Plants require full sun, rich soil and moderate moisture. Perennial in zones 4-9. 80 days.
Each plant is covered in a mix of rosy shades, making for an incredible show. A tender and delicious classic old European selection. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled.
Shop over 750 varieties of vegetable seed, fertilizer, garden tools, and view thousands of free gardening videos., SAVE 10% NOWwith entering this code at checkout: EDEN. An exquisitely gourmet heirloom pimento from the Blue Ridge Moutains of North Carolina. These sweetheart blooms are versatile for a number of uses, from filling pots and window boxes to beds and borders. Grows to 6 inches in rich, moist, well-drained soil. This sumptuous mix is like a bowl of summer fruit, in colors from raspberries and cream to plum and dark cherry. It is slow to bolt, holds well in the field, and is reliably uniform to head. Cherry Belle Radishare super fast growing, ready for harvest in Don't worry if your peppers are growing slowly after transplanting into your garden! Featuring gorgeous botanical artists' renderings of each variety, each packet is like a mini-encyclopedia, full of information inside and out, to inspire and assistall levels of gardeners., Over half a million customers have chosen True Leaf Market Seed Company for their seed and growing needs.They carry a huge selection of vegetable, herb, and flower seedsincluding heirloom, organic, and asian seeds. The compact and floriferous plants are ideal for containers, beds and borders.
This historic variety can have a slight bit of variation in color and fruit shape, but is among the best we have tried in our Missouri gardens.
When you purchase through links on ourwebsite, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. Sow in thick bands for baby greens or space farther apart for head lettuce. Stocks are an ornamental member of the brassica (cabbage) family. Plants average 2-3' tall. Trellis to conserve space. Growing Tips:Sow very early indoors, or direct seed outdoors 2-4 weeks ahead of last-frost date and again in midsummer for fall harvest. NOTE: The only available seed we have will be overpacked due to low germination. This pollinator attracting native wildflower is stunning in beds, borders, large containers and can be naturalized in meadows. Additionally, all seeds are Non-GMO to ensure purity and quality.. The leaves are also super high in beta carotene, as well as vitamins A, C and K. Komatsuna has been revered in Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean cuisine as a mouth-watering veggie for many years, and in America chefs and nutritionally minded foodies have identified it as a delicious, juicy and health-promoting green. Tolerates heat, drought, humidity, but does best with ample moisture. Berry bright and merry, this mix honors our favorite summer fruit tones, from the blackberry to the scarlet woodland strawberry, a gorgeous range of color! It can be sowed densely (1 inch apart) and harvested many times for baby greens (25 days) or thinned to 4-6 inches apart and allowed to mature to full size (about 36 inches mature height). Yamato cream was bred in what is now the Nara Prefecture in Japan. Growing Tips:Start indoors 4-8 weeks before last frost or sow outdoors after frost. Grow in full sun to light shade. Do not overwater. The unique thin petals really pop with pastel tones. This variety has been grown in Lanzhou, China since it was introduced there in the 1940s by U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace. These stunning flowers sway atop 8-12 inch stems, attracting beneficial insects such as hoverflies. Plants do not like humidity. A tender, creamy and flavorful traditional eggplant from the ancient terraced fields of Battir, Palestine. The leaves are also edible and make a spicy green in salads. Easy to grow, reliable and quite hardy; the 36-inch tall plants boast stunning double petaled heads. Order any of our free printed catalogs below to be mailed to you. 20 pods are straight and smooth, bright green, and of excellent quality. Afterusingtheir seeds we can attest toSeeds Now being a, Seeds Now sellsa varietyof seeds including vegetables, herbs, medicinal, and even survival, one of America's oldest supplier of vegetable and flower seeds andis one of the best places to buy seeds online. The tidy 8 to 10 inch tall plants are covered in massive, 3" flower heads. Occasionally self-sows. An exotic and gourgous sweet pea from Australia, that has lovely bluestripes and flecks! The flavor is floral with a hint of pine and citrus, nuanced and bold! We are excited to offer this old, traditional komatsuna strain from Tokyo, Japan. They are the easiest way to brighten a difficult, dry landscape! Requires 80-90 days to reach large size. It shows good tolerance to fusarium. Removing spent blooms prolongs the blooming season. Makes a refreshing, sweet, almost pear-like juice.
