Prerequisite: PHY2049 and 2056L, CHM2046 and 2046L, MAC2312 or equivalent. Methods of treating chemical and phase equilibria in multi-component systems through application of thermodynamics and molecular theory.
0000010393 00000 n
ENC 1101 Expository and Argumentative Writing, PHY 2048L Physics with Calculus 1 Laboratory, PHY 2049L Laboratory for Physics with Calculus 2, ENC 3246 Professional Communication for Engineers, CGN 3710 Experimentation and Instrumentation in Civil Engineering, ECH 4224L Fluid and Energy Transfer Operations Laboratory, ECH 4403 Separation and Mass Transfer Operations, ECH 4714L Safety and Experimental Evaluation, ECH 4404L Separation and Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory, ECH 4504 Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design, ECH 4604 Process Economics and Optimization, ECH 4824 Materials of Chemical Engineering, CHM 3120 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, ECH 4323L Chemical Engineering Laboratory. (S-U), Office of the University Registrar 1478 Union Road 0000013328 00000 n
To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements. Any course taken to satisfy a degree requirement (general education, required course or technical elective) with the exception of ECH4912, ECH 4948, and ECH 4949, cannot be taken S-U. (S-U), Freshman success course that includes academic preparation in calculus, chemistry, student success and technical communications. The first part of a two-course sequence in which multidisciplinary teams of engineering and business students partner with industry sponsors to design and build authentic product and processes, on time and within budget. Fundamental aspects of chemical reactors, including collision theory, transition rate theory, unimolecular rate theory, homogeneous gas and liquid phase kinetics, and heterogeneous kinetics. Military courses cannot be used for technical electives. 0-3 credits, repeatable (S-U). Study of chemical engineering problems identified by the student and instructor. Technical electives are defined as department-approved, upper-division courses with significant technical science, engineering, and/or math content. Statistical mechanical theories that connect molecular structure to macroscopic properties. 0000002996 00000 n
ECH6726 Interfacial Phenomena I 3 Credits. ECH7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits, EGN5949 Practicum/Internship/Cooperative Work Experience 1-6 Credits, Max 6 Credits. Prerequisites still apply. Phone: 352-392-0881, Advanced Materials, Devices, and Nanotechnology, Biomolecular Engineering, Cellular Engineering, and Synthetic Biology, Heterogeneous Catalysis and Surface Science, Transport, Molecular Thermodynamics, and Electrochemical Engineering, Engineering Research: EGN 4912 CURE - Stoppel, Spec Topics in Che 1: Materials Self Assembly, Spec Prob in Chem Eng: Materials Self Assembly, Spec Prob in Chem Eng: ChE Applied Math for Sr, Chemical Engineering Kinetics, Reactor Design, and Optimization, Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks, Advanced Chemical and Biological Process Laboratories, Electron Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors, Experimental Basis for Chemical Engineers, Separation and Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory, Fluid and Energy Transfer Operations Laboratory Unit Operations Lab 1, Advanced Mathematics for Chemical Engineering, Semiconductor Device Fabrication and Material Characterization, Fluid and Energy Transfer Operations Laboratory, Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering, Advanced Chemical and Biological Process Labs, Separation and Mass Transfer Operations Lab, The Continuum Basis of Chemical Engineering, Process Control Laboratory (Online Section), Internship Work Experience in Chemical Engineering, Co-op Work Experience in Chemical Engineereing, Process Control Laboratory (Campus Section). trailer
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Preliminary design of convention chemical processes including process specifications, sitting and layout, equipment sizing, utility and manpower needs, safety and hazard analysis, environmental considerations and economic evaluation. Engineering applications, including corrosion. ECH6709 Electrochemical Engineering Fundamentals and Design 3 Credits. This PDF includes all graduate catalog information. Division of Enrollment Management Principles and applications of biochemistry, genetics, microbial systems, animal systems, ecological systems and global systems. Laboratory and process safety analysis which emphasizes prevention and mitigation.
UF Office Directory | BME4321 Dynamics of Cellular Processes 3 Credits. Fundamentals of heterogeneous reactor design including the characterization of catalytic reactions and support, the development of global rate of the intrinsic reaction affected by chemical and physical deactivation of catalyst, intraphase and interphase mass and heat transfer, and the design and optimization of various types of heterogeneous reactors. To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold. However, a maximum of 3 credits from ECH4949 and ECH 4948 can count towards the Chemical Engineering degree. ECH6905 Individual Work 1-6 Credits, Max 12 Credits. BME6322 Dynamics of Cellular Processes 3 Credits. Theory, design, and evaluation of diffusional and staged mass transfer processes including distillation, absorption and extraction, leaching, and membrane separations. ONE.UF | ECH4404L Separation and Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory 2 Credits, Laboratory work in unit operations involving mass transfer. The education of the chemical engineer is based on the fundamental sciences of physics, chemistry and biology, on mathematical and computer techniques, and on basic engineering principles. Complete 2 of 8 critical-tracking courses with a minimum grade of C within two attempts: 2.5 GPA required for all critical-tracking courses based on the best of two attempts, Complete 3 additional critical-tracking courses with a minimum grade of C within two attempts, Complete the remaining critical-tracking courses with minimum grades of C within two attempts, Complete at least 4 additional upper division critical-tracking courses (reference Model Semester Plan), Complete at least 4 additionalupper division critical-tracking courses, Complete at least 5 additional upper division critical-tracking courses, Complete at least 4 additional upper division critical-tracking courses, Complete all remaining upper division critical-tracking courses. Prerequisite: CHM2046 or (MAC2312 and PHY2048). Introduction to entrepreneurship, idea generating and feasibility analysis, and business planning. Introduces fundamental principles of classical thermodynamics.
