ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/06/11 12:07 04/06/11 13:43 1.58 39.5087891 39.5087891 SBT_TAPE opname like 'RMAN%'; For any work, queries and help. OUTPUT_DEVICE_TYPE OUTPUT_BYTES_DISPLAY out_size FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS FROM V$BACKUP_PIECE P, V$BACKUP_SET S STATUS, SELECT SESSION_KEY, TO_CHAR(START_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') start_time, sl.sid, sl.serial#, p.spid, For example, when you start RMAN and connect to a target database, you obtain the information for this target database only when you issue LIST, REPORT, and SHOW commands. (LogOut/ COL out_size FORMAT a10 TO_CHAR(START_TIME,mm/dd/yy hh24:mi) start_time, ARCHIVELOG RUNNING 04/12/11 10:29 04/12/11 11:41 1.20 29.0141253 29.0131836 SBT_TAPE. OUTPUT_BYTES/1024/1024/1024 SUM_BACKUP_PIECES_IN_GB, WHERE P.SET_STAMP = S.SET_STAMP - - - ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/04/11 12:08 04/04/11 12:11 .04 1.75312376 1.75341797 SBT_TAPE totalwork, v$session_longops sl.start_time, sl.last_update_time, TO_CHAR(END_TIME,mm/dd/yy hh24:mi) end_time, The primary difference between the recovery catalog view and corresponding V$ view is that each recovery catalog view contains metadata about all the target databases registered in the recovery catalog. COMPRESSION_RATIO, WHERE i.DB_KEY = 1 COL in_sec FORMAT a10 FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS sl.time_remaining/60 "Remaining (Min)", sl.elapsed_seconds/60 "Elapsed (Min)", OUTPUT_BYTES/1024/1024/1024 SUM_BACKUP_PIECES_IN_GB, TIME_TAKEN_DISPLAY, Row count of all tables in a particularschema, Generate Tuning Advisor Recommendations for an SQL_ID in AWRSnaps.

FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS OPTIMIZED, DB INCR COMPLETED 04/05/11 01:10 04/05/11 09:31 8.34 152.124023 143.519531 SBT_TAPE DB INCR RUNNING 04/12/11 01:08 04/12/11 11:41 10.55 110.338058 85.7214355 SBT_TAPE Can a DB link be created for accessing objects within a database? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. INPUT_TYPE,

INPUT_BYTES/1024/1024/1024 SUM_BYTES_BACKED_IN_GB, TO_CHAR(END_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') end_time, and totalwork != 0 AND P.SET_COUNT = S.SET_COUNT; Current incarnation of the database

