Lane assistance warns the driver if the car is drifting out of lane and gently corrects the vehicle path. Na vbr bude kabel dlouh 4,5 a 7 m. Jezdit jsme mohli sice jen s maskovanmi prototypy a navc nepli vysokm tempem, ale na statickou prohldku jsme dostali odhalen vz. No rights can be derived from the information on this site. Vsledn svteln podpis je velmi nezvykl a hodn vrazn. pionn fotky odhaluj i interir. Track rear mm 1565 For the Skoda Enyaq iV, a heat pump is available as an optional extra (as of 2022), that is definitely worth adding to the EVs set of features.
Mild weather: 'best-case' based on 23C and no use of A/C. Nejlep varianta s ohledem na dojezd (2WD, 82 kWh) zvldne dle WLTP na jedno nabit a 500 km. Navigaci promtne na silnici. Average energy consumption and range based on moderate drive style and climate. qIK TEL = Test Energy Low | TEH = Test Energy High. Pro baterii o kapacit 82 kWh je k dostn rovn pohon vech kol een druhm elektromotorem vpedu. Chassis Ten je shodn s jinmi koncernovmi modely vyuvajcmi tento zklad. All-electric or hybrid? Position of the information, as well as its color and brightness, can be adjusted according to drivers preferences.
Out of 65 new cars, the KODA ENYAQ iV has been shortlisted for the final as one of the seven best models. torque Nm 220 310 425
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Zkladn objem zavazadelnku je 585 l, po sklopen zadnch opradel dostanete 1700 l. Pod dnem najdete organizr pipraven krom jinho tak pro uloen dobjecho kabelu. Width of front seats mm 1506
Navc pouit een vyaduje krat kabelov veden a tud je i bezpenj. Uveden cena KODA Originlnho psluenstv je pouze orientan anen nabdkou vesmyslu ust. Test BMW i4 M50: Elektrick krje zatek, kter svd ke sprinterskm Test Volkswagen Multivan T7 e-Hybrid: konstrukc i pohonem trh partu.
Upmn, na del svezen se sriovm autem se docela tme. Zadn st je u vcelku konvenn. Dva zavazadelnky, jak to znme od nkterch jinch elektromobil, ale nem. A glimpse of the KODA ENYAQ iV: rear-wheel drive, five levels of performance, Skoda's Vision iV electric concept has self-driving tech, koda v anghaji pedstavuje inovovan Vision iV. Pojede na n i Vision E, "Skoda Enyaq: new electric SUV gets a name", "Skoda Enyaq iV revealed as first bespoke EV with 316-mile range", "Skoda liefert ersten Enyaq aus in Norwegen", "KODA ENYAQ iV Leading the field in terms of drag coefficient", "KODA ENYAQ iV Updated & vRS Model Price Announced", Skoda Vision E: it's the Czechs' first electric car, Exkluzivn: Studii koda Vision E jsme dkladn prozkoumali ped premirou,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor on Rear Axle, This page was last edited on 8 July 2022, at 17:56. I ta nabdne dva elektromotory. * = estimated value. background-color: #ffffff; 2020 enyaq katalog.pdf Rear axle multi element axle, with five transverse links and torsion stabiliser
min-width: 50px;
Vzhledem kdosud neukonenmu procesu typovho schvalovn nkterch voz i nkterch jejich variant nejsou pro nkter vozy i jejich varianty kdispozici hodnoty spoteby pohonnch hmot aemis CO2dle osvden oschvlen typu vozidla.
} background-color: #ffffff; A typical rapid charge therefore rarely exceeds 80% SoC. Zjemci si budou moci podit i rzn verze domcch wallbox.
{ The Enyaq iV also has a Sportline variant, with a different interior and exterior styling and extended standard features. border: #7f7f7f 1px solid; { V jeho ppad trv sprint na 100 km/h 6,2 s. Zkladn daje si mete prohldnout v dal tabulce: Pokud jde o hmotnost, baterie jsou hlavnm dvodem, pro podobn elektromobily v opravdu hodn. Vvoj si dajn vydal podobn mnostv prce jako klasick svtlomet. Tato strnka je doplkovou strnkou vodn strnky. Indication of real-world range in several situations.
