+1 To Light Radius +(0.75*Clvl) To Strength (Based On Character Level) Fire Resist +30% +25-50% To Poison Skill Damage (varies) Clvl Required: 43, 25% Chance To Cast level 15 Venom On Striking Patch 2.4 and Ladder Release Date Confirmed! +16 To Strength The exceptional +2 to All Skills bonus, up to +35% Faster Cast Rate, and massive up to 112 Mana increase, makes it a dream for any starter character and endgame caster build. Shael (13) + Thul (10) + Amn (11) Damage Reduced by 3 You can reset his shop by exiting and re-entering town. The high amount of Crushing Blow, Enhanced Damage, and Increased Attack Speed, makes this weapon a viable choice for melee characters. Ort (9) + Mal (23) + Ith (6) Critical Strike has a chance to double all physical damage of an attack. https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/index.php?title=Runeword_Armor&oldid=18099. Body Armor {4} +5% To Maximum Cold Resist It is easy to mistake some spears for polearms, but only the bases listed below, qualify for the Insight runeword. 12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking This makes it a viable switch weapon for Bosses in Normal difficulty. All Resistances +65 All Resistances +50 Clvl Required: 17, +25% Faster Casting Rate +6 to Dexterity Body Armor {3} +(0.375*Clvl) To Strength (Based on Character Level) So the earliest you can find this is in Act 4 Normal. Popular choices are Mage Plate and the lighter cloth and leather elite armors, since they have more defense than exceptional plate armor, can spawn with 3 or 4 sockets, don't slow running speed, and have lower strength requirements. +1 To Warmth You must insert the runes in the listed order.
This shield can only drop in Hell difficulty. It's a very popular shield to make at the end on Normal difficulty, because of its high resistances bonus. It requires at least level 27 to equip. Malice is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining ith + el + eth into a 3 socket melee weapon. Paladin shields on the other hand can always roll (drop depends on the monster level) 4 sockets. An easy way to quickly find good staves is to shop with Drognan in act 2. Cold Resist +45% When using a Flail, you also benefit from +50% damage to Undead. The Drain Life can take quite a toll over time if it is not balanced out by Life Generation or a Prayer Aura. Body Armor {2}
Body Armor {3} Zephyr is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining ort + eth into a 2 socket missile weapon. 15% Crushing Blow Duration (Normal)15% Chance of Crushing Blow+33% Chance of Open Wounds+150200% Enhanced Defense20% Slower Stamina DrainCold Resist +45%Lightning Resist +15%Fire Resist +15%Poison Resist +15%, +2 To All Skills+45% Faster Run/Walk+1 To Teleport+750775 Defense+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +074 To Strength (Based On Character Level)Increase Maximum Life 5%Damage Reduced By 8%+14 Life After Each Kill15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana+ (1 Per Character Level) +199% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level), 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Blaze When Struck5% Chance To Cast level 15 Fire Ball On Striking+2 To Sorceress Skill Levels+1 To Warmth+30% Enhanced DefenseFire Resist +30%Damage Reduced By 7, 20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when Struck+25% Faster Cast Rate+300% Enhanced Damage+200% Enhanced Defense+15 Defense+X To Life (Based on Character Level)Replenish Life +7+5% To Maximum Lightning ResistAll Resistances +2530Damage Reduced By 712% Damage Taken Goes To Mana+1 To Light Radius, 15% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck+10% Faster Hit Recovery+200260% Enhanced Defense+10 To StrengthAll Resistances +45Half Freeze Duration5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana3 To Light Radius, +20% Enhanced DamageRequirements 15%+25 To Strength+10 To Energy+20 To Vitality+15 To Dexterity+50 To LifeAll Resistances +30, 3% Chance To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels+30 Defense vs. MissileReplenish Life +10Attacker Takes Damage of 14Requirements 15%, 4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck2% Chance To Cast level 15 Valkyrie On Striking+2 To Amazon Skill Levels+20% Faster Hit Recovery+2 To Critical StrikeCold Resist +30%Attacker Takes Damage of 14, 100% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking+2 To Paladin Skill Levels15% Slower Stamina Drain+5% To Maximum Poison ResistFire Resist +30%, +25% Faster Hit Recovery+140170% Enhanced DefenseAll Resistances +2535Damage Reduced by 3Magic Damage Reduced by 17+2 To Mana After Each Kill+1 To Light RadiusRepairs Durability 1 In 4 Seconds, 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Cyclone Armor When Struck5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Twister On Striking+2 To Druid Skills+100150 To ManaLightning Resist +30%Magic Damage Reduced By 715% Damage Taken Goes to Mana, +75% Enhanced Defense+280 Defense vs. MissilesAll Resistances +5020% Faster Hit RecoveryLevel 