Shh. Macbeth is probably closest in tragic terms as Walter also has a strong willed wife, Skyler, and realises at the end that, as Macbeth says in Act 3: I am in blood Steppd in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go oer.. Walter White, Jr. The television series Breaking Bad has been critically and popularly successful on both sides of the Atlantic. Ask him. Hank Schrader It is only when Walter has literally lost it all, except his own life in which his cancer has re-emerged, that he sees what he has done for the sake of feeling empowered.
So Hanks got some tough decisions ahead. What Hank will most likely surmise: This network of connections is, of course, what Kierkegaards redoubled neighbor recognizes. But this season is Hanks revenge, theyve said. Had Gilligan and the staff gone through with their initial idea to kill Hank then and there, it would also have deprived us of the infamous One Minute shootout between Hank and the cousins in the next episode. Mr White is getting better and better at avoiding his place in these developing disasters, but Jesse has always had some sense of being the existential neighbor. Father Zossima exhorts his listeners to be careful at all times, especially around children: Every day and every hour, every minute, walk round yourself and watch yourself, and see that your image is a seemly one. And I think everybody would like it if you'd stop saying that. Skyler White And lets back up a bit before that. Hank Schrader Or will he try to somehow, perhaps with Jesses help, get the DEA involved? Hank? Hi Marcel, thanks so much! Anyway, see what I'm talking about? Hank Schrader And once I noticed her, it got to be so that I would only go in when I knew she was working. Tell him how good-looking he is. The actions of Jesse and Walt and Gus, and Mike, and Jane, and Hank, and Skyler, and Elliot, and Walt Jr., and everyone are always in play, on the move, and, in each case, all are responsible for all.. To complicate matters further, Walts out, so if Hank follows him or bugs his car, he wont find anything. -Walt got Hank, who was recovering from the Cousins shootout, in an accident on purpose to prevent him from getting to the industrial laundry meth lab. Walt is sentenced to an endless round of his own desires and devices (much as he will later be in the safe house in New Hampshire: he is safe from the authorities, but not from himself). Hank Schrader
In this duplexity, one side of the building houses a recovering addict, while its mirror-image, conjoined other hides a drug dealer. finally explodes in the sky. It could easily look like Hank was in on all of it, especially as hes reaping financial benefit. Its seeming amorality and lionising of those committing criminal acts would not have been tolerated before now. : Right? This was at the expense of almost everyone around him who he loved and cared for. I'm thinking "Operation Breath Mint" every time you and me are on a stakeout together, all right? Though, to cut right to the end, his family life is destroyed, his family home is taken over by the Drug Enforcement Authority and he has lost most of the money he earned through manufacturing illicit drugs Walter has actually realised his existential potential through doing something he said made him feel alive. That's female perspective. Sad though Hanks ultimate fate might have been, theres every chance well see the character again in Better Call Saul regardless. X. He might think that Walt was somehow trying to attack him while really Walt was trying to protect him, because as Walt said, My brother-in-law doesnt deserve to die over this. In fact, in general, I think that Walt (and Im not one to give Walt a pass on his behavior) has in many ways tried to protect Hank and in his own way cares about his brother-in-law. You pass by a little child, you pass by, spiteful, with ugly words, with wrathful heart, but he has seen you, and your imagemay remain in his defenseless heart. The new narratives are unknowable, but one outcome is eliminated: the particular tableau given to us by Vince Gilligan, that day, and that moment, in which Janes father Donald is too overcome with grief to do his job as an air-traffic controller. It left us all, at that mid-season finale, saying one thing over and over: HANK KNOWS. This is a man who helped his wife (many times) get out of shoplifting charges, and its not like it would be in character for him to let Walt off the hook (it wouldnt) but it does seem that this is a guy who makes exceptions for family.
): we viewers are always looking out for the welfare, or fate, of our characters, until our own self-involved anticipation what will happen to our players? Steven Gomez Jane, like Jesse, is an artist, and their conversations provide a respite from Jesses world of drug distribution. This site uses cookies to recognize users and allow us to analyse site usage. Now, we don't know who they are, or where they come from, but they possess an extremely high skill set.
