But since the symbiote also replaces the Jaffa's immune system, its removal is known to cause a long and painful death. Teal'c is a "stalwart alien with the unfathomable and mostly silent demeanor"[9] and "the most straight-faced member of SG-1". Private Dexter Grif Drey'auc marries Teal'c's childhood friend, Frotak, but Rya'c and Drey'auc leave Chulak to live in the Land of Light (from season 1's "The Broca Divide") soon after Frotak's death in "Family". A proven sharp-shooter, Ronon is quick to adept to foreign weaponry although his weapon of choice is his gun that was picked up during his runner days. Teal'c is chosen as a member of the new Jaffa High Council, but the nation is divided between the opposition progressives (including Teal'c and Bra'tac) with a vision of a representative democracy, and the ruling traditionalists who support the military oligarchy. Nor caught onto the fact that the current Mal doesn't know him yet. The character appears in all episodes of SG-1 except season 8's "Prometheus Unbound", making him the character with the most episode appearances. Ravager - Rose He was mentored by one of Sateda's best task masters and proved to be an effective soldier, easily climbing his way to an elite level gaining the rank of Specialist and even his own unit to command. His gun will always be within arms reach. They started talking over food and prison food but he has yet to learn his name. They sport various rings and bindings to remind Ronon of friends that he lost and his once proud planet, Sateda. [9], Judge received his first story credit for the season 5 episode "The Warrior", and later wrote "The Changeling" on his own, focusing on Teal'c's self-identity. This tattoo indicates Satedan military rank much like the stars a general will wear on their shoulders. Teal'c briefly reunites with his family in season 1's "Bloodlines" and season 2's "Family" to prevent Goa'uld influence on their life. Teal'c is a Jaffa from the planet Chulak, a planet orbiting a binary star system. For the filming of this episode, the eye make-up and the gold paint on the character was significantly toned down. His favorite movie is Star Wars; he has seen it 9 times as of the season 5 episode Ascension. Ronon is also deeply patriotic for his fallen Sateda and lives on for the memory of his fallen people. Sometimes this hindered missions his team was centrally involved in. She then got rid of the remaining zombies and revealed to the whole ship that they were the only survivors of their universes and that they were the only ones who could defeat the Ohm, an ancient and multi-dimensional threat. Lastly, Ronon loves being destructive. - and Nanoha was doing magical combat training. Take for example the dark brown trademark dreadlocks. Atlantis reached Earth just in time and the team managed to blow the Hive Ship up from the inside, but being forced to block an attack in Earth's atmosphere, Atlantis was forced to land in Earth. Typically quiet, Ronon is a very observant, calculating person who won't say anything unless he feels he has to. In battle, mercy has absolutely no meaning. Ronon ran into him in the obs deck and thought he was a monster that eats humans. All this had happened, before he was even 20 years of age. With the introduction of the human alien Jonas Quinn in season 6, the writers developed a relationship between the two aliens of the team "without making it seem exclusionary", and Teal'c is no longer the "Other" of the show. Despite all his strengths, in the end Ronon is only human and can die just as easily as the next person. While there, they develop a friendly rivalry, culminating in an hour-long sparring match which ended in a draw. In the face of his enemies, Ronon is an extremely ferocious, sometimes reckless, foe with a lust for blood.

