When it comes to traditional undergraduate college programs, very few places offer a degree called zoology. B.S. Aside from its 1,000-acre living classroom, it also maintains strong partnerships with these institutions: The 1,000-acre living classroom is where students apply their academic coursework in an outdoor setting. Students take an average of four years of full-time study to complete it but can shorten it via transfer credits. The ability to communicate well with others is critical, too, as is physical stamina for outdoor work. It is worth taking a moment to understand the difference. Students learn effective interpersonal skills in the classroom and during lab and fieldwork. Before deciding on an animal keeper career, be sure that you have your eyes wide open! Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. MSU has partnered with the San Diego Zoo Global Academyto integrate the Academy's e-learning modules into the classroom. programs with emphasis in Zoo Science, Zoo Management, and Zoo Education; requires 360 hours of practical experience at Sedgwick County Zoo. So,colleges and universities today tend to provide majors inbiologywhile offering only a few courses in zoology.

With their collective work, we live in a world where the protection and preservation of Mother Earths natural resources are possible. You can take advantage of networking opportunities during your practicum, for example, and get a job soon. The 128-credit program includes a comprehensive curriculum with subjects on: Conservation practices, animal husbandry and nutrition, and practical zookeeping techniques are also on the program of study. In this manner, students learn about proper animal care in both classroom and field settings. Zoo teachers may also be required to work with animal trainers and zookeepers in caring for, handling, and transporting animals. What better way to earn a BS in Zoo Science than to attend Friends University? For this reason, zoo teachers or educators are among the most visible staff of these animal-centric institutions! "Students of the program benefit from working directly with the Elmwood Park Zoo, an AZA-accredited facility. Aquarium & Zoo Sciencethe Saint Francis Way, Dedicated Researchers; Passionate Teachers, Career Outlook in Aquarium and Zoo Science, Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Non-Discrimination, Association of Minority Zoo & Aquarium Professionals (AMZAP), 117 Evergreen Drive, P.O. As a private Catholic liberal arts university, Saint Francis University doesnt think of academics as pure academics. Animal trainers must then possess good problem-solving skills, as well as communication and leadership skills. Students must also learn about basic research and education techniques in addition to practical skill sets. Students who have graduated from the program can be found in all lines of employment in zoos and aquariathroughout the country (e.g., zookeepers, zoo administration, exhibit design, research in captivity and/or field projects, etc. Indeed, their work results in the familiarization between humans and animals, a relationship based on mutual respects place. Offers cooperative programs with the Pensacola Junior College Zoo Animal Technology Program and Santa Fe Community College Teaching Zoo (see Two Year Programs). Academic coursework is complemented by fieldwork and lab work, a combo that ensures the head, heart, and hands are in the right places. Full-time and part-time positions are available, but many writers also work as freelancers. (715) 346-0123, Sue Kissinger B.S. Guide to Graduate Study in Integrative Biology, Merges the student's academic background with the practical work necessary for the host facility to achieve its goals, Help produce the foundation for a background in the zoo & aquarium industry, Develop interpersonal and communication skills, Learn how subunits within an administrativefacility interconnect to achieve common goals. The daily challenges of working with animals mean better communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The emphasis on soft skills is another vital part of the success of Drake alumni. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Take note that a bachelors degree in zoo science is only a stepping stone toward becoming a herpetologist. Harmon Fine Arts Center, 1310 25th St., Des Moines, IA 50311 (515) 271-3939. Salaries of zoo curators vary widely depending on their specific duties, job title, and company size, among other factors.
These rewards go beyond the good salary, too, including opportunities to make a positive difference in the lives of animals and people. Access to materials in the on-campus marine lab allows students to do discipline-specific research. Their day-to-day duties include: Traveling to other aquariums and lakes, rivers, and oceans can be a significant part of the job, too. To learn more about our selection process, see our Methodology page! Small class sizes allow for close mentor relationships. Also known as wildlife rehabilitators, wildlife rehabilitation specialists provide treatment and care to injured animals to release them back into the wild. They gain both didactic and hands-on learning experiences through working with either zoo or marine animals in a variety of zoo science areas. Zoo Zooscience is a program focused on using zoological knowledgetomanage wild animals in a zoo or aquarium setting. This means more challenging studies ahead! Graduates of MSUs exceptional program find employment within a short time after completion, too. Applied conservation, which has a two-practicum requirement, either with an approved conservation specialist or faculty. Note that Liberty University is a private Christian evangelical university and, thus, its educational approach emphasizes Christian beliefs and values. Animal nutritionists may work with all animals in the facility or work only with specific groups of animals. Knowing what to do during animal husbandry is crucial for dealing with supervisors, peers, and visitors! (316) 660-WILD (9453), B.S. in Zoo Science as part of an Interdisciplinary Science Degree degree program with a heavy emphasis on biology, animal husbandry, and psychology. B.S. Privacy Policy, CHRISTIAN ANDERSON '21 | Undergraduate, Biology, Jalene Beach '21 | Undergraduate, Animal Science, American Association of Zookeepers (AAZK), Associate Professor and Department Co-Chair, 10 Many pursue internships or research opportunities each summer throughout their four years at SFU. in Zoology with disciplinary concentration in Zoo and Aquarium Science Do you dream of a life at the zoo? DelVal is one of a handful of universities in the country to offer a degree in zoo science. Both students and alumni then benefit from the well-rounded education designed to spur their drive for excellence. Classes and seminars with a specific focus on zoo and aquarium science are also part of the coursework. Physical strength and stamina are also crucial since they may have to assist the zookeepers with animal care. This will be affected by numerous factors, including your prior experience, number of years with the facility, and geographical location. Box 600, Loretto, PA 15940. Conservation biologists and scientists earn $64,010 in median annual salary higher than the $56,310 median annual salary for all occupations. Many of them have served as zookeepers, which enables them to talk about the practical aspects of animal care. The safety risks include bites, kicks, and scratches, among other injuries, from animals afraid of human contact. Kansas
