If you cant make it in the morning, we recommend a visit anytime after 5 pm. However, if you have booked our 2 p.m. tour, your time may be limited to 90 minutes due to the museums 5pm closing time. The 9/11 Memorial and Museum is at the One World Trade Centre site in lower Manhattan at 180 Greenwich Street, New York. Free entry to 100+ top NYC attractions including hop-on, hop-off bus tour, Save over 50 percent on top New York attractions including hop-on, hop-off bus tour. Tickets are only available on specific dates and times and cant be used at any other time. Visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum is an emotional experience thats likely to linger with you long after your visit is over. photo credit:National September 11 Memorial & Museum via Facebook. You can access the memorial and museum at three different places: the intersections of Liberty and Greenwich, Liberty and West, or West and Fulton. When planning your visit to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, don't overlook adding a restaurant stop to your itinerary. The experience starts with a 90-minute guided walking tour of Ground Zero, including the 9/11 Memorial. It all came together when the 9/11 Memorial & Museum opened in 2014, after its dedication by Barack Obama on May 15, 2014. for 20 years. Here are some tips for navigating the bustling transportation paths of New York City. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); When you have NOT bought ticketsinadvance, Guided tour of Memorial + One World Observatory, 9/11 Memorial + 9/11 Museum + Observatory, guided tour of ground zero with a visit to One World, Memorial + Museum + One World Observatory. It documents the terrorist attack with 23,000 images, 10,300 artifacts, 500 hours of video, and 2,000 oral histories of the dead provided by family and friends. Irrespective of the season or day, most tourists line up to enter the Museum between noon and 3 pm. However, due to the significant weight of the 9/11 attacks, the World Trade Center qualified to be on the list in February 2004. Learn about the attacks and their aftermaththrough a host of online resources. It rests in the middle of 2,983 paper panels in every shade of blue, which form an art installation called Trying to Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning.. Visitors younger than ten years of age may find the historical exhibition overwhelming. You can use your username or email address to login. The 9/11 Tribute Museum tickets cost $15 for adults, $10 for senior citizens and students with valid IDs, and $5 for children below three years. Friday, Saturday, Sunday only! Most visitors spend around two hours in the 9/11 Museum exploring the various artifacts documenting the terrorist attack. Special live talks take place in the auditorium on the L-2 level. Two of these exhibitions the Historical Exhibition and Memorial Exhibition form the core of this Museum. After exiting, youll land in the stunning Foundation Hall, presided over by the towering Last Colum. Click. Our 9/11 Ground Zero Tour covers the 9/11 Memorial and other sites at Ground Zero but does not include entry to the 9/11 Museum or Freedom Tower, though your guide may talk about these landmarks. Instead, go directly to the third floor, to the September 11, 2001 exhibit. But once inside these exhibits, please put away your camera and phone and take the time to honor the people and remember the events of that tragic day. As one museum docent put it, Its the heart of the museum. This winding exhibit personifies the day of 9/11, and the historical context around it, with news clips from across the globe, timelines of events and audio of distress calls. Adult ticket (13+ years): $69Kids ticket (6 to 12 years): $59Infant ticket (up to 5 years): Free entry. Each paper panel communicates remembrance. There are many ways to get to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. Get Directions, To enter the 9/11 Memorial you can choose from entrances at one of these intersections , 1. 2021 National September 11 Memorial & Museum 9/11 MEMORIAL is a registered trademark of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. The nearest parking spots are available at Battery Parking Garage, on 70Greenwich Street.

Everything mentioned above is close by and worth visiting.The 9/11 Memorial is free to enter, but the 9/11 Museum, which is right next to it, requires entry tickets.Oculus is a shopping center close to the 9/11 Memorial and the Museum.The One World Observatory is a viewing platform in the nearby building called Freedom Tower, the highest in the USA. Visitors can see personals stories of the victims displayed at the exhibitions. Using the touch-screen panels, you can look up individual profiles.
