications should likewise be checked first. The question then arises: How do you add a doc comment for a default constructor? will greatly enhance your or someone else's ability to understand the code Prompt the user for a students numeric high school grade point average (for example, 3.2) and an admission test score from 0 to 100. The other times where you should write comments are for javadocs. you've already solved in another part of the program. It is important to capture those differences so that the users of those methods understand the differences between one implementation and another. We have had several cases where we did not want a public class to be instantiable, but the programmer overlooked the fact that its default constructor was public. This makes it easier to visually match the list to the declaration. 25% program. *; import java.awt. d. either. Question 1 All of the following are true of IT policy frameworks, except an IT policy framework should be fully accessible by executives and managers, with relevant highlights shared with general, Susan is a corporate trainer. Having an explicit @return tag makes it easier for someone to find the return value quickly. Create a java program that will ask the weight (kg) and height (cm) of the user, the program will calculate and display the user's BMI status. We have guidelines for how to prominently document implementation differences. Algorithm : The reason this is good programming practice is that an explicit declaration helps prevents a class from inadvertently being made instantiable, as the design engineer has to actually make a decision about the constructor's access. later. >> 1200 Obviously, including such comments is good practice, as you To sum up, the primary purpose of the package doc comment is to describe the purpose of the package, the conceptual framework necessary to understand and to use it, and the relationships among the classes that comprise it. The following are the Java Software proposals for conventions for including images in doc comments. comments should allow you to use the class and its methods without having to d. system, Q:Which of the following declarations does not follow the Java conventions? The following are useful tips and conventions for writing descriptions in doc comments.
In Java, comments are used to add notes to the programs. When you hover over a method call, you will get nicely formatted documentation, It is unclear, unfortunately, from the Javadoc documentation what other style "@return" tags. Question 2 It is, A firm with market power has an individual consumer demand of Q = 20 - 4P and marginal costs of MC = 4. appears. int a,b,ch;, Q:Which is optional in the following syntax specification for a variable declaration in a Java source, A:A variable in java is an instance of the class that stores some value. UML Lab will ask you for comments whenever you add a new Annotations can be read from source files, class files, or reflectively at run time. Fixing the Curly Quotes - Microsoft Word has several save options -- use "Save As Text Only" to change the quotes back to straight quotes. Any kind, A:import java.util. others will be able to understand your code better. If a class contains a main() method, that method is executed, The double data type can be used to store.
a. object case$. In general, if the markup is intended to affect or produce documentation, it should probably be a javadoc tag; otherwise, it should be an annotation. A:We will solve this problem in Java language. If you get in the habit of typing them right then, you will not I talked above about comments for chunks of code, but I should really mention the simplest thing that coders should be doing. importjava.util. Copyright 2022 Educative, Inc. All rights reserved. There are two types of comments that should appear in *Response times may vary by subject and question complexity. In the absence of overriding tags, the value of the @since tag applies to each of the package's classes and members. this way has additional benefits. Here is the project. If annotations are new to you, when you need to markup your source code, it might not be immediately clear whether to use an annotation or a Javadoc custom tag. What option on iOS protects email and other apps' data at-rest by using encryption? All other exception subclasses are checked exceptions. Income starting "-" symbol) in to the "Extra Javadoc options" Place these comments directly above the method, class, constructor or any other Java element that you want to document. (avoid). What Is An HTML Tag Versus an HTML Element? a. Its easier to, A:1) IDE(Integrated Development Environment) increase programmer productivity, Below aspects of IDE, Q:Write an application that prompts the user for two integers and then prompts the user to enter an, A:// C++ program Long Java comments are notes in a Java code file that are ignored by the compiler and runtime engine. The best API names are "self-documenting", meaning they tell you basically what the API does. Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own. One of these ways is to call someone under the false pretense of being, Hi I need an answers of these questions. Show that a language is decidable iff some enumerator enumerates the language in the standard string order. @param x Specifies the x-coordinate. Often it is a matter of negotiation to determine who writes which parts of the documentation, based on knowledge, time, resources, interest, API complexity, and on the state of the implementation itself. Also, update the output example's currency values to include "," for currency amounts. "." An example is not an assertion. Don't write what every line is meant to do instead write a summary of the code. Note that it is always inappropriate to document that a method throws an unchecked exception that is tied to the current implementation of that method. The There is sometimes a discrepancy between how code should work and how it actually works. Want to read all 16 pages. Start every word within a class name with an initial cap. By convention, the first noun in the description is the data type of the parameter. Note that whether an exception is checked or unchecked is not defined by whether it is included in a throws clause. Note:- Please read the question carefully and type this java code as described in the given question and also include all the things that are asked to put in the code. Avoid - The description below says nothing beyond what you know from reading the method name. Which of the following can you assign to a String variable? Here is the project. Most of the following tags are specified in the Java Language Specification, First Edition. (Version history can also be used for determining contributors for internal purposes.). $1,200.00, $67,000.00). Three-letter acronyms are common in the, Q:Which of the following is reserved keyword in java? However, if the Javadoc tool is being used to generate documentation for a particular implementation, it would be quite useful to include this information in the doc comments, suitably separated as a note or by a custom tag (say @bug). Thus, you can put into this directory any images (GIF, JPEG, etc) or other files not otherwise processed by the Javadoc tool. The purpose of the @throws tag is to indicate which exceptions the programmer must catch (for checked exceptions) or might want to catch (for unchecked exceptions). Basically, the spec should be complete, including boundary conditions, parameter ranges and corner cases. If you have more than one paragraph in the doc comment, separate the paragraphs with a. Insert a blank comment line between the description and the list of tags, as shown. End the phrase with a period only if another phrase or sentence follows it. It's not that you should never use comments, but I shouldn't need to explain what a chunk of code does, as it should be obvious. So a phrase like "the display's characteristics" becomes "the displays characteristics.". Note: Java does not support nesting of multi-line comments. b) Name -, A:java program : The consensus seems to be the following: %I% gets incremented each time you edit and delget a file. Even though I said I generally don't write comments anymore, there are going to be times when they are needed. Which of the following is a valid variable name? This requirement is intended to help you build some.
I had a little argument with some of my family members (who have also done some coding, although one of them is still in secondary school) about this subject. For example, the new package java.nio has "@author JSR-51 Expert Group" at the package level. But as the code you write becomes more complicated, it's worth making a few extra lines to make it easier to read. Then create a new Java application called"IncomeTax" (without the quotation marks) that prompts a user for his or her marital status (single or married) and annual income (a double value), and then uses nested if statements to compute that person's tax, based on the simplified tax-rate table below. member. Keep in mind that if you do not document an unchecked exception, other implementations are free to not throw that exception. The JDK tool that generates API documentation from documentation comments. Java Software generally uses the following additional guidelines to create comments for each tag: You can provide one @author tag, multiple @author tags, or no @author tags. During the writing of a program, you are confronted with a coding, Q:** THE CODE SHOULD BE IN JAVA** double, Q:First, launch NetBeans and close any previous projects that may be open (at the top menu go to File, A:Create a JAVA file named IncomeTax.Ask the user to enter income and marital status.Based on marital, Q:reate a java program that will ask the weight (kg) and height (cm) of the user, the program will, A:Name of the controls on the frame Good documentation comments when you feel they are necessary, According to standard naming conventions, which of the following is a typical class name? O d. name Guidelines - Which Exceptions to Document. Then create a new Java application called"IncomeTax" (without the quotation marks) that prompts a user for his or her marital status (single or married) and annual income (a double value), and then uses nested if statements to compute that person's tax, based on the simplified tax-rate table below. Step 3 :. We suggest you try the following to help find what youre looking for: This document describes the style guide, tag and image conventions we use in documentation comments for Java programs written at Java Software, Oracle. Write an application for a colleges admissions office. You run it on source code and it generates a report describing what style and tag errors the comments have, and recommends changes. Output of your program should look close to the following and should be constructed using both String literals and variables for income, tax rate, and income tax. If you turn this off, you get the appropriate straight quotes when you type. "Using Java Comments." A staff with generous resources can afford to blend both into the same documentation (properly "chunked"); however, our priorities dictate that we give prime focus to writing API specifications in doc comments. File Name: comments describe the semantics of a class, field, or method. public class, Q:Design a Student's form in Java NetBeans to display the followings - Define clearly what is