Free parking for the Harn Museum Night is available at the Cultural Plaza Lots and the Cultural Plaza Garage (Garage #11) after 3:30 pm.
FIRST ANNUAL INTERDISCIPLINARY GRADUATE SYMPOSIUM, Developing Your Academic Persona Undergraduate open days, visits and fairs, Postgraduate research open days and study fairs, John Rylands Research Institute and Library. Students willpresent either anoral presentation or aposter presentation at this conferencewithin the following categories: Selected oral presentations will involve a 20 minute live presentation including 5 minutes of Q&A. Its inaugural theme is Developing an Academic Persona. Please see the attached CfP for more details. He isthe author of 17 books, including a historical novel about the founder of Jacksonville,The Book of Isaiah: A Vision of the Founder of a City, illustrated by his colleague Shep Shepard, and creative nonfiction such asGoat Island Hermit: The State of Florida vs. Rollians Christopher. (Check your e-mail for the Zoom invitation link.). contact information and university affiliation (if applicable). Note that there are pay-by-the-hour meters there. His work experience includes working as a survey methodologist and statistician at USDA and a research associate for NISS, working at the National Agricultural Statistics Services (NASS) in Survey Methodology and Technology Section (SMTS) of the Research and Development Division (RDD). ", Left to right:Jessica Klein, Callie Hill, and Kevin Spath. It was a Panel 2: Tips for Statistical Communication and Data Storytelling (May 15th) 2001 | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL. View the Graduate Student Conference FAQ or reach out to EGOs Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium takes as its inaugural theme the topic ofacademic persona, meaning who you are in classrooms, in conferences, in publications, and inother academic venues. Laura Nuttall graduated with her degree at the University after discovering she had a terminal brain condition in 2018. During these meetings, we will discuss event planning and other details relevant to EGO and the English Department. with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder." The main objectives of graduate student research day: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2 professionalization discussions. Create a free website or blog at Washington, DC 20006-2306 E-mail to, Using Canvas with ENC 3246 with Andrea Caloiaro, Grading Workshop and Follow-Up with Jennifer Coenen, ENC 1102: First Day, First Week with Jennifer Coenen, ENC 3246: First Day, First Week with Andrea Caloiaro. and hearing-impaired listeners in their natural listening environment and how the Est. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns that youd like to bring to our attention, feel free to drop by or send us an e-mail at After confirming nominations, another form will be distributed for the official election of the new EGO board. Astronomers, led by Manchester's Professor Christopher Conselice, have established how galaxies like our Milky Way formed over ten billion years through galaxies colliding together. EGO is further excited to announce that this years keynote speaker will be Professor Tim Gilmore. She is originally from Colombo, Sri Lanka and currently lives in Bellevue, Washington. Nataly Innamorato presents her research at the 2022 Graduate Student Research Symposium. The Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville named Gilmore the 2018 Literary Artist of the Year. Along with your submission, please include your Stay informed about our ongoing efforts.
We hope you find this helpful, and you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions or difficulty accessing the video below. (Hons.) Our global centres offer a diverse portfolio of distance and blended learning programmes. 14th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences (F3S) 2019, University of Florida, Gainesville,Florida, Presenting and learning at American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2019, Toronto,Canada, North Florida Chapter Fubright Association. Her personal website is Submission Deadline wasApril 15th at 5 pm ET, we are no longer recieving abstracts at this time. Any English graduate student can nominate another English graduate student. The new EGO board will be announced Friday, February 1st, at EGOs Election Party in Reitz Union, Room G325 (see attached flyer)! Also in 2018, Gilmore served on the Jacksonville City Councils Civil Rights History Task Force. If you did not receive an e-mail with the Zoom information, please send us an e-mail at Andreea Luisa Erciulescu is a senior statistician at Westat, working at the interface between survey statistics and other areas of statistics, including combining multiple surveys and non-survey sources to answer complex analytic questions. Nataly Innamorato was praised for her research presentation, titled "Bilingual Needs These are the things that will make the department better for youthe only way you can have input on the way the department is run, what services and workshops are available, and what kind of work youd like to see the department do is by making your voice heard at the EGO meetings! Depot Park features covered seating, a large pavilion, a restaurant, and a beer / wine garden. Motivated by these types of problems, some of Spiros current research interest is in methods dealing with machine learning, dimensionality reduction, state space models, dynamic linear models, among others. So come hear Felipe Gonzlez-Silva, Kimberly Williams, and Olivia Ivings discusstheir lesson planning processes and recommendations! Our Grade I-listed, neo-Gothic library houses the University's Special Collections.

