Blame others. I also wrote that poverty led to cases of inbreeding. How would you like it if someone decided that your way of life was wrong, and they came by and suddenly took away everything that was all youd ever known, and was familiar? what White people did to Africans. In his journal, Mark wrote about the Whitaker family members one by one. I dont know exactly what happened, but my mother (who was very kind-hearted) assumed that part of the problem was these people had not grown up being taught how to take care of things or maybe they actually didnt want the help for whatever reasons. No he was berried in the backyard only to be dug up and eaten by their own dogs not once but twice. They arent mid-aged. The video showed the Whitakers, a British family with members of an older generations living in a small town in the Appalachian region, and working at their fathers farm. So the question of why there appears to be minimum help (besides what came from Mark) does remain, regardless of how many other families in the US are like this family. The church some of the Whittakers go to might have tried to help, and if so, were they allowed to? the world does not go to sleep when you go to to bed. Read More:Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Release Date: Is This the Final Season of Picard? In fact their cousins Idonea, Etheldreda and Rosemary were daughters of Fenellas sister who also suffered from similar disabilities. Thank-You Mark. We dont know whom but thats just a thought. Why the Whitakers are left to suffer miserably? The Whitaker Family: Horrors of Inbreeding, Meet Lina Medina: The Youngest Mother in the World, 10 Best Cat Food Brands for Your Pets Good Health and Nutrition, Jennifer Lopez Net Worth and Earnings Explored,,, Justin Bieber to Resume Justice World Tour After Shocking Health Scare, Quentin Tarantino Wished He Directed Battle Royale, Also Shares About Video Archives Podcast, Man Dies After Falling from Escalator at The Weeknds Concert in Philadelphia, Halloween Ends: Trailer Reveals the Final Showdown Between Michael and Laurie, Camila Cabello Gets COVID-19, Announces With A TikTok. I think we need to be careful in making judgments about this family. I dunno. Wait Im confused. I used to live in Odd (my family is related to them through marriage. Those that could worked in the coal mines. Let us start with an example. Couldnt agree more. When we see the video footage of where they live, how they live, etc., at first glance, Im sure many (most?) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We're a Digital Platform offering the Latest Updates and News from Entertainment, Technology, Lifestyle and Food Industry. Id say I feel sorry for them but they really seem like a happy go lucky family. I Like How I Spent 20 Minutes Reading All These Nice Comments And One Person Goes 'Your Creepy', Congratulations ma'am, may the love, peace, and blessings of God Almighty abide in your new home forever Amen I, What ever it is God is her strength in Jesus Christ name Amen . They need a clean house and someone responsible enough to take care of them. Pot calling the kettle black type of situation. This makes the total SSI benefit levels higher in those States.. There may be some cash in scrap metals there. Katherine and Nerissa were daughters of john Herbert Bowes-Lyon the brother of the Queen Mother and his wife, Fenella. The parents were father John E Whittaker born to one twin brother and Gracie I Whittaker born to the other twin brother. Gracie Irenes parents were also first cousins. The condition was thought to be hereditary and descended from a common maternal grandfather, Charles Trefusis. Someone in power failed at their job, CYS, welfare, the state. According to a 2011 study, Consanguineous Marriages, the rate of near natal and childhood death increases if the child comes from a first cousin union, nearly doubling in certain countries.. What happen to this family if Betty dies? It was Mark Laitas fault for ignoring the neighbors warnings and bringing this family into the public eye. But probably these people dont trust any outsiders, especially govt workers asking a lot of questions and making a lot of judgments. I never said deformities result only from incest. I found one of the videos particularly disturbing. . The wealthy and powerful hide relatives like these in institutions. They werent willing to even talk to the documentary maker until he offered them financial help. Also, both of them, but especially Ray, do have communication methods they use to answer many questions. We heat with oil. May god bless them and protect them so they can each live a long and peaceful life. More than 19 million people have seen Mark Latias video, titled Inbred Family: The Whitakers, and more than 250 thousand people have liked it; over 12,000 people have disliked it. The royal family never revealed them to protect its reputation and genetic deformity. Mark Laita also failed to consider the age of these individuals. Identical twins share the same DNA and as a result it would have been as if both of them were fathered by the same man genetically speaking. According to the record, The Whitaker family made it to the spotlight after a photographer named Mark Laita photographed them for his booktitled Created Equalin 2004. The videos may have drawn attention to their needs, which is a good thing, but I was uncomfortable with questions being asked repeatedly of the two men who could not really answer. Disgusting but true. I think I felt differently about the questions being asked of Timmy and Ray. If the sheriff is aware of their situation Im sure the family have been offered resources. Claws Season 5 Release Date: Is It Possible That Claw Will Make a Comeback? What was that comment No way you serious directed at? Here is the List of Top 10 Biggest Mall in the World! Heres the REAL problem, which also explains the threat to outsiders this has been going on for decades, not just the Whitakers, Im talking inbreeding in other areas as well. The YouTube videos are a major avenue of fundraising for the family. They have an extensive family tree and a complex story with more details than well ever know. Its sad that inbreeding created people with very low intelligence and unable to communicate how frustrating it must be. Ive been following this family for years on the net. I find it so intriguing. Medical investigations have shown that inbred