Step this way for your very own tour!
The koda Enyaq iV is a battery electric compact crossover SUV manufactured by koda Auto.
Its graceful proportions suggest a wealth of space inside. Indication of real-world energy use in several situations. Velikost 21 je maximum, na em Enyaq podte. } This was the pathbreaking inspiration that led to the ENYAQ iV Design Selections concept - where each interior trim is based on a stylish Living Room that evokes a personality as unique as your own. To na rozdl od zkladnho topnho tlska nem takov nroky na spotebu elektrick energie a tm pdem nesniuje dojezd. koda ostatn k, e Enyaq nabz uvnit msto srovnateln se Superbem.
Zdvodu neustlho vvoje technologi, zejmna mobiln st, neme KODA AUTO a.s. garantovat konzistentn dostupnost tchto Slueb pocelou dobu jejich trvn. Each option shows how fast the battery can be charged from empty to full. Enya itself comes from the Irish Gaelic word Eithne, meaning essence, spirit or principle. display: inline-block; Prices shown are recommended retail prices for the specified countries and do not include any indirect incentives. Power: average power provided by charge point over a session from 10% to 80%, Time: time needed to charge from 10% to 80%, Rate: average charging speed over a session from 10% to 80%. Pokud mte zjem obli informace, obrate se, prosm, naautorizovanho partnera KODA. Tak interir je dost podobn konceptu Vision iV. Vechny informace, sluby adigitln obsah jsou nabzeny bez zruky neperuenho uvan. The system power is 261 hp (195 kW 265 PS).
Sdlenmi o tom, e je tak elektrick koda uvnit tich a e nabz ve verzi s82kWh bateriemi mimodn pjemn prun zrychlen, vs zdrovat nebudeme.
Nic jako pstrojov tt ve kod Enyaq nenajdete. Parking brake electromechanical, on rear wheels Kdybyste chtli zat tvrdit, e inspirac byl lstek z hospody se zpisem potu vypitch piv, jste na omylu. 2021, esky div.manual_preview div.ok The all-new ENYAQ iV continues this tradition and has come up with a design that is comfortingly familiar, yet innovative and eye-catching. border: #7f7f7f 1px solid; hbbd```b`` q+d"Ej`,&$3X}DuA50=j&Ip6Clkt2,#ML_> Kl 2020 enyaq iv prislusenstvi.pdf The Vision iV is a next development stage of the car and the last step prior to series production, revealed in March 2019.[20][21]. color: #000000; U zadn npravy je motor synchronn s permanentnmi magnety (150 kW/350 Nm), vpedu je asynchronn elektromotor (75 kW/150 Nm). Why switch to electric? The Vision E was unveiled at the 2017 Auto Shanghai and is scheduled to be produced from the second half of 2020. V souasnosti plat, e kodu Enyaq nen moc s km srovnvat. Jako hlavn je vdy vyuvn zadn motor. Max. Transmission The most powerful KODA on the road features a sports chassis and 44 drive, and offers impressive performance thanks to its 220 kW** electric powertrain. Check out the price list, or order a test drive. The availability of the maximum power requires the high-voltage battery to be between 23C and 50C and have a charge level of > 88%. Body div.manual_preview div:hover div.buttons For 'Highway' figures a constant speed of 110 km/h is assumed. div.manual_preview div.ok With its cutting-edge connectivity, state-of-the-art driver-assistance systems and exceptional comfort, it is perfect for city traffic and long hauls alike. The boot holds 585 litres, but there is no frunk (storage under the bonnet) unlike in some electric vehicles. { Charging power will decrease significantly after 80% state-of-charge has been reached. KODAENYAQ iV will support you with numerous eMobility technologies, safety assistants, Simply Clever features and connectivity services. Designi pouze posunuli dle to, co u na dnench kodovkch vdme. Storage capacity l 585 Technical specifications ENYAQ iV 50 ENYAQ iV 60 ENYAQ iV 80 ENYAQ iV 80x etete s nmi. Want to configure yourENYAQ iV from top to bottom? 2021-enyaq-iv-cenik 2021, Slovensky Storage capacity with rear seatback l 1710 margin-top: 0px; height: 50px; Jak u jste z fotek prototyp poznali, Enyaq je klasick SUV. Verze s nejlep dostupnou bateri (82 kWh) budou mt zadn plt ir. Elektromotory nepotebuj velk pevodovky, baterie jsou v podlaze.
