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The .gov means its official. 10224 DURANT ROAD Checkout today's featured content at rosap.ntl.bts.gov. 0000012431 00000 n
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Timber deck panels can be applied to superstructures besides timber. It was recently learned that a number of innovations in structural timber components are available to the construction industry, but that they were la Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, United States. To connect the deck panels to the steel framing, bolts and brackets are used. Gen. Tech. Distinguished Professor, Dept. Panels on two of the three bridges exhibited an initial moisture content in excess of the 16% considered to be the upper limit for assuming a dry stress condition and a further evaluation of the in-service moisture condition is recommended. In general, the bridge superstructures were assembled quickly and easily but many of the panels were wider at the ends than in the middle, which resulted in obvious gaps between the panels and decks which were longer than were specified in the plans. It should be remembered that this does not cause composite action. To get back to the page you were previously viewing, click your Cancel button. The Sandwich Plate System is a structural composite material used for bridge decks that is up to 70% lighter than reinforced concrete. <<9358F12667780242B1F46B757E39E71F>]>>
Single or multiple spans can be combined with Wheelers Panel-Lam to complete any crossing. 0000006966 00000 n
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Four superstructure types are included: two longitudinal (slab-type) deck systems and two transverse deck systems resting on either glulam or steel girders. Copyright 2002 American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Characterization of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Glulam Panels for Bridge Decks, Transverse Isotropy Modeling of 3D Glulam Timber Beams, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, DoubleTapered Glulam Beams: Finite Element Analysis, ReLAM: Nonlinear Probabilistic Model for the Analysis of Reinforced Glulam Beams in Bending, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2002)7:6(367), 19962022, American Society of Civil Engineers. Structural Engineer, Powers and Schram, Inc., 2545 North Atherton St., State College, PA 16803. Cracks developed in the bituminous concrete wearing surface on one of the bridges within four weeks after it was installed. Rep. FPL-GTR-260. Washington, DC 20001 Currently, load transfer beams are placed mid-bay between the stringers to transfer the shear more effectively. 45 0 obj
GluLam beams provide a timber bridge capable of spanning up to 80 feet. For more information, please see Steel Stringers with a Transverse Glulam Deck prepared by the USDA FS Forest Products Lab for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest products Laboratory: 1-57. Gen. Tech. 0000001067 00000 n
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The data show that superstructures with glulam deck panels are more expensive than the conventional alternative of solid plank on steel stringers. An official website of the United States government. G&v|0'd@a"tkb38;d{tDZkA_v67g{}U3Dcu@_8kbO|L{\yXaid;. 0000004427 00000 n
RALEIGH, NC 27614, Copyright 2017. You are about to access a non-government link outside of the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Transportation Library. Crash-tested railings and asphalt wear surface are standard. The standardized bridge design aides in this publication are for superstructures manufactured with glued-laminated timber (glulam) that was pressure-treated with preservatives. Generally, an asphalt wear surface is applied to protect the panels. 20 0 obj
0000001857 00000 n Partial-depth concrete panels span between girders and act as stay-in-place forms for cast-in-place concrete. This system is most economical for clear spans ranging from 20 to 80. Associate Professor, Wood Products, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802. EnWoods vehicular bridges are pre-fabricated prior to shipment, thus facilitate ease of installation. Refer to the, Select the Download button to view the document. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. information about this message, please visit this page: Select up to three search categories and corresponding keywords using the fields to the right. All Rights Reserved, Aesthetic, creative, and innovative design capabilities, On-site assembly efficient and cost effective, Full design and engineering assistance by registered and experienced engineers, Over 60 years of experience in manufacturing and designing bridges. Federal Highway Administration, Development of Cost-Competitive Timber Bridge Designs for Long-Term Performance. 20 26 Longitudinal glulam deck designs offer low profile structures which are typically used for short spans from 16 to 32 where clearance below deck is limited. These bridges often incorporate crash-tested railings attached directly to the timber deck panels.
of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN 38238. a& k
Glulam stiffener beams are used to tie panels together and to distribute wheel loads. In addition, DOT does not attest to the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information provided by linked sites. Linking to a Web site does not constitute an endorsement by DOT of the sponsors of the site or the products presented on the site. Panels are detailed specific to the application. xref
Larger spans are possible with truss or deck arch bridge designs.
