(352) 392-3261. (352) 294-1131 Learn how to get an approved Fee-for-Service Educational Activity or modify an existing service line. Oversees University Disbursement Services, Travel, myUFMarketplace, and Supplier Maintenance, Randy Staples, Assistant Controller University of Florida
Suite 1250 East Campus Office Building (352) 294-1121 Auxiliaries and Fee-for-Service Educational Activities (FSEAs) are units across campus that generate revenues from the provision of goods and/or services. Responsible for deposits, e-commerce and credit card operations, ACH/EFT and wires, cash and checks, human subject payments (HSP), change and petty cash funds and investments at the University. Fee-for-Service Educational Activities (FSEA) represent a number of revenue-generating activities, depending on the source of revenue and its relation to the educational process and its clients. (352) 392-3261, General Accounting and Financial Reporting. myufmarketplace@ufl.edu, Ruth Harris, Senior Associate Controller Gainesville, FL 32611-5350, Phone: (352) 294-7236 Supervisor for Disbursements, Pay Cycle, Payables EFT, Check Distribution, Special Payments, and Imaging, Penny Jackson, Accounting Specialist Disbursement and Travel phones when needed. (352) 294-1118 This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. University of Florida Cost Analysis also completes specialized disclosures and reporting.
Check Pickup Inquiries, Check Distribution, Imaging, Prepping and Scanning of UF documents for storage. Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 294-1107 Check Pickup Inquiries, Check Cancellations, Estefanie Pormatilo, Fiscal Assistant II
Oversees Disbursements and Travel, Asset Management, Cost Analysis and Construction Accounting, Victoria Peprah-Asante, Associate Controller (352) 294-1103 (352) 294-1138 Disbursements also manages the myUF Payment Solutions system and the invoice payment process. Pay cycles, Special Payment Handling and EPayables, Michael Mike Mincer, Fiscal Assistant II (352) 392-3261, General Accounting and Financial Reporting. Provides support services to the University community to facilitate the management and disposal of tangible personal property UF possesses. 114 Elmore Hall Pay cycles, Payable issues (i.e., forgeries, check copies), Outdated checks (>6 months), Stale-dated checks (> 1 year), Supervises returned checks and deposits, Meriel Bryant, Fiscal Assistant III PO Box 115350 This includes information for payments to foreign nationals or nonresident aliens, payroll distributions, payroll cost corrections, and emergency checks. University of Florida
Establish suppliers and make necessary corrections to suppliers in the system, Elizabeth Lizzee Pearson, IT Professional I Join the list by completing the form below. Providing payments to research participants, including getting started, managing and recording payments, securing payments, and extending a study. Learn how to calculate a rate for a proposed good/service of a Fee-for-Service Educational Activity. Auxiliary activities, sales tax, & UBI Tax. Learn about the impact of UBIT, sales, and other local taxes on your Fee-for-Service Educational Activity. myUFMarketplace Help, budget errors and voucher corrections, TBD, Fiscal Assistant III Supervisor over myUFMarketplace, voucher corrections and supplier maintenance, Barbie Cromwell, Accounting Specialist FSEAs encompass some of the following activities: Research Service Centers, Cultural Centers, and External Business Activities. Dianna Brook, Accountant III Gainesville, FL 32611
Understand a department's responsibilities regarding management of inventories for supply and resale. Construction Accounting maintains accounting and budgetary records for all University of Florida fixed capital outlay construction projects in the myUFL system, serves as the liaison with the State of Florida Capital Programs Office and approves budget information and funding sources. This department is also responsible for maintaining the integrity of the Universitys accounting records by reviewing the general ledger, processing journal entries, and performing monthly and year-end closing. Auxiliary Accounting maintains the UF-AUX-CONTACTS-L listserv to assist the UF community. (352) 392-1241 PO Box 113202 Unrelated Business Income, Sales, and Local Tax, General Accounting and Financial Reporting.
Auxiliary Accounting uses this listserv to communicate with the campus community on FSEA news/information. Travelers are not to make commitments to travel or to incur travel expenses without first obtaining the necessary approvals. Understand the guidelines applicable to ongoing accounting and administrative requirements of operating an FSEA. Fax: (352) 392-0081 Alexander Hernandez, Accountant III Establish suppliers and make necessary corrections to suppliers in the system, Barbara Gordon, Senior Fiscal Assistant
Auxiliary Accounting. Such activity enhances, promotes or supports the Universitys mission of excellence in education and research. Gainesville, FL 32611 Information about effort certification, costing guidelines, the Facilities & Administrative rate, space allocation. Provides support for University of Florida staff navigating the payroll process and payroll tax laws. Reconciles monthly ledgers for Elmore Hall. Returned checks; research and disposition of all returned UF checks; Process Cash Expense Refunds, Deposits, Supplier Inquiries, Samantha Lumpkins, Accounting Specialist myUFMarketplace Help, budget errors and voucher corrections, Jared VanAusdale, Fiscal Assistant III Gainesville, FL 32611-5350 Jim McElveen, Procurement Assistant I This listserv includes all staff members who are interested in Auxiliaries and/or Fee-for-Service Educational Activities (FSEA) issues or have direct oversight or involvement with FSEAs. Information about the different ChartFields used at UF. Establish suppliers and make necessary corrections to suppliers in the system, Cheyenne Sapp-Beard, Fiscal Assistant II Ensures compliance with various Federal and State tax laws, rules and regulations while providing support for University staff navigating these tax laws. Oversees General Accounting & Financial Reporting, Auxiliary Accounting, Payroll Services, and Tax Services, Beth Groff, Assistant Controller (352) 294-1128 myUFMarketplace Help, budget errors and voucher corrections, Crystal Porchiazzo, Accounting Specialist Distributes voucher budget error notifications. (352) 294-1123 (352) 294-1104 Oversees all of the Universitys departments under Finance and Accounting, with the goal of creating a strong fiscal environment for the University. Doris Flores-Siles, Accountant II Gainesville, FL 32611 Manages space files for Elmore Hall. The Auxiliary Accounting office is responsible for helping the campus community with creation, monitoring and compliance with Office of Management and Budget Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (hereinafter referred to as the OMB Uniform Guidance), Federal and State laws and University policies and directives. Auxiliary activities, sales tax. (352) 294-1134 (352) 294-1106 (352) 294-1102
(352) 294-1119 The Bursar's Office assesses tuition and fees, bills students, collects amounts owed to the university, disburses financial aid, and processes refunds. Travel costs are to be allocated and expended within established budgetary limits and serve an official University purpose. Fax: (352) 846-0166 Email: ga-aux@ad.ufl.edu, Matthew Ellis, Senior Associate Controller (352) 294-1137 (352) 294-1101 Information for employees and others who undertake travel on behalf of the University. (352) 294-1109 Resolves IT issues for Accounts Payable, Supplier Maintenance, Travel/Expense, Asset Management, and myUFMarketplace, University of Florida (352) 392-3261, General Accounting and Financial Reporting. Information about the guidelines for different expenditures, including which expenditures are allowed to be unencumbered.
Phone: (352) 392-1241 Internal Controls and Quality Assurance is an independent and objective assurance and consulting function to work with process owners across the University to achieve an effective internal control environment.