if (document.getElementById("questionContact") && contact) { Santa J. Ono is expected to be named the next president of the University of Michigan. And he's my hero. } } var theData = $.parseJSON(payloadClosed.responseText); width: 45%; I want to earn it. Bystander rescues 4 kids from fire, then jumps out window to save a 5th, After 79 years of marriage, couple share their secrets of lasting love.
width: 60%; document.getElementById("questionContact").innerHTML = "Click here to contact " + contact; if (purpleSearchlabel3.match(/http/)) { Michigan, one of the nations premier public universities, received a record 84,000 applications for this falls class. { She just got accepted to medical school.
{ var payloadOpen = $.get('https://www.searchlink.cloud/cms/open-search', function() {}) Michigan is a stunning research university, a world-class one, he said. position: fixed;
if (purpleSearchlabel1.match(/http/)) padding-left: 3%; { children[1].remove();
The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. {
Michiganis one of the world's great public universities, has an unrivaled research enterprise that every day results in innovations and discoveries that shape the future.". "But what he did, what this teacher did was, on his own volunteer time, he would help me with experiments in his classroom," he said in a 2014 interview with the Cincinnati Enquirer. }
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if (masterStatus == "OPEN")
Recruiting exceptional leaders for mission-driven organizations. display: block;
He holds a BA in biological science from the University of Chicago and a PhD in experimental medicine from McGill University.Read the full press release here.This search was led by John Isaacson and John Muckle, with Elizabeth Dorr Weithman and Mindy Cimini. }
Daniel Hurley, CEO of the Michigan Association of State Universities, said the next president"has an exciting opportunity to provide leadership for one of our states most recognizable public assets at a transformative time in history.". "'>View more closed searches";
// load open searches into purple box
But in a time when we have been trying to strengthen the bonds of trust at the university, it is particularly important that campus leaders avoid even an appearance of impropriety..
h.innerHTML = h.innerHTML.replace(reg, " }
var payloadClosed = $.get('https://www.searchlink.cloud/cms/closed-search', function() {})
relatedSearches += hrcode + "
Other open searches for " + gj + ":
His father, Takashi Ono, is a mathematician and formerfaculty member in UBCs Math Department.
But Dr. Ono, 59, will take the helm during a contentious and difficult time on university campuses, split by culture wars as well as debates over college costs. } }
In those tweets, he welcomes professors joining the universityto campus, takes selfies with students, highlights UBC programs and shares videos of events he attends. who at onetime was the most notable college president in the country, From the Cincinnati Enquirer: 5 things we'll miss about Santa Ono, University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel fired by board after investigation, "is also a gifted pianist, who passed on his love of music to his son, who himself plays the cello.". The University of Michigan is no different, hesaid. purpleSearchlabel2 = convertEmptyLinkToVisible(purpleSearchlabel2); .custom-modal { We have upgraded to a new system. var purpleSearchlabel2 = document.getElementById("purpleSearchlabel2").innerHTML; { width: 100%; Your message has been received and we will be in touch. He also will receive regular university benefits and supplemental contributions to a retirement plan, live in the President's House, receive an expense allowanceand get the use of an automobile and a driver, according to university policies. { float: left; Shes 13. Ono said a teacher at the school nurtured his love for science. if (theData) unranked the Ivy League university from its No. We are pleased to announce the completion of our search for the next president of the University of Michigan. purpleSearchlabel1 = convertEmptyLinkToVisible(purpleSearchlabel1); //console.log(gj); a wave of sexual assault and harassment scandals during Schlissel's tenure. Ono, 59, is currently the president and vice chancellor of the University of British Columbia, but the U of M Board of Regents welcomed him to Ann Arbor on Wednesday during a special meeting.
As a researcher and scholar, he has taught at Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University, and University College London. Ono said he has listened to every listening session conducted by the regents' 17-member presidential search committee and listened to two years of UM regents meetings, an experience he said gives him an understanding of concerns on campus.
