One knowing everything the other nothing. 2) We departed with delay and had to orient towards announcements of the guides (which were not loud), to which group of people we should join. If cancellation is requested after the 6th of August a fee of 100% of the package price will apply. As established by the Town Hall of Buol the payment of a fee is required in order to gain access to the 2022 Tomatina perimeter.
Gracias por tus cometarios que nos ayudan a mejorar.
It is not well organized when you get on place , because of the guide our group arrived among the last.
Podran haber informado un poco ms en la web, las carencias, los gastos extras y las precauciones necesarias.

Definitely recommend!!
Gracias por tus cometarios que nos ayudan a mejorar. Las duchas las proporciona el ayuntamiento de Buol, pero aun as, hemos instalado unas duchas en la Fun Zone para nuestros clientes.
Tambin algn lugar para sentarse para comer la paella.
So after the SIESTA-bus we and other trippers went to the Barceloneta beach to continue the party.
las medidas oportunas. On the other hand the organization of the event was good and the lockers were great to keep your things and not worry about them. Las duchas las proporciona el ayuntamiento de buol, trasladamos su queja para que tome En lugar de undj y una pista de baile unos vestidores hubieran sido ms tiles y un mejor servicio de duchas. Festival was amazing.
Cozy bus, friendly guide and good driver.
Unforgettable. Carrying on with the navigation, we understand you accept our cookies policy.
Tomatina 2022 Ticket from Barcelona + Bus + Tour Guide + T-Shirt. Tener en cuenta que a la Tomatina vienen 22.000 personas y la poblacin no dispone de ningn lugar donde se pueda montar vestidores tan grandes. I will never book with you guys again.
Everything else was perfect.
Tomatina 2022 Ticket + Bus from Valencia + Party, Tomatina 2022 Ticket from Madrid + Bus + Tour Guide + T-Shirt, Aparthotel + Tomatina ticket 2022 + Bus + Tour Guide + T-Shirt, Hostel close to Buol + Tomatina 2022 Ticket, Tomatina 2022 Ticket from Valencia VIP + Bus + Tour Guide + T-Shirt, Tomatina Ticket 2022 + Paella + Drink + Party, Tomatina Ticket 2022 + Battle accessories + Party.
Se pueden adquirir comprando los correspondientes tickets en el mismo punto de encuentro en Buol, en nuestro punto de change en Valencia o en el autobs de ida a la Tomatina.
It delayed our descent from the bus. I would recommend everyone to use their services.
Thank you for your feedback. The attention we received in buol was great because they helped us at all times to solve a couple of personal problems we had, so it's time to say thank you. The trip was a bit long and boring, but it's worthwhile. Tour operator needs to give clear guideline about the start point. La organizacion misma en el dia del evento.
Y para el ao que viene tenemos previsto ampliar el espacio de duchas.
Los guas amables pero un poco caos la entrega de pulseras y camisetas. Do you want to come to 2022 Tomatina from Barcelona?
El gua no nos explic bien lo de las duchas. Consequently and ONCE PURCHASED NO REFUND FOR ADMISSION CANCELLATION WILL BE ADMITTED IN ANY CASE.
We were partying in Barcelona all afternoon-night and we slept in the bus, on the way back too, after La Tomatina we were exhausted.
Do you want to come to 2022 Tomatina from Madrid?
Consequently and ONCE PURCHASED NO REFUND FOR ADMISSION CANCELLATION WILL BE ADMITTED IN ANY CASE.The fee of cancellation, change or modification for the rest of services is 15. While you could just ask people to hop to the right bus and check the lists. Adems esto forma parte de la cultura y tradicin de la Tomatina y nos parece importe mantener la autenticidad de esta fiesta. Nothing.. Bad journey.. No proper information given, boarding the bus was bad.
Dormimos y nos despertamos en Buol, A la vuelta salimos con algo de retraso, pero llegamos bien a Barcelona, The service is very much needed as I would not have been able to get to Bunol if it isn't of tour services such as tomatinatickets.
Copiamos literalmente el prrafo de la descripcin del paquete en el cual indicamos los gastos extra, os rogamos que antes de comprar leis la informacin:
In the table below, choose the bus schedule that you prefer: Do you want to come to the 2022 Tomatina from. The bus left on time, which is great, but I have to admit that is difficult for many to get around at the new place when there are a lot of people, so one of our neighbors in the bus were left in Buol because there didnt arrive on time. Gave correct information which was easy to follow. Thanks Andrea!!!!
El viaje en el autobus. We would have liked to been informed prior to the festival that there was not going to be any proper showers facilities as such. Los autobuses fueron puntuales, los conductores muy amables.
Nice arrangements by Tour operators.
After the Tomatina, our Tour Guide will take you to the municipal.
3) The list of people who bought tickets were lost, so we had to write our names on piece of paper, so we could register once again.
Congratullations to all staff. My friends got a cheaper deal with clear and easy navigation to where hop on the bus at the Placa de Catalunya.
The party atmosphere was great, our guide was very nice also. The best festival I've been to this year. We use cookies to improve our services And with statistics purposes. Created byQuafys, S.L.
Tour guide was nice and very friendly.
1) The departure point was in the real far and not tourist-friendly part of Barcelona, to where I had to walk around 1 hour.
For further information about the Contracting Terms and Conditions, you can contact us at Tambin tenis un apartado con informacin y reglas generales de la Tomatina: Well organised trip. No provision for food at the end of festival.
The bus was also not comfortable.
These are the only problems I found in what was otherwise one of the best experiences in my time in Spain.
Video shown were perfect for preparation. Plus the departure point was on the opposite side from the bus depot and there were no guides or signs pointing to where I should go. we are registered as an official tourism agency of the Valenciana Community with registration number: All rights reserved. The way you brand your tours, the bus quality. The inconvenient is that the time is strictly limited, with that amount of people coming ,30 min for shower is not enough.
Brief but intense. The ease of finding the established points of departure and arrival of buses, You degree of satisfaction with the service bus, The advice and information provided by the tour guide, The ease to buy tickets through our website, In general, services, advice and information provided by, In which extent you would return to buy in Lockers or the place to take bath or in anyway.
As established by the Town Hall of Buol the payment of a fee is required in order to gain access to the 2022 Tomatina perimeter. The shower service relied on the Buol city council but we will report your comment. We had 2 guides, 2 buses from Barcelona.
La bebida, comida y taquillas guardarropa NO est incluido en este paquete.
Location of starting of the bus in Barcelona was not clear.