You look like a damn movie star, man. Youre at the best site ever, Astronomy, space and space travel for the non scientist, Award winning author of historical fiction, This site is the bee's knees. : There are shades of Shakespearean tragedy in the series; a once-great chemistry teacher who at college started what was to be an internationally successful science company is reduced to dealing with criminals and criminal lawyers who have no sense of the consequences of their actions for others and will kill anyone who stands in their way, even children. Change). No. So he makes a last stand(M60 purchase?) Walter White, Jr. What if she got that ricin cigarette?
One of his distributors, his friend Combo, is gunned down in a territory dispute, and Jesses horror and rage tip the balance. A persons joys and catastrophes, puzzles and pains, can only be understood in light of the neighbors concerns, because the emerging situation, and the persons within it, is being mutually constructed from moment to moment. Take the case of Hugo, inadvertantly swept up in the stolen lab equipment inquiry despite being guilty of nothing other than a minor pot infringement, this allows Hank to characterise him as a major pot head and justifies anything that might happen to him, ie loss of employment and as few months jail time. So the one person Walt has always alluded and stayed steps ahead of us is now onto him. To have complete access to the thousands of philosophy articles on this site, please. And its going to be hard to know exactly what the one right thing is because everything will have such repercussions.
Walt yells no, no, no as she begins to choke, but for Walt a detached perspective prevails: Jane is better for Walt out of the way; it isnt, after all, his fault that she injected heroin on this occasion. He tries to wake up Jesse, but accidentally knocks Jane onto her back. As fans will remember, the standoff instead ended with Walt and Jesse having Saul mislead Hank into believing Marie was hurt, and driving off. That's persistence, you see? And indeed Gilligan does take this view: as he put it, If theres a larger lesson to Breaking Bad, its that actions have consequences I like to believe that karma kicks in at some point, even if it takes years or decades to happen.. These neighbors become friends, and then lovers. : Well, he don't want to be freakin' adorable, he wants to be hot. You can read four articles free per month. So Hank could be facing the same sort of repercussion. Smile! I could even see, in the very end, one of them protecting the other somehow.
I want Shania Twain to give me a tuggy. The psychological stress he would go through would first be enormous as his complete world around him would be in shambles. Last guy he ratted out was none other than his cousin, Emilio Koyama. : Steven Gomez Walter White How you likin' that? If you ask me, Walt has done some shitty things to Hank (and to others) but I dont think Walt bears responsibility for this. On one hand even he does the right thing, his family (something that he most treasures) and his career (his life) would most likely blow up which is an incredibly scary thought but then its Hank and he is not going to take it lying down. What is it? What?
Each recognizes a kindred talent, suffering, and compassion, and each wants to help the other: both Jesse and Jane see their own humanity reflected in the other. Well, actually, your mother wasn't a-a waitress; it was a summer job, and, um, she was the hostess, and she also worked the cash register. Be thinkin' about some big-ass ship at the North Pole, breakin' ice! Breath could knock a buzzard off a shitwagon. But for Hank, its much worse. : Isn't that the name of a breath mint? She's supposed to say that. In a way any move he makes could be trouble.
Obvi. | : Walter White Whoa. there is some relief in the camera giving us the longer view, with the police now swarming the compound. And normally I'd say someone did the world a favor. It is, nonetheless, a profoundly moral story which answers the question of what it would be like to make substantial amounts of money from drugs, if one wasnt a career criminal but just someone who produced them and who could go home each evening. This is the, uh, only other thing left behind. : following the path of Good Orderly Direction, (Somewhat) Daily News from the World of Literary Nonfiction, Write your funny, ancestral, tragic, steamy, scathing, blue, daring, VERY SHORT stories, Lotsa stuff, basically scientific -- molecular biology, organic chemistry, medicine (neurology), math -- and music, Book Humour. The thrills of justice, or vengeance, do not bespeak the deep truth of the karmic picture, and Gilligan seems to be pressing for a depiction with a greater kind of ontological heft. Father Zossima puts it this way: all is like an ocean, all is flowing and blending; a touch in one place sets up movement at the other end of the earth., Walt, after the airline collision, is quick to deny that he or anyone else is culpable for what happened. Walter White, Jr. In Season Two, the crucial story of neighbors, and their mutual care (or the disastrous abuse of it) is, of course, Jesses arrival at Janes duplex. Hugos presence looms large in that season, Mr Whites first innocent victim, reprresenting the silent majority of peaceful pot smokers caught up in the hurly burly of the Drug War. Jesse insists that they will, and the next scene makes it clear that Jane is now using again. -Hank will probably figure out that Walt had something to do with the whole Tuco shootout, with Jesses car ending up there when Hank was trying to track Walt. It was this odd, unexpected happy ending scene. What's the matter? -Hell probably figure that Walt was involved in the nursing home bomb that killed Tio and Gus. No thing, no person, has a stable identity, and the aggregate reality is always on the move.