Course will provide the student with supervised research in a laboratory setting.
%PDF-1.3 % 0000002082 00000 n Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy. ECH4403 Separation and Mass Transfer Operations 3 Credits. 0000011166 00000 n Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Education, School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education, Education, School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies, Education, School of Teaching and Learning, PharmacyPharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, Public HealthClinical and Health Psychology, Public HealthEnvironmental and Global Health, Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, Division of Graduate Please note the critical-tracking requirements below on a per-semester basis. Corequisite: PHY2049, MAC2313, MAP2302, and ECH4934. Discussion on the forces responsible for unique physical properties at solid-liquid interfaces and their application in various engineering problems. Introduces chemical engineering students interested in bio-related careers to the chemical engineering discipline. The work of the Department of Chemical Engineering is not restricted to the chemical industry, chemical changes or chemistry. 0000001869 00000 n 0000002782 00000 n 0000031391 00000 n Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses. 0000104726 00000 n 0000031469 00000 n (B) (WR), Attributes: General Education - Biological Science, Satisfies 6000 Words of Writing Requirement, BME3406 Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering 3 Credits. Graduates of the UF chemical engineering undergraduate program contribute to the production of energy, including green energy, fertilizers, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals including antibiotics and vaccines, semiconductors and other components of cell phones and computers, fuel cells, batteries, consumer products, plastics, paint, paper, and a myriad of other products that benefit mankind. Colloids and interfacial phenomena, colloid interaction forces, electrokinetic phenomena, transport phenomena influenced by colloidal forces, and electrokinetic phenomena. Principles involved in quantitative adoption of chemical engineering unit operations and unit processes for the analysis and design of systems involving complex fluids.
To prepare students for lifelong careers in chemical engineering. To offer high-quality undergraduate and graduate degree programs in chemical engineering and to conduct research that helps educate graduate students and serves the needs of Florida and the nation. ECH4504 Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design 4 Credits. Emphasizes the link between biology and chemical engineering and the interface between them. Basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic concepts and models. Complete an exit interview in your final semester.
CHM5511 Physical Chemistry of Polymers 2 Credits. EGN4912 Engineering Directed Independent Research 0-3 Credits, Provides firsthand, supervised research with a faculty advisor or postdoctoral or graduate student mentor. Graduates will demonstrate professional engineering competence via promotions and/or positions of increasing responsibility.
1478 Union Road /,>ue[]-G4Dpd&vS]-h9COjB Txvw{ u . The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Box 114000 Provision is made to receive up to five credits of approved co-op, internship and/or research experience with no more than three credits coming from industry work and no more than three coming from academic research. (M). 0000014437 00000 n Box 116005 The analysis and automatic control of process systems in chemical engineering. CHM5275 The Organic Chemistry of Polymers 2 Credits. Practical engineering work under industrial supervision as set forth in college regulations. ECH4948 Internship Work Experience 0-3 Credits. 0000005934 00000 n Box 114000, 9 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 11 /H [ 1235 244 ] /L 116511 /E 107553 /N 2 /T 116214 >> endobj xref 9 40 0000000016 00000 n
Co-op and internship employer evaluations, Additional assessments include the student survey and exit interview. These courses must be completed by the terms as listed above in the Critical Tracking criteria. African and Asian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Akan | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Amharic | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Arabic | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Chinese | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Czech | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication, Dutch | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Education | School of Human Development and Organizational Studies, Education | School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies, Education | School of Teaching and Learning, Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, French | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Gender, Sexualities, and Womens Studies, German | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Haitian Creole | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Hebrew | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Hindi-Urdu | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Information Systems and Operations Management, Italian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Japanese | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Korean | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Media Production, Management, and Technology, Polish | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Portuguese | Spanish and Portuguese Studies, Russian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Swahili | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, Vietnamese | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Wolof | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Xhosa | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Yoruba | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. These two courses are pre-approved substitutes for three credits of technical electives and for ECH4644. Integrated introduction to transport processes in continuous media with emphasis on fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer. 0000011144 00000 n This is often done concurrently with another General Education requirement (typically Gen Ed Composition, Gen Ed Humanities, or Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Sciences). 0000003523 00000 n Examples from literature include mRNA transport, nuclear pore dynamics, cytoskeletal dynamics, imaging motor proteins and transcription factor dynamics. (WR). Prerequisite: a course on kinetics and/or transport, or instructor permission. Technical electives are defined as department-approved, upper-division courses with significant technical science, engineering, and/or math content. Gainesville, FL 32611-4000 ECH4827 Processing of Complex Fluids 3 Credits. ECH4524 Heterogeneous Chemical Kinetics Reactor Design 2 Credits. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Gainesville, FL 32611-6005
Formulation of models for describing physical processes, numerical analysis and computer programming. Prerequisite: ECH3101 and ECH3203 and ECH3223 and STA3032 or STA2023; Attributes: Satisfies 6000 Words of Writing Requirement, ECH4323 Process Control Theory 3 Credits. Computer-aided design methods. Introduction to the forces responsible for unique physical properties at interfaces, including wetting phenomena, the adsorption of polymers and surface-active molecules at interfaces, and the structure of these solutions. Prerequisite: ECH3023 and MAP2302 and MAC2313. ECH3264 Elementary Transport Phenomena 3 Credits. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction kinetic modeling and data analysis. I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed, Office of the University Registrar To proceed to succeeding courses, minimum grades of C are required in ECH 3023, ECH 3101, ECH 3203, ECH 3223, ECH 3264 and COT 3502 within two enrollments (including drops and/or withdrawals) for each course. HWn6+ 0000003745 00000 n Prerequisite: a course on kinetics and/or transport, or consent of instructor.