children have a malformed physique and mind. Someone did research and the parents were cousins whose parents were twins. Furthermore, Timmy and Lorraine exhibited irrational behavior as well. May god bless them and protect them so they can each live a long and peaceful life. We have a landline. Very inetersting to watch and have a soft spot in my heart for the Family. As a result of these faulty reproduction processes, inbred children can suffer from a wide range of health issues. Same old story. She is no spring chicken! As a result, the general population can attest to the prevalence of inbreeding in that section of West Virginia. It would be very simple to test the Whitakers for PKU if they would agree to it. Every individual is old enough. Mark Laita had to make four visits and give them financial gifts including money, food and clothes to make them talk. If it means saving the mothers life, yes. So thats as far as the inbreeding goes? Maybe they just want to be left alone to live the way theyve been living for generations. He wrote: The individuals in this video are brothers and sisters, except for Timmy who is a cousin. Maybe instead of reading my comment you can go to Utube & watch the video & learn for yourself. Moreover being in a rural area there is far less access to resources that in a city someone can walk, bike or bus too. Haha is that why at the beginning of the newest documentary they have a huge trump flag along side of the confederate flag!?? Why isolation? In 2020, a documentary on the Whitaker Family will be released, which details the familys horrifying past. I mean Virginia too. Im sure the gofundme account was set up with a guardian to help affiliate the funds. Essentially he is paying them for the chance to interview them though. The thought of incest is enough to gross one out. The house itself isnt wired. No one has been able to piece together the Whitakers family history because they are genetically and biologically linked. And before you say thrive? its all relative. We let republicans breed, and lo, this happens. Inbreeding has its worst effects on the children of inbred parents. In the United States, the Whitakers are considered the most inbred family due to the closeness of their ties. As shocking as this sounds it is actually all they know. Maybe they dont want a clean house as you know it? Did you miss the whole health class lecture on Human Reproduction in school? Let them like trump. Who is his mother and or father? This is a sad situation but they are adults. Why they are guarded by the deputies? I wish them well and hope the video has improved their lives and made them more comfortable. West VA is a famously poor state, and this family is obviously physically isolated in a rural area, possibly without much in the way of social services. But surely you realize, that in the deep south there are still places that are almost completely untouched by the outside.
You were once a fetus so stop dehumanizing others! Read More:Blood of Zeus Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot and Renewal Information! It could be anyone. So Im guessing that most of them if not all of them get disability every month. They can take walks outside in nature, plant their garden, and be together which is very important to them. Where did you practice law? Wares are goods e.g he was selling his wares at the market or they stored the new stock at the warehouse. They now have money to pay the electric and buy enough food to feed the family every week. I mean, say, for example, period. Armored guards keep an eye on the entire family to ensure that no one else enters the property or comes near them. Both born on March 1, 1882. Moonchild, you are so correct. The British came to North America and wanted to convert all the natives and for what? The oldest sister is named Betty, she does the speaking in all of the videos, Loraine does not speak,( Loraine & Ray never attended school) she nods her head. I support people with medical and mental health problems and youd be surprised behind closed doors that they live just like this. They probably have caseworkers or caretakers that stop and check in on them too. Why they are guarded by the deputies? Why ard these people not cared for? Writing gives me a sense of freedom and independence. At this time, it is doubtful if the truth of their ancestry will ever be known. Comments expressed on the site do not reflect the opinions of the site or any employee thereof. Other than to purposely fan the flames? Mark from SWU is the reason this family has so many needed things and the new home that was built was from findings off from the go fund me Mark started up. Which In this case, kept them together. Let them hate him. For his book Created Equal, Mark Laita(Instagram) photographed the Whitaker family in 2004 and documented their rise to fame. Omg if thats true and your not joking I swear Im throw up!!! however, the two sisters openly shared beds with their brother. The money is given to the family to spend how they want. What a happy and beautiful family. They are retarded you imbecile. Can you please explain the nephew. I used to stand on the porch with my grandma sometimes and run interference when people would go down to their homes and harass them. Tupperware, glassware etc. The Whitaker family is extremely secretive, no one knows where they come from and who their parents are. The Whitakers claim to be of British ancestry, however, they have no confirmation of this. She, after all, is the one who was lamenting the lack of education in the country. Inbred children are at a higher risk of recessive genetic disorders. Genetically speaking, they are half siblings. You would be much more creditable if you spelled your words correctly. As an amateur genealogist I was intrigued about their lineage, so I dove in. They are not in need of money. undiagnosed and untreated PKU (phenylketonuria) would explain this. It seemed like the siblings thoroughly enjoyed the outing and had some semblance of what was going on. Isnt it odd that theyre living the life of a popper? This is purely the result of horrible grinding poverty and isolation. Your email address will not be published. Why is everyone so worried about what everyone else is doing or what they think? Who will care for them then? Some cant speak at all. LOL, is not appropriate. Their parents were both cousins as well as genetic half siblings.