6 Weaken (18 Charges)+10 To Energy1 To Light Radius, Magic Damage Reduced By 3+6 To Dexterity+15 To Maximum StaminaPoison Resist +30%Regenerate Mana 15%25% Faster Run/Walk25% Faster Cast Rate25% Faster Hit Recovery, +60% Faster Hit Recovery+250290% Enhanced Defense+300 Defense vs. Missile+16 To Strength+16 To Vitality+10 To EnergyAll Resistances +15Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges)Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges), 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Fade When Struck25% Chance To Cast level 15 Venom On Striking+2 To Assassin Skills+45% Increased Attack Speed+20% Faster Hit RecoveryCold Resist +30%50% Extra Gold From Monsters, 300% Extra Gold From Monsters100% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items+2 To Mana After Each Kill+10 To Dexterity, For more information about the mechanics and classifications of rune words, see. Clvl Required: 49, +140-170% Enhanced Defense (varies) Nadir is the lowest level runeword in the game. So even though the Spirit runeword has a level requirement of 25, you'll only be able to wear a Spirit shield from level 54. on the other hand can always roll (drop depends on the monster level) 4 sockets. 300% Extra Gold From Monsters Critical Strike is in essence the same as Deadly Strike, but they don't stack. 15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Armor When Struck15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Spear On Striking+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels+50150 To ManaAll Resistances +30Damage Reduced By 7, Level 1521 Thorns Aura When Equipped+50% Faster Hit Recovery+2550% To Poison Skill Damage+300 DefenseIncrease Maximum Mana 5%Regenerate Mana 15%+5% To Maximum Cold ResistFire Resist +30%Poison Resist +100%+13 Life After Each KillLevel 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 Charges), +2 To All Skills+200% Damage To Demons+100% Damage To Undead8% Life Stolen Per Hit+70% Enhanced Defense+20 To StrengthReplenish Life +7All Resistances +65Damage Reduced By 8%25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items, 20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On StrikingLevel 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped+360 Defense+230 Defense vs. Missile+35 To All Attributes+0.37537.125 To Strength (Based on Character Level)Increase Maximum Mana 5%+5% To Maximum Lightning ResistDamage Reduced by 7, +40% Faster Hit Recovery+1020% Enhanced DamageAdds 37133 Cold Damage 2 sec. It only requires a two socket sword, mace, or axe and easy to find runes, so it is very easy to make early on. 8% Life Stolen Per Hit Keep in mind that synergies only work for hard skill points, so the +3 to Fire Bolt will not benefit you when you transition to Fire Ball. Weapons Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25% Body Armor {3} Checked some runewords and this seems to be a very cheap and pretty good one. Damage Reduced By 7, ElSolDolLo Nadir is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining nef + tir into a 2 socket helm. +300% Enhanced Damage +25% Faster Cast Rate Clvl Required: 43, +2 to Mana After Each Kill But only on Ladder, otherwise very expensive as you can't make them. White is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining dol + io into a 2 socket wand. Fire Resist +30% It only requires a two socket, and easy to find runes, so it is very easy to make early on.
12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana +30 Defense Vs. Missile All Resistances +25-30 It does not have any affect on cast delays though. Clvl Required: 61, 20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck Steel is a very low level melee runeword. +280 Defense vs. Missiles Because the runes it requires are so easy to find, it's a good first helm option, if you haven't found anything decent by level 13. +15 Maximum Stamina Pul (21) + Ral (8) + Sol (12) It requires at least level 29 to equip. 12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana +100-150 To Mana (varies) +10 to Energy Clvl Required: 47, +10% Faster Hit Recovery Use the runeword calculator to find out which runewords you can make with the runes you own. +3-5 To All Attributes (varies) This way CTA's Battle Orders are boosted by another two levels, increasing the life and mana boost it provides. Cold Resist +30%
Regenerate Mana 15% It requires at least level 15 to equip. +300 Defense Stealth is so useful that often times it is used throughout nightmare and the beginning of hell difficulty. It requires at least level 23 to equip. The only other item that offers this bonus is Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm. The Spirit shield is also a popular item to use on switch alongside Call to Arms, as it is the only shield to grant +2 to All Skills. Damage Reduced By 8% So a Paladin can benefit from a Spirit shield early on. Lore is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining ort + sol into a 2 socket helm. Id say cold sorcies are the best for the poor man's mfing.
