While driving to the airport to pick up family members, Manny Perez, from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, saw a backwards-facing truck being towed on the road in front of him - and couldn't resist a joke. There's a truck coming!'. The comments below have not been moderated. 'My wife's asleep so we're going to see if we can scare her. 'Thanks for everyone's concern,' he wrote. As the kids were looking down at their phones, their dad screamed to them "Oh my God, don't look!
Little did they know that the truck was being towed backwards. 2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. By Poelano Malema. That's what happened when one family man spotted a huge truck being towed backwards along the US highway. The cruel prank raised concern after it was posted on YouTube, where is has been viewed nearly 120,000 times. Here's what you can expect from The Cannabis Expo this week Vic hasn't had to attend an interview in a while but he KNOWS the struggle. Take a look at our video slideshow of amazing dashcam footage Part of HuffPost Comedy. Rishi celebrates after advancing to final two, Putin hobbles along red carpet with arm limp as he arrives in Iran, Crook returns watch to stunned tourist after robbing him at gunpoint, Farmer who murdered wife in 1982 ordered to serve at least 18 years, March 2020: Putin makes Erdogan wait two minutes before meeting, Video shows awkward moment of Putin waiting for Turkey's Erdogan, Ukrainian troops saves cat abandoned on Snake Island, Prince William announces Earthshot Prize awards in Boston, Russian tank goes up in flames after being hit with Javelin missile, Jezebel: Husband Wakes His Wife Up with a Car Accident Prank. After watching herself scream she found it very funny.'.
Way to go, daddy! Published: 10:55 EDT, 24 July 2012 | Updated: 11:00 EDT, 24 July 2012. Happy with himself: Manny Perez, from North Carolina, filmed himself tricking his sleeping wife into believing they were about to crash on the highway. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. A husband has filmed the moment he unleashed a cruel prank on his sleeping wife, pretending they were about to get in a freak car accident. Larry Hogan, Depression 'is NOT caused by low serotonin levels': Study casts doubt over widespread use of potent drugs designed to treat chemical imbalance in brain, Ilhan Omar is 'a wrecking ball to progress' and an 'insult' to Minnesota: GOP rival Cicely Davis says squad member is more focused on 'celebrity activism than doing her job' - and voters haven't forgotten she led charge to defund the police, 'Maybe you should just go and shoot homeless people!' Tracey Cox reveals the claims about condoms, climaxes and cheating you should NEVER fall for (and the four sex fibs that are harmless), Son of retired NYC Supreme Court judge, 26, is accused of bludgeoning mother to death with a piece of furniture before getting naked and jumping to his death from 16th floor of their Upper East Side apartment, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says Donald Trump called him LAST WEEK in another push to decertify the state's 2020 election results. He told ninemsn: 'She wasn't too happy, but then realised that I prank her often. You're driving along, trying to concentrate on the traffic and stay out of the Games Lanes, when you suddenly spot the opportunity to scare the living daylights out of the love of your life. But in response, Perez posted a note on the video assuring viewers his hands never left the wheel, despite filming the road and his wife. This is not the first time a family has had fun playing the backward truck prank. Prank: A backwards-facing truck was being towed by another vehicle in front of them - making it appear as if it were driving towards them, 'Priceless reaction': He screams that they are about to crash and his sleeping wife Sabra immediately opens her eyes and howls in horror, But as she realises the truck is edging further away, not nearer, her husband adds: 'I'm sorry, it was funny.'. Everyone's fine. Road was empty. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.
Wake up! This YouTube clip shows the gleeful-looking bloke announce his intentions to wake up his wife and pretend the truck is driving straight towards them. 'You are recording yourself while you're driving on the highway, with your kids in the car? In a sign she perhaps didn't find it as funny as her husband, she then bats away his camera. Watch the moment mom and sister abandoned one-year-old after Walmart security officer confronted them for Boss surprises workforce with pool party and BBQ in heatwave, 'Hasta la vista, baby': Boris signs off his tenure at dispatch box, Terrifying moment homeowner attempts to stop blaze with hose, 'We smashed it!'
His prank got over 6 million views on YouTube. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. 'Okay, so there's a truck getting towed and it looks like it's coming at us,' he says. As they lifted their heads to see what their dad was on about, they witnessed what seemed like a truck coming their way. You'll also note how he's since annotated the video in order to stress how he was driving safely and responsibly throughout - apart from the point where he nearly gives his wife a heart attack, that is. THUMBS UP FOR SAFETY! One day, as they were riding on the motorway in America as a family, the kids, like any other kids, were too occupied with their phones that they were missing what was happening on the road. The parent can be heard giggling ashe sees that the prank worked. In a bid to teach them a lesson, thedad came up with what has been deemed the mother of all pranks. 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Pop star Conan Gray, 23, is hammered by baseball fans after 'impossibly bad' rendition of Star-Spangled Banner, Trump-backed Maryland gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox wins state's primary: Dems are so confident they'll beat him they ran ads supporting him over moderate chosen by current GOP Gov. | LISTEN: Should companies disclose the salary in a job ad. Updated June 15, 2016, 2:31 p.m. Notice the seatbelts on EVERYONE and my shifting eyes. Sign up and we will email you daily with the best of our political and news coverage while also giving you a taste of our most-popular lifestyle, opinion and personal blogs. A video went viral a few years ago where a husband pranked his wife into thinking they were going to crash into a truck. This article first appeared on Jacarandafm. I hope someone at Child Services sees this video and pays you a little visit,' one angry viewer wrote. Her eyes immediately open and she screams in horror. ECR Top 40 with Danny, brought to you by CTM. Safe: The truck pulls into the other lane, as Sabra chides her husband. Ready for more jaw-dropping views from the road? Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Wake up and smell the coffee! Play it now. 2022 Kagiso Media Ltd. All rights reserved. Cannabis in KZN! Joe Rogan jokes that killing vagrants in Los Angeles is fine because city's woke DA now turns a blind eye to violent crime, Uvalde School District 'is set to finally FIRE its embattled police chief Pete Arredondo at Saturday meeting' after he held officers back for more than an hour while teen gunman massacred 19 children, 'If you're worried about offending people, you are not going to be very creative': Monty Python icon John Cleese slams woke culture for having a 'disastrous effect' on comedy, Author Howard Jacobson recalls his travel adventures, revealing how he was nearly shot by a cop in New Mexico (and nearly shot again when he revealed he was English), Payback! A word to the wise: if you value your own personal safety and/or relationship, don't try this one yourselves. Contact our traffic hotline: (031) 570 9400. ', Filming the truck on the road before panning to Sabra, he then shouts: 'Babe! 'No highway threat. You know how it is. ', He added: 'Or was this annotation made while driving?'. Parents have to teach their children valuable lessons in life. ", knowing very well that they would. What japes! 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Perez, who was driving his two children and his sleeping wife Sabra, looks pleased with himself as he explains the prank to the camera. For these parents, the one lesson they wanted to teach their children was that paying attention in life is very important. Below are the videos.