: : Damned if he does and damned if he doesnt. Girls gotta be lining up left and right. Professor. Walter who claims that he is trying to get out of the business finds them both passed out when he breaks in to retrieve the 38 pounds of product that Jesse has stashed under the sink. A Woman Who Gives A Damn. -He may think Walt was more directly responsible for his getting shot. I am totally hooked on Breaking Bad. But he may risk even that, to be honest and to have a clean soul at the end of the day. She is a writer--of memoir, personal essay, fiction, screenplays and TV scripts--and a music fanatic, a science girl, an occasional dabbler in the metaphysical and a person who watches copious amounts of TV (read: way too much), for writing insights of course. I think the sticking point is that a lot of it makes him look guilty, not just incompetent. She dies as Walt watches. I hope well still see that side to Hanks character, that stand-up side. I agree, the acting was fantastic. Hank Schrader Me, personally, I'm thinking Albuquerque just might have a new kingpin. -He may not realize how involved Skyler is. Something to do with minerals and The Granite State is all Ive got for now. But then Hank just had to take a shit, and while on the pot he found Walts copy of Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass, with the inscription, To my other favorite W.W., Its an honour working with you. Okay? If I see a neighbor struggling with their groceries, I may help out (open a door, carry the bag); the neighbor is a fellow dweller, and some sense of maintaining an orderly, even friendly, environment, is important. She begins to choke on her own vomit, and Walt makes no effort to save her. Instead of being a downtrodden teacher reduced to washing cars to supplement his household income (when he could have been involved in his start-up from college had he been brave enough), he transforms himself into someone who is so needed by criminals that he is able to look them in the eye and say remember my name, a phrase which has inspired countless tee shirts bearing a picture of Walter as Heisenberg, his criminal pseudonym. If thats the way it goes, I hope its done really well. I dont think Skyler will get the ricin cigarette but thats partly because I read something that could potentially be a spoiler (though its from the very beginning of the first episode), but things change SO much on this show that you really never know. -He may link Walt to the prison killings, though theres no real way for him to know how much Walt was or wasnt directly involved in that. It is good to want to get away from Walts face filling the screen, but perhaps we havent wanted this respite enough? Hank Schrader Kierkegaard, in his account of the human condition, finds this characterization of the neighbor radically insufficient; in fact, he argues, the neighbor is all people. Kierkegaard, in his meditation on Matthew 22:39 (You shall love the neighbor as yourself) remarks, The concept neighbor is actually the redoubling of your own self. 99.1%. The episode review should be up later today. Hank Schrader BUT thats going to be difficult, for several reasons. Mom, a-are you all right? : DEA Agent Turns out he's missing, too. Filming & Production The women were talking about hair (Marie wants a halo) and the men were talking about home-brewing beer (Walt says its like chemistry). And, uh eventually, I caught her looking over at me, so I began saying "Excuse me, um, 14 across, seven-letter word for whatchamacallit. When it was slow, she would lean against the counter, doing her crossword puzzles, but-but kind of hiding it. Self acceptance may actually mean not accepting responsibility or guilt and not really feeling contrite, which Walter never seems to do until the very end. He has the book of poetry, but like thats really going to hold up in court or impress SAC Ramey. He got canned and Hank got his job. :