required and what is allowed to vary across platforms/implementations. Create an application that allows you to enter the amount of purchase and then display the, A:Step 1 : create a class Demo and extends JFrame Often, the comment should be something as simple as: NOTE - The tags @throws and @exception are synonyms. The javadoc tool of JDK is used to generate documentation in HTML format from your source code. If you follow these guidelines, your code will be much easier to understand and follow not only for yourself but also for your colleagues. *; You must write documentation comments for all: You will see the benefits of doing so immediately, as Eclipse For example, the. Over 2 million developers have joined DZone. Whenever possible, supply return values for special cases (such as specifying the value returned when an out-of-bounds argument is supplied). This leads to other benefits methods will become smaller, as lines of code that are related will be moved somewhere else, and maybe that new method that's been created could be reused somewhere else. Now, as it will store some, Q:Create a JavaFX application that lets the user enter the food charge for a meal at a restaurant., A:Steps to create the JavaFX application As a reminder, the fundamental use of these tags is described on the Javadoc Reference page. A:The complete code is given below with detail output. make your programming life easier. Use synonyms for the keyword you typed, for example, try "application" instead of "software. Include commenting,. This method always returns immediately, whether or not the image exists. So lines won't wrap, limit any doc-comment lines to 80 characters. The idea behind checking an exception is that the compiler checks at compile-time that the exception is properly being caught in a try-catch block. How much can you save annually? In this case, the API designer would write the initial doc comments using sparse language, and then the writer would review the comments, refine the content, and add tags. Paul Leahy is a computer programmer with over a decade of experience working in the IT industry, as both an in-house and vendor-based developer. One day, the company experiences a power surge that, Question 1 There are many ways that people can be manipulated to disclose knowledge that can be used to jeopardize security. Ideally, the Java API Specification comprises all assertions required to do a clean-room implementation of the Java Platform for "write once, run anywhere" -- such that any Java applet or application will run the same on any implementation. Javadoc-generated API documentation contains two ways of specifying this contract for exceptions -- the "throws" clause in the declaration, and the @throws Javadoc tag. Generated Javadocs are just regular HTML web pages. It is a very important piece of documentation: for many facilities (those that reside in a single package but not in a single class) it is the first place where programmers will go for documentation. Typically, this is a ", Methods, including all input parameters and return values, Don't forget to comment any auto-generated method where you have written code in the method It does not rehash related material covered elsewhere: At Java Software, we have several guidelines that might make our documentation comments different than those of third party developers. M.A., Advanced Information Systems, University of Glasgow. 20% They are used to annotate the code in order to clarify its design and purpose. Then a writer can proceed to write an API specification only if they either know the intent of the designer (either through design meetings or through a separately-written design specification) or have ready access to the designer with their questions.
The text between /* and */ will be ignored by the compiler. An API specification is a particular kind of API document, as described above. a. Int We spend time and effort focused on specifying boundary conditions, argument ranges and corner cases rather than defining common programming terms, writing conceptual overviews, and including examples for developers. easy-to-read web pages. When referring to a method or constructor that has multiple forms, and you mean to refer to a specific form, use parentheses and argument types. java/awt/doc-files/Button-1.gif (image file). Doing so will enable Eclipse to show you what every variable is used for plus Another type of Java comment is a Javadoc comment. Get certifiedby completinga course today! with the following command line parameter: This will suppress the HTML "lint" style checker. When a method in a class overrides a method in a superclass, When a method in an interface overrides a method in a superinterface, When a method in a class implements a method in an interface, The user might actually want to click on it for more information (in your judgment), and, Only for the first occurrence of each API name in the doc comment (don't bother repeating a link), static field, which is another term for "class variable". Javadoc 1.2 looks for and copies to the destination directory a directory named "doc-files" in the source tree (one for each package) and its contents. The last line contains the end-comment delimiter (. Document the following exceptions with the @throws tag: It is generally desirable to document the unchecked exceptions that a method can throw: this allows (but does not require) the caller to handle these exceptions. Here, a small section of a C-program is given including a structure type naming, Q:Assume that you have been hired to write a java application for SQU students clinic to help, A:Create these 3 files in a folder that copy and paste and, Q:This is the question I have no idea where to start -