Dr. Cruze co-chairs the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology interest group in Computational Statistics and the Production of Official Statistics. We know the value of working together. students and learning about the vast amount of research that is being conducted at
On Thursday, August 12th, the Harn Museum of Art will host their monthly museum night. The first conference took place in June of 2021and was a resounding success! Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-4006 Megan Glenn (NISS) Andreea Luisa Erciulescu, Senior Statistician, Westat, Joe Rodhouse, Survey Statistician, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Dhanushi Wijeyakulasuriya, Data Scientist, Microsoft, Nathan Cruze, NASA Langley Research Center, Spiro StilianoudakisStatistician, Data & Modeling Sciences (DMS) of Corporate Functions R&D (CFRD), The Procter & Gamble Company. In the category of Social & Behavioral Sciences (including Education), CSD student Our expertise can help you achieve your business objectives. They show that it is possible to see our photosynthetic kin as they really exist, in this exhibition, throughout the museum, and in the world outside: as vitally, expressively, insistently with us. If you have questions about our upcoming events or about anything else, please send us an e-mail at During the COVID-19 pandemic, she has been active in public engagement, with authored pieces in the Washington Post, New York Times, and other outlets. Randy Freret (NISS) We understand that many of you may not be familiar with UFs campus or local to the area, so EGO has created a brief video to demonstrate common walking paths, landmarks, and important buildings on campus based on where English graduate students typically teach and study. Manqi Cai (University of Pittsburgh) Her primary research area is infectious disease epidemiology, with a focus on innovative study designs for evaluating vaccines during public health emergencies. Were the English Graduate Organization, also known as EGO. She is currently working on projects investigating head orienting behaviors of normal-hearing lot of fun, and I had a great time hearing about all the different research projects Event information may change. Discover our global collaborations with key partnerships in Melbourne, Toronto and Hong Kong. "It From local talent to global experts, we want to hear from you. Her areas of expertise include Bayesian statistics, hierarchical models, measurement error, official statistics, resampling methods, small area estimation, statistical data integration, and survey statistics. Studentsregistering from NISS affiliated universities are eligible for reimbursement after the conference. at the symposium. The other role is serving as the primary statistician for a newly formed team known as Home-as-Clinics (HaC). Education, Florida, Fulbright, Studies, University of Florida, USA. On Wednesday, October 13th at 5:00 pm, EGO will host our first workshop of the year. Enjoy the benefits of being a part of the largest global alumni community of any campus-based university in the UK. Lastly, please indicate any audio/visual requirements you may have. She worked in academia (teaching and doing research) and ed tech before moving into data science in 2015 and discovering R. She is an author, an international speaker, and a real-world practitioner focusing on data analysis and machine learning. 25, 2022. Gilmore is an alumni of the University of Florida, where he holds a Ph.D. in English. The Museum Night will be open to first-and-second-year graduate students from 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, prior to opening for the public at 6:00 pm. Graduate Student Research Day has been an annual event since 2005, when it began in the Faculty of Medicine.
ESOL / Bilingual Education Angkana (Greet) Lertpoompunya presents at the 2022 Graduate Student Research Symposium. A special thanks to this year's sponsor Procter and Gamble (P&G), ournew NISS Industry Affiliate! On Friday, October 22nd, EGO will host our next social event of the semester: the annual Halloween Party! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. You will receive Zoom information from the respective departments. We are extending the deadline for all abstract or proposal submissions toJanuary 13, 2019. Dhanushi enjoys singing, baking and gardening in her free time. Faculty, alumni, doctoral candidates, as well as current graduatestudents are also welcome to submit abstracts. Research Symposium. This workshop will focus on lesson planning for English Department courses and will featurepresentationsfrom graduate students teaching film, literature, and creative writing classes. Prior to joining NASA, he served as a mathematical statistician in the Research and Development Division at USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) for more than eight years. Ksheera Sagar (Purdue University) Piaomu Liu (Bentley University). At this meeting, we will hear from alumni pursuing careers in statistics and data science. All rights reserved. All other registrations are $50. 4008 Turlington Hall Copyright 2022,University of South Florida. The workshop will be great for early-career graduates who are new to teaching as well as those interested in learning new ways to lesson plan. Dhanushi Wijeyakulasuriyais a Data Scientist on the Experimentation Platform Team at Microsoft Corporation where she helps teams run trustworthy online controlled experiments at scale. Prior to joining P&G, he obtained a PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University (Feb 2021) in biostatistics where he developed a machine learning pipeline for predicting the genomic coordinates of boundaries that defined Topologically Associating Domains (TADs) and published his method as an R packaged hosted on Bioconductor.
