This is faster than doing the same thing with hand planes and the power planer will handle wild grain and knots that would be tough to impossible to work with a hand plane. - Spiral cutterhead utilizes 30 x 14mm staggered and rotatable (4 times) tungsten carbide blades. Is it OK to copy projects from the magazine?
It will get planing done in a hurry. 0000084723 00000 n They are also just about the only way to square up sheet goods which are almost always not quite square. Tool only, no battery. I have heard of people using them to flatten slabs for table tops. - Cutterhead parallelism maintained by four precision ground steel posts. 0000005102 00000 n -E@04IYpl%54QE~}cHCG|nanV]k:RJow8fn9Y4}*Tv|{3}]s'-4jO9w-ccz_/h:Q5$2;FD~l !7hHs Plus tips, advice, and special offers from Fine Woodworking. *It is 80lbs and the extraction hood is missing*. 0000002913 00000 n 0000069162 00000 n READ THE AD - Power Planer Edge Guides I have 2 new power plane edge guides available for sale. Ryobi 12.5 inch Thickness planer Makita. UNLIMITED Membership is like taking a master class in woodworking for less than $10 a month. 0000091419 00000 n Too numerous to list. Enter now for your chance to win more than $2,000 worth