He's also an effective instructor. One glance will tell you his clothing is pretty shabby but he he honestly couldn't care less for rips and tears. When he's not doing something physical, he keeps himself entertained by unsettling people. If he's happy to see you safe and sound, if he's extremely grateful, if he wants to cheer you up - Ronon would easily hug you. Being one of the elites of the Satedan military and even commanding his own unit by the time he was 20, he is quick when it comes to fighting, war and all things physical. Ronon's not much of a talkative person so he doesn't interact with a lot of people on the ship. Bandit As a Jaffa, Teal'c is a genetically modified human with an abdominal pouch that serves as an incubator for a larval Goa'uld. While catching up and getting his arm tattooed, he learnt that his friends - rather, "family" - were running operations against the Wraith and they invited him to join them on an Op. And to add more salt to the wound, Ronon went through a tragic reunion with members of his unit from Sateda. While engaging the ship and losing the battle, the location of Earth had been broad-casted to the Wraith from an alternate dimension, so the ship fled and headed straight for Earth. In actuality, this is mostly because Ronon harbours a deep fear of being completely alone. Expression through action though, is something that comes quite naturally. Ronon's hate for the Wraith is summed up with, "I cant leave this galaxy until every last Wraith is dead." [10] Teal'c's catchphrase is "Indeed". If given the chance to, he would gladly shoot at anything that needs shooting. Sateda was a technologically advanced planet resembling that of an Industrial Age world. Teal'c of Chulak /tilk/ is a fictional character in the 1997 military science fiction television series Stargate SG-1. He also believes in everything he watches. [1][2] Under the direction of Apophis' then-First Prime, Bra'tac, Teal'c learned the ways of a warrior and rose in the ranks to become Apophis's new First Prime. Ronon, however, was captured and was about to be fed on by a Wraith until the Wraith noticed something formidable about Ronon and stopped from feeding on him. Ronon tends to wear brown clothing and is fond of trench coats. In the series finale, "Unending", Teal'c spends fifty years frozen in time on the Odyssey with the rest of SG-1 when Carter triggers a time dilation device to prevent them being destroyed by an Ori battlecruiser, but when she finds a way to escape and save the Odyssey that requires one person to go back to the moment before time froze, Teal'c volunteers as his Jaffa nature meant that aging fifty years wouldn't be as significant to him as it would be to his human colleagues. Ronon happily accepted, placing himself back into sorely missed territory and told Sheppard that he was leaving Atlantis after their mission. River Tam [re-podded] [10] Judge also described Teal'c as a "rebel in a society that doesn't tolerate rebels". SG-1 joins forces with Bra'tac in many missions against Apophis in the next four seasons. On the flip side, when Ronon has you in his bad books, he will never let it go. Simply put, Mr Dex is a loose cannon. Give time to get to know him, he's almost the total opposite but even then, you can never tell what sort of reaction you'll get from him. [15] General Landry also respects Teal'c as a warrior. Not long after this, the original owners of Atlantis, the Ancients, returned and proceeded to kick the Atlantis Expedition out of their home. Although, the Yeerk conspiracy put them on oposite sides of the playing field. Introduce Ronon to something scientific, or even remotely academic for that matter, and he is at a total loss. They were receptive to Judge's input and gave him the freedom to change his lines from the beginning. Teyla's people, the Athosians, were also kidnapped by Michael then rescued and Teyla herself gave birth to a baby boy. [19], When Cameron Mitchell is introduced in season 9, Teal'c first reacts taken aback to Mitchell's enthusiasm, being more used to O'Neill's reserved attitude. And it worked. Sailor mars - Rei [re-podded] He is a very experienced tracker, having been taught to hunt and track by his grandfather by the age of 6. Dr Beckett was replaced by the young, Dr Jennifer Keller and Dr Weir was replaced by Colonel Samantha Carter who was better known for being part of Stargate Command's flagship team, SG-1. He considered the first half of season 8 "the most my character has been given to do since we first started work on the series".[13]. Usually it will take two or more shots to successfully stun Ronon with an energy weapon. Teal'c is a Jaffa from the planet Chulak. He also dislikes being told what to do and will display defiance towards most orders placed on him. This is a general field he wishes he knew more about but he knows that he is pretty much useless when a scientific problem arises. When the SG-1 team is captured on Chulak in the pilot episode of Stargate SG-1, Teal'c defects from Apophis and joins the SG-1 team. [10] The producers' original idea for Teal'c included long ears and a specific beard piece, but the make-up department got it down to just a forehead symbol, an Egyptian look, and the character's gold skin tone. The Goa'uld have long weakened one another by continuous civil war amongst the System Lords, and the Jaffa see the Goa'uld's inability to save themselves from the