stackexchange 1 #avadakedavra Disclaimer: All Logos and Pictures of various Channels, Shows, Artistes, Media Houses, Companies, Brands etc. #8 in #recipes 4.16.21 #patronus ). Powered By WordPress. started: 3.18.21 #crucio #potter Snape using Vulnera Sanentur to cure Draco Malfoy's wounds, Type: Charm Pronunciation: SAL-vee-oh HECKS-ee-ah Description: Protects against hexes.

It was apparently invented by Lord Voldemort. #quills #hexes Add your own. The Water-Making Spell conjures a fountain or jet of clear drinkable water from the casters wand. Storytel has Harry Potter (click message - think found a deal 50% off). The English murder might also contribute. illnesses and injury #weasley, Aberto Pronunciation: Uh-bear-toeUse: To open locked doors, AccioPronunciation: Ak-see-oh / Ah-see-ohUse: To summon objects, AguamentiPronunciation: Ah-gwah-men-teeUse: To produce clean, drinkable water, Alarte AscendarePronunciation: Ah-lar-tay ah-sen-dar-ayUse: To launch a target upward, AlohomoraPronunciation: Ah-low-ho-more-ahUse: To unlock doors and windows, ApareciumPronunciation: Ah-par-ee-cee-umUse: To reveal invisible ink or other hidden messages, Arresto MomentumPronunciation: Ah-rest-toe moe-men-tumUse: To slow or stop a moving target, Ascendio Pronunciation: Ah-sen-dee-ohUse: To propel the caster upwards, BaubilliousPronunciation: Baw-bill-ee-usUse: To shoot lightning, Bombarda Pronunciation: Bom-bar-daUse: To create an explosion, Carpe RetractumPronunciation: Kahr-pay ruh-track-tumUse: To pull a target toward the caster, or vice-versa, Cave InimicumPronunciation: Kah-vay uh-nim-i-kuhmUse: To keep enemies away, ColloportusPronunciation: Cull-low-pore-tuss Use: To lock doors so they cannot be opened manually, Confundo Pronunciation: Con-fun-dohUse: To produce confusion in the target, Defodio Pronunciation: Deh-foh-dee-ohUse: To gouge out portions of earth or stone, DeletriusPronunciation: De-lee-tree-usUse: To cause the target to disintegrate, Deprimo Pronunciation: Dee-primo-ohUse: To blast holes downward, Depulso Pronunciation: De-puhl-soUse: To move a target away, Descendo Pronunciation: Deh-sen-doUse: To lower a target, Diffindo Pronunciation: Dee-fin-dohUse: To sever a target, Diminuendo Pronunciation: Dih-min-you-en-dohUse: To make objects shrink, Disillusionment CharmPronunciation: N/AUse: To disguise a target to perfectly match surroundings, DissendiumPronunciation: Diss-en-dee-umUse: To reveal secret passageways, DuroPronunciation: Duhr-ohUse: To turn the target into stone, Emancipare Pronunciation: Ee-man-cee-par-ayUse: To release bindings, EngorgioPronunciation: En-gorg-ee-ohUse: To cause a target to swell, ErectoPronunciation: Eh-rek-toeUse: To erect a structure, Expecto PatronumPronunciation: Ex-pec-toe pah-tro-num Use: To conjure a Patronus, ExpelliarmusPronunciation: Ex-pell-ee-arm-usUse: To disarm a target, Feather-Light CharmPronunciation: N/AUse: To make heavy objects feather-light, Fianto DuriPronunciation: Fee-ahn-toe dyur-ee Use: Allows a caster to keep one charm active while casting other spells, Finestra Pronunciation: Fin-es-tra Use: To shatter a window into dust, Flame-Freezing CharmPronunciation: N/AUse: To make fire feel like a warm summer breeze, Fulgari Pronunciation: Ful-gar-ee Use: To bind an opponent's arms in luminous cords, ' ( With phonetic transcriptions, dictionarie tell you about the pronunciation of words, because the spelling of an English word does not tell you how you should pronounce it. Notes: A possible translation might be "take a bite out of death", a fitting phrase for Death Eaters. #recipes Seen/Mentioned: Used by Barty Crouch Jr in 1994.
