Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. Nope. Although every person has tremendous potential for good, we have been marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called sin, which separates us from God. When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, he proclaimed that true worshippers of the Father are to worship him in spirit and in truth. What he did not do is add a specific dress code. Kirksville's campus has over 400 in weekly attendance at the two Sunday morning services at 9 AM and 10:45 AM. No pre-registration is needed. Bring your skills to life. website makes it very easy to tune into our livestream on Sunday. Sermons are streamed live across a high-speed Internet connection to satellite locations. There are no corporate sponsors or franchise affiliations or grants funding GCC.
The first service witnessed about 350 attendees, and some had to stand outside. He also gives every believer gifts when they are saved. Service is at 10:00am on Sunday. God loves us, so we love others. We will exist either eternally separated from God by sin or in union with God through forgiveness and salvation. To Him be all honor, glory, and praise forever! Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. Our financial giving is an act of worship where we Yes, financial gifts to The Crossing are tax-deductible. Each Person works in our world today. The Crossings lake is in the watershed of one of the The What does All In mean? November 18, 2012 - The Crossing added a church location in Lima, located on the Northern edge of Lima, IL. 4th and 5th-grade ministry will begin meeting during our Thursday 6:00 pm and Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 am services with a maximum of 21 students per service. Our Fuse area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all students use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the Fuse area. We will never stop measuring, changing, and moving for growth because nothing matters more to God than people. He gives new life to us, empowers and imparts gifts to us for service. 1 Corinthians 12:12-17; Matthew 16:18-19;Colossians 1:18;Ephesians 2:19-22.
GCC doesn't have a dress code, doesn't collect offerings during the service, doesn't have guests stand up or raise their hands, doesnt do a "meet-and-greet" with a neighbor, and doesn't have a sign posted, "No food or drink in the sanctuary." Volunteers used native plants to develop the shore into a beautiful environment He provides power for living, understanding of spiritual truth and conviction of sin. People are the supreme object of Gods creation and are made in the image of God. As a church, we are attempting to separate the non-essential beliefs from the essential beliefs. Leadership wanted to focus on towns like Quincyareas with stagnant population trends and relatively few options for churches that focused on young people and families. Some of our strongest relationships are listed here. Planting seeds of Christ that will last a lifetime. opportunities to minister together with like-minded churches. It is made up of broken but forgiven the week to fulfill this calling, building relationships, reading Scripture, serving the marginalized in our community, and worshiping the The true Church is composed of all persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit are united together in the body of Christ. Two former children's ministers went home to Mossel Bay, South Africa, in 2008 after serving at The Crossing in Quincy to open a Crossing location there. role of filtering runoff from the parking lot and surrounding area. WORSHIP & Livestream: Sundays 9:00 & 10:30.
Apostolic ministry exists to encourage and equip churches and church leaders for success without motivation for control or undue personal benefit, while upholding the highest standards of integrity. is a reformed denomination made up of more than 600 churches committed to the authority of Gods Word and the world-wide proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If youre on Our aim is to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent.. Like all those who attend GCC, we would simply invite you to "come as you arebut grow."

Services in Jacksonville are at 10:00 am on Sundays. stop there. Believe it or not, from the coffee you drink to the communication you receive, 99% of the GCC staff you will meet are volunteers. Quincy 48th Street - Open/Social Distancing. This is what it Explore all of our open positions. The location was considered the second Crossing campus; attendance averaged about 75. 1. Before he ascended to heaven, Jesus gave his Church a vital mission, recorded in Mattthew 28.16-20: to go into all the world and make disciples. Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. Second, to be in Christ is to be continually transformed by the Holy Spirit in character, knowledge, wisdom, and practices. Many of the multi-site locations have the same ministries that Quincy has. We co-labor with other pastors to see the Gospel go forth in this generation. These three are coequal and are one God. The Crossing purchased and renovated an abandoned grocery store, which quickly housed the largest congregation in Macomb with an average attendance of 700 in 2010 with its two Sunday morning services at 9 AM and 10:45 AM. Founded in 1992, Willow Creek Association (WCA) is a not-for-profit Christian organization that exists to maximize the transformative power of the local church. Jesus Christ will come again to the earth personally, visibly, and bodilyto judge the living and the dead, and to consummate history and the eternal plan of God. What sets TFAC apart is the sense of community created by being connected to one another in a growing, healthy family of churches. We will have 9:00 am and 10:45 am services on Sunday in the auditorium. Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. On November 2, 2008, The Crossing opened another multi-site location in Kirksville, Missouri. Every weekend, Christians come together for corporate worship, but our worship doesnt A network of healthy, Bible based churches that are recognized by Joel Osteen Ministries. 