endstream endobj 21 0 obj <> endobj 22 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 23 0 obj <> endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <> endobj 26 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <>stream urn:sha256:831382c74c111f6cca81401a29a5833e712619f0f62eaa2b036a029b387f86ee. Prefabricated deck systems are some of the most commonly used applications of modular bridge technology. Assistant Professor, Dept. this reason, some items on this page will be unavailable. 0000000016 00000 n 0000001585 00000 n Steel beams can be used to reduce the depth of section or for longer spans. Designs are in accordance with AASHTO specifications. Designs consist of deck panels spanning from abutment to abutment. 0000003283 00000 n Ls*O}MV$Yu+2|/e/S[:HKh~ FeGZ}{8.G$OO;!e\/>O:k=-kv45oOvX]~O[7vEdT]Enlw1>;Xx\Onm?ohhD}s[9\Kt_v1g/2z4/SJf.C}No:Y=E7iPuiK#,_?ep7K&m]x1yrOd;H|G6*"yTBJK-1hUHww: Xl:ZeG?miH,}A Standard plans for glued-laminated timber bridge superstructures: longitudinal glulam decks, glulam stringer bridges; and transverse glulam decks. Glulam diaphragms are used for bracing. Standard design configurations for HS20 loading with spans ranging from 16 to 80 are available for single and multi-lane bridges. PeBMMuoc**kO.. Orthotropic decks are composed of a steel plate that is covered by a shop-installed roadway surface. Steel hybrid decks consist of an open grid deck and full depth precast deck panel. ENWOOD STRUCTURES, A ZENECAR COMPANY. of Engineering, Univ. When attached to beams, composite action does not take place. 0000011108 00000 n Two design criteria, allowable stress design (ASD) and load and resistance factor design (LRFD), are presented for calculating glued-laminated (glulam) stiffener beam depth and number of dome head through bolts used in deck-to-deck connections for longitudinal stringer, transverse deck glulam bridges. ENWOOD STRUCTURES, A ZENECAR COMPANY 202.452.7100, Steel Stringers with a Transverse Glulam Deck, Partial Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panels. The site is secure. 0 Get the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat reader. Wheeler deck panels are also a great way to repair existing bridges. trailer Similar to many conventional designs, Wheeler places transverse timber panels over multiple beams. xb```|V6 uAd`0p,p,$x Txt0u40(C sbH0 'C # =aF9.p0O`Pit`b`8 4 %%EOF For 0000013091 00000 n
All components are detailed to maximize their function. Both ASD and LRFD criteria performed very well when compared to experimental observation and results of loaded stiffener beam connected deck panels. This article was written and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, and is therefore in the public domain. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The decking system of a bridge can be defined as the surface upon which the traversing traffic drives. fdf 7-1$l&-j'(#( a4sCqSJ{: Simple span designs for both single- and multiple-lane bridges that conform to the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) bridge design specifications are included. EQdcm"A%R6$Y9g8+#85'wcu5[V Commonly, cast-in-place concrete is used as the method of placing a deck on a short span bridge, but due to the time of preparing formwork, it can be a very time-consuming process. 0000000816 00000 n These deck panels have been connected to one another using steel dowels placed in the depth of the panels. In this industry, experience is paramount! This is the surface which is used as a continuation of the driving surface on either side of the bridge. For more information, please view DOT's Web site linking policy. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. 0000001677 00000 n Spans: 40 80 View Timber Stringer View Steel Stringer, 9531 W 78TH ST STE 100, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 929-7854 FAX: (952) 929-2909 WHEELER 2022. s j-8,N9 0000013306 00000 n SPS is a structural material of two metal plates with a polyurethane elastomer core. Timber decks are generally used for low-volume roads. Stringer & Transverse deck systems utilize a series of transverse glulam deck panels or solid sawn timbers supported by straight or slightly curved stringers. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest products Laboratory: 1-57. https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/59357, International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Oxidative delignification: The roles of lignin reactivity and accessibility, Experimental investigation into the direct feeding of coupling agent, cellulose nanocrystals, and nano zinc oxide in high-density polyethylene, Review of Wood Modification and Wood Functionalization Technologies, Improving durability of cross laminated timber (CLT) with borate treatment. EnWood Structures Vehicular Timber Bridges offer a viable alternative to steel and concrete structures. _8w~ .Nzh\:*kMWD9v|jj#^aV/7{q[}W- ^9"Z Dq5N!Bnrx"rI;xiT#)B"zy>V"] Eqxj 1p Li55p1tH>h* C(' 8TFT\M#qy7x4"@`K3V(Qd=3+H+{dx$ eJ4A"PRa1sQ>Ph|ayW5RW:NSYi Note: Javascript is disabled or is not supported by your browser. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802. We recommend that you also print this page and attach it to the printout of the article, to retain the full citation information. HWn6R 4`N. Timber deck panels are used as an alternative to cast-in-place concrete decks. They provide a driving surface for traffic. 0000008409 00000 n These laminated wood bridges require minimal maintenance, have an extended service life, and offer an aesthetic harmony only found with a timber bridge. Wacker, James P.; Smith, Matthew S. 2019.
0000001130 00000 n 0000001766 00000 n Wheeler is an executive member of the Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance.