Physiological profiles of elite judo athletes. (2014). Extending this group to other, less advanced athletes was hardly possible without affecting the study groups core characteristics. Quinn, L. S., Anderson, B. G., Conner, J. D., and Wolden-Hanson, T. (2013).
Res. Athletes knew well the venue where all tests, the training protocol and recovery sessions took place. 8:258. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 13.1 software. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2015.199, Zareba, I., and Palka, J. (2012). Additionally, due to the small size of the study group, all measurements were compiled in a spreadsheet for the analysis of parallel-group trials and the effects were interpreted using the magnitude-based inferences decision. However, subjects perceived positive changes induced by the intervention not directly after cryostimulation but in response to the specific training workload. Sports Exerc. J. Assessing body composition with DXA and bioimpedance: effects of obesity, physical activity, and age. Blood samples collection 1 h after the first (II) and the second (IIa) SJET; 1 h after the first (III) and last cryo-session (IIIa). First, the exposure to cold induces sympathetic-mediated vasoconstriction followed by a reactive vasodilation response that cause the reduction first and the next consequent forced blood flow (Siero et al., 2010), resulting in limited availability and subsequently, better uptake of amino acids. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0158, Cannon, B., and Nedergaard, J. 4, 871887. Sports Med. Extrem. J. Athl. The effect of Special Judo Efficiency Test (SJET) performed before and post 2 weeks of intervention. Biol. 63, 333343. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2016-0582, Lombardi, G., Barbaro, M., Locatelli, M., and Banfi, G. (2017a). Cold water immersion attenuates anabolic signaling and skeletal muscle fiber hypertrophy, but not strength gain, following whole-body resistance training. Judokas heart rate during the SJET was measured using a Polar Team2; Pro device (Polar, Kempele, Finland). (2011). Lee, E. C., Fragala, M. S., Kavouras, S. A., Queen, R. M., Pryor, J. L., and Casa, D. J. doi: 10.1249/mss.0b013e31818cb278, Huh, J. Y.
These were recorded for IGF-1, IL-15, and irisin concentrations. Front. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Alongside high physical capacity demands, mental strength and psychological skills are an integral training component in professional sport. The applied intervention resulted in a significant increase of resting concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (from 10.23 1.61 to 15.13 2.93 ngml1; p = 0.01) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1; from 174.29 49.34 to 300.50 43.80 pgml1; p = 0.00) in the CRY group. Physiol. doi: 10.1007/s12020-017-1239-z. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2018.02.006, Hopkins, W. G., Marshall, S. W., Batterham, A. M., and Hanin, J. Meanwhile, the obtained data showed that the applied intervention did not alter muscle performance, sustained muscle function and even slightly improved the SJET results. Laskowski, R. (2007). This resulted in a small improvement of strength and hypertrophy, mainly in type II muscle fiber. J. Hum. Also, a statistically significant decrease of leucine concentration in the CRY group was noted and the effect was likely. doi: 10.1002/biof.1283, Ziemann, E., Olek, R. A., Grzywacz, T., Antosiewicz, J., Kujach, S., Luszczyk, M., et al. The specificity of the judo training process can pose a challenge for coaches and physiotherapists as they need to determine an optimal training program for their athletes, involving appropriate recovery methods. Cold Water immersion enhanced athletes wellness and 10-m short sprint performance 24-h after a simulated mixed martial arts combat. In the CRY group, cryostimulation caused a significant drop in the circulating level of this amino acid, whereas in the CON group, the opposite tendency was observed. Endocrine 56, 460484. Judokas follow various complex training programs, geared toward technical and tactical practice, traditional strength and endurance training as well as fight simulation such as Randori (Franchini and Takito, 2014), which evoke muscle damage even among experienced judo fighters (Laskowski et al., 2011). The obtained data also show a slight increase of IL-15 concentration in blood serum. In this study, no statistical alternations in the resting level of irisin were recorded in response to the applied intervention.
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28, 16061612. Physiol. After the intervention, no changes in body composition or body mass were recorded (data not shown). As evidenced by previous studies, not only exercise (Huh, 2018), but also whole body cryostimulation can be associated with an increase of irisin concentration in the blood (Ziemann et al., 2013). Siero, A., Cielar, G., Stanek, A., and Krzyanowska-Orlik, A. Res. Figure 3. The observed change can be explained by two mechanisms. Lactate level was measured before, immediately after and 1 h after the first and the second SJET.
Cohen, J. (2013). The increase of growth factors concentrations and the improvement of amino acid profile (proline and leucine) contributed to maintaining a high level of muscle function. Skills 106, 859869. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the overtraining syndrome: joint consensus statement of the European college of sport science and the american college of sports medicine. Reliability and agreement of various inbody body composition analyzers as compared to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry in healthy men and women. Hence, we recommend the use of this treatment during both intense training and competition periods. (2019). (2010). (2020). doi: 10.1007/s12576-013-0269-4, Ziemann, E., Olek, R. A., Kujach, S., Grzywacz, T., Antosiewicz, J., Garsztka, T., et al. 9:1948.
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Anthropometric measurements, a strength test, the Special Judo Efficiency Test (SJET) were assessed 2 days before and after the judo training program. J. Appl. Insulin-like growth factor i interfaces with brain-derived neurotrophic factor-mediated synaptic plasticity to modulate aspects of exercise-induced cognitive function. On the other hand, its application does not always have a positive effect on muscle recovery or a visible impact on the recovery index (Malta et al., 2018). Control of brown adipose tissue adaptation to nutrient stress by the activin receptor ALK7. (2018). Gmiat, A., Jaworska, J., Micielska, K., Kortas, J., Prusik, K., Prusik, K., et al. Blood LA was determined using a standard Randox (Crumlin, United Kingdom) kit based on the LA oxidase method (LC2389). Repetitive and untreated damage to fingers can increase the risk of osteoarthritis, thus, enhanced uptake of proline in response to cold treatment can be considered a recovery method particularly pragmatic for judo players. (2018). Sci. Jaworska, J., Rodziewicz-Flis, E., Kortas, J., Kozlowska, M., Micielska, K., Babinska, A., et al. Serum concentrations of BDNF, IGF-1 and interleukin-15 (IL-15) were assessed using sandwich ELISA kits according to manufacturers instructions (R&D System, United States; catalog no. Those ameliorations were not observed in judokas in the CON group, who rested passively in-between training units. Strasser, P., Hauser, M., Hauselmann, H. J., Michel, B.

J. Whole body cryostimulation can thus be considered as a promising physiotherapy procedure for judokas, which can mitigate the overload and overtraining syndrome. Teixeira, A. L., Barbosa, I. G., Diniz, B. S., and Kummer, A. Irisin: a hope in understanding and managing obesity and metabolic syndrome. (1998). Before entering the main cryo-chamber, participants followed the adaptation procedure in the vestibule at a temperature of 60C (approx. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Strength Cond. Phillips, C. (2017). Skin Res. J. Environ. BrownForsythe test was used to evaluate the homogeneity of variance.
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Each training consisted of five sets of five repetitions maximum (RM) of each exercise. Sport Wyczynowy 3, 1627. BDNF is one of the growth factors involved in cognitive functions, which has an impact on brain plasticity (Cotman and Berchtold, 2002). Sikorski, W. (2011). The study schedule and the configuration of the Special Judo Efficiency Test (SJET). (2009). Physiol.
41, 147166. Metab 42, 529536. Fitness 52, 110. With a thermal vision camera, the authors demonstrated that one session of whole body cryostimulation (3 min at 120C) caused a substantial reduction of skin temperature. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2006.02.084, Dinoff, A., Herrmann, N., Swardfager, W., and Lanctot, K. L. (2017). Among all analyzed parameters characterizing muscle function no significant changes were noted. Future studies, however, could aim to verify the effect of whole body cryostimulation on adaptation training markers in bigger groups of subjects. Biomarkers in sports and exercise: tracking health, performance, and recovery in athletes. Cryotherapy: Theoretical Bases, Biological Effects, Clinical Applications (Bielsko Biaa: media press).
Technical variation in a sample of high level judo players. In our study applied procedure induced an increase of IGF-1 only in CRY group, which could have prevented a decline in muscle function. All athletes in the CRY group participated in 10 sessions of whole body cryostimulation in a cryogenic chamber (Zimmer, Medizine-systeme, German) at the Pomeranian Rheumatologic Centre in Sopot, Poland. doi: 10.1249/mss.0b013e318279a10a, Mo, L., Shen, J., Liu, Q., Zhang, Y., Kuang, J., Pu, S., et al.