#9 in #recipes 4.2.21, #accio conjuring eye 277, pencil Also seen in 1997 over the castle to lure Albus Dumbledore to his death. #magic
#jkrowling priya185 - ', [ credit belongs to J.K. Rowling ] Pronunciation: morz-MOR-druh Description: Conjures the Dark Mark, which is the sign of the Death Eaters. Below is the phonetic transcription of aguamenti: Practice spoken English with JOGO ABERTO DEBATE EXPULSO DE NEYMAR | JOGO ABERTO, Practice spoken English with RENATA E DENLSON COMENTAM ACUSAO DE RACISMO NO ESPANHOL | JOGO ABERTO, Practice spoken English with Olivia Luxs Fascinating Mad Scientist Look Ruvealing the Look | RuPaul's Drag Race S13, Practice spoken English with Olivia Rodrigo on 'deja vu' & Her Top Songwriting Tips | MTV News, Practice spoken English with Zemo | Marvel Studios' The Falcon and The Winter Soldier | Disney+, Definitions, Examples, Synonyms&Antonyms of the word Speculateing, Definitions, Examples, Synonyms&Antonyms of the word Creditinged, Definitions, Examples, Synonyms&Antonyms of the word Inkwells, Definitions, Examples, Synonyms&Antonyms of the word Kittiwakes, Definitions, Examples, Synonyms&Antonyms of the word Pedology. Copyright 2019 - 2022 Taught in sixth-year Charms in early September (, Used by Harry on the crystal goblet in the cave of the locket Horcrux, but apparently some effect of the potion that had previously been put in the goblet caused the water to vanish before it could be drunk (, Harry and Hagrid together used this to cast jets of water on Hagrid's burning house (. #charms Loverofbooks It should be noted that this is seemingly not included in thefood exception to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. eye 471. 22 Queries in 0.557 seconds. #newtscamander

Official Harry Potter pronunciation guide. #wandwoods stackexchange 8 #wandcores Etymology: Possibly derived from the Latin "salveo," meaning "to be in good health," and used as a form of greeting and farewell, and a pseudo-Latin derivative of the English word "hex"hence, Seen/Mentioned: Harry and Hermione cast this spell to strengthen their camp-site's defences against intruders in 1997. #hogsmeade Incase of any issue please contact the webmaster. Thanks for this as some of the names I like to say out loud does not sound too good when I say it.probably cos I am not pronouncing it correctly. HARRY POTTER, characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. 2001 2022. water. It is the counter-curse to Sectumsempra. : itinerary in the first chapter Etymology: Latin mors, "death", and mordere, meaning "to bite" (or its French derivative mordre); this would appear to be associated with the name of Lord Voldemort's followers, the Death Eaters. #spells Harry and Dumbledore retrieve the fake Horcrux from inside Voldemort's sea cave, The Death Eaters: A Guide To Who Was Where, Albus Potter and the lesson in Quantum Mechanics, Regulus Black attempts to back out of being a Death Eater, Harry and Dumbledore retrieve the fake Horcrux from inside Voldemorts sea cave, Gamps Law of Elemental Transfiguration, The Early Life of Tom Riddle and the Second World War. Type: Healing Spell Pronunciation: VUL-ner-ah sah-NEN-tour Description: Healing spell that slows blood flow, clears residue, and knits wounds. Tags: belong to their respective owners, and are used to merely visually identify the Channels, Shows, Companies, Brands, etc. #diagonalley #potions Etymology: Vulnera Sanentur derives from the Latin vulnus, "wound,"[11] and sanare, "to heal"; it is translated "may the wounds be healed." The wand movement for this spell is a smooth wave movement from right to left (BoS1), "agua" Sp./Portuguese water (from Latin "aqua") + "mentis" L. mind. The Harry Potter Lexicon is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite. Seen/Mentioned: Used by Severus Snape to heal the wounds of Draco Malfoy caused by the Sectumsempra curse cast by Harry Potter in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. a guide to everything Harry Potter #harrypotter to the viewer. Notes: Possibly the Hex Deflection spells the fake Moody mentioned in 1994. #honeydukes pencil View 0 thoughts swirling around the pensieve. *Members only visited website in last 60 days. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is an alphabetic system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet.