MENGERS, Maria, Staff Assistant III, Health Sciences. Explore our campuses in person or virtually. SMITH, Richard Scott, Associate Professor, Mathematics. DAVIS, Berry III, Audiovisual Specialist/Videographer, Marketing and Public Relations. Asian: 9% DUNN, Christine, Coordinator Adult Education Enrollment / Student Services, Levy Campus.
UF has good numbers related to persistence and graduation and is looking to make small incremental changes Most of the low-hanging fruit has been addressed so much of the work will need to be done on a micro-level rather than through large initiatives. PENEGOR, Clare, Faculty, Health Sciences ADN. WUTZLER, Mike, Financial Operations Accountant III. Race Unknown: 3.2% The APSS will play a critical role in but will not own student success. HART, Chenita, Director, Academic Advising and First Year Success. Dr. Lindner earned a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan, her MS in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University, and her BS in Chemistry from the College of Charleston. JENKINS, Keith, Public Safety Coordinator, Appleton Museum of Art. WALTHERS, Norman, PC/AV Technician, Information Technology. Celebrating the community of diverse backgrounds and experiences and offering opportunities for students to expand their learning outside the classroom by participating in programs and institutes that support and promote multicultural learning experiences. YORK, William III, Instructional Assistant, Citrus County Campus. MORRELL, Brandon, Disability Services Assessment and Accommodations Specialist. BRYAN, Danielle, Staff Assistant III, Humanities. SCHIELKE, Nikki, Systems Programmer, Information Technology. 1578 for Ocala, 2104 for Levy or 6179 for Citrus, Ocala Campus: 352-854-2322 ext. WARNER, Eric, Associate Professor of Speech, Communications. HUNT, Katherine, Manager, Facilities Operations and Construction Projects. KNIFE, Chris, Vice President Development | CEO CF Foundation. REUTTER, David, Museum Registrar, Appleton Museum of Art. The government in the sunshine laws of Florida require that all documents relating to the search process, including letters of application/nomination and reference, be available for public inspection. TYLER, Elvie, Annual Giving & Alumni Relations Coordinator. COOPER, Sandra, Professor, Communications. Please review the UF HR guidelines for these programs. If you test negative for COVID-19, test again 1 to 2 days after your first test. WEBBER, Audriana, Admissions and School Relations Specialist. Beginning in 2001, Dr. Glover served as Associate Provost for Academic Affairs for six years and as Interim Provost for nine months. The ability to be empathetic, understanding, and clear in all student encounters is essential for success. Student success directly touches a vast number of individuals, departments, and other entities on campus, so it will be crucial that the new Assistant Provost quickly reach out across campus to begin the process of building strong relationships and partnerships to foster cooperative programming and to be a connector in all instances. If you are feeling well enough to work from home and your department has granted you permission to work at an alternate work location, you may work from home. MAYER, Troy C., Trades Specialist, Plant Operations. Seek external sources of grant funding from foundations and state and federal programs to support UF Student Success initiatives by leading and participating in proposal preparation and submission. 1564, 1572, 1463, 1322, or 1430 / Citrus Campus: 352-249-1213 / Levy Campus: 352-658-4077. AVILA, Debora, Financial Aid Specialist II.
EVERETT, Leonard, Director Student Success and Educational Outreach Programs, Student Affairs. At UF, everyone affiliated with the university is considered an educator. Ensure sufficient support for undergraduate students in tutoring, coaching, and peer mentoring. DOUGLASS, Sally, Professor, Computer Information. The University of Florida is a comprehensive learning Institution with a diverse community dedicated to excellence in education and research and to shaping a better future for Florida, the nation, and the world. This aspiration is expressed in the definition of Student Success at the University of Florida: Student Success at the University of Florida is a shared responsibility where all members of the UF community inspire intellectual growth, engagement, holistic wellness, and a solution-focused disposition that catalyzes student persistence, timely graduation, and personal achievement for societal benefit. If you test positive, please reference the Bridge for additional guidance. RUIZ, Faithe, Coordinator, Online Library Resources and Instruction. What are the steps for being admitted to the College? Monitor academic support services to assess impacts on timely graduation. SELLERS, Kimberly, Director. SMITH, Jolene, Communications Center Assistant, Marketing & Public Relations. ROSS, Cherie, Executive Administrative Assistant Institutional Effectiveness and College Relations. KEENE, Robert, Coordinator, Academic Support. GIBSON, Alivia, Postal and Printing Manager. JERNIGAN, Donna, Enrollment Specialist, Admissions and Records. KIM, Kyeong-Tae, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences Geology. MATOBA, Robert, Associate Professor, EMS. RODRIGUEZ, Idelin, Staff Assistant II, Disability Services. LaPOINTE, Mary, Executive Administrative Assistant. BILLIG, Victoria, Assistant Director, Appleton Museum of Art. Retention and persistence statistics are strong and rising.
