Exclusionalso can be employed against biting flies. The eyes of some deer flies and horse flies are iridescent green. In terms of personal protection, choice of clothing can be important. The most common of the small biting flies, adult black flies can produce serious annoyance problems and sometimes produce serious effects for people and animals. They cause swollen bumps on the skin that are small and red in appearance. What causes them, and what you can do about them. Adult black flies are migratory, commonly flying many miles from larval breeding sites. The immature stable fly (maggot) can be found breeding in many kinds of moist, decaying organic matter, including animal bedding, lawn clippings, and compost. The true turkey gnat, S. meridionale, is a foothills-prairie species in eastern Colorado and attacks birds. This cleans the area and lowers the irritation. 12/96.
You can also apply an anti-itch cream to the area to relieve itchiness and redness. wear light colored clothing; black flies are attracted to dark colors. Success of adult control is not likely and has not been demonstrated. This fly looks like a house fly, except for the pointed proboscis beneath its head through which it sucks blood. These are Prosimulium mixtum and Simulium venustum. 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. Photos and illustrations courtesy of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Alex Wild (University of California,www.myrmecos.net), Jim Kalisch (University of Nebraska) and Ohio State University. black flies tend to swarm the face; an insect head net can be worn for protection in areas of high black fly populations. Area-wide control of biting flies can be difficult due to the hidden habitats in which the larvae are found, and because some adult biting flies may fly miles from their larval habitats. Historically, areas around the Colorado National Monument have reported problems most frequently and the canyon country of western Colorado. Need expert help on a specific question or topic? You have serious symptoms, like pus, on your skin. Ultra-low volume (ULV) treatments (such as fogging for mosquitoes) and space sprays of non-residual pesticides are best used where flies are numerous and concentrated in a relatively small area. It is a daytime feeder, with peak biting occurring during the early morning and late afternoon. Questions about CSU Extension programs or resources? Specific techniques have been developed for managing stable flies in confined livestock operations. Image source: /content/dam/soi/en/web/idph/files/pcflies-clip-image002.jpg. Here are a few ways: College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences: "The Truth About Buffalo Gnats. Nearly everyone has been bitten by a fly of one sort or another. Others have been found in rotten wood or decaying vegetation where they are thought to develop as predators of other insects. Unlike mosquitoes, black flies are day feeders. ", Mississippi State University Extension: "What To Do About Buffalo Gnats or Black Flies. Biting may also be more severe in years following periods of drought. Little can be done except to use repellents and Peairs, Extension entomologist and professor; and B. Kondratieff, professor; bioagricultural sciences and pest management. In addition to the blood loss, effects of the insect saliva can cause a variety of problems, with swelling and intense skin irritation most common. Instead, you can try to avoid a black fly bite. Employment | For more information on repellents see the extension fact sheet Insect Repellents., SUBSCRIBE TO Granite State Gardening newsletter. USNH Privacy Policies USNH Terms of Use ADA Acknowledgment Affirmative Action Jeanne Clery Act. Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. Horseflies are closely related to deer flies. Larvae hatch in the fall when stream temperatures are falling and develop during the winter months. These potential sites for larval development should be eliminated where practical. Horse flies are strong, fast fliers that feed on the blood of livestock and other animals. Each has different habits. Some species have more than one generation per year. In sensitive individuals, the flys saliva can trigger life-threatening allergic reactions. All rights reserved. Several generations can be produced each year. Usually fans or some other means of cooling the birds is needed. The biting midges are much smaller, being no more than 1/32 of an inch long. However, as previously noted, the breeding sites can be many miles away from where the adult insects are causing problems. You will have to look at the ingredients list on the label to find them. But by supplementing preventive measures with fly management, bites from these vexing pests can be avoided. Biting attacks tend to show some periodicity. Learn the stages of the black fly life cycle. Black fly outbreaks are associated with areas with sustained running water. When black fly activity is high, there are several steps you can take to help prevent bites: E-Mail Updates: Get customized treatment alerts for your area or sign up for the latest mosquito news! They tend to be most active on humid, cloudy days and just before storms. * W.S. These flies swarm around the head in large numbers but do not usually bite. The eggs hatch in water and larvae attach to rocks, leaves, grass or other submerged objects. The minute, worm-like larvae of biting midges live in moist sand or soil, rotting vegetation, tree holes and other damp situations often at the edges of ponds, marshes and lagoons. Black flies (buffalo gnats) are small dark flies that come out during early summer and late spring.

Treatments begin after samples show high numbers of biting gnat larvae developing in rivers or streams. These materials kill only on contact and quickly decompose, leaving the treated area unprotected soon after application.