Refer to the schedule of courses for each term's specific offerings.More Info. Properties of chemical substances, transport phenomena, non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, turbulence, applied mathematics, computer science, biochemical and electrochemical engineering. This background makes the chemical engineer extremely versatile and capable of working in a variety of industries: chemical, biochemical, petroleum, materials, microelectronics, environmental, food processing, consumer products, consulting and project management. If the Physical Chemistry Topics 3 credit requirement is satisfied by a 4 credit course, the additional credit satisfies 1 credit of the Technical elective requirement. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering principles to chemical engineering problems. 0000013350 00000 n The education of the chemical engineer is based on the fundamental sciences of physics, chemistry and biology, on mathematical and computer techniques, and on basic engineering principles. It is also good preparation for law and medical schools. Topics include the role and application of colloids, spreading of liquids on surfaces, lubrication, flotation, and nanomaterial synthesis. BME6221 Biomolecular Cell Mechanics 3 Credits. ECH4912 Integrated Product and Process Design 1 3 Credits. 0000002297 00000 n 0-3 credits, repeatable (S-U). 0000001479 00000 n Laboratory work associated with ECH 4323.
Examples and applications. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GE-N) and diversity (GE-D) requirements. Graduates will be able to work in diverse professional environments as demonstrated in their pursuit of continuing education, professional certification/registration and/or career path into business, government, education, etc. Classification of polymerization types and mechanisms from a mechanistic organic point of view. Practical synthetic methods of polymer preparation.
Introduction to digital computers, sampled data systems and Z-transforms, control of multiple input-multiple output systems, optimal control, state estimation and filtering, and self-tuning regulators. The second part of a two-course sequence in which multidisciplinary teams of engineering and business students partner with industry sponsors to design and build authentic product and processes, on time and within budget. Thermal, mechanical, optical, and rheological properties of plastics and rubbers. ECH6126 Thermodynamics of Reaction and Phase Equilibria 3 Credits. Practical internship work experience under approved industrial supervision, as set forth in college regulations. 0000007030 00000 n 0000012257 00000 n 0000008228 00000 n
ECH6843 Experimental Basis of Chemical Engineering 3 Credits. This semester plan represents an example progression through the major. ECH5938 Topics in Colloid Science 3 Credits. 0000051129 00000 n 0000008207 00000 n Critical Tracking records each students progress in courses that are required for progress toward each major. Website, Email | 352.294.2891 (tel) | 352.392.9513, 1030 Center Drive CHEMICAL ENGINEERING STUDENT CENTER (CESC) GAINESVILLE FL 32611-2030 Map, ABE2062 Biology for Engineers 3 Credits, Principles and engineering applications of biology. Biomolecular basis of cell mechanics and cell motility, emphasizing quantitative models and systems-biology approaches. Pass an assessment by two or more faculty and/or industry practitioners of performance on a major design experience. Prerequisite: (ECH3203 and ECH3223 and ECH4123 and ECH4824) or instructor permission. Reaction of polymers. The work of the chemical engineer is not restricted to the chemical industry, chemical changes or chemistry. Instead, modern chemical engineers are concerned with all the physical, chemical, and biological changes of matter that can produce an economic product or result that is useful to mankind. Graduates will demonstrate professional engineering competence via promotions and/or positions of increasing responsibility. BME4220 Biomolecular Cell Mechanics 3 Credits. 1030 Center Drive ECH3203 Fluid and Solid Operations 3 Credits. Applications to modeling and analysis of physical and chemical processes undergoing change. ECH4824 Materials of Chemical Engineering 2 Credits. 0000010615 00000 n ECH6939 Topics in Chemical Engineering III 1-4 Credits, Max 9 Credits, ECH6940 Supervised Teaching 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits, ECH6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits, ECH7938 Advanced Special Chemical Engineering Topics for Doctoral Candidates 1-4 Credits, Max 8 Credits, Advanced Special Chemical Engineering Topics for Doctoral Candidates.