Student interns work alongside the staff members of the host facility and interact with visitors whenever necessary. Did you know that the first known zoo was at Hierakonpolis? Being cautious alongside the use of animal handling skills is always a must. Many keep multiple jobs, too, such as biologist or veterinary technician. Students then have great opportunities to put their knowledge into action under the supervision of their instructors. Aside from the well-paying jobs and the excitement, challenge, and rewards of working with animals, zoos are important for many reasons. The human element is one of the hardest parts of a zookeeper's job." Alumni are known to be hired within six months after graduation in various workplaces, including zoos, aquariums, and animal shelters. Live lectures where animals are part of the presentation are common. "I was able to do mostly everything a keeper would do in their day-to-day activity. Learn more about Drake Universitys BS in Environmental Science & Sustainability with Zoo and Conservation Science Concentration program. You will complete two internships at a zoo, aquarium or museum in the area. Their survival may partly depend on assistance from humans, too, such as in the case of endangered species. All Rights Reserved. Of course, work experience is a must for these management positions, but Drakes alumni are known for their leadership skills. Kellogg Biological Station. Lincoln Park Zoo Intern, "I think that the skills that I developed by learning from the keepers and working alone will help me at the start of my zoo career. Many programs are also in partnership with zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA). Top 10 Bachelors in Zoo Science Degree Programs, Jobs Where Zoo Science Graduates Will Be a Great Fit, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, and Anna Botsford Comstock, 20 Careers with the Best Retirement Benefits, Give food and water to the animals in your care, Examine them for signs of stress, injury, and illness, Groom animals including giving them baths, trimming their nails, and clipping their hair, Monitor their health, behavior, and progress, and keeping records for future reference, Train them (obedience or behavior training). A person getting a degree in zoology is likely to complete a graduate degree (master or PhD) before getting ajob andwill study animals in an academic setting like a large university or within a conservation organization. The valuable knowledge and skills learned to become their stepping stone for career advancement. These include keeping detailed animal records, supervising interns and volunteers, and providing educational shows and presentations. Every class and seminar builds on prior knowledge and, thus, strengthens their skills. B.S. Zoo educators earn an average of $42,011 annually, but the actual salary will depend on numerous factors.
Kennels, stables, pet stores, animal shelters, aquariums, and veterinary clinics are also great places. Students learn through multiple channels, including classroom lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiences. Be at the Forefront of Conservation Science and Outreach, Become a Master in Animal Husbandry and Welfare, Engage in Wildlife Restoration and Conservation Efforts. Offers a cooperative program though the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo (see Two Year Programs). The increase in the number of domesticated animals is a factor in their sustained demand. Accreditation from a regional accreditation agency is always a must when choosing a bachelors degree program. Employment opportunities exist in print and online publications, including newspapers, magazines, and newsletters, even in scientific journals. Zookeepers perform physical labor, such as lifting animals and objects, in various weather conditions. http://www.uwsp.edu/admissions/guides/captivewildlife.aspx, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate: Zoo & Aquarium Studies 2100 Main Street This is the case for wildlife rehabilitators who travel to rural and urban areas to rescue ill and injured animals. For zoo science graduates with a knack and love for writing, becoming an animal writer or science writer makes excellent sense. Check out the career services offered by the university to fast-track your career. Should I earn a Bachelors degree in Zoo Science? I could not have succeeded without the wonderful opportunities provided by Delaware Valley University, both inside the classroom and out. A 52-hour Animal Care Practicum working in an animal care facility prepares students for their main internship where they find a facility of interest to spend a 240-hour internship, usually over summer break. Dr. Justin Merry Students work as interns whose current non-paid jobs prepare them for their future paid positions, a smoother transition indeed. in Captive Wildlife Care and Education Students in zoo science programs learn about animal behavior, breeding, nutrition and health, and proper handling. Attendance at the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA) symposium may also be in the books. 67213, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. Wild animals living in captivity and domesticated animals require good nutrition for healthy bodies, too. Just imagine the impact that you, too, can make on animals in particular and on society in general if you become part of the zoo operations! 117 Evergreen Drive, PO Box 600, Loretto, PA 15940 (814) 472-3000. 1 University Circle Even the task of cleaning a large tank requires hours of physical labor. USA 67212-1698 Its Zoo and Science program attracts the best and brightest in the Midwest!