This practice specializes in Marriage & Family Therapy and Psychiatry.
Sharecare, Editorial disease, Mental A range of therapy options include mindfulness, art therapy, EMDR, play therapy, speech therapy, music therapy, yoga therapy, along with several additional traditional theoretical approaches. Omix, Health A field cannot contain all special characters. Neither the pharmacy line of business nor the DME line of business represent legal entities; instead, both lines of business are part of an organization (the "parent") that is a legal entity. Well-Being, Community Search, 107 W Main St Ste 2, East Islip, NY 11730, DO NOT SELL

This is a very team oriented company, everyone cheers each other on. *To join the wait list please fill out ournew client interestform and we will be in touch within 48 business hours*. relations, Contact You can reach the authorized official at the following phone number 631-666-1615. Many organization health care providers who apply for NPIs are not legal entities themselves but are parts of other organization health care providers that are legal entities (the "parents"). The date that a record was last updated or changed. Find your B2B customer within minutes using affordable, accurate contact data from Datanyze, Sunrise Counseling Center has 90 employees, Sunrise Counseling Center headquarters are located in 107 W Main St E, Islip, New York, 11730, United States, Sunrise Counseling Centers main industries are: Hospitals & Physicians Clinics, Sunrise Counseling Center appears in search results as SUNRISE COUNSELING CENTER, SUNRISE COUNSELING LCSW , PLLC, SUNRISE COUNSELING CENTER,LTD, C/O SUNRISE COUNSELING CENTER, CMHC Sunrise Counseling Center, Get Free Access to Sunrise Counseling Center Contacts Info. degeneration, A (1) The psychiatric unit in a hospital is not a legal entity but is part of the hospital (the "parent"), which is a legal entity.
The telephone number associated with the location address of the provider being identified. Sunrise Counseling Center LTD is located at 107 W Main St Ste 2, East Islip, NY 11730. The code set is structured into three distinct "Levels" including Provider Type, Classification, and Area of Specialization. We have short wait times for adult therapy. a caregiver, Sharecare Advocacy, CareLinx: NOTE: ZIP code plus 4-digit extension, if available. How often do you get a raise at Sunrise Counseling Center? health, Breast

Learn more about working from home at Sunrise Counseling Center. Accessibility, Disability and Accommodation. and slowing the progression of psoriatic arthritis, Back Advocacy, CareLinx: management, Macular Our diverse staffexcels in providing a wide variety of specialties, and is committed to creating a connection with every client. This address cannot include a Post Office box. Well-Being Index, Blue Home care, Digital Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Group Description 1. NY
11730-2337, US. cancer, Weight degeneration, Women's The authorized official title (position) is OWNER, DIRECTOR. EAST ISLIP disease, Rheumatoid guide to managing wet age-related macular Home care, Digital
Fax: 631-666-1709.
Does Sunrise Counseling Center let you work from home? guide to managing depression, Understanding The fax number associated with the mailing address of the provider being identified. The CDC has provided new guidance that areas of "low community cases" now have. How do you feel about the future of Sunrise Counseling Center? cancer, Multiple X - The primary taxonomy switch is Not Answered; Y - The taxonomy is the primary taxonomy (there can be only one per NPI record); N - The taxonomy is not the primary taxonomy. health, Vaccinations Tools, Health more than atopic dermatitis, Understanding Don't need the accessible version of this site? Accounts Receivable Specialist/ Receptionist. Two providers practice at Sunrise Counseling Center LTD. Use the insurance check on this page to verify if Sunrise Counseling Center LTD is in-network. Code describing the type of health care provider that is being assigned an NPI.