MAYNE, Dewith, Faculty, Business & Technology. Her experience in student retention, diversity, enrollment, and experiential has provided a foundation for success in the Office of Undergraduate Affairs, where she began her role as Associate Provost in September 2015. ANENE, John, Professor, Social Sciences, Citrus Campus. DELGROSSO, Joanne, Accounting Specialist lll-Travel. The resources connected to student success are being increasingly utilized by the students, the individual units within the organization are strong and growing, and programming is robust and frequent. THOMPSON, Andrew A., Professor, Biological Sciences. Work with campus partners to streamline communications to admitted and current students. THORNTON, Sylvia, Executive Administrative Assistant, Academic Affairs. CHADBURN, Martha, Staff Assistant IV Levy, CHASE, Piper, Facilities Worker, Ext. SKELLY, Krystle, Educational Advisor, Levy Campus. Please review the UF HR guidelines for these programs. Partner with UF Advancement and Executive Director of Annual Giving in developing and implementing goals and a strategic plan for fund-raising for UF Student Success. Undergraduate: 37,975 KIELTY, Lori A., Professor, Business & Technology. THOMPSON, Carole D., Senior Library Technician. RICHARDSON, Jacqueline, Pre-School Teacher II, Child Development. As Associate Dean in the College of Engineering, Dr. Lindner was responsible for oversight of the college admission and certification processes, developing and implementing effective academic advising and counseling for approximately 6,500 engineering students, administering undergraduate curricular and assessment programs, as well as K-12 outreach and undergraduate co-curricular programs to name a few. KLEPFER, Jennifer, Human Resources Director. WILSON, Karla, Director, StartSmart@CF, Professor, Psychology. CROSBY, Michael, Maintenance Coordinator, Plant Operations. ZELINSKI, Kit, Trades Specialist, Plant Operations. The Pathways to Student Support offered through UF Student Success are a collaboration of a multitude of offices and employees at UF, including the Provosts Office, Division of Student Affairs, Division of Enrollment Management, colleges, departments, and programs. MARTIN, Julio, Faculty, Biological Science.

PFRIENDER, Cindy, Director of Accessibility & Counseling Services. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The APSS partners closely with the UF Thrive Center leadership to connect student participants to needed academic support services and, in concert with the thrive center director and the senior director of advising, coordinates a campus-wide effort to create supplemental, transitional programming to serve populations of students that have been historically vulnerable to graduation delays. BROWN, Marissa, Admissions & School Relations Specialist. WEEKS, Pamela, Associate Professor, Mathematics. FIGUEROA, Kathleen, Learning Support Specialist, Levy Campus. Disposable masks will continue to be available in locations across campus, including in classrooms, for anyone who may need one; however, campus community members are encouraged to purchase their own KN95 masks. An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity College. Non-Resident: 2.9%. TOLBERT, Melissa, Faculty, Health Sciences. HOOKER, Patti, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Program, Hampton Center. CHRISTLIEB, Chad, Educational Advisor, Enrollment Services. UF is among the nations most academically diverse universities, with 16 colleges offering 100 undergraduate degree programs, 200 graduate programs, 30 combined degree programs, and professional degrees in the areas of dentistry, law, medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. BRUNO, Leeroy Spencer, Academic Support Specialist, E-Learning. Every UF employee, regardless of their role, aspires to this philosophy and is prepared to support UF students to their fullest potential.
WILKERSON, Uvonda, Faculty, Health Sciences Surgical Technology. Masks can be purchased for personal use at Office Depot through the, This page uses Google Analytics (Google Privacy Policy), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Alachua County Florida Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FAQs. CLINTON, Jamie, Institutional and Research Analysis, Institutional Effectiveness. ALVARADO, Mercy, Staff IV, Health Sciences. Not a cold enrollment statistic, but a flesh and blood human being with feelings and emotions like our own. ADAMS, Wendy, Faculty, Humanities & Social Sciences. MANLEY, James M., Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences. ALTANY, Sharon, Business Manager Athletics. DIAZ, Caridad, Learning Support Specialist, Citrus Campus. BALDWIN, Cindy, Public Service Division Specialist. Through collaborative planning, seek ways to leverage the existing skills, expertise, and experiences of staff at UF to shape the future of UF Student Success. HARDGROVE, Connie, Faculty, Business and Technology. PIDHERNEY, Marsha, Professor, Equine Studies. This UF Student Success collaboration strives to nurture meaningful relationships for our undergraduate students. They are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.. WELLS, Rory, Manager, Instructional Services, Citrus Campus. HAYS, Bonnie, Business & Technology Coordinator. Departments have bought into the idea that student success crosses departmental lines. BENNETT, Cara, Web Developer, Communications Specialist, Information Technology. Students, faculty and staff can receive vaccines and boosters from the UF Student Health Care Center and UF Health pharmacies at no cost. A physical infrastructure and efficient administration and support structure that enables preeminence. DOHER, Jodi, Director, Education Talent Search. Serve as a member of the Advisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs (ACUA). MOODY, Cynthia, Associate Professor, Business and Technology. MILLER, Shana M., Coordinator, Curriculum Services and Faculty Credentialing.
BOOKER, Harveysha, Staff Assistant III, EOC. GARCIA, Edwin, Staff Assistant II, Testing, Citrus Campus. MUTCH, Hollis, Museum Educator, Appleton Museum of Art. MARRERO, Angelia, Faculty Health Sciences. CF makes transferring to FAMU, UCF, UF Online or USF easy! NH/PI: 0.2%, White: 51.6% CLASS, James, Faculty, Welding, Levy Campus. Ensure that all campus partners are included in the planning and operation of the physical UF Student Success Center. WILSON, Kathryn, Staff Assistant, Learning Resources Center. FENESSY, Sara, Director, Government Relations. Graduate: 20,882, Male: 44.1% OWEN, Glenvin, Educational Advisor, Enrollment Services. NICELY, Pete, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences, Citrus Campus. WELCH, Ari, AV Automation Specialist, Information Technology. Fuchs shared his plans with the UF community in January 2022 and will continue to serve through the completion in fall 2022 of UFs highly successful capital campaign and until the next president is appointed, which is expected to occur by early 2023. ROBINSON, Raphel, Director of Admissions and Student Recruitment. GILLETTE, Rebecca, Specialist II, Financial Aid. Testing is readily available using at-home test kits, local pharmacies or through your primary care physician. 1820. We are not doing them a favor by serving them. A lot of groundwork has been laid in terms of crossing functional areas dispelling the notion that student success infringes on anyones turf. RAMLOW, Edith, Manager, Learning Resources Center, Citrus Campus. KISVARSANYI, Erika, Associate Professor, Science. The new APSS should quickly become familiar with the campus climate and proactively participate in campus initiatives for engaging in conversation and action around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Dr. Kent Fuchs became the 12th President of the University of Florida in January 2015. Faculty are fully engaged in the mission and goals of student success, and strong partnerships are being facilitated across all areas of the university. RUSS, Juanita, Mail Courier, CF Printing and Postal Services. REYES, Saul, Vice President Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. You can get a test through your primary care provider, a retail pharmacy or with an at-home COVID test kit. IVY, Thomas, Conference Services Coordinator. THOMAS, Kayleigh, Visitor Services Specialist. ASH, John, Faculty, Visual & Performing Arts Music. STANCIL, Karen, Associate Professor, Science, STEUBER, Jason, Director, Appleton Museum of Art,, Ext. Definition Assist the Scholarship and Fellowship Coordinator in meeting established goals for student recognition and in administering Office of Undergraduate Affairs scholarships. WIRT, Michele B., Associate Professor, Humanities, Citrus Campus. CAMP, Amanda, Financial Aid Specialist II, Financial Aid. We believe that no member of our Gator Community can thrive in isolation. ROSEMOND, Farrah, Pre-School Teacher III. McCLAIN, Darin, Network/Server Support Specialist, Information Technology. GED Prep, Adult High School, English Language Studies, College admissions, programs offered, deadlines, Academic advising, counseling services for students, Testing services for students, faculty and the community, Baseball, Softball, Cross Country, Women's Golf, New and used textbooks, office supplies, College gear, Job, internship, co-op resources for students and alumni, Pay tuition and fees, obtain student parking permit, Computer technology support for students, faculty and staff, Academic support, instructional equipment, accommodations, Advanced courses for Seminole County high school students, Distance learning courses, support for online students, Scholarships, student loans, grants, work study, holds, Music performances, gallery shows and theater productions, Corporate/community partnership, giving, alumni relations, Information about job openings and benefits at Seminole State, Research, course reserves, circulation questions, Community Education, Professional Development, Registration, records, transcript requests, graduation information, Crime prevention, emergencies, parking enforcement, Student clubs, activities, leadership retreats, SGA, Free tutoring services, academic resources for students, Seminole State General Contact Information. ARTHUR, Paul, Chief Preparator, Appleton Museum.
