We can do this.
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance Program (ERAP), www.impactcap.org/erap-landlord-portal-5135748914, IMPACT Community Action Partnership - Polk Co. (Drake). Although there are some small differences in ERA1 and ERA2 allowable uses, both allocations must be used for three primary purposes: direct financial assistance to households, housing stability services, and administrative fees. by Step Tutorial on How to Apply for Emergency Rental
These can be a model that grantees may be able to learn from and use to help reduce their processing bottlenecks, barrier bust documentation hurdles for tenants, and therefore, keep people stably housed. These are the first in a series of examples demonstrating best practices for service delivery and can be an inspiration for how grantees may iterate and evolve their applications and programs to better serve tenants and landlords. Tribes, TDHEs and DHHL are only required to submit partial Quarterly Reports (for example, Tribes, TDHEs and DHHL are not required to submit a Participant Household Payment Data File). processed first.

Asking for the total amount that the tenant owes for the utility allows all fees needed to maintain that utility to be included. For more information about the status of ERA implementation, see the monthly ERA spending data through March 31, 2022 and the quarterly data on the demographics of ERA recipients in 2021, or more recent reports.3 Bill
T: 202-708-1112 If you have a pending court date or received a notice for eviction due to non-payment of rent, please let us know on your application. It is appropriate to get applicants to confirm their rent assistance request and to underline the importance of making an accurate and truthful request. solicitar el alquiler despus de que la apelacin por el agua pase. entity. Tanpri gade foto anba pou ka w kijan pwosesis la ye: 1. with ERA Applications (Kreyol), Reduction of Hours, Wages or
Thank you for visiting the IMPACT Online Application Portal. application system, OSCARSS. Complete the Appeal Form and Click Save in OSCARSS.
This example shows a way to structure the rent assistance portion of an application.
the information submitted in the application. Below is important information about the ERA program, recent evaluations of the ERA program, ERA data, and eviction and other potential housing instability outcomes. The system assigns a priority level to each applicant based on
Please see the screenshot to the two-step process below: 1. take my survey now. You can also pick up an application from our offices in Bend, Redmond, or Madras. en

www.rentalassistancepbc.org. If a tenant has a lease or a letter from their landlord theres no need to ask for further documentation. Ranpli Fm rapl la epi klike sou save nan OSCARSS. directamente a travs del portal de aplicacin en
NeighborImpact conducts business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Act and all state and local fair housing laws. Local studies have looked at housing stability outcomes, such as eviction, but results are anecdotal, and lack a counterfactual. The Connecticut Fair Housing Center conducted analysis of the eviction moratorium and ERA interventions and its effect on trends in eviction filings and executions in the state.6 It found that daily eviction filings were reduced from 54 before the eviction moratorium to 3 during the full moratorium. program managers a tool to ensure the applications with the highest priority are being
Congress established the ERA program to provide emergency assistance for rental, utility, and other related expenses to households at risk of losing their rental units due to the COVID-19 pandemic. HELP for help. Treasurys guidance prohibits the eviction of renters for nonpayment while ERA payments are being made on a renters behalf. software, Please
The ERA2 allocation included a $2.5 billion set aside based on high needs. U.S. Department of This would require using AMI data from sources such as: This example involves confirming income eligibility by relying on the applicant's participation in other income-tested federal or state assistance programs. ERA funds assist households that are experiencing a financial hardship, are at risk of housing instability, and meet certain income requirements.2 Combined ERA1 and ERA2 financial assistance to an eligible household is limited to 18 months. A total of $46 billion was allocated thought the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021, enacted in December 2020 (ERA1) and the American Rescue Plan enacted in March 2021 (ERA2). contact
Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Apply for Non-COVID Related Rental Assistance, Step-by-Step

