every day. Get the best food tips and diet advice But what about typical "healthy" fare like veggie burgers? They're hoping that the long-awaited introduction of shakes at stores will help lure customers back. xhr.send(payload); xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); } else { Not at Five Guys: The owners refuse to install freezers in restaurants and will reportedly only do coolers. That said, we're sure they use thermometers since most health departments require foods to be cooked to a certain temperature. All Rights Reserved. Five Guys insists on thoroughly cooking burgers, but one of their other practices raises some eyebrows around here. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { EatThis.com is part of the AllRecipes Food Group. The store doesn't believe in using timers in the kitchen because "good cooks should know when the food is done." No fake colors, no preservatives, no crap.
Now 30 years later, the multi-million dollar company has hundreds of franchises around the countryincluding a bunch owned by athletes like Shaquille O'Neal. The Five Guys menu is pretty simple: Burgers and fries (of course), along with hot dogs and a couple of other options, depending on the store. Potatoes serve as "decorations" around the store because there's simply no space available to put them in other places. Here's everything you need to know about the popular burger chain. Those are calorie bombs, tooa veggie burger at Five Guys is 440 calories with 15 grams of fat, according to the official restaurant nutrition information. Although the information provided on this site is presented in good faith and believed to be correct, FatSecret makes no representations or warranties as to its completeness or accuracy and all information, including nutritional values, is used by you at your own risk. Everything is cooked in 100 percent peanut oil and the restaurants offer free bins of peanuts to help customers stay calm and avoid hanger while waiting for their food. single A "little hamburger" with just one patty rocks 480 calories with 26 grams of fat while a bacon cheeseburger has over 920 calories with an astounding 62 fat gramsalmost 30 of those from saturated fat. People with peanut allergies basically have to stay out of Five Guys. day, 2020 Galvanized Media. You should be. Instead, the company puts it toward secret shopper programs that test employees for quality service and fine food. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-53563316-1&cid=f2e6b07e-84c4-4bfc-addb-fc08cbb28df6&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=3750299997597197565'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); You know the old saying "Don't eat what you can't pronounce," right? Five Guys believes that mantra, too. Timers take some of the guesswork out of cooking and help ensure everything is cooked and donewhich is important when you're feeding mass amounts of people. "It is rare that a casual encounter with peanuts will cause an allergic reaction, but we want to limit the risk of someone unknowingly coming into contact with peanuts," the restaurant says on its corporate website. } Burgers and French fries aren't known for being super healthy anyway, but Five Guys really packs a calorie punch in little packages. } ); * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. advice every day. Get the best food tips and diet 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. "How would you like your burger cooked?" Get familiar with both before the next time you get a burger craving! A large fry will set you back nearly half your daily calories at 953 for a normal servingand that's if it's the correct portion. Please note that some foods may not be suitable for some people and you are urged to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any weight loss effort or diet regimen. The store is committed to food safety, so all burgers are cooked well doneno medium rare, rare, or even medium burgers are served at the store. Gross, huh? Stumped? In fact, Five Guys ranked very poorly (we'll let you see for yourself) in our exclusive report on the mostpopular burgers in Americaranked! All trademarks, copyright and other forms of intellectual property are property of their respective owners. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Five Guys Burgers & Fries began back in 1986 as a family affair: husband-and-wife team Jerry and Janie Murrell in Arlington, Virginia. } Quick: Name your favorite Five Guys commercial. Five Guys is so focused on freshness that it takes three hours to open the restaurants each day since everythingincluding meat and produceis prepared that day. Five Guys is definitely successful, but it has its good side and its bad side. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); It's not that surprising that hamburgers and fries are full of calories. The official website says there are over 250,000 possible ways to order your burger at Five Guys, thoughso you still have plenty of options. Not to mention, plenty of customers say the food is extra greasy. Is this information inaccurate or incomplete? Planning a visit to Five Guys? Five Guys doesn't invest a penny in common advertising techniques. That's all well and great, but no one is perfect and things happen. 8 Bizzare Lawsuits McDonald's Wishes We'd Forget, This Iconic Food Court Chain Is Undergoing a Significant Makeover and Opening New Locations, This Viral Chipotle Hack Can Get You a Shockingly Cheap Burrito, 6 Restaurant Chains We've Lost for Good This Year, Chick-fil-A Is Opening New Locations in These Cities, Chipotle Abruptly Shutters a Restaurant For This Controversial Reason, America's Favorite Fast-Casual Chain Is Cheaper Than Similar Competitors, Survey Shows, There's Major Turmoil Inside America's #1 Fast-Food Chain.