SIEG, Kimberly, Advisor, Access Services. OSBORNE, Amy, Faculty, Business Technology and Workforce Learning. Female: 55.9% THOMAS, Michael, Coordinator, Criminal Justice. MEIER, James, Associate Professor, Humanities. UF stakeholders recognize the APSS as a critical voice in student success on campus, the assistant provost is visible at important events, and collaborative partnerships have been formed across campus in support of student success initiatives. To report a case of COVID, call the health department in the county where you reside.

There are a large number of underrepresented populations within the institution, including a great number of first-generation students, and the student success organization needs to be a model for maintaining a strong sense of equity and an unbiased environment at all times. AUSTIN, Alton, Director, Enrollment Services. Create and nurture collaborative partnerships with UF Student Success stakeholders (including but not limited to academic colleges and departments, Division of Enrollment Management, Division of Student Life, UFIT, OIPR, UFO, Otis Hawkins Center, etc. ALLING, Melissa, Assistant Professor, Communications. strong leadership, planning, and problem-solving skills; strong organizational, planning, and time management skills with the ability to manage multiple, competing priorities; effective interpersonal and verbal communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively in writing; a strong track record in relationship-building with campus partners, in both academic and non-academic areas; ability to work independently and interdependently and be able to establish and communicate a vision for student success at UF; An exceptional academic environment that reflects the breadth of thought essential for preeminence, achieved by a community of students, faculty, and staff who have diverse experiences and backgrounds. Regularly communicate to campus partners who lead these programs and activities to draw them into the UF Student Success efforts. If necessary, Campus Assistance & Resources for Empowerment (CARE) in the Dean of Students Office is available to support you with instructor notifications. COFFEY, Lory, Assistant Director of Admissions & International Student Services. They are our thing. ANDERSON, Barbara, Professor, ADN Nursing. SERNA, Julio, Tutor Coordinator/Advisor, Student Support Services. COPELAND, Mary, Assessment Specialist, Academic and Career Assessment. The APSS is engaged and enthusiastic, their goals and objectives are charted, the successes of the organization are communicated across campus, and the APSS is linking their progress to the greater university goals and mission. CROSS, Summer, Staff Assistant III, Testing. JONES, Tammy, Staff Assistant IV, E-Learning and Learning Resources. VISHANAGRA, Kautilya KJ, Network Engineer , Information Technology. WILLIAMS, Janice, Mail Courier, Printing & Postal Services. REYES, Sharon, Executive Administrative Assistant, Foundation. JOHNSON, Lynn, Financial Aid Specialist II.
We encourage you to monitor your health and if you feel ill, take steps to minimize interactions with others.
Dr. Lindner served as Associate Dean of Student Affairs in UFs College of Engineering from 2008-to 2015 and started her career at UF in 1998 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences. DARLING-James, Regina, Coordinator: Educational Opportunity Center, Levy Campus.
THOMAS, Susan, Assistant Director of First Year Success, Advising Center. SCOTT, Diana, Donor Relations Specialist, Foundation. The APSS provides direct supervision for the coordinators of tutoring and academic support and coaching and peer mentoring. For questions about isolation or quarantine call the Florida Department of Health in Alachua at 352-273-9790.
TOMPKINS, Tom, Trades Specialist, Plant Operations. HESSE, Albert, Coordinator, Grounds Maintenance, Appleton Museum. CONWAY, Terrence, E-Learning and Learning Support. HARPER, Colleen, Manager Membership/Events, Appleton Museum. WALCOTT, Norma, Educational Advisor, Advising Center. DOUGLASS, Tavis, Faculty, Business and Technology, Agribusiness. The assistant provost must possess excellent communication skills and be able to articulate the student success story across the university. LAWTER, Vernon, Vice President, Regional Campuses. BRAUCKMULLER, Lois, Director of Marketing, Public and Community Relations. CLUTTER, Tyrus, Associate Professor, Communications. Dr. Joe Glover Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. ISLAS, Susana, Educational Advisor, Citrus Campus. UF students can schedule a clinical appointment for a COVID-19 test by contacting the. Rather, we are dependent on them. LEE, Wanda, Manager Testing & Assessment. 2021 College of Central Florida | 3001 S.W. Predictive analytics and intentional data analysis are being used to strategically enhance the ongoing evolution of student success. What can I expect to pay in tuition and fees? During the Summit, President Fuchs emphasized the importance of relationships in attaining student success: We are rightly dedicated to further improving on measures of student success, such as graduation rate or student retention. CARDONA, Maribel, Graphic Design & Web, Appleton Museum of Art. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are evident in all decisions, policies, and procedures. MIRANDA, Ernie, Programmer Analyst III, Information Technology.
JORANLIEN, Lisa, Faculty, Physical Therapy Assistant. CROSBY, Cheryl, Director, Conference & Food Services. ZARILLO, Lorraine, Faculty, Health Sciences.
Gator Community Not someone to be tolerated so we can do our thing. But these measures are the result of educational excellence, not the cause. We all need help from fellow community members. WARD, Tammy, Staff Assistant IV, Business, Technology & Workforce. The university is located in Gainesville, a city of approximately 125,000 residents in North Central Florida. MENADIER, Judy, Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness. MARTIN, Angela, Faculty, Health Sciences. ESHLEMAN, Sarah, Graphic Design, Web and Public Relations Coordinator. The APSS should be a dynamic and respected leader who has had success building and advancing a progressive student success program, be capable of managing multiple priorities and departments and be equipped to contribute at both a strategic and tactical level to the vibrant, student-centered culture at UF. MOONOAK, Alder (Luke), Assistant Professor, Humanities & Social Science. BEGLEY, Mary Ann, Director, Diversity & Inclusion/Title IX. Alumni who are successful in their careers and in life and who are proud to be graduates of the University of Florida. Blue surgical masks are available in UF classrooms, libraries and other campus locations. RODRIGUEZ, Rod, International Student Admissions and Advising Specialist. WARDEN, Sonya, Director of Student Affairs, Citrus Campus. Faculty is recognized as preeminent by their students and peers.
Shape a comprehensive list of curricular and co-curricular programs and activities in the ecosystem of student support at UF. SAKOWSKI, Mark, Manager, Plant Safety and Facilities Operations. LONGTIN, Jason, Faculty, Visual and Performing Arts.
Serve as primary contact for the UF Student Success effort. We expect students, faculty and staff to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Florida Department of Health guidance to protect their health and support the safety of everyone. African American: 6% ASH, Steven, Assistant Vice President for Finance. JONES, Vincent, Systems Analyst, Information Technology. BOSLEY, Andrew, Faculty, Mathematics Department. It will be a prime objective of the new APSS to be visible on campus, attend critical events, collaborate across both academic and administrative units, and spend time outside the office to educate the campus on the benefits and services offered by the organization. CHAUNCEY, Arlene, Computer Information Technology Specialist. MATHEW, Abraham, Assistant Professor, Business and Technology. Dr. Glover arrived at UF in 1983 as an assistant professor in mathematics. Assist OIPR in reporting student success data to the Florida Board of Governors. Face masks are recommended in non-clinical spaces, such as academic and research areas of our academic health centers health colleges that do not involve interaction with patients, as well as administrative offices at off-site non-clinical locations like the UF Health Professional Park.