Clvl Required: 63, +200% Damage To Demons Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but a Rhyme shield is a easy-to-make-yourself shield that gives +25MF and is actually 'questing worthy' if you don't have anything better. My 1st lad char was a blizz sorcie who found me a 197 HoZ off hell meph lol. Body Armor {4} Tal (7) + Eth (5) It requires at least level 35 to equip. +25% Faster Cast Rate It is important that you use a gray item (not magic, rare, unique, crafted, or set) of the correct type with exactly the amount of sockets required. Blizzard had announced 10 new runewords for patch 1.11, but only 7 made it in the final release (excluding Pattern). +15 Defense However, the Fire Skill bonus is not limited to Sorceresses, so this is also a great early-game option for Fire Druids. Given its many useful starter attributes and easy to find runes, Stealth is the best starter armor in the game. It does not have any affect on cast delays though. Faster hit recovery reduces the "hit stun" animation time, which is triggered when a hit takes more than 1/12th of your total life. While it technically only requires level 23 to equip due to the runes, a Claw with 3 sockets can only roll on claws with iLevel 26 or higher. 4 Socket Weapons/ +2 To Amazon Skill Levels All Resistances +25-30 (varies) Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped Stealth also increases your Hit Recovery Speed by25%. All Resistances +45 Especially in the early gamme, where money can be scarce. Body Armor {3} +100-150 to Life (varies) Clvl Required: 45, 5% Chance To Cast level 15 Fire Ball On Striking Jah (31) + Ith (6) + Ber (30) +200-260% Enhanced Defense (varies) Let me know below! +2 To Barbarian Skill Levels Faster cast rate reduces the cast animation time of all spells. The exceptional, A Spirit shield is almost exclusively made in a, , because it is the shield with the lowest strength requirement (still high for casters) that can still get 4 sockets. Increase Maximum Mana 5% Insight grants a maximum of +6 to Critical Strike. +230 Defense Vs. Missile +20 To Vitality When used on a Sorceress, the runeword can be augmented when created in a base that already has a bonus to skills. +1 To Light Radius, 3 Socket Body Armor/ Fire Resist +15% Clvl Required: 61, +50% Faster Hit Recovery Discuss in the comments! -20% Slower Stamina Drain It requires at least level 35 to equip. +10 To Energy Body Armor = Any armor that is worn on your chest and not any type of other armor such as boots, helms, gloves, etc. Magic Damage Reduced by 17 For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. +1 To Teleport Rhyme is a popular shield runeword due to its Cannot be Frozen mod. Increase Maximum Life 5%
20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when Struck -3 To Light Radius, HelLumFal If either one triggers double damage, the other one is ignored. Body Armor {3} Clvl Required: 47, +250-290% Enhanced Defense (varies) +10 To Strength All Resistances +30 White increases your Cast Rate by20%. Were there any runewords on this list you didn't know you could make already? Faster cast rate reduces the cast animation time of all spells. Peace is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining shael + thul + amn into a 3 socket body armor. Peace grants +2 to Critical Strike. Sur (29) + Lo (28) + Sol (12) Body Armor {3} +X To Life (Based on Character Level) SolUmUm Sol (12) + Um (22) + Um (22) The updated stats for the Pattern runeword were revealed, and show that Pattern will be a good low-to-mid tier claw for Assassins transitioning from Normal to Nightmare. Lem (20) + Ko (18) + Tir (3) Lore is a great early game option, considering the cheap rune cost. All runes for Ancient's Pledge can be obtained from the act 5 quest, Rescue on Mount Arreat. Cannot be Frozen is almost a necessity for most melee characters, so this runeword is an easy choice for low level players. +13 Life After Each Kill It is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to get, Rhyme is a popular shield runeword due to its, +(2*Clvl) Defense (Based on Character Level), 7% Chance to Cast Level 1 Twister When Struck, Level 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped (varies), 4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck, 2% Chance To Cast level 15 Valkyrie On Striking, +3 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only), +4 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only), The Countess, Where to Find and How to Farm. +5% To Maximum Poison Resist 4 Socket Chest Armor, Weapons Body Armor {3} Replenish Life +7 Clvl Required: 65, +45% Faster Run/Walk Poison Resist +15%, JahIthBer Body Armor {2} +50 To Mana, ShaelUmThul
Use the list of runewords below to see which runes you need and in which order they need to be inserted. +360 Defense +10 To Energy Faster hit recovery reduces the "hit stun" animation time, which is triggered when a hit takes more than 1/12th of your total life. Body Armor {3}
Repairs Durability 1 In 4 Seconds, OrtMalIth JavaScript is disabled. Clvl Required: 47, 15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Spear On Striking Edge is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining tir + tal + amn into a 3 socket missile weapon. Faster cast rate reduces the cast animation time of all spells. Critical Strike has a chance to double all physical damage of an attack. +15 Defense +200% Enhanced Defense +9 To Minimum Damage All Resistances +25-30 +2 To Necromancer Skill Levels Not a lot of bonuses, but a very large one to magic find and gold. Wands can have up to 3 auto mods specific to Necromancers spells ranging between +1 and +3 to skill level. +20% Faster Hit Recovery It is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to get +1 to All Skills in the helm slot. +100-150 To Mana (varies) Fal (19)+ Um (22) + Pul (21) It requires at least level 25 to equip. Spirit is probably the best bang for your buck runeword out there ATM. Insight is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining ral + tir + tal + sol into a 4 socket polearm, staff or missile weapon. +300% Enhanced Damage +20% Faster Hit Recovery Ral (8) + Gul (25) + Eld (2) Hel (15) + Amn (11) + Nef (4) +2 To Mana After Each Kill You can reset his shop by exiting and re-entering town. Steel is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining tir + el into a 2 socket sword, axe or mace. Shael (13) + Um (22) + Pul (21) + Lum (17) Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges) All Resistances +25-35 (varies) Rhyme is a Diablo 2 Resurrected runeword created by combining shael + eth into a 2 socket shield.