Nota: Si tiene 2 servicios, agua y alquiler, denegados y solo apelo por agua, solo puede
Text STOP to opt-out. The objective of the NOFO is to fund rigorous evaluations of the impact of ERA on housing stability outcomes. ERA2 funds will expire September 30, 2025. Assistance for State, Local, and Tribal Governments, find out what emergency rental assistance covers, how it works, and whos eligible, Guidelines for ERA program online applications, Risk of housing instability or homelessness, Break the process into steps and indicate where the user is in the process using a step indicator, Use examples and lists instead of requiring blocks of text, Winter 2021-2022 home heating costs are predicted to increase, Provide human interaction and support to applicants, eligibility language alteration between ERA1 and ERA2. This example illustrates how you can structure the section on utility assistance. Para verificar el estado de una aplicacin visite la Bsqueda de servicios al cliente de CSD
The intention is to help tenants see themselves and/or their situation within the checklist options offered and to avoid asking tenants to provide a narrative. Treasury understands that aspects of these examples will need to be adapted to meet their localized needs and program requirements. The Housing Initiative at Penn and the National Low Income Housing Coalition conducted a series of surveys of ERA administrators in April and July 2021 that identified program features affecting program spending.5 The study found that ERA administrators expected their program to serve a fraction of the applications it expects to receive. Todos los servicios
released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this
As described in Treasury's FAQs, grantees must determine who is eligible to receive rental assistance. Por favor vea la siguientes captura de pantalla del proceso de los 2 pasos a seguir: 1. It also provides more granular data for program administrators. default. Once you get to the site there will be step-by-step instructions on how to complete the process. Rental Assistance (ERA) Program (Spanish), Applying for the
Allow applicants to progress and self-attest if they cannot provide documentation. Assisted Agencies, Applying for the
This example shows one way grantees can cross-reference household size and income against a proxy data source on the backend, without putting this onus on the applicant. Assistance, Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Emergency Rental
Pwosesis rapl la ka ft/otomatize nan OSCARSS. www.pbcgov.com/clientservicessearch
Reviewers are able to see the
The following screens show examples of each of the conditions of eligibility. Si yo te refize aplikasyon w lan, ou ka f yon rapl kont pwosesis la pou yo ka rekonsidere
Tutorial on How to Apply for COVID-Related Rental Assistance, Common
Documentation is required to show the
Issued ID, How to Apply for COVID-Related Assistance, How to Apply for Non-COVID-Related Assistance, COVID-19
After the eviction moratorium ended but the state ERA program continued to operate, the daily eviction filings climbed to 28. All other applications will be placed on a waitlist pending additional funding. Haga clic en el boton Solicitar Apelacion en OSCARSS.
with ERA Applications (English), Lunch-n-Learn: Assistance
The simplest way to capture a tenants rental obligation is with a current lease or an equivalent letter from their landlord. If you do not see an online application that fits your current needs, please reach out to us at 515-518-4770 or email us at info@impactcap.org for more information about available services over the phone. Tout svis refize yo pral tcheke pa
Central Oregonians residing inCrook, DeschutesandJefferson countiesor theConfederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Within these examples is a documentation strategy that leverages self-attestation within the ERA application itself. Preference Points: This program offers preference points for HBCUs, Program Office: Policy Development and Research, Funding Opportunity Title: Impact Evaluation of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program. Short Term Rent Assistancecan be for eviction prevention or move-in costs, including security deposit help. Nou ankouraje aplikan yo tcheke Iml yo regilyman epi kenbe yon nimewo telefn ki valab nan
All other applications will be placed on a waitlist pending additional funding. Ask Us Here, Preguntas Frecuentes relacionadas a la asistencia de COVID, (Keyson Ki
Payments are made directly to landlords on behalf of a household. Standard msg and data rates may apply when texting. Currently, there is no large and rigorous research that assesses ERAs effect on housing stability, including eviction and homelessness. higher priority are reviewed first, on a daily basis. The appeal process has been automated in OSCARSS. The goal is to demonstrate ways grantees and their partners can create online application forms that are user-friendly, succinct, and easily understood. Initial ERA1 award funds will expire September 30, 2022, but ERA1 grantees that received reallocations of excess funds received an extension through December 29, 2022 to continue obligating reallocated funds. FAQs, COVID-Related Assistance (ERA) Vendor Registration Step by Step Tutorial, Non-COVID Rental Assistance FAQ and Program Information, Preguntas Frecuentes del Programa de Asistencia con la Renta no-relacionados con COVID, FAQ Sou Asistans pou lokasyon ki pa gen rapo a COVID ak Enfmasyon sou Pwogram nou an. The application portal for COVID-related assistance applications (including rent, utilities, and relocation) will close on Friday, July 15, at 5pm and will reopen on August 2nd, at 10am. Note: If you have 2 services, water and rent, denied and only appeals for water then can only
For example, if the applicant only checks that they need assistance with gas bills, only additional fields pertaining to the gas bill will be shown. Surveyed programs that provided direct-to-tenant assistance had a higher program expenditure rate, but programs that added direct-to-tenant assistance later did not have better expenditure than programs that never provided direct-to-tenant assistance. Deselekte sa yo ke ou pap f rapl pou yo. www.pbcgov.com/clientservicessearch
directly through the application portal at
status applications is monitored on an ongoing basis. The program requires states and localities to prioritize households below 50 percent of area median income (AMI) and those households with one or more members that have been unemployed for at least 90 days. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)has announced the availability of $2,000,000 for the research project titled Impact Evaluation of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program.