Requires full sun, rich soil, and moderate moisture to attain perfection.
Beautiful, fragrant and tasty purple foliage makes this basil both gourmet and ornamental. Self sows freely. Plants have a mounding habit and reach 14 inches tall. 25-45 days. This variety is believed to have been introduced by the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry in St. Petersburg, Russia. Set out after last spring frost, 6 in. Strong soothing fragrance and rich purple flower spikes make this reliable first-year blooming perennial a favorite! 90-100 days. This tomato is a total dream; long-yielding vines kept yielding these psychedelic beauties right into the autumn. Use for baby greens or harvest the entire heads for bunching. Cheerful and hardy, the lemony 2-4 inch blooms with dark peach centers bloom prodigiously all summer long. If you prefer your peppers on the milder side, harvest them when green. Set out after last frost, transplant carefully. Grow in full sun to partial shade. This climbing vine averages 6-8 feet in length and covers a trellis or fence beautifully. The long pinkish red fruit has a slightly curved pointed nose or tail and ranges between 6-14 ounces, with some fruit being more heart shaped. Growing Tips: Sow in place in spring, or start plants indoors and grow for several weeks. San Diego Seed Companymission is to provide Southern California withorganic local seedsthat have been acclimated to the range of microclimates in our region so that growers can be as successful as possible.Thiswoman-owned and operated companybelieves in sustainable growing practices, seed saving, and healthy local food systems.
Fruit is tender and crispy, and this variety is a standout choice for grilling and frying, but is also sublime for snacking. Direct sow as soon as soil has warmed to 55 degrees. Growing Tips:Start indoors, covering seeds very lightly and keeping moist until sprouts appear. We have compiled ourtop picks of the 10 best seed companies to buy seeds from in 2022. 85 days.

ORDER YOUR 2022 SEED CATALOG In our 2022 Seed Catalog, we are introducing Hatch Green Mild Guizeppi as one of the mildest Hatch chile varieties we offer; Alma Paprika, the best paprika for drying; Anaheim Sonora Mild, a delicious and very large pepper; Biquinho Yellow, mild and fruity from Brazil; Cascabella, small and tangy; Cayenne Purple, both the pepper and plant are pretty, Corno de Toro Gaillo, a big sweet yellow frying pepper; Dynamite Green Chile, an XHot hailing from Colorado; Jalapeno Jaloro, a golden yellow jalapeno; Pimento Sheepnose, crisp and juicy; Poblano Ancho Gigantea, large and flavorful; Serrano Purple, large and less heat (coming soon to our website); Jalapeno Purple, flavorful and mild; Thai Dragon, ornamental and very hot (coming soon to our website); and Patio Fire & Ice, a bright yellow, orange, and, red ornamental pepper.
Pick pods while young and tender. The leaves are thick. Unique pods are tender and of a deep green color, sometimes tinged in red. Trellis vining types; pick when pods reach 12-18 inches. Insanely sweet fruit with a brix reading of 10.0. A unique, heart-shaped variety of bitter melon that is easier to prepare and with a more mild flavor. Sow in ordinary garden soil.
This dizzying explosion of bold little blooms will completely transform your design or landscape -- it is a show stopper! May require support. The heads are medium to large, with a velvety sheen! A native wild plant, it makes a delicate, refined salad green rich in vitamin C. This exceptionally easy to grow annual has become a mainstay of market farmers and home gardeners, as it is a cold-hardy, cut- and-come-again green to grow in spring, winter and fall. The 2-2.5 foot tall plants are excellent for beds, borders, containers and cut flower use! Plants require full sun, rich soil, and moderate moisture. Annual. Sturdy stems make this rainbow mix of colors a perfect choice for cut flower production. A famous Puglia dish is broccoli rabe with orecchiette pasta--simply sublime! Avenger pickle yields the blocky fruit shape and the dark color preferred for fresh markets. Sow in summer for fall harvest. A reliable and profuse producer of everlasting flamingo pink globes. Victoria and Tom Blake, two professors at the University of Montana, told Pat Hayes of Oregon State University about an amazing purple barley in the seed bank, which they called Purple Karma. Time plantings for spring or fall harvest. Petals are cerise to rose in color with a brushstroke of snow white. Grows best in cool, early spring conditions in rich soil, with moderate moisture. Requires full sun and rich soil. The scarlet, elongated fruit shimmers on the vine with its gold-flecked skin. Bottom water or mist to keep moist until sprouts appear. Bred by renowned vegetable breeder Michael Mazourek of Cornell. 75-80 Days. Their seeds are sold in smaller packets so that you can try a larger variety of flowers or vegetables. All-America Selections Winners - Vegetables, Best Selling Vegetables for Commercial Growers, Best Selling Flowers for Commercial Growers, 2023 Harris Seeds Ornamental Growers Catalog (FREE), 2022 Harris Seeds Vegetable & Cut Flower Growers Catalog (FREE). Prefers slightly moist, well-drained soil in full sun or part shade.