SBLTPS DB INCR RUNNING 04/12/11 01:08 04/12/11 10:30 9.35 101.6028 76.9853516 SBT_TAPE 4330 NO 1.00002357 6.93M 6.93M 01:12:51, Ref : SOES ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/11/11 12:08 04/11/11 12:52 .74 15.8564453 15.8574219 SBT_TAPE SBLTPS DB INCR COMPLETED 04/11/11 01:08 04/11/11 09:40 8.52 148.316406 141.310547 SBT_TAPE Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Connect SQL*Plus to the database whose backup history you intend to query. SOES DB INCR COMPLETED 04/11/11 01:09 04/11/11 01:30 .35 6.1978426 5.74609375 SBT_TAPE AND SOES ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/12/11 00:08 04/12/11 00:37 .48 15.7958984 15.796875 SBT_TAPE set pages 2000 lines 200 Why export should not be done as sys/sysdbauserid? COL TIME_TAKEN_DISPLAY FORMAT a10 from v$session_longops sl, v$session s, v$process p ORDER BY SESSION_KEY; View for the rate of backup jobs in an RMAN session COL hrs FORMAT 999.99 COMPRESSION_RATIO, FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS where DB_NAME=SBLTPS AND from DB INCR COMPLETED 04/08/11 01:09 04/10/11 15:49 62.67 1883.62109 1793.81641 SBT_TAPE OUTPUT_BYTES_PER_SEC_DISPLAY out_sec, DB INCR COMPLETED 04/07/11 01:09 04/07/11 02:36 1.45 10.6905017 6.48754883 SBT_TAPE Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 4257 NO 1 15.70M 15.70M 00:48:16 4261 NO 1.64784913 2.10M 1.27M 01:27:00 SELECT SESSION_KEY, INPUT_TYPE, STATUS, COL BS_REC FORMAT 99999 opname NOT LIKE '%aggregate%' SELECT BS_KEY, BACKUP_TYPE, COMPLETION_TIME COL in_size FORMAT a10 INPUT_BYTES/1024/1024/1024 SUM_BYTES_BACKED_IN_GB, INPUT_BYTES_DISPLAY in_size, - - - AND i.DB_KEY = b.DB_KEY order by SESSION_KEY; INPUT_TYPE STATUS START_TIME END_TIME HRS SUM_BYTES_BACKED_IN_GB SUM_BACKUP_PIECES_IN_GB OUTPUT_DEVICE_TYP - - - COL hrs FORMAT 999.99 TO_CHAR(END_TIME,mm/dd/yy hh24:mi) end_time, 4275 NO 1 5.30M 5.30M 00:39:56 sofar, COL MB FORMAT 9999999 INPUT_TYPE, RMAN obtains backup and recovery metadata from a target database control file and stores it in the tables of the recovery catalog. ELAPSED_SECONDS/3600 hrs, sl.message, SELECT S.RECID AS "BS_REC", P.RECID AS "BP_REC", P.ENCRYPTED, ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/05/11 00:09 04/05/11 01:01 .87 54.4570313 54.4570313 SBT_TAPE select sid, TO_CHAR(START_TIME,mm/dd/yy hh24:mi) start_time, FROM RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION i, RC_BACKUP_SET b ELAPSED_SECONDS/3600 hrs SOES DB INCR COMPLETED 04/12/11 01:09 04/12/11 01:33 .41 10.2211475 6.65014648 SBT_TAPE. 4252 NO 1 7.09M 7.09M 01:35:05 Most of the catalog views have a corresponding V$ view in the database. Note: Only completed backups should be considered from the Catalog. COL STATUS FORMAT a9 ELAPSED_SECONDS/3600 hrs, OUTPUT_DEVICE_TYPE The V$ view contains information only about itself. TIME_TAKEN_DISPLAY Query the V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS view for information about the backup type, status, start time,end time, Size of the backup etc.The following query shows the backup job history ordered by session key, which is the primary key for the RMAN session: set pages 2000 lines 200 4311 NO 1.04957775 4.95M 4.72M 08:31:19 where Please contact us at, View the RMAN backup Status and time inOracle, Follow Smart way of Technology on, Create & grant permission to directory in Oracle, Exclude/Include option in EXPDP and IMPDP Datapump, Check the Size of Oracle Database and PDB database, Check the Undo tablespace Usage in Oracle, Check the Patch Applied to the Oracle Database, Find the temp usage by sessions in Oracle, Stop the EXPDP/IMPDP Datapump Job in Oracle, Sync the Physical Standby Using RECOVER FROM SERVICE in Oracle 12c, Check and Change Default Tablespace for User in Oracle. ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/05/11 12:08 04/05/11 13:58 1.82 94.8935547 94.8945313 SBT_TAPE SBLTPS ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/08/11 00:08 04/08/11 00:48 .67 12.4072266 12.4082031 SBT_TAPE You often have to perform complex selects and joins among the views to extract usable information about a database incarnation. COL hrs FORMAT 999.99 Create a free website or blog at (LogOut/ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. For example, RC_BACKUP_PIECE corresponds to V$BACKUP_PIECE. COL ENCRYPTED FORMAT A7
COL in_sec FORMAT a10 FROM RC_RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS (sofar/totalwork) * 100 pct_done COL BP_REC FORMAT 99999
SOES ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/11/11 00:08 04/11/11 00:37 .47 15.6835938 15.6855469 SBT_TAPE and sl.sid=s.sid View for information about the backup type, status, and start and end time start_time, ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/06/11 00:10 04/06/11 03:04 2.90 61.6230469 61.6230469 SBT_TAPE select INPUT_TYPE, COL STATUS FORMAT a9 Note that the recovery catalog views are not normalized or optimized for user queries.In general, the recovery catalog views are not as user-friendly as the RMAN reporting commands. INPUT_BYTES_PER_SEC_DISPLAY in_sec, ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/07/11 12:09 04/07/11 12:14 .07 3.74804688 3.74804688 SBT_TAPE COMPRESSION_RATIO, The recovery catalog views are derived from these tables. sl.time_remaining, sl.elapsed_seconds, sl.time_remaining + sl.elapsed_seconds as total_seconds, Change). and sl.serial#=s.serial# COL TAG FORMAT A25 If you have ten different target databases registered in the same recovery catalog, then any query of the catalog views show the metadata for all incarnations of all ten databases. P.TAG, P.HANDLE AS "MEDIA_HANDLE" DB INCR COMPLETED 04/11/11 01:08 04/11/11 09:40 8.52 148.316406 141.310547 SBT_TAPE ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/07/11 00:09 04/07/11 00:57 .80 44.4111328 44.4121094 SBT_TAPE (LogOut/ and opname LIKE 'RMAN%' FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS STATUS, ARCHIVELOG COMPLETED 04/08/11 00:08 04/08/11 00:48 .67 12.4072266 12.4082031 SBT_TAPE 4271 NO 1 14.88M 14.88M 00:04:18 set pagesize 100 echo on feedback on The following query shows the backup job speed ordered by session key, which the primary key for the RMAN session.
SELECT SESSION_KEY, ORDER BY SESSION_KEY; View for the size of the backups in an RMAN session AND i.CURRENT_INCARNATION = 'YES'; Check RMAN restore status in percentage 4279 NO 1.05006348 8.55M 8.14M 62:40:15 The columns in_sec and out_sec columns display the data input and output per second. ORDER BY SESSION_KEY; SESSION_KEY OPT COMPRESSION_RATIO IN_SEC OUT_SEC TIME_TAKEN 4321 NO 1.28603923 2.98M 2.32M 10:33:48 COL out_sec FORMAT a10 and opname NOT LIKE '%aggregate%' order by DB_NAME,SESSION_KEY; DB_NAME INPUT_TYPE STATUS START_TIME END_TIME HRS SUM_BYTES_BACKED_IN_GB SUM_BACKUP_PIECES_IN_GB OUTPUT_DEVICE_TYP where p.addr = s.paddr INPUT_BYTES_PER_SEC_DISPLAY in_sec, SBLTPS DB INCR COMPLETED 04/08/11 01:09 04/10/11 15:49 62.67 1883.62109 1793.81641 SBT_TAPE DB INCR COMPLETED 04/06/11 10:42 04/06/11 14:35 3.89 104.932617 93.9482422 SBT_TAPE select DB_NAME, Posted in oracle | Leave a Comment. COL out_sec FORMAT a10 COL TIME_TAKEN_DISPLAY FORMAT a10 select s.client_info, COL STATUS FORMAT a9 OUTPUT_BYTES_PER_SEC_DISPLAY out_sec, ORDER BY SESSION_KEY; Determine which backup pieces are encrypted round(sl.sofar/sl.totalwork*100,2) || '%' "Completed" SELECT SESSION_KEY,
OPTIMIZED, totalwork > sofar and sofar totalwork; Check RMAN backup status percentage