4. As Christians we seek to live under His control daily. John 3:16; John 3:35-36; Romans 6:23;1 John 2:25; 1 John 5:11-13;Revelation 20:15, This statement of belief does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. God is making all things new. An association of relational churches working with church planters, church leaders, and churches in transition to provide support, guidance and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches. Clearly outlining what we believe as a church is done through our doctrine. The Tampa Bay Baptist Association has 111 churches that fellowship and work together to help reach Hillsborough County. TFAC offers more than just counsel and resources to churches. Also, if you have a question that's not answered below, feel free to send us a note; just click HERE. At Kirk Crossing, we want everyone to engage in this mission both close to home and to the ends of the earth. The Crossing Church associates with the ministries of LIFE Outreach international through Churches for LIFE. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}395544N 912028W / 39.928893N 91.341207W / 39.928893; -91.341207, This article is about the church in Illinois. Our GCC Kids Ministries are offered during both weekend services for kids from birth through 5th grade - a place where your kids will be cared for by adults who are committed to a safe, fun environment. The Crossing exists to minister in local communities, following our core values to bring people to an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Crossing Church is an independent non-denominational church. The Crossing gathers together throughout Second, to be in the world is to be actively engaged in personally sharing faith with others and participating in gospel ministry locally and globally. Serving is a Fuse ministry (6th-8th grade) will begin meeting during our Sunday 9:00 am and 10:45 am services with a maximum of 60 students per service. Join live broadcasts or watch and listen to previous sermons. Each campus has its own live band and staff. We can never make up for our sin by self-improvement or good works. They start at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 AM CT. Ignite Kids is where kids can figure out what God and the Bible are all about and have TONS of fun along the way. Learn more about what we believe as fully devoted followers of Christ. Second, it means that we seek to fully walk in obedience to Jesus Christ as Lord. K-2nd grade ministry will begin meeting during our Sunday 10:00 am services with a maximum of 15 students per service. We dont give to God because he needs the money. Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. in one God, but there is more to the one in the one. Ruling Elders are elected from the congregation and serve three-year terms during which they oversee the ministry of the church. The church was moved to a permanent site and renamed the Pike County Crossing to represent access to the entire Pike County community several years later. Although part of a network of churches called the Assemblies of God, GCC is a transdenominational church dedicated to serving the unchurched, dechurched, and spirituallly disenfranchised in Beavercreek and its surrounding communities. Still have questions? He invites, equips, and empowers His followers to play a role in that story. They now have 3 services each week 6pm on Thursday night, 9am, and 10:45am on Sunday morning. overflow from the lake then returns to the Hinkson Creek river system. The final vote was 24-4 in favor. The Crossing purchased this building and spent 5 months renovating it. The church opened after the purchase and renovation of a large, vacant private school building. Check out some of our more frequently asked questions below. He seeks after us, seals us, convicts us of sin, imparts truth, and empowers Our support comes from the generous giving of average folks who love contributing to the kinds of things they see God doing here at GCC. From the garden to the cross, from the resurrection of Jesus and the Church to renewed creation, God is permanent cross. K 5th-grade ministry will begin meeting during our Sunday 9:00 am and 10:45 am services with a maximum of 9 students. God will live and reign with We will acknowledge your first gift with a letter. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, marriage, life, and the proper conduct of all mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. Thats why we have established several internal financial controls to promote accountability among our staff. Gateway Church is one of our closest associations and helps provide apostolic covering for The Crossing Church. Our Fuse area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all students use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the Fuse area. Join us for Church Online and join the online community. We believe A second service was added in September 2012. To learn more click HERE. With His death and resurrection, by the power denomination provides The Crossing with accountability, encouragement, and The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. To be eternally in union with Him is Heaven. Fuse ministry (6th-8th grade) will begin meeting during our Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 am services with a maximum of 15 students per service. He adopts Early Childhood ministry will begin meeting for 2-5-year-olds during our 10:45 am service with a maximum of 12 students. The Crossing is a 501C3 Missouri non-profit. to him. month, on what might be termed an irregular schedule, i.e., we dont designate Along with many other biblical passages, that episode points to the fact that genuine worship is fundamentally a matter of the heart, not of outward appearances. II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21; Psalm 119:105. Contact Us grace will live with Him in the New Heavens and New Earth. means to be the Church.. Night service. With that as our starting point, everyone at Kirk Crossing is committed to growing in three defining areas as followers of Jesus, we are found: First, to be in Christ is to fully know and experience the new-creation life of Christ in us. Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. we trust what Jesus did for us on the cross, confessing our sins and accepting Him as the Lord of our lives, God forgives us. Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. , to be in Christ is to be continually transformed by the Holy Spirit in character, knowledge, wisdom, and practices. Reaching and helping communities around the world. We invite you to explore your questions about God in a safe and accepting environment and then expect you to wrestle with what you discover.

Our kids area will open 10 minutes before service starts and we ask that all children use the restroom or get a drink before they enter the kids area. 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, The Crossing Church | Lead Pastor Greg Dumas, Transformed Cultures Through the Power of Jesus Christ, Trinity Fellowship Association of Churches. We explore Gods truth humbly, experience