Get Free Shipping on U.S. Orders over $20! A delicious melon that has made a trip around the world! This is a gorgeous viola with blooms the color of wine and plum, with a small yellow eye. Enormous blooms to 4" in diameter. This calendula is sure to be a flower growers favorite with its striking colors of yellow and orange and unique beauty. The brightest orange marigolds we have seen! Pie pumpkins are a favorite everywhere! It also includes high-quality growing supplies for seed starting, plant care, and more. A pretty, peachy colored riff on the worlds hottest pepper! This highly ruffled, massive tomato in high voltage orange color is packed with nutrition and sweet, fruity flavor. Likes cool, moist, woodsy soil, cool to cold temps. The crimson and gold tones make for a classic addition to beds, borders, containers and window boxes. 90 days. Dainty bi-colored blooms perch atop super dwarf plants that grow just four inches tall and six inches wide. The greens are so unlike other radish leaves: they have no spiny hairs, and are tender, glazed and sweet like spinach. SEEDWAY, LLC. This ancient heirloom has a deeper root system, which is an adaptation to growing in the arid conditions of the region, making it impressively drought tolerant. Annual.
Growing Tips:Start indoors 6-10 weeks before last frost.
This multi-branching variety stands 6-7 feet in height and the heads average 5-8 inches across. Pods detach with caps and stems which aids in better shelf life. Height 6-12 inches, 20-24 inches wide. This taller variety stands about 24 inches in height, and the flowers are a unique shade between boysenberry, jam and plum an exquisite departure from the usual! Perennial. This stunning cocoa-colored chili pepper may be about 100 times hotter than the jalapeno. It was especially popular in Alabama and South Carolina. Start indoors 4 to 6 weeks before last frost date or direct sow after. Also known as waterleaf, this tasty and versatile green is one of the most drought- and heat-tolerant edible plants we know. This versatile cool-weather flower is very well suited to beds and borders, as well as container plantings like window boxes and pots on the front porch. Fruit average 12-15 inches and are a unique sage green color with faint speckles. The flesh is very thick, crisp and juicy. Growing Tips:Surface sow, just pressing into soil, indoors 4 weeks before last frost; transplant (or direct seed) outdoors 2-3 weeks after last frost. Try them tossed into curries and stir fries or slide onto skewers for a perfect bite-sized treat. Solomon Amuzu, of Call to Permaculture Farm in Ghana, tells us this variety can live for up to 15 or 20 years in the tropics, if well maintained! gardeners can swap seeds that they dont need, 12 Essential Fall Garden Tasks to Get You Ready for Spring, Growing Cauliflower: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Cauliflower, How to Overwinter Perennials Growing in Containers, Growing Celery: Best Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest, An Essential Guide to Growing Hollyhocks for Food and Beauty, Growing Collard Greens: The Complete Guide to Plant, Care, and Harvest Collards, Pokeweed: How to Grow, Care for, and Use This Misunderstood Plant, How to Deal with Plant Rust (Fungus) in Your Garden, Brazil Nuts: Planting Guide, Care, Problems and Harvest, 13 DIY High Tunnel Ideas to Build in Your Garden, How to Succeed at Growing Starfruit Trees in Your Backyard, 10 Fast-Growing Plants You Can Grow in Under 30 Days, 12 Tips to Increase Your Eggplant Harvest, Growing Asparagus: How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Asparagus, 17 Fast-Growing Plants for a Fast Harvest, 10 Drought-Tolerant Herbs to Add to Your Garden Beds, Growing Ramps: Best Varieties, Planting, Guide, Care, Problems and Harvest, How to Create Farm-to-Table Outdoor Dining Area.