documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our Errata? If the file does not physically exist, the corresponding entry they still need to be retained as per the retention policy. The Oracle of LinuxMonitoringRemote supportRemote Enterprise Manager provides access to RMAN through a set of wizards. Performance Tuning The maintenance commands are obviously very important for space If fails with these errors: ORA-19914: unable to encrypt backup plansRemote This chapter explains how to use RMAN to return your database to normal operation after the loss of one or more data files. Schedule the job to run this time in the early morning and use If so, open the database. The following example restores the data files in tablespaces users to a new location, then performs recovery. repository. delete input clause, RMAN deletes the archivelogs from their disk If RMAN attempts to restore a offsite backup, then the restore job fails. During recovery, the database detects the missing data file and reports it to RMAN, which creates a new data file and continues recovery by applying the remaining logs. If the output indicates that a backup is stored offsite, then skip to "Recalling Offsite Backups". This scenario assumes that database trgt has lost most or all of its data files. This section describes the basic outline of complete database recovery, which is intended to encompass a wide range of different scenarios. Check the RECOVER and ERROR columns. The following example restores the database, specifying new names for three of the data files, and then recovers the database: Examine the output to see if media recovery was successful. Catalog Otherwise, they are re-created at their previous locations. If the database is open, then take the data file requiring recovery offline. UpgradesSQL If the data file was created in a parent incarnation, then it is created during the restore or recovery phase as appropriate. Oracle technology is changing and we the searches for the necessary archive log files manually. During the course of the day, a data file goes missing due to storage failure. PricesHelp This technique is described in "Performing Recovery with a Backup Control File". Your goal is to return the database to normal operation by restoring the damaged files from RMAN backups and recovering all database changes. If the temp files were created as Oracle managed files, then they are re-created in the current DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST location. catalogued by RMAN and exist as entries in the control file This happens every time a backup is taken and if the directory structure upto the day level doesn't exist, it is During the recovery, RMAN automatically restores backups of any needed archived redo logs. RMAN automatically restores archived redo logs and incremental backups. PREVIEW command with the RECALL option. If you do not have a record of the DBID of your database, then you can find it in the following places without opening your database: The DBID is used in forming the file name for the control file autobackup. Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for more information about using RMAN with Oracle RAC, Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for more information about using RMAN with Data Guard, Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for more details on the restore and recovery features of Enterprise Manager. If necessary, return to the previous step until no backups needed for the restore are reported as offsite. Transparently encrypted backups require no intervention to restore, as long as the Oracle wallet is open and available. After restore and recovery of a whole database, when the database is open, missing temporary tablespaces that were recorded in the control file are re-created with their previous creation size, AUTOEXTEND, and MAXSIZE attributes. A further subdirectory is also created for the date the backups manual restore of the archive logs from their compressed Unix tar a repeating schedule that is repeated each day indefinitely. This chapter assumes that some or all of your data files are lost or damaged. These parameters are combined in a platform-specific fashion to form the name of the restored archived log. configured, these autobackups will automatically occur after any Examine the output to see if recovery was successful. You can also use the SWITCH DATABASE TO COPY command to point the control file at a copy of the whole database. PortalApp ORA-28365: wallet is not open. Database Support Typically, this situation is caused by a media failure or accidental deletion. what OS version are you using? You can also use more sophisticated restore and recovery techniques such as point-in-time recovery and database flashback, which allow for efficient repair of media failures and user errors. Use the SET NEWNAME to rename data files, as described in "Restoring Datafiles to a Nondefault Location". By using Enterprise Manager, you can perform the simpler restore and recovery scenarios outlined in this chapter. You have image copies of all the damaged data files. is the registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Chapter 30, "Performing User-Managed Recovery: Advanced Scenarios" explains how to respond when some but not all current control files or members of an online redo log group are lost. You decide to use the existing image copies as the new data files, thus eliminating restore time. This section assumes that you have already performed the tasks in "Preparing for Complete Database Recovery". Query V$DATAFILE_HEADER to determine the status of your data files. Excel-DB, Expert Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonMarch 22, 2015. You must enter the encryption password with the SET DECRYPTION command. If so, bring the recovered data file back online. Consulting StaffConsulting For example, enter the following command if automatic channels are configured (sample output included): If you are restoring some data files to new locations, then execute RESTORE TABLESPACE and RECOVER TABLESPACE in a RUN command. DBAOracle While the procedures in "Previewing Backups Used in Restore Operations" indicate which backups will be restored, they do not verify that the backups are actually usable. DBA performance tuning consulting professionals. VALIDATE BACKUPSET tests the validity of a backup set that you specify. It has also been verified that the backup job has been fully Copyright 1996 - 2020 When a data file is lost, the possible cases can be classified as follows: The control file knows about the data file, that is, you backed up the control file after data file creation, but the data file itself is not backed up. You can use this feature to manage disk space used to contain the restored logs. Yet another tremendous benefit of using RMAN as your Oracle It also assumes that the database uses a fast recovery area. To restore and recover the whole database: For example, enter the following command: RMAN displays the database status when it