How are the working hours at Sunrise Counseling Center? type 2, See All Group Directory in East Islip, NY. The psychiatric unit is an example of a subpart that could have its own NPI if the hospital determines that it should. 2.8 out of 5 stars for Compensation/Benefits, 2.8 out of 5 stars for Job Security/Advancement. Request an Evaluation with Jourdan Ramos today! Copyright 2022 MH Sub I, LLC dba TherapySites. Sharecare, Editorial This data element may contain the same information as ''Provider location address City name''. patients guide to managing ankylosing spondylitis, Managing Sunrise Counseling Center LTD is a medical group practice located in East Islip, NY. center, Health sclerosis, Parkinson's The fax number associated with the location address of the provider being identified. The office staff are top notch and always helpful. The "parent"-we don't know who the parent is in this example-must ensure that each subpart that submits its own claims to health plans has its own NPI. health, Digestive However I am looking for a higher pay-rate because of bills I currently have. relations, Breast Please configure it.
arthritis, Diabetes
your treatment options for MS, Your The Parent Organization LBN and TIN fields can only be completed if the answer to the subpart question is Yes. sclerosis, Parkinson's The City name in the mailing address of the provider being identified. We believe in our practice and appreciate the relationships we have come to develop through enhancing the lives of our clients. 65% said yes.
10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPS to uniquely identify a health care provider. Providers at Sunrise Counseling Center LTD specialize in Marriage & Family Therapy and Psychiatry. MY DATA, About Request an Appointment with Nicole Drozd Today! The date the provider was assigned a unique identifier (assigned an NPI). This data element may contain the same information as ''Provider location address telephone number''. This data element may contain the same information as ''Provider first line location address''. The 10-position telephone number of the authorized official. 107 W Main St E, Islip, New York, 11730, United States, 51 John St, Ste 2, Babylon, New York, 11702, United States, 2157 Union Blvd, Bay Shore, New York, 11706, United States, Sunrise Counseling Center provides individual, couples, family therapy counseling services for Island Island residents. The first name of the authorized official, The middle name of the authorized official, The title or position of the authorized official. Would you like to switch to the accessible version of this site? guide to managing depression, Understanding arthritis, Diet Strong and compassionate director and leadership. (2) A group practice that is not a sole proprietorship has a main location and could have other offices in different locations, but each office is not a separate legal entity; instead, each office is part of the corporation (the "parent") which is a legal entity.
This data element may contain the same information as ''Provider location address postal code''. disorders, Heart The country code in the mailing address of the provider being identified. name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) SUNRISE COUNSELING CENTER,LTD. (3) A pharmacy fills prescriptions for patients whose physicians have prescribed medications for them and may also rent or sell durable medical equipment to patients whose physicians have ordered such equipment for them. Very warm work environment. Our team of clinician's backgrounds are diverse, but all share a passion for connecting with clients and expanding the Sunrise family. and nutrition, Sexual Hamburger The Health Care Provider Taxonomy code is a unique alphanumeric code, ten characters in length. Ask a question about working or interviewing at Sunrise Counseling Center. 2 diabetes, Vaccinations health, Transgender and treating thyroid eye disease, A A good introduction to fast paced work environment, Culture of favoritism and unreasonable expectations of time management, Coworkers became close friends during difficulties. More than just a therapy office, our practice prides itself on using a holistic approach to healing. Sharecare, About Indeeds survey asked over 20 current and former employees whether they could work remotely at Sunrise Counseling Center. guide to managing wet age-related macular degeneration, A The Organization Name field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, "at" sign, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon. NOTE: ZIP code plus 4-digit extension, if available. Zones Project, Health Please note- child therapy is currently on a wait list. The provider's official mailing address is: The contact numbers associated with the mailing address are: The authorized official registered with the 1407871353 NPI Number is RICHARD SCHEINBERG. Grown from an affinity for the beach, mountains and horses, our practice owner, Dr. Russell Crawford recognized the need of creating a therapeutic environment that clients from all backgrounds would be comfortable visiting. 107 W MAIN ST Zones Project, Sharecare Each line of business represents a different Healthcare Provider Taxonomy or area of specialization that often submits its own electronic claims to health plans. enjoy the array of clients i see. i have learned to be a better practitioner and therapist there. patients guide to managing ankylosing spondylitis, Managing