} border-top: 0px solid #e5e5e5 !important; str = str.replace("
} { }, // this is the beginning of snippet 65 'search-details-related-builder' console.log("closeGapsinrelatedSearchContainer was fired 2"); As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. color: #b90e0e;
} console.log("Healthcare category detected, invoking GA code. } After a Surprise Firing, University of Michigan Has a New President, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/13/us/university-of-michigan-president.html.
Everyone is required to change their password as part of this upgrade. "It is a pinnacle of publichigher education.
Im pleased to announce that we have completed the search process and have identified Dr. Santa Ono as our finalist for election as the 15th president of the University of Michigan, U of M Regent Paul Brown said. font-size: 12px; var searchStatus = document.getElementById("searchStatus").innerHTML; Ann Arbor University of Michigan Regents voted unanimously to elect University of British Columbia President Santa J. Ono as the university's next president during a Wednesday special meeting, lauding the seasoned administrator as a strong and empathetic leader. Heres a video of Wednesdays full meeting: Heres the Q&A with Ono that followed the meeting: Schlissel was ousted following an investigation into a possible inappropriate relationship between him and a subordinate, and Coleman, his predecessor, agreed to return until the regents could name a replacement. .rightDiv { More:From the Cincinnati Enquirer: 5 things we'll miss about Santa Ono, More:University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel fired by board after investigation. Among his honors, Ono has been inducted as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, the National Academy of Inventors, USA and the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars. He is active on social media, with about 27,000 followers on Twitter, where he has tweeted more than 22,000 times since taking over as UBC president. Upload resume/CV, cover letter, & other documents (pdf or MS Word documents only, maximum size 1 MB, please). More:Tensions between U-M regents, President Mark Schlissel may have reached a boiling point, More:Former President Schlissel offered teaching, research slots at University of Michigan. if (document.getElementById("searchID").innerHTML !== id) } text-decoration: none; var gj = theData[i]["search_name"];
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Dr. Ono will begin his new position on October 13, 2022. }
var reg = /
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var theData = $.parseJSON(payloadOpen.responseText); function gtag() function closeGapsinrelatedSearchContainer() { //console.log(theData); theTitle = theTitle + " - " + document.getElementById("searchName").innerHTML; { 2 spot, are continuing to give a boost to legacy applicants, remake the competitive and economic landscapes. Copyright 2022 ClickOnDetroit.com is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Michigan, one of the most highly regarded public universities in the country, was rocked in January when the governing board abruptly removed Mark S. Schlissel from the presidency following an investigation into an alleged affair he had with a subordinate. width: 37%; Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Among his challenges will be the aftermath of numerous UM sexual misconduct scandals, including thoseinvolvingformer Provost Martin Philbert,deceased UM doctor Robert Anderson and Schlissel. .btn a { { Will New EU Law Begin Holding Social Media To Account? He plans to build trust by listening to people in the UM community.
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Following the suicide of a student at the University of Cincinnati, where Dr. Ono also served as president, he urged students who were struggling with mental illness to seek counseling, discussing how he had tried to overdose on cold medication and beer when he was 14 and attempted suicide again in his twenties. background-color: #E4E0D3;
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Including benefits and pension contributions, his total compensation of $611,712 translates to over $471,000 in U.S. currency. You can listen to Onos full comments below. height: auto;
var purpleSearchlabel3 = document.getElementById("purpleSearchlabel3").innerHTML;
He is also regarded as an ardent sports fan, an asset at a major Big Ten university. University of Michigan releases 118 pages of emails after vote to fire Schlissel.