But, it brings the story to life so that we never forget., The memorial exhibition, called In Memoriam, allows visitors to get to know those who lost their lives in the 1993 bombing and 2001 terrorist attacks.. If you want a more in-depth look at the 9/11 events, victims, and survivors, you'll need a ticket to visit the museum. However, keep in mind this is a location deserving of utmost respect. Yes, the 9/11 Museum tickets are timed, and visitors must reach the attraction 15 minutes before the time mentioned on their tickets.Timed tickets help control the number of visitors entering the museum. However, these free entry tickets are limited and distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. Last admission is 90 minutes prior to closing. Tip:If you are on a budget holiday but want to see all three attractions in the complex, we suggest you purchase the standard Memorial and Museum ticket and get the One World Observatory ticket separately. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The museum is hard for adults. Visits to the 9/11 Museum typically last 2-3 hours. Some tourists prefer to skip the Museum because it requires an entry ticket. The Memorial is located at the site of the former Twin Towers and is free to visit (there is no entry fee). If you have already bought your 9/11 Museum tickets online, your waiting time is shorter. There is a limit of four free tickets per person. Pace yourself, allowing time to simply process the museum, which can be an intense, moving experience. However, entry time may vary based on availability. Keep in mind there is no designated parking available at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and street parking can be hard to come by in this busy area. An interactive feature allows you to search each photo and learn more about the victim. Your email address will not be published. Police officers and firefighters who are part of the NYPD, PAPD, or FDNY, Children under age 7 (we advise parents use discretion with children under 10, the museum may not be suitable for all ages). # Empire State Building# Statue of Liberty# Metropolitan Museum of Art# One World Observatory# Top of the Rock# Museum of Modern Art# Intrepid Museum# New York Helicopter tour# Guggenheim Museum# Bronx Zoo# Central Park Zoo# Queens Zoo# Prospect Park Zoo# New York Botanical Garden# American Museum of Natural History# Edge Hudson Yards# Vessel Hudson Yards# Museum of Ice Cream# BlueMan Group New York# New York Dinner Cruise. During the last leg, you visit One World Observatory, the highest observation deck in the world, in Freedom Tower. The last entry takes place 30 minutes before closing. The historical exhibition narrates 9/11 using various media such as artifacts, images, testimony, and archival audio and video. You can grab a ticket for $26 to get access to the entire museum.. Earn 60k Ultimate Rewards Bonus Points after spending $4k in 3 months! The skyline itself. Note that you probably will not have time to check out the September 11, 2001 exhibit, which is separated from the rest of the museum. Our guided tour of Ground Zero is 90 minutes. It is entirely your choice. Your guide will give you insider information to bring historical events to life. Remembrance of each life lost and remembrance of the void left which will never be filled again. However, some tourists walk around for much longer contemplating the events of the fateful day. There are five exhibitions to see at the 9/11 Museum. However, due to the significant weight of the 9/11 attacks, the World Trade Center qualified to be on the list in February 2004. 9/11 memorial ceremonies are held throughout the country each year, often at various city halls, to honor the lives forever changed by this fateful event. Visitors can look for the names of around 3,000 victims of the 11 September and 26 February terrorist attacks inscribed on bronze panels lining the two Memorial pools. Tickets, which include entryto all available exhibitions, can be purchased up to six months in advance. If you want to know all the different 9/11 Museum & Memorial ticket options available, click here. M22 Southbound and get off on Vesey Street between North End Avenue and West Street. Depending on availability, your ticket may be for immediately after the tour or some time later. There are bathrooms in St. Pauls Chapel. SP+ parking facilities offer other parking options, as well. 2001 - 2022 Tripster. Take the A, C, J, Z, 2, 3, 4, or 5 trains to Fulton Street. Im instantly transported back to the smell of jet fuel in the air and the Missing posters wallpapering the city. The Memorial Glade was designed to honor those who were injured or lost their lives due to the aftermath of the attacks, such as responders who were harmed by toxins in the air., The museum is a 110,000 square foot opportunity to re-walk the events of 9/11, from the day before, to the day of, to the day after the tragic event. You will need around 45 minutes to explore this Museum. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This tour does not visit the most sensitive areas of the museum. The guided tour of the 9/11 Museum & Memorial offers a comprehensive experience, and if you can afford it, we highly recommend it. Liberty Streetand Greenwich Street2. Depending on the day and day of the week, this waiting time can go up to 45 minutes. The 9/11 Museum is an attempt to keep the memory of 11 September alive. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.