[8][9], The production model is called Enyaq iV and was revealed on 1 September 2020. Top rating for the new KODA ENYAQ iV: The new electric SUV has achieved the highest classification of five stars in tests conducted by the independent European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP). Monte-Carlo je registrovanou ochrannou znmkou spolenosti MARQUES DE LETAT DE MONACO. Clearance at kerb weight mm 186 188 187 23 0 obj <> endobj color: #00af00; Ne kad proveden ale bude moci vyuvat vechny monosti dobjen: Mimochodem, Enyaq m konektor na mst vka ndre. visibility: hidden; Buyers of the electric Skoda Enyaq iV have several paint finishes to choose from (as of 2022). [18], The exterior of the Vision iV concept is 92-95 percent identical to the upcoming production version. Dostupn kapacita je 55, 62 a 82 kWh. text-align: center; -R*8^YuG]S^F8'r*YV^pH6yplb0xkF{FMLLLL2cj)jc.4K$@DYVPSXj4#w1KJQ J1 Hlasov bude mon krom jinho ovldat teba okna. The amount of power available in individual driving situations depends on various factors, such as ambient temperature and the charge status, temperature and condition or physical age of the high-voltage battery. [16] Top speed of koda Vision E is 180km/h (110mph). Imagine stepping inside your favourite room and taking it for a drive. { Obsah strnek je chrnn autorskm zkonem. xborder: BLUE 1px solid; Pro vyuvn KODA Connect (dle jen Sluby) je nutn uzavt online samostatnou smlouvu sespolenost KODA AUTO a.s. Pesto by mohl i u ns zaujmout. The very best the world of connectivity has to offer is the icing on the cake. color: #7f7f7f;
The system also intervenes more aggressively in some more critical situations. padding: 0px 10px;
We offer in-depth information about electric cars, such as length, width, height, wheelbase, weight, cargo volume, front brakes type, rear brakes type, front tires, rear tires, etc. The rapid charge rate of an EV depends on the charger used and the maximum charging power the EV can handle. Enjoy your drive to the full. The safety assist feature is taken into account in the 2021 EuroNCAP rating: The ENYAQ iV has a speed assistance system as standard. The all-new KODA ENYAQ iV is equipped with the latest driver-assistance systems, thus enabling you to travel without worry. Pro plnost, zadokolky uthnou brzdn pvs vc maximln 1000 kg. border-radius: 0px 10px 0px 10px; Headroom in front seats mm 1056 endstream endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <> endobj 26 0 obj <>stream Bezdrtov. Navc zatmco do motoru s permanentnm magnety mus neustle proudit napt, kter ho udruje nastartovan, asynchronn alternativa bez permanentnch magnet to nepotebuje. [3] On this website, you will find all needed information about electric cars, such as power system specs, performance specs, battery and charging specifications, engine consumption specs, transmission specs, dimensions and weight specs, brakes and tires specifications, etc. Sriov vroba by mla bt zahjena koncem roku. The most powerful variant will be the RS, with two motors having a combined power of 225kW (306PS; 302bhp). Klepnutm natlatko sevrtte zpt. The base model will have a 55 kWh battery pack and a 109kW (148PS; 146bhp) electric motor mounted on the rear axle. Driver and passengers can connect to the cars system using both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, as well as SmartLink or MirrorLink. Powered by Elli, KODA iV Charger or wallbox is a wall-mounted charger for KODA EVs. Dv men baterie maj stejnou velikost.