connects: not started, not mounted, not open (when the database is mounted but not open), or none (when the database is open). This example restores 300 archived redo logs from backup, distributing them across the directories /fs1/tmp, /fs2/tmp, and /fs3/tmp: When you issue a RECOVER command, RMAN finds the needed restored archived logs automatically across the destinations to which they were restored, and applies them to the data files. In the basic scenario, the database is open, and some but not all of the data files are damaged. For example, you can enter the following command: If you cannot restore data files to their default locations, then you must update the control file to reflect the new locations of the data files. Enter the following command to bring data file 4 online: In this scenario, the database is shut down, and all of the data files are damaged. Some media managers provide status information to RMAN about which backups are offsite. For example: The ERROR column identifies the problem for each file requiring recovery. If restoring from a group of backups that were created with different passwords, then specify all of the required passwords on the SET DECRYPTION command. You are not restoring and recovering an encrypted tablespace. Oracle to verify that they physically exist on disk. Oracle forum. To preview backups to be used in a restore operation: Run a RESTORE command with the PREVIEW option. archives and then place the restored archive logs in a directory After this, the delete noprompt expired.. and delete noprompt To restore a backup server parameter file, see "Restoring the Server Parameter File". The only option in this case is to recreate the job using the Burleson Consulting Nevertheless, some data files may require media recovery. If the data file record is in the control file, then RESTORE creates the data file in the original location or in a user-specified location. The backup job will execute each day and the RMAN output log they are no longer required, they are marked as obsolete. The Oracle of Oracle You decide to use a recent image copy backup as the new file, thus eliminating restore time. Oracle To determine whether data files require media recovery: Start SQL*Plus and connect to the target database instance with administrator privileges. This Oracle ApplicationsOracle If ERROR is not NULL, then the data file header cannot be read and validated. automatically handles the creation of the directory structure Use the RMAN SET NEWNAME command within a RUN command to specify the new file name. This command accesses the RMAN repository to query the backup metadata, but does not actually read the backup files to ensure that they can be restored. management. Oracle If you have any text files that preserve the output from an RMAN session, then the DBID is displayed by the RMAN client when it starts up and connects to your database. notification to the DBA. The following sample RUN command explicitly restores all backup archived logs to a new location: The following example sets the archived log destination and then uses RECOVER DATABASE to restore archived logs from this destination automatically: You can specify restore destinations for archived logs multiple times in one RUN block, to distribute restored logs among several destinations. This section contains the following topics: Identifying the Database Files to Restore or Recover, Previewing Backups Used in Restore Operations, Restoring Archived Redo Logs Needed for Recovery. not found). If there is no such problem, you must restore the file or switch to a copy. strive to update our BC Oracle support information. what plugin version are you using? Use the SET DECRYPTION IDENTIFIED BY command to specify a password for password-protected backups, as shown in the following example (where password represents the actual password that you enter): If you created backups with different passwords, then you can run the SET DECRYPTION IDENTIFIED BY password command multiple times, specifying all of the possible passwords that might be required to restore the backups. or have a suggestion for improving our content, we would appreciate your Do one of the following: If you are restoring all data files to their original locations, then execute RESTORE DATABASE and RECOVER DATABASE sequentially at the RMAN prompt. What Oracle version are you using? You can override the default location for restored archived redo logs with the SET ARCHIVELOG DESTINATION command. archivelogs backups, Control file and SPFILE autobackups, all PREVIEW RECALL to instruct the media manager to make offsite backups available. The output in Example 17-1 indicates that data file 7 is inaccessible. These wizards lead you through a variety of recovery procedures based on an analysis of your database, your available backups, and your data recovery objectives. This scenario assumes that database trgt has lost tablespace users. While RMAN simplifies most database restore and recovery tasks, you must still plan your database restore and recovery strategy based on which database files have been lost and your recovery goal. Your database runs in a single-instance configuration. PREVIEW command. from each run, regardless of whether the job completed the backupset and autobackup. PREVIEW, you can use the RESTORE VALIDATE HEADER command. experience! The names of the backup files and archive log files have been Ensure that the database is mounted or open. This will display the job in the output job list. Remote DBAs had to do all Oracle RMAN restores archived redo log files from backup automatically as needed to perform recovery. main purpose of archive logging).

Enter the following command to open the database: Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way. The failure of any job can also be set up to trigger an email You have the following validation options: RESTORE VALIDATE tests whether RMAN can restore a specific object from a backup. All legitimate Oracle experts Otherwise, you can use the CONFIGURE command to configure automatic channels, or include ALLOCATE CHANNEL commands within a RUN block. PREVIEW to identify offsite backups. Only temporary tablespaces that are missing are re-created. While RMAN can restore and recover databases in Oracle RAC and Data Guard configurations, these scenarios are beyond the scope of this manual. SPFILE autobackup takes place after the archive logs backup. what netvault version are you using? SPFILE autobackup are also created, because we identified earlier Afterward, use a SWITCH command, which is equivalent to using the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE, to update the names of the data files in the control file. records. for reboots. If you perform media recovery on an encrypted tablespace, then the Oracle wallet must be open when performing media recovery of this tablespace. This chapter contains the following topics: This section explains the purpose of complete restore and recovery of the database and specifies the scope of the chapter.