West Street and Fulton Street4. Note for screen reader users: once expanded, the first four 9/11 Museum opens at 9 am, daily. Required fields are marked *. The bronze parapets lining the pools have engravings of the victim's names. You may find yourself moving quickly through the September 11, 2001 exhibit, but you should still have time to see most of the key displays. The museum uses timed-entry tickets to limit the flow of people moving through the museum at any given time. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. (Along the way, youll still get to experience the space, which is striking and incorporates pieces of the Twin Tower foundation in the design.) Theres a display on the architecture and history of the Twin Towers before 9/11, as well as a film chronicling the rise of al Qaeda. Buy one discount Pass and save up to 40% on ticket costs during your New York holiday. It is best if visitors use public transport to get to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
For instance, if you reached the ticketing line at 2 pm and the next available time slot is 4 pm, you will be given a ticket with 4 pm mentioned on it. You also avoid wasting time by not having to wait in line for tickets or security or to discover the museum is at capacity and you need to wait until later to enter. Its architecturally unique, but its functional as well, serving as the subway entrance and an extensive shopping center. Look for time-based entry lines where everyone with tickets gets to stand. Kids 4-12 can join our tour at a reduced rate. On the day of your visit, all you have to do is reach the Museum 15 minutes before the time mentioned on your tickets. We also offer free rescheduling up to 24 hours before your tour start time for our memorial and museum experiences. The Memorial and Museum are next to each other.You can explore the 9/11 Memorial free of cost, but you mustbuy a ticketto enter the 9/11 Museum. The subject matter is covered sensitively, and weve had many families enjoy our tours over the years. The Witnessing History Tour narrates an overview of what happened on 11 September and later. Create an account today and support the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. No waiting time, so no anxiety. As you walk through the grounds of the 9/11 Memorial area, notice the Callery Pear tree, different from all the other trees that have been planted as part of the memorial. These tips will help you prepare for your visit so you can take the time to truly absorb the magnitude of the events of that day. All Rights Reserved. The best time to visit the 9/11 Museum is as soon as it opens at between 9 am. The quote is embedded in steel recovered from the original World Trade Center. Since you already have the tickets, you can skip the line at the ticketing counter (and save yourself up to 45 minutes). You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The 9/11 Tribute Museum aims to help visitors understand the events surrounding the USAs largest emergency response and recovery effort. Dont get caught up in seeing everything. September 11 Memorial Museum has been opened. Tourists planning a visit to 9 September Memorial and Museum usually have lots of questions before they go ahead and buy the tickets. The 9/11 Memorial is the plaza located at the site of the former Twin Towers. Also known as the National September Memorial and Museum, this tourist attraction has two parts: the 9/11 Memorial and the 9/11 Museum. The September 11 exhibit is marked by a distinct glass entryway and revolving doors. You can then skip the long lines at the ticketing counter and enter the Museum right away. Face masks are optional, but visitors are welcome and encouraged to wear them at any time. Members receive exclusive benefits, including free expedited entry for one year, complimentary guest passes, and a 20% discount in our Museum Store. The design evokes a sense of hope and renewal and creates a contemplative space separate from the usual sights and sounds of a bustling metropolis. Of course, you can refuse to pay. Even though free admission Mondays allow free entry into the 9/11 Museum, you are expected to make a small payment of at least $10. Here's how to see the museum no matter how much time you have. ET and are first come, first serve. Visit any 3 of 11 top New York attraction over a 9-day period. Adults accompanying younger visitors must exercise discretion duringthevisit. The Building History Tour tells the story of recovery and rebuilding through the voices of architects, recovery workers, etc. Required fields are marked *. Don't have an account? The Memorial Exhibition features photographs of approximately 3000 victims of the 9/11 carnage and the 26 February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The collection includes 23,000 images, over 500 hours of video and 10,300 artifacts in a gallery that is over 110,000 square feet. Please click ok to accept and/or visit my Privacy Policy to learn more. The infamous steel cross, which stood at the Twin Towers site after the attacks, rises over the hall. So many things will never be the same due to this tragic event. Why You Should Drive the Icefields Parkway + Trip Planning Tips, 3 Reasons to Visit Banff National Park Immediately. In this article, we explain everything you must know before buying your 9/11 Memorial and Museum tickets. If you choose an experience with entry to the 9/11 Museum or the One World Observatory or both youll want to allow additional time for those attractions. Here are some tips for navigating the bustling transportation paths of New York City. The observatory features breathtaking views of the city and surrounding areas, letting you see as far as Philadelphia! If youd like to add either or both of these onto your experience, please see our other. Afterward, the decision was made to place a memorial in the footprints of the North and South towers rather than rebuild the World Trade Center exactly as it was. Timed tickets must be purchased in advance. With an hour, youll have enough time to move through most of the museum. Immediate delivery:The tickets get emailed to your inbox as soon as you complete the purchase. The museum reserves the right not to admit you if you are early or late for your timed entry. Learn how your comment data is processed. Our staff is working tirelessly toensure the safest possible experience. You dont have to take any printouts. Also, consider what your emotions may be and how that could potentially impact your child. The Globetrotting Teacher has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. The Tribute Museum is 500 meters (0.3 Miles) from the 9/11 Memorial. Then, explore Ground Zero and other sites throughout the city, such as Wall Street and Trinity Church. Victims items which the family members donated are also on display. If you want a more in-depth look at the 9/11 events, victims, and survivors, you'll need a ticket to visit the museum. You cant exit and reenter the museum. During the guided tour, you pay your respects to the fallen heroes of the terrorist attack at the 9/11 Memorial. If theres no availability, well notify you so you can choose another date, another tour, or receive a refund. Also, keep in mind you cannot re-enter after exiting the museum building. This was the very last piece of World Trade Center steel to be taken out. Children under the age of 7 receive free admission, but a ticket is required for entry to monitor capacity. The time you will take to tour the 11 September monument depends on what you decide to explore. Today, the Last Column stands in the museum and is covered with signatures and words added by rescue and recovery workers who aided in the aftermath of the calamity. Guests enter the museum from aboveground on the 9/11 Memorial Plaza. The Memorial Exhibition is also an important stop, where photographs of all 2,977 people who lost their lives that day hang on the wall. You can bring in food and beverage but need to eat it at the atrium level. Saves time:Since you already have the tickets when you reach the 9/11 Museum, you can avoid waiting in the ticketing counter lines. Both the museum and observatory visits are self-guided, so you can go at your own pace. The journey through these three sections of the museum is not easy. The museum has newspaper clippings and real-time television footage of the planes hitting the Twin Towers, the Pentagon on fire, and of the Towers collapsing. The 9/11 Museums rooms and exhibits are in this cavernous area below ground. K-9 Courage is a temporary exhibition thathonors the hundreds of dogs that responded to the 9/11 attacks. In order to truly take it in, youll need at least 2 hours from the time you enter the museum. Museum staff may not grant access to early or latecomers. This makes getting your 9/11 Museum tickets in advance even more important if youre trying to maximize your New York City itinerary. Every Monday from 3.30 pm to 5 pm, visitors can enter the 9/11 Museum for free.