Lawyers have a way of expressing themselves. My family did not, and many other families do not. She mentioned her brother, sister, and nephew goes to church (except that people made fun of Ray, so he quit going). He has taken them to Walmart and they have put a new floor in, new cabinets, tv and other stuff. John Isom and Henry Wade were twins. I know this for a fact because I am currently caring for one of those children. And, really, it will be a futile effort. shuffling of DNA. Is it Political? I certainly agree that they should be given access to social services, if they want them. What youre saying about poverty, I have already mentioned in the article. But more generally, America is WAY behind most of Europe when it comes to providing for its poorest citizens. West Virginians became the prototypical hillbillies, and incest served as a crude scientific explanation for their downtrodden social condition. The self-righeousness of even some of the more respectful comments is appalling! I know people who are democrat, who have no jobs, are addicted to several substances and dont care for their children. Thanks for your comment. I just said to my wife that this family works the way it does probably due to the lack of outside intervention. Why the Whitakers are left to suffer miserably?. We have wells. I work in a house with 7 people like this. However, it was impossible to conclude that Whitakers parents were related through blood. The family have grown up in this trailer for many of years, & looks as though from the videos it needs torn down & a new one erected. All members of the family are closely biologically and genetically related to each other. These people are all in their 60s and 70s. I can only guess, too, but Im thinking one of the answers to this question could be that there are so many others (most likely not in the public eye) that are in the same predicament. Black Lagoon Season 4: Is It Cancelled or Renewed? The Whitakers are rated as the most inbred family in the United States because every one of them is related; however, recent records have revealed that their parents were cousins and not brother and sister as was earlier made to be believed. The British Royal family does not own the patent on inbreeding, Johanna the mad of Spain and the Hapsburgs of Germany come to mind. you cant kill something that isnt born: clumps of cells are not beings like us. The family members are disabled. Asking questions is allowed I hope. However, a horror video of the life of the Whitakers went viral in 2020 after a channel named Soft White Underbelly shared the video. So, the parents of the Whittakers were equivalent to half siblings in terms of genetic similarity? Like theres no more inbreeding down the line or does it continue? They are not unhappy about it. Initially I thought they may be exploited but they have been helped with money to fix up the home and hopefully, a better, easier life. Thankfully, Mark has created a GoFundMe campaign for them. As such, it is a violation of biological norms and, as such, contributes to genetic abnormalities. The members Lorraine, Ray and Timmy suffer from an undiagnosed mental condition. The proceeds have gone towards putting a new roof on the trailer, getting a new truck, buying a freezer, putting in kitchen cabinets so the food can be put away, getting a new box spring for Rays bed, and much more. Collectively this family is receiving thousands of dollars a month from Social Security. The Whitakers as of now comprises of three siblings and a cousin named Ray, Lorraine, Timmy, Freddie, and an unnamed sister. It depends on where you live. The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has ruled out any possibility of suspending President Muhammadu Buhari has given the Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu, two weeks Dr. Othman Abubakar of English Department, University of Maiduguri, has expressed a loss of Kemi Filani News shares trending Nigeria news, Nigerian celeb news, latest celebrity gossip, celebrities Naija gist and all the hot Naija entertainment news. The night soil is used as fertilizer for the garden. Some households still have outhouses. Can We Remove Filters From Someone Elses Video? I used to live in Odd. Theyve probably witnessed more people being simply curious (rather than offering help), as well as people who are very cruel and mean to do harm, than people who truly could make a welcome difference in their lives. The national grid restoration has been completed following its collapse on Wednesday. Horse riding is another passion that keeps me going. My Grandfather raped my mind there when she was a teenager and that folks you have to believe why this world is cruel. They make sure they are clothed and fed. They married first cousins because it was perfectly legal to do so for a long time until it was made illegal. Mark Laita would revealed that he faced threats from neighbors while trying to photograph the family and had to explain why he was doing so before the locals gave him permission to do so, this is proof that the Whitakers are well protected in Odd, West Virginia. The lifestyle is not at all hard to understand! We have a 5G tower nearby so we can use our data plan (its 4G, actually). I dont know how anyone living at that level of poverty could do better than she does (keeping everybody fed, attempting to do laundry, etc.). If both parents are heterozygous carriers, the likelihood that the offspring will be affected is one out of four. She has actually done a lotbut there is so much more that could be done if she had help. Others, not so much. I never said its solely based on incest. The Whitaker family are from Odd, West Virginia, where they currently reside. This is what happens when you smoke meth with your sister.