The authors have explained that judo fights can engage the nervous central system far more than other types of exercise owing to the tactical preparation and quick reactions to sudden changes of action provoked by the opponent (Schor et al., 2019). In our study, a significant difference between groups in the BDNF serum after the intervention was recorded. At the same time, the frequency and duration of breaks in-between cold therapy sessions affect the change of BDNF concentration. Amino Acids 50, 13571365. 9:1542. Other effects were either clearly non-beneficial (chance of benefit <25%) or unclear (chance of benefit >25% and risk of harm >0.5%). Front. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-114861, Schaal, K., Meur, Y. L. E., Louis, J., Filliard, J. R., Hellard, P., et al. SJET involved four judokas one performing the throws and three athletes partnering (partners had a similar height and body mass as the athlete performing the test). Every session lasted 3 min. Exp.
Front. Our study is not without limitations, namely the small sample size of the study group. (1988). The role of exercise-induced myokines in regulating metabolism. This work has been funded by a grant from National Science Centre OPUS_13, project no. Findings of Roberts et al. After the 2-week intervention, LA were 3.74 1.32 mmoll1 in the CRY group and 5.72 1.49 mmoll1 in the CON group. Neuroscience 140, 823833.
(2016). Clinically clear beneficial effects were those for which the benefit was at least possible (>25% chance) and the risk of harm was acceptably low (<0.5%). 46, 16351646. 30 s). The physiological response to cold-water immersion following a mixed martial arts training session. Changes of amino acid serum concentrations are shown in Table 3. B., and Arida, R. M. (2019).
Poor availability of this crucial amino acid disturbs collagen synthesis, which may increase proneness to osteoarthritis (Wu et al., 2011). Med. Tabben, M., Ihsan, M., Ghoul, N., Coquart, J., Chaouachi, A., Chaabene, H., et al. A recent paper by Schor et al. Assays were performed on the Cecil CE9200 spectrophotometer (Cambridge, United Kingdom). DBD00, DG100, and D1500, respectively). An interesting correlation between the irisin level and LA after the second SJET in the CRY group was still observed. J. Changes in resting serum growth factors concentrations before and after the intervention are presented in Figure 2. 10:42. doi: 10.1113/jp270570, Rose, C., Edwards, K. M., Siegler, J., Graham, K., and Caillaud, C. (2017). The actions of irisin on the removal of circulating lactate via gluconeogenesis process is unequivocal (Mo et al., 2016; Xin et al., 2016). Parameters remained unchanged, regardless of the rest procedure (Table 2). Sports Med. Proline is known as the main amino acid component of collagen (Wu et al., 2011) and has an impact on the regeneration process of the articular cartilage matrix (de Paz-Lugo et al., 2018). (2016). Interestingly, a correlation between the resting level of irisin and LA after the second SJET was noted (r = 0.90, p < 0.05). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
18, 180187. 104, 105112. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13603. Malta, E. S., Dutra, Y. M., Broatch, J. R., Bishop, D. J., and Zagatto, A. M. (2021). Circulating levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor: correlation with mood, cognition and motor function. Compared with the above-mentioned studies, in the this study cryostimulation was applied 2 h post rather than immediately after training and the administered temperature was much lower. J. Obes. Res. The detailed schedule of the training program is shown in Table 1. This change was accompanied by a significant elevation of IGF-1 concentration in the CRY group (pre: 174.29 49.34; post: 300.50 43.80 pgml1; p = 0.00; Figure 2D). Chronically low concentrations of IGF-1 may reflect an overreaching condition or impaired muscular adaptation to training (Lee et al., 2017). Res. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00127.2019. Subjects stayed in a university dorm and followed a predetermined, balanced diet, taking their meals in the same place and at the same time of day (daily average intake of 3,600 600 calories included protein at 1.5 gkg1 body mass). The effect of acute exercise on blood concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy adults: a meta-analysis. 25, 295301. Lombardi, G., Ziemann, E., and Banfi, G. (2017b). Sprint training units performed at the track included sprints at 100, 200, 400, and 800 m (90% MHR). IL-15 overexpression promotes endurance, oxidative energy metabolism, and muscle PPARdelta, SIRT1, PGC-1alpha, and PGC-1beta expression in male mice. an updated review of the literature.