M55 Southbound and get off at Broadway and Thames Street. photo credit: ONE WORLD OBSERVATORY via Facebook. Click here to view a map. This was the very last piece of World Trade Center steel to be taken out. Like every website with social media buttons, commenting, affiliates, and analytics embedded, The Globetrotting Teacher uses cookies. Some visitors combine aguided tour of ground zero with a visit to One Worldor opt for theMemorial + Museum + One World Observatorycombo. Since it is a self-guided tour, visitors can explore at their own pace. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The space has a natural flow to it, so its worth taking the time to leisurely stroll through it. A 90-minute narrated sightseeing cruise, admission to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and admission to One World Observatory at the top of the World Trade Center with one convenient and cost-saving ticket. These Memorial Pools are massive, measuring 4040 square meters (43500 square feet) each.
Your entry time will be on the same date of your tour, typically a few hours after the tour start time. The 9/11 Memorial comprises two massive waterfalls and reflecting pools. Outside of these rooms, youll find information about how the towers were constructed, see pieces of steel and a smashed fire truck, and learn some of the untold stories of 9/11 like those of the K-9 units who helped rescuer workers at Ground Zero. The lives of those who lost loved ones. All guests must wear a mask. With a tour guide, your visit to the 9/11 Museum and Memorial will be more memorable.On aguided tour of the 9/11 memorial, a local guide takes you through the attraction sharing insightful stories, anecdotes, trivia, etc., which you may otherwise miss.You are also more likely to visit all the must-see exhibits. Remembrance of the tragic days that were September 11, 2001, and February 26, 1993. The Historical Exhibition is full of artifacts, personal accounts, and media from that day. A, C, 1, 2, 3 to Chambers Street Station A, C, J, Z, 2, 3, 4, or 5 trains to Fulton Street Station 2 or 3 trains to Park Place Station E train to World Trade Center R train or 1 train to Rector Street Station R train to Cortlandt Street Station, M5 Southbound: get down at Broadway and Thames Street M5 Northbound: get down at Trinity Place and Rector Street M20 Southbound: get down on South End Avenue between Liberty Street and Albany Street M22 Southbound: get down on Vesey Street between North End Avenue and West Street. At the 9/11 Memorial, you can see everything there is to explore in 30 minutes. The museum and memorial area are in Lower Manhattan at the site of where the twin towers stood. The 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero opens at 7.30 am and closes at 9 pm daily. Once you descend into the actual museum space, take your time moving through it. Note: The ticket portal allows the purchase of up to 19 tickets. Save up to 38% on admission and get instant mobile delivery with New York C3. As a teacher, I agree. Since there are long lines at the ticketing counter, it is better tobuy 9/11 Museum ticketsin advance. So even though you may have your tickets by 2.30 pm, you can enter the Museum only at 4 pm. The Historical Exhibition has three parts the Events of the Day, Before 9/11, and After 9/11. Pro Tip: You can access the memorial and museum at three different places: the intersections of Liberty and Greenwich, Liberty and West, or West and Fulton. M20 Southbound and get off on South End Avenue between Liberty Street and Albany Street. Find out everything about 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero before your visit. If you want to avoid the crowd, one of the best ways is tobuy 9/11 Museum tickets online. If you're looking to pay your respects at the Memorial Plaza, consisting of the reflecting pools, Survivor Tree, and Memorial Glade, you can do so for free.
However, most tourists end up visiting the 9/11 Memorial. You can take photos of the 9/11 Memorial but keep it respectful. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It closes at 8 pm from Sunday to Thursday, and on Friday and Saturday, it closes an hour later at 9 pm.