Replicators as proof that they are false Gods. Most times getting on his good side is like a trial by fire. In "Reunion", he wishes Colonel Carter farewell before she leaves to become the new leader of Atlantis. He really couldn't care for science. Another example is the necklace made out of wraith finger bones. Earth's Alpha site serves as a main site of operation for the Rebel Jaffa and later the Tok'ra, but the two races have difficulty with trust and collaboration in defeating the Goa'uld as their enemy. Mitchell comes from the year before Ronon comes from. If you manage to pass it, you will find Ronon to be extremely loyal to you. Most notably is a natural resistance to stun. Despite having to re-adjust himself to fit in, he could never lessen his immense hatred for the Wraith. This only lasted six weeks as a sentient, machine race known as the Asurans or the Replicators, attacked their makers, prompting a rogue rescue mission from Earth. The last episodes of season 3 featured Teal'c in a more prominent role, and he benefited from additional screen time and storylines in season 4. After SG-1 succeeds in killing Apophis in the season 5 premiere, "Enemies", Chulak becomes a free planet. From here, Ronon's life as a Satedan soldier had formally ended and his life as a Wraith Runner began. In 2002, Christopher Judge was nominated for a Saturn Award in the category "Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series".[28]. He enjoys a good fight and killing off as many Wraith as he can. For thousands upon thousands of years, the Pegasus Galaxy has been under siege by a single race known as the Wraith. A word of warning to those who would dare - don't ever try to deny him of his food. The first major group of Jaffa Resistance warriors is shown in season 5's "The Warrior". [24] The season 6 episodes "The Changeling" shows Teal'c experiencing an extended hallucination of being a human on Earth. The members were Sam, Ronon, Marcus, Leela, Xander, Jason,?, Ravager, Bella, Lyta, Tim and Katara (sort of). Team GTFO woke up HAL9000 who then tried to kill everyone by opening up the "Contagion Containment and Quarantine" section and allowing its contents to ravage the living on the ship. Leon S. Kennedy - Head of Security He was interested in learning magic - or was it really to see if it existed? When he has it, he will use it for close quarters battle, but he rarely needs it. It was during this time that Ronon came across an AWOL member of the Atlantis Expedition with then Major John Sheppard (now Lieutenant Colonel), Teyla Emmagan and Dr Rodney McKay hot on his heels. The crew left behind had already holed themselves up in a replica of the Vatican and the prisoners were still imprisoned within St Peter's Basilica. Ronon is a very passionate fighter and uses his emotions, particularly his anger, to fuel his attacks. [4] Teal'c finds a home at Stargate Command (SGC) on Earth and occasionally visits his wife Drey'auc and his young son Rya'c on Chulak (see section Relationships). Now that Ronon's free and has had a change of heart, Ronon's trying to get become a part of Security once again, where he's most useful to the ship and her crew. A constant reminder of what the wraith had forced upon him and a warning to those foolish enough to cross paths with him. Ronon was relieved to finally find a familiar face. Teal'c states he is 101 years old in season 4's "The Light", and ages an additional 50 years in season 10's "Unending". Luke Skywalker When he fights, he fights with the pride and honor of a Satedan warrior, not going easy on anyone. They tried to intercept the escort security convoy, which Ronon was a part of, and kill Schmuz mid-transit. Ronon's family turned on Ronon and the Atlantis team in the middle of the op. Malcom Reynolds - team delta's ex-leader [re-podded then pod-popped] [10] Judge sat down with the producers at the beginning of each season and discussed what Teal'c should go through and what would slowly make him more human. Tretonin eventually becomes instrumental in liberating Jaffa from physiological reliance on Goa'uld symbiotes. This change, again, took Ronon some time to get used to. Earth had finally accepted Ronon as an official team member of the Atlantis Expedition and he had also developed feelings for Dr Keller with whom the feeling was mutual but they never went any further. Jaffa have a human appearance but have an abdominal pouch which serves as an incubator for a larval Goa'uld. At a young age he joined the military after growing up hunting and playing with triple-barreled shot guns. He's been well established as the most frequent patient out of the whole Atlantis Expedition. One final strength Ronon possesses is a natural resistance to all sorts of things. This resulted in a few of the bystanders getting shot, all the consiprators being caught and imprisoned and the revelation that the Yeerk Ronon was meant to escort with the security detail was actually a decoy. Pod popped to a ship with no Atlantis members (at the end of May '09) while most of the ship were on a mission and learnt about the Ohm. His gun, which is powered by rechargeable energy cells, fires energy rounds and has two settings, stun or kill - which he'll almost always leave on except at the behest of his team mates for 'friendlier approach'. He continues this relationship until at least season 8's "Sacrifices", where Rya'c also marries Kar'yn, a student of Ishta.