You sound like a horrible person. Poverty and lack of care are the issues here. Thats life. They barely had enough money for food, actually they probably didnt have enough money for all the food they needed. More people disliked the finished video than liked it. Shaun White Net Worth: Click Here to Know Everything About Him! It didnt fit the comment that came before it. He couldnt even tell if they were older than he thought they were. The Appalachian people are very close knit and watch out for each other. I agree. But I bet you think it. with their lack of education i doubt a go fund me page will actually help them. Thats not true is it? incest is a rare thing in west virginia not common here as you said.

The British Royal family is known to keep its secrets under the wraps. The brother, I think he is a brother who lives next door, seems clean and organize, could help clean up. As a result, Laita was forced to lavish them with gifts such as cash, clothes, and delectable meals in order to foster a climate of trust and open communication. But if both parents are homozygous for it the likelihood is 100% YOU and everyone else will pay dearly just to keep them ALIVE just for the edification of some religious superstitions. According to reports, people used to be frightened to gaze at these siblings. Yes they always have a few dogs, who seem to be nice & fat, not bag of bones roaming around. Ive heard from the people in town that they have orgies at the house and Mark wanted to cash in on filming the action until the neighbors stepped in.
As a result, the audience was made aware of the terrible consequences of such a blunder. However, from the look of the video, the Whitakers were struggling to make a living in their modest house with several dogs. Here, I am not talking about Game of Thrones. The documentary depicts the horrors of inbreeding. We also had to rescue a horse from them because they didnt know how to properly take care of them. The rich people have most of the money and couldnt care less about anyone else. Thank your for sharing. They were first cousins. Originally from Odd, West Virginia, the Whitakers have made that their home for the past few years. it was this 4-generation of incest horror tale. Democrat, republican. set up by Mark Laita the photographer of Soft White Underbelly you tube channel. It seemed that Ray needed some medical attention and no one seemed to care. Even I am asking questions. As of now, no medical examination as been done on The Whitakers, but there are claims that their health issues arise from inbreeding. Ahhhh. I agree with certain things you say. Its been tough to get in touch with the Whitakers because of their private family history and the neighborhoods protection of them. One last thought, which is a very general statement and not assigned to just the Whittakers, I live in Mississippi, and I have known about some families who lived in extreme poverty in an area called Sugar Ditch. They were not known for being inbred, but as far as I know, they were living hand to mouth in horrific conditions. Adele Net Worth: Wiki, Family, Early Life, Career and Everything You Need to Know About Him. Bicker, argue, throw stones. I just do not get it. Consider it as an example. I wonder if the reason it appears they dont have a lot of help is perhaps from fear from them (and maybe their neighbors) of too many people they dont know or trust getting involved. I do wish there were some way to help them get the home habitable and clean, as well as working to give the family some basic help with hygiene and housekeeping. They are the most common in-breeding group in the United States. If this is all they have ever known for generations then they are not going to understand what the problem is. Several genetic abnormalities have been found to be common in the progeny of this type of marriage. If not, then why not? Among the Whitakers, a British family with ancestors from earlier generations is a little Appalachian town and a farm run by the father.