Nabjet svj Enyaq mete mnoha rznmi zpsoby. Rapid charging enables longer journeys by adding as much range as possible in the shortest amount of time. The demand for electric vehicles is growing rapidly. Any other questions? } The spacious interior and perfect seats are a guarantee of comfort. The information in our website will give you a clearer idea is it worth buying an electric car, the different types of electric vehicles, are they money savers, the life and range of electric batteries, and more. border: #7f7f7f 1px solid;
The all-new KODA ENYAQ iV will energise your life. V TOP 10 pevauj neprmiov jmna, koda Dopravn nehoda a prvo na ul zisk: Jak na odkodnn ulho ra levnch voz je podle fa VW u konce. } Outside dimensions Zkladn tvar palubn desky zstal shodn, stejn jako uprosted umstn velk displej. Toto datov spojen nen zahrnuto vrmci Slueb.
Ceny kody Enyaq by se mly pohybovat zhruba na rovni kody Kodiaq. position: absolute;
Souasn pjde o prvn ist elektrick vz spadajc do ady RS. Sluby jsou poskytovny pouze nazklad veejn dostupnch telekomunikanch technologi. Jde o speciln edici pipomnajc 125. vro zaloen automobilky koda. Maximln rychlost dvou zkladnch bateri je omezena na 160 km/h, verze s nejvt bateri zvldne a 180 km/h. esk elektrick skeptiky by pesvdit mohla, Test BMW i4 M50: Elektrick krje zatek, kter svd ke sprinterskm orgim, Test Volkswagen Multivan T7 e-Hybrid: konstrukc i pohonem trh partu. Introducing the all-new ENYAQ iV, KODAs first electric SUV. M upraven pohonn stroj, "KODA ENYAQ iV's world premiere on 1 September", koda bude vyrbt baterie pro elektroauta. Vsledkem je velk a dynamick SUV. position: absolute; border-radius: 10px; Minimln dky sourozenci v podob VW ID.4. Je toti odolnj vi astjmu krtkodobmu petovn. Axle ratio 4.389 rear 3.900 / front 2.760 xborder-radius: 10px 25px 10px 10px; Po strnce prostoru nelze nic namtat. top: 0px; The KODA ENYAQ iV will also take great care of rear passengers. Pozice vpedn masce, jak to m teba Superb iV, dajn nebude do budoucna zpohledu bezpenostnch pedpis mon. margin: 10px; Nutno podotknout, e vsledek by mohl zaujmout i esk obecenstvo. Track front mm 1587 Our all-new, fully electric SUV with a range of up to 520* km. Reviews by specialists, however, are majorly positive, describing the Enyaq iV as comfortable, practical, and well-equipped, giving drivers a more affordable and easy way to switch to electric vehicles. Vz vm tedy bude zdnliv pmo na vozovku promtat navigan ipky, ppadn promtat virtuln ry podl silnice: VW ID.3 dostane revolun head-up displej. Our aim is to give the most precise and detailed information about electric vehicles.
Krom standardnho podvozku dostane Enyaq do nabdky rovn adaptivn tlumie DCC. } U vme, e se bude jmenovat Enyaq.
Get details about plug-in hybrid and electric cars. 50 0 obj
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2021-Enyaq katalog-PRSLUENSTVO 2021, KODA ENYAQ iV
Tento prvek byl pi pechodu do srie jet dle rozen. We have endeavored to collect and present conveniently the information on electric cars already available on the market, as well as some of the announced models that will be available on the market soon. 2021 enyaq katalog prislusenstvo.pdf Velvyslanectv Ukrajiny v R Obrann materil pro Ozbrojen sly a domobranu Ukrajiny (esk et), Ukrajinsk ozbrojen sly Podpora ukrajinskch ozbrojench sil (zahranin et), Pro oteven tohoto souboru pouijte aplikaci Adobe Reader, div.manual_preview 89/2012 Sb., obansk zkonk, veznn pozdjch pedpis. Jsou stejn jako v souasnch modelech s automatickou pevodovkou. Jeden lnek v 1073 g. Jeden modul obsahuje 24 takovch lnk a celkov hmotnost in 32 kg. How fast and where can I charge my KODA iV? Nejrychlej bude samozejm Enyaq RS. The Skoda Enyaq iV 80X car body is a SUV. V noru jsme toti kdesi na skotskch okreskch poprv usedli za volant tto novinky. Je to zkrtka elektromobil. A fatigue-detection system monitors driver alertness but this is available as an option only and was not included in the assessment.