College of Education Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2 While reading for her PhD she worked for two years as a research assistant at the Statistical Consulting Center at Penn State, Department of Statistics. USF. This month, EGO is hosting two events for English graduate students. P.O. Her research focuses on statistical communication, causal inference, data science pedagogy, and human-data interaction. As with last months meeting, EGO will offer this meeting in hybrid formats: in-person or via Zoom. ph: (202) 800-3880 Perform in-class activities in small groups with mentors. Spiro Stilianoudakis is a statistician at The Procter & Gamble Company, working in the Data & Modeling Sciences (DMS) division of Corporate Functions R&D (CFRD). Representing the Department of Child and Family Studies, Callie Hill received a People's Dr Marion Vannier is recognised as one of the most promising science and research leaders in the UK and will benefit from funding to tackle issues in the country. quality of research and ability to effectively communicate its importance at the 2022 Graduate Student Research Symposium. Shadow to Substancecreates a chronological arc from the past to the present into the future using historical photographs from the Harn and Smathers Library collections and through the lens of Black photographers working today. She studied physics and astronomy, finishing her PhD in 2005. These She received her PhD in Biostatistics from Harvard University, and previously worked as a consultant for the WHOs HIV Department and as faculty at the University of Florida. These experiences and more have affirmed Marenas desire to work as a military veterinarian. General Body Meetings will typically occur on the third Wednesday of each month. Please Note:NISS affiliates can use their Affiliate Award Funds towards registration, please contact your NISS liaison (Check the List of NISS Affiliates) to learn more about these funds. She has written books with her collaborators about text mining, supervised machine learning for text, and modeling with tidy data principles in R. She loves making beautiful charts, the statistical programming language R, Jane Austen, black coffee, and red wine. The Mission of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) is to advance knowledge through interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service that improves the capacity of individuals, families, and diverse communities to promote productive, satisfying, healthy, and safe lives across the lifespan. 1-902-893-6600, Dalhousie University Three CBCS students were recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies for their outstanding Presentations are adjudicated by experienced researchers, in the spirit of helping students further develop their presentation and research skills. The event will be in-person at the Harn Museum of Art, 3259 Hull Road, Gainesville, FL 32608. His research at NASS focused on improving economic and crops estimates surveys through modeling. The awards provide travel funds to present their research at a meeting of their choice. I will share my thoughts about pursuing PhD studies, being a Fulbright scholar as well as studying, living and traveling in Florida and the US. The event will be held at Depot Park, which is located at 874 SE 4 St, Gainesville, FL 32601. She holds a PhD in Statistics with a graduate minor in Computational Science from Penn State (2020) and got her BSc. Before moving to the US in 2015 she worked as a Quantitative Analyst at Acuity Knowledge Partners for two years. During the conference, twograduate students will be recognized with the best presentation award based on the content and the quality of their presentation. Plant Life: Exploring Vegetal Worlds in the Harn Museum Collection is curated by Dr. Terry Harpold, associate professor in the English department, and the graduate students enrolled in his Spring 2021 seminar: Ryan Bedsaul, Anwesha Chattopadhyay, Anna Grzybowska, Jacob Hawk, Olivia Ivings, Kevin McKenna, Elizabeth Nichols, Erick Verran, Peter Vertacnik, and Janice Whang. Her research is supported by colleagues Kevin Dr. Erciulescu is an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute, a representative-at-large and the student travel award chair on the Washington Statistical Society Board of Directors, the program chair-elect on the American Statistical Association Survey Research Methods Section Executive Committee, and the U.S. representative on the International Association of Survey Statistics Executive Committee. There will be a Networking Social Hour at the end of the conference at 5 pm May 15th! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. We believe that our collective calling as a University is to change lives, change perception and, through our work, to change the world. The award this year will be $250 granted to each presentation winner! You can find her on Twitter and her personal website is