Before every single throw, zempo-ukemi toward other judokas was done (Figure 1). 41, 313. Professional judokas participated in a 2-week judo training program including various kinds of high intensity practices. They were randomly assigned to the cryostimulation group (CRY, n = 6) or the control group (CON, n = 6). B., Nobrega, O. T., de Souza, V. C., et al. J. Hum. Studies on animal models have shown that irisin stimulated glucose uptake in myocytes and reduced gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes (Mo et al., 2016; Xin et al., 2016). Currently available data account for a positive impact of irisin on maintaining a balance between glucose uptake in peripheral tissues, including skeletal muscles, and hepatic glucose homeostasis (Arhire et al., 2019). Post-exercise cold water immersion attenuates acute anabolic signalling and long-term adaptations in muscle to strength training. Whole-body cryotherapy in athletes: from therapy to stimulation. Interchangeably with CWI, whole body cryostimulation or partial exposure to extremely low temperature is also applied.
Ultimately, twelve athletes took part in the study. In order to credibly interpret the obtained results, we used statistical methods adjusted to the undersized sample size of the study.
Athletes received standardized verbal instructions before each test, and verbal encouragements throughout it. Then, we immediately measured the peak torque for the flexion and extension of the knee and shoulder joints (of dominant limbs) in the isokinetic conditions (velocity 90s1) in a three-time repeated movement. Acute sprint interval exercise increases both cognitive functions and peripheral neurotrophic factors in humans: the possible involvement of lactate. During the current intervention athletes were under the strict control of the teams coach (seven DAN judo, master class trainer) and a physiologist. (2015). Effects of whole-body cryotherapy on 25-hydroxyvitamin D, irisin, myostatin, and interleukin-6 levels in healthy young men of different fitness levels. The potential of long-term whole body cryostimulation to enhance collagen structure can make it a useful injury prevention treatment in judo. (2017). Twelve athletes completed the intervention. Sports Med.
Front. There were no significant changes in baseline amino acid serum concentrations before and after the intervention in the CON group. Whole-body cryostimulation limits overreaching in elite synchronized swimmers. Samples were taken from the antecubital vein into vacutainer tubes with K2EDTA (Becton Dickinson and Co., Franklin Lakes, NJ, United States) by professional medical staff.
Short-term resistance training supported by whole-body cryostimulation induced a decrease in myostatin concentration and an increase in isokinetic muscle strength. Those findings suggest that cryostimulation may have enhanced the amino acid uptake, supporting the maintenance of motor abilities in judokas after the 2-week training program.
(2010). Recently published studies, involving martial arts athletes, analyzed only a single application of cold therapy (CWI, 15 min at 10C) after a single sparring training/combat stimulation unit (Lindsay et al., 2017; Tabben et al., 2018). Second, the obtained changes can be linked with brown adipose tissue. doi: 10.2466/pms.106.3.859-869, Fyfe, J. J., Broatch, J. R., Trewin, A. J., Hanson, E. D., Argus, C. K., Garnham, A. P., et al. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00015.2003, Cholewka, A., Stanek, A., Sieron, A., and Drzazga, Z. (2015). McLester, C. N., Nickerson, B. S., Kliszczewicz, B. M., and McLester, J. R. (2020). It is known that exposure to low temperatures stimulates browning fat tissue and its activity (Cannon and Nedergaard, 2004). Additionally, the significant drop of proline and leucine concentrations in the CRY group was obtained.
This approach was based on the previously published protocol (Laskowski and Antosiewicz, 2003). At the same time, deficient recovery practices within a professional training program, may lead to functional overreaching and, in consequence, trigger an overtraining syndrome (Meeusen et al., 2013). The fatigue level was expressed by blood LA. Based on the fact that CWI (8C, 4 min) caused a similar decrease of muscle and trunk temperature as a single session of whole body cryostimulation in a special cryo-chamber (Costello et al., 2012), it was possible that the applied cold treatment protocol could decrease judokas motor abilities. (2018). doi: 10.1210/me.2015-1292, Moro, T., Ebert, S. M., Adams, C. M., and Rasmussen, B. Physiol.
Olympic preparation in Brazilian judo athletes: description and perceived relevance of training practices. Our participants were belonged to members of Polands national judo team, a selected group accustomed to training with a very high intensity.