} His father was a mathematics professor at the University of British Columbia. float: clear; console.log("the search contact was updated to " + contact); display: block;
var masterStatus = document.getElementById("searchStatus").innerHTML; counter++; } Paul Brown, chair of the Michigan regents, called Dr. Ono someone who encompasses two usually contradictory personality traits he is open and empathetic and approachable yet at the same time analytical and entrepreneurial. The Board of Regents voted unanimously to endorse Dr. Ono. {
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} console.log("The page title was changed to " + theTitle + " - Isaacson, Miller"); // update the contact box As part of the transition, Coleman will serve as a special adviser for two months to Ono and then will continue her role as president emerita after that time. // this script detects the search category and adds additional analytics code if necessary } In an interview, Dr. Ono said he intended to make it his mission to work toward the public good and provide an uncommon education for the common person, embracing the mantra of one of the universitys long-serving presidents. Enter your email address below and a link to reset your password will be emailed to you. Ono introduced himselfduring Wednesday's special board meeting, saying he grew up surrounded by higher education. Subscribe to the Detroit Free Press.
} } function convertEmptyLinkToVisible(str) .new-form-line { width: 50%; READ: University of Michigan releases 118 pages of emails after vote to fire Schlissel, During an apology issued months later, Schlissel said he demonstrated poor judgment., The relationship was entirely consensual, was never physical, and did not involve the inappropriate spending of university resources, Schlissel said. } 2022 www.detroitnews.com. if (purpleSearchListings) { //document.getElementById("relatedSearchContainer").innerHTML = document.getElementById("relatedSearchContainer").innerHTML.replace("
", ""); } Santa J. Ono will be the universitys first Asian American president. He has also advised national and regional governments on higher education and mental health and served as director and chief scientific officer of iCo Therapeutics. return str; var mobileNotice = {
{ He will take the helm during a contentious time in higher education. .footer-text { var searchName = document.getElementById('searchName').innerHTML; if (str.match(/\>\<\/a/)) for (var i = 0; i < theData.length; i++) var searchID = document.getElementById('searchID').innerHTML; Welcome back.
document.getElementById("jobLocation").innerHTML = commaDrama.innerHTML.replace(/,\s*,\s*/, ", "); { //add exttra GA code partialURL = partialURL[0].replace("http://", ""); Copyright 2022 Isaacson Miller, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "This is where the (lack of) trust came from: We have issues where our community thinks we have fallen down and correctly so, whether it be sexual assault, climate change and the support of our regional campuses,"said Regent Paul Brown, the board chair. if (document.getElementById("searchStatus")) var seacrhCat = document.getElementById('searchCategory');
But experts say Onowill face numerous challenges, including culture wars targetinghigher education, a declining international student population followingCOVID-19 and former Trump administration policies, andan evolving world of college sports. "I have a lot of direct experience in the damage these sorts of things, sexual assault and harassment, have on young men and women. Ono was born inVancouver, British Columbia. Following an extensive search, the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan have selected Dr. Santa J. Ono, current president and vice chancellor of the University of British Columbia, to become the University of Michigans 15th President. He felt similarly as an adolescent and pledged to "make certain that this university is always there for you on good days and bad, so that you can succeed and thrive to the maximum potential that you've demonstrated to us from the moment you expressed an interest in coming to Michigan.". if (seacrhCat != null && seacrhCat.innerHTML == "Healthcare") We are pleased to announce the completion of our search for the next president of the University of Michigan.
console.log("closeGapsinrelatedSearchContainer was fired 4"); .rightDiv p { } } .formCol li { { }
He understands the critical role of collaborative relationships and working toward a common goal, and he loves the students he serves. "There may be one or two of those 15 that don't survive," Brown said. hideInfoOnClosedSearches(); display: none;
Follow this author to improve your content experience. if (document.getElementById("relatedSearchContainer")) At the University of British Columbia, he earned an annualsalary of $449,400in 2020-21, which is the equivalent of $369,138in U.S. dollars under current exchange rates. He will receive an annual base salary of $975,000 a year. var searchName = document.getElementById('searchName').innerHTML;
ANN ARBOR, Mich. The University of Michigan has selected Dr. Santa Ono as its new president.