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Jobs Online, Facebook #t&R/4_S"|uA\^y.u)VFwI#|(\vq']};9OuJmE!C`,p =*bV=I[$psK4KI9(? York River COPYRIGHT 2022 LIBERTY LIVE CHURCH. Harbour View We will have their name tag ready for you and your child. Jobs Kidville will only be available for Preschool Care (Birth 3 years of age). Youll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss of a loved one and look forward to rebuilding your life. hyvN,28+Y3cQ+mcr}fE7d2Q. rCK]{j %0Lh Last year over 80 students were baptized at camp! COPYRIGHT 2022 LIBERTY LIVE CHURCH. Block Parties This year at Liberty, we have created a Party in a Box to help you get to know your neighbors. Locations | Online Store | Groups | Messages | Give | About. 3 0 obj <> I was saved at a young age at VBS and know the difference it can make in a childs life! $qz[;>( Food Services <>/Metadata 133 0 R/ViewerPreferences 134 0 R/PageLabels 135 0 R>> Since February 2012, this group has accepted the challenge to make and donate hundreds of items each year for the homeless, cancer patients, NICU babies, nursing homes, and others.
Phone: (757) 826-2110 We enjoy singing in local nursing homes and in The Chapel.
endobj ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Hampton endobj 4 0 obj We will be having family services on Dec. 26th & Jan. 2nd. Online, Facebook Twitter Gloucester <> Go ahead and sign up now so you can avoid the line on the first day. (>Z*S4JUAd]yRX5q*E7H'VNA uZQu3 0A&T2F Scholarships are available. Give %PDF-1.7 Email:info@libertylive.church, Greenbrier This content is password protected. \`cAd %

If you missed the sermon on Sunday, you can watch it at libertylive.church/messages. my.libertylive.church. % I cant wait to see what God does through these parties all around Hampton Roads. How to Play Games with God? The new 13-week cycle begins August 17, 6:30 pm in room A132. <> {kOrMXJ^tM)*?Kp)J|_Q6I=mO7Qi_+3(H. 1 0 obj If youve never attended one of these, its a great way to learn more about what it means for you personally to know God, find community, serve people, and leave a legacy. You will hear about next steps you can take in each of these areas, and more about our churchs mission to reach Hampton Roads and beyond with the Gospel. endobj York River v "30]` A endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 146 0 obj <>stream $20 materials fee. Well have special guests Edgar Williams, Pamela Tolson, Rebekah Powers, Daniel Ethridge, Kathy Parsons and more! endobj Ecclesiastes 3. 4 0 obj Please arrive a few minutes early to register. Tammy and I love you and love serving the Lord with you! Harbour View <>/Metadata 128 0 R/ViewerPreferences 129 0 R/PageLabels 130 0 R>>
Phone: (757) 826-2110 You can find out more at libertylive.church/events, but I wanted to highlight a few of them for you here: VBS If you have a four-year-old through rising sixth grader, VBS is June 24-27. Hampton 9+8JVQdqD y <6*K0mR=ie%AM&Ack6fv!i&CkQ}\_Q{#&>_&zT*S\NGwvV&[14v4n_a;f}q}:57V:&P;l7.~T`_tTHq:wGG 6IxTy5vK}G_l]Np. Gloucester Denise Moore will be at the piano. hb``b``zp0039|^h(GFXm@, (u V2101H)0&ohdj+C4ocIA-f. YouTube <>/Metadata 159 0 R/ViewerPreferences 160 0 R/PageLabels 161 0 R>> Locations | Online Store | Groups | Messages | Give | About. Online Store 113 0 obj <> endobj 139 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7E6567F43B884885A50B9E7B13F4DF46>]/Index[113 70]/Info 112 0 R/Length 125/Prev 1111194/Root 114 0 R/Size 183/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Following the Hymn Sing, indulge in our Make-Your-Own-Ice Cream-Sundae station! ]Rb 2 0 obj '5VNs. Ask God what steps He would have you take this summer to know Him, to find community, to serve people, and to leave a legacy. ~b <2" Yarn donations are appreciated! Online Store hbbd```b``@$Y6 D2(H4Xv -f7IS Ecclesiastes 5-6, How Do I Miss the Time of My Life? YouTube 0 V_"A?dl bM5 L;N+y Pinterest, School of Ministry <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ColorSpace<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 1008 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> No audition required!
Twitter endobj
Food Services %PDF-1.7 % Administrative Office 2 0 obj my.libertylive.church. YouTube Smithfield Student Camp If you have a middle or high school student, camp is July 29-August 2. @kp{i#l$a}XJw,EL,k'DIe4ePV!^t*&@ For pricing, registration, and more information please click the Learn More button below. Email:info@libertylive.church, Greenbrier . Scholarships available. <> This bus tour also takes us to the Creation Museum prepare to believe as you are inspired by state-of-the-art exhibits and stunning gardens. Jobs COPYRIGHT 2022 LIBERTY LIVE CHURCH. Food Services endobj Tammy and I had the privilege of attending services at Greenbrier and Harbour View while Chip preached at Hampton. If you enjoy singing, come join us! This Sunday we will also be having a Life Track Lunchat each of our campuses. <> endobj The Party in a Box comes with inflatables, popcorn and sno-cone machines, and more. %PDF-1.7 What a great Sunday we had this week at Liberty! If you attend our Smithfield campus, we are taking VBS to local neighborhoods. What better way to meet them than by throwing a block party where you live?! Qh7VX+ KROz]^0> %PDF-1.7 % Instagram
Join usThursday, October 6for a day trip to the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. We will depart the Hampton Campus at 7AM with an approximate return time of 9:30 10PM. 1 0 obj See jaw-dropping exhibits inside the Ark and experience pages of the Bible like never before. 3 0 obj Pre-registering will save you time when you arrive at Kidville to check in your child. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 1008 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> " ,l B |A2Y/+JIWcYq9q3Hq's1Hh.Y1HTBU=0 f endstream endobj 87 0 obj <>/Metadata 12 0 R/PageLabels 83 0 R/Pages 84 0 R/StructTreeRoot 16 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 110 0 R>> endobj 88 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 1008 612]/Parent 84 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 89 0 obj <>stream Twitter Plan to join us in The Chapel on Wednesday, July 27 at 6 pm for a fun-filled hymn sing. Smithfield % No experience required! Childcare Reimbursement Contact Marie or Dani at 826-2110. York River ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book is packed with practical application! Administrative Office 1 0 obj endobj Thinking about all these summer opportunities gets me even more excited about the months ahead. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. This Sunday, Im looking forward to continuing our series in 1 Corinthians. Online Store