Prior to joining NISS, he spent five years in Boston at one of the leading market research firms in the Information Technology sector, followed by a two-year stint as a graduate research assistant at NASS while completing his graduate studies. Possible workshop and presentation topics include, but are certainly not limited to: Please submit an abstract of up to 300 words for a 15-minute presentation to Animal and veterinary sciences major Marena Fleming leveraged the flexibility she found at Clemson to grow her interests in unexpected ways. Discover the many paths ready for pursuit at Clemson. Gainesville, FL 32611-7310, Tuesday, August 17th || 8:45 am 4:45 pm, Wednesday, August 18th || 8:45 am 5:30 pm, Thursday, August 19th || 8:45 am 4:30 pm, Symposium Abstract Deadline Extended & Keynote SpeakerAnnouncement, Call For Papers: Developing Your AcademicPersona. Analisa Flores (University of California, Riverside) Manchester has twinned with the Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University in Western Ukraine to support medical students whose studies have been disrupted by the conflict. Piaomu Liu (Bentley University) hosted by the University of Central Florida on April 20, 2022. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Box 117310 We collaborate with organisations and institutions worldwide in our research, innovation and teaching. Disorders (CSD) PhD student Angkana (Greet) Lertpoompunya was commended for her research with Mentors, Building Variety into Course Format and Delivery with Creed Greer and Alison Reynolds, Active Learning: Participation and Class Activities. Her personal website is, Esra Kurum (chair, University of California, Riverside) Additionally, he holds a Bachelors degree in both Secondary Education and Applied Mathematics, as well as a Masters degree in Mathematics from Marshall University. P.O. Fulbright & DKG Fellow The worlds energy academics, practitioners, decision-makers and business representatives are attending the third International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science. "But I'm proud of myself for doing it and for winning one of the awards! In these works, plants are more than props: they areopenly or crypticallyalso made present to us in their own way. "This was my first time presenting my research, so I was very nervous," said Innamorato. EGO invites paper and roundtable proposals on research of current graduate student of anyfields, including, but not limited to: literary studies, film and media studies, rhetoric andcomposition, creative writing, narratology, cultural studies, gender studies, postcolonialstudies, critical theory, comics and visual rhetoric, and philosophy. We will be discussing our plans for this school year and YOUR input is needed! Motivated by real-life problems in agriculture, economy, education, health, recreational sports, she has been developing and implementing innovative and robust statistical models to help improve the reliability of official statistics. Shes trained a service dog to help a veteran in need. Hannah Waddel (Emory University), Sumanta Basu (chair, Cornell University) Narratives and Technology (DISTNT) Program for High-Performing, Transition-Age Youth College of Behavioral and Community Sciences, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI), Three CBCS students recognized for outstanding presentations during Graduate Student EGO will provide free food from a local pizzeria. It was a great experience being able to network with other graduate
Shadow to Substance is curated by Kimberly Williams, a doctoral candidate in the English department; Dr. Porchia Moore, assistant professor in Museum Studies; and Dr. Carol McCusker, the Harn Curator of Photography. Without strong communication skills, all the advanced analysis we have performed might be overrun. For questions concerning the symposium, please contact the English Graduate Organization This month, EGO is hosting three events for English graduate students. Clemson University Research Foundation (CURF), College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business, College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences, Center for Career and Professional Development, Creative Inquiry and Undergraduate Research, University Professional Internship and Co-op Program (UPIC), Corporate Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives, Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR), Clemson University Restoration Institute (CURI), Clemson University Biomedical Engineering Innovation Campus (CUBEInC), Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina 29634. Need more information on registering? We offer every kind of role imaginable. fax: (202) 318-1400, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, $20 registration for Graduate Students. His work at NASA will focus on supporting upcoming community noise studies related to commercial supersonic travel. Our tailored support services and engaging activities for pupils of all ages will help make your job easier. titled, "Head Orienting Behaviors during Simultaneous Speech Detection and Localization."