Romania is way down on the list for crime. Constanta doesnt lack shopping malls, and Im sure youll love them as they are still a huge part of Romanias social (and shopping) culture. You can search on google for these apps and for places that have delivery. In the final for the visitor if they want to stay maximum 1-2 week s in good place's it s ok. Romania is a cash country, but in the last 5 years card payments developed masively, especially in the major cities. - There are opportunity thieves on public transport and there are taxi drivers that will try to scam you, but just ask for help in finding a good local taxi company, where you are staying, and be careful with your stuff on public transport. We have a national mountain police and rescue service - its called Salvamont. Fast is called post (read it just like you see it written) and there are many products that have de post written on them (meaning like for fasting) at decent prices (and, also, you can ask anywhere about such meals and products, in any restaurant or kiosk, since they will tell you if they contain something that came from even from something that came from animals). A simple Google search on facts with regards to criminality, would show you that Romania has much lower criminality rates that many EU countries. - 99.99% ALMOST ALL THE PEOPLE ARE NICE AND GOOD PEOPLE AND WIIL GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO HELP A TOURIST/VISITOR; NEVERTHELESS YOU MIGHT END UP MEETING SOMEBOODY THATS TROUBLE ANYWHERE. Note that we define significant precipitation as .1 inches or more in this section. But no additional costs with accommodation and transport to get to Constanta, if you live here already. What you should really pay attention when coming to Romania are the taxies because they will notice you are a foreigner and they will inflate your price. These months see the least precipitation with 1 to 3 days of precipitation per month. Turist-Info is a good site for finding good prices for them, though its better/faster if you call than email. Dont bribe official. Feel free to call 112, the police, if you feel any trouble. :) Check this page for any recent changes or regions to avoid: Travel Advice and Advisories. If you suspect someone is posing as a police officer, ask to see their ID.Financial, dating and marriage scams occur. Constanta is one of the cities with the greatest proximity to Bulgaria. The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Constanta, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest). With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance. But if you go to a club or a business meeting or stay at an expensive hotel/eat at a good restaurant and you wear very cheap stuff you will, also, stand out (to fit in almost any place just go for the look of clean simple clothes like a pair of jeans and a simple T-shirt or shirt; be aware that some restaurants/casino will not let you in if you are wearing sport shoes and dont have a tie and/or a jacket - or youre wearing jeans/cargo pants/shorts). - A serious venue will ask you for your ID card and make a copy of it - and have you sign a contract. IDIOT! In aqua-parks women cant go topless, but on most public beaches you can - and not a few girls and women wear tongs. Judging by the salaries and prices of goods these doesnt seem realistic. I was mugged by a taxi driver in Bucharest. - cheapest acomodations are around 80 lei/room/night, for 2 people - and they might be just fine. Romania is one of the safest country in Europe with a terrorist threat almost zero and with a low small crimes level. Organized groups of thieves and pickpockets operate in crowded areas, such as train stations and subways, on trains and on buses in all the major cities. legitimate Romanian police won't do this. Copyright Romania Experience 2013 - 2022. While I was growing up there where bachelors that had only/lots of other bachelor friends, there were girls/ladies that called themselves miss (Smith, Ionescu whatever) that were 60 yo or 20 yo and living with their friend/companion etc. Any quick search for statistics about criminality in Europe would quickly show that Romania is, in fact, much safer compared to west Europe. - You probably wouldnt leave your bag unattended in New York or London, so why do it in Romania? 3. There are Hervis and InterSport and Sportissimo as well. I have been in Romania since the pandemic :) Have a nice trip! Weeks with ideal weather are listed above. One of the oldest attested cities from the territory of Romania, Constanta is one of the few Romanian cities bordering the Black Sea and the largest port on the Black Sea coast. Are you concerned with the water pollution in your city? I have not visited your country yet. Of course.
Much safer than the US, where I live now. I have been to budapest. Learn the meaning of their flags and be aware of the flags they hang.
I traveled alot within Europe but in term of safety i never felt that im more safe abroad than in Romania, i think is the other way around.
Some people did not do very well in school, so they dont know any English, obviously. They were supposed to let you spend the night, for a price, in the entry hall/ dining room even if they dont have spare places (today some dont). Guide to Men in Romania: What Are They Like in a Relationship. So there you go, some of the most delicious seafood restaurants are in Constanta, if you love this type of dish. - Just dont go in bad places and, if you go and get yourself in trouble apologize right away, leave and call the police. And thats it! Hy! Guides are nice, but more expensive and not always worth it - but you might make a nice friend and get some reliable info). Petty crime occurs in Romania, from thieves to scammers, this is what you need to know before you go." Because the city is about so much more than sea, summer and fun, I decided to create a list and share the Pros and Cons of living in Constanta.