patients guide to Graves' disease, Understanding control of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's What questions did they ask during your interview at Sunrise Counseling Center? Psychological Testing and Evaluation Services- Short wait times! arthritis, Diet and No form settings found. management, Macular therapeutics, Community Codes are: The "Is the organization a subpart?" there is always something to do or a new position to learn, they make sure that the whole staff is trained in all aspects of the office. The last name of the person authorized to submit the NPI application or to change NPS data for a health care provider. All, Your sector, Brokers C, Type 11730-2337 and treating Crohns disease, You are We will continue to provide masks and sanitizer to our clients at their request. Is Sunrise Counseling Center a good company to work for? We continue to ask clients to socially distance when possible and use our multiple waiting rooms as needed. The postal ZIP or zone code in the mailing address of the provider being identified. and treating thyroid eye disease, A sclerosis, Rheumatoid The legal entity must obtain an NPI. What benefits does Sunrise Counseling Center offer? You can work as much or little as you'd like so very flexible. I was glad to gain the experience to work in the office area where I learned a lot. & consultants, Sharecare+: disease, Crohn's Start your new path in life and be the change today! policy, Health The telephone number associated with mailing address of the provider being identified. The State or Province name in the mailing address of the provider being identified. disease, Multiple equity, Investor Windows, Condition Education NPI Number information was last time updated on 08/15/2011.
Sunrise Counseling Center raised a total of $350 K in funding over 1 rounds. 1 = (Person): individual human being who furnishes health care; 2 = (Non-person): entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (for example, hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO). (For crosswalk purposes, the following (non-NPI) identifiers are available for this provider), (Collection of legacy and proprietary (non-NPI) identifiers ever reported for this provider). school pediatric ADHD headquarters, Taking control of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's & consultants, Life The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 07/13/2006. Sunrise Counseling and Psychological Services, Phone:(757) 694-4723 Fax:757-301-8803, 816 Greenbrier Circle, Ste 100Chesapeake, VA 23320,, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, Low Cost Therapy Options- Check out our Residents and Interns. Our mission at Sunrise Counseling is to provide an all encompassing therapeutic environment to fit the unique needs of every client. disease, Rheumatoid question must be answered. Topics. Here's a list of some of the top trending technologies and APIs used by Sunrise Counseling Center. security, Community Here are three examples of organization health care providers that may be considered subparts and may apply for NPIs if so directed by their "parents": Menu, Brokers I have been working mainly from home through this pandemic and it was a very organized transition from the office to our homes. This data element may contain the same information as ''Provider location address fax number''. EAST ISLIP, NY Tools & Topics, Find The country code in the location address of the provider being identified. All rights reserved. to school pediatric ADHD headquarters, Taking
This data element may contain the same information as ''Provider location address State name''. your treatment options for MS, Your therapeutics, Smart We always are welcoming new clients, and will work closely with you to ensure that best suited clinician is provided to meet your needs. US. and fitness, Sleep I would open the office , print out schedules, retrieve messages turn off the alarm and turn TV's on then go to the back and get ready to do my work. us, Close I love all my co-workers and everyone gets along perfectly. Please call or email us for an individual, couples or family therapy consultation today. Working at Sunrise has been a blast! The first line mailing address of the provider being identified. For clients with a positive diagnosis or a known exposure, Sunrise is following. plan, Public equity, Investor Our community is ready to answer. Centers, Your Together, Sunrise Counseling & Psychological Services has grown to be recognized as a relaxed and well respected practice in Virginia Beach. and treating Crohns disease, You Provide organization name (legal business name used to file tax returns with the IRS). and fitness, Transgender disease, Multiple health, Hepatitis health, Men's Please double-check when making an appointment. a doctor, Find The city name in the location address of the provider being identified. See all Sunrise Counseling Center locations. SUNRISE COUNSELING CENTER,LTD can be reached at the following phone number(s): Phone: 631-666-1615 For providers with more than one physical location, this is the primary location. and immunizations, Lung
nutrition, Exercise