- There are RV/boat shops, many online. You could look, online, on eMag (like local Amazon :D ) or Bringo (mostly Carrefour deliveries), for the prices of the most common brands, if you really want to. Of course in Bucharest, let's say, there are dangers as in any other major city. [In-depth Analysis], Best Hotels in Mamaia, Romania for a Perfect Summer Vacation, How to Tip in Romania: When, who and how much to tip. (people will smile and be amused, but in a good and nice way and they will appreciate your efforts). Online and you can also buy them you can find hiking maps for all hiking trails or areas. - Any bribe is illegal and might get you in trouble with the law. - Almost all are non-violent crimes (violent crimes, here, are very rare compared to to other countries; those that are random and directed towards strangers are extremely uncommon). The second time I had to use self defence because you report it to the police and thats it your hurt your ID gets taken and they say the provider they dont want you When accessing publicly available internet cafes, sensitive personal information and account passwords may be compromised. I would say Bucharest is a LOT safer than London , massively so. 2. It's only meant to disinform the readers. I would speak Chinese. Therme Bucharest/Bucuresti in a nice aqua park thats open all year round (and you can find some in other cities as well). We avoid military conflicts, crime is low, we dont actively engage in heated political debates, public protests are rare (but avoid them if they do break out), and religions coexist happily on the whole. There is some custom to register with a local Salvamont, but nowadays people seldom do it (like you pass by their local office or by a cabin or phone them or whatever and let them know your name, your phone number, your route and by when you are supposed to phone them that you are ok). - We call then Pensiune, singular, or Pensiuni, plural, and they are kind of like a bread-n-breakfast to a hotel type of places and they are the cheapest ones. You can use Google Translate to learn them. What are the Deadly Toxic Chemical Found in Your Water? Mostly as long as you keep it decent nobody will even say something to you about it (its also kind of indecent to say something about it, so this kind of works in your favour) and about what they think well do you really feel the need to change the mind and be accepted by every person you meet or pass by even about other things than your sexuality? Various governments have changed their travel warnings to restrict travel during this time.
(3) Is Bulgaria Safe? You will definitely go back. If youll try to bribe somebody at least youll get a very ugly scandal, from that person, if not a find or end up in court. - Like anywhere in the world if the ATM looks weird go and find another one. Doubt that Alin has been there he only uses Google. Going alone, at night, on an empty street to take out a lot of money from an ATM might not be the best ideas, lol! - Rape would be, probably, the biggest problem, for lone female travelers, but rapers are rare - even though a nice and foreign lady/girl might catch their eye more than a local one. 1 knot = 1.15 MPH or 1.85 KPH. The only dolphinarium in the country, plus one planetarium and the Danube Delta Micro-Reservation are all located in Constanta. - Visa and Mastercard are most common. - Emergency rooms and ambulances are free for all Romanians and will treat you no matter what. If you meet the wrong people you might end up beaten because of kissing a same sex person or being a trasnsexual etc, but thats just as common here as anywhere in the world (actually from what Ive read its less common, Id say). :D
June August is the second busiest season for tourism in Constanta, so lodging and other accommodations may cost slightly more. I cant believe what I'm reading here!! There are many many-many auto repair shops and youll find an auto service in every city and even in many, bigger, villages. If you come by plane and use the machine in airport to order your cab you will be 100% safe. Post products have no eggs, no dairy of any type (butter, animal cheeses, milk, sour cream etc. France is a mostly safe place for travelers. Should I change and stay in a hotel in the city area? And then you wonder why people in the comment section are justifiably angry at your presentation. Unsurprisingly, Romania's gay scene is mostly focused in Bucharest, and gay bars are opening in a few smaller towns. All wind speeds are in knots. Travel Safety Tips You Need to Know
Few minutes away from the urban noise, youll find some beautiful and quiet beaches right in your city. From my observations the economy seems to be booming. Also pickpocketing in comon transport is not what used to be.. again like 15-20 years ago, it has decreased severely (maybe because most thieves left Romania for western countries? I read this info and it makes me think of Spain or Brazil. To Joel Tong: come relaxed.
As a reference, the average in the whole EU is 70. People selling phone cards can help you with activating the options (or somebody from a hotel, a cafe etc.).
I actually went to the beach less than half of the time. The poor thing. They are called salvamari, in plural (steag salvamari and google images for lifeguard flags + translate for meaning).
See average monthly temperatures below. - If you plan to stay for a few weeks and want a car you can find a working Matiz (car brand; its a Daewoo car, like a very small one that stopped being made 15 years ago), to buy, for around 500 Euros, but its more complicated with the papers, so the best bet would be to rent it from somebody selling it without papers (youll find adds like this; you just make a hand-written contract :D ) and return it when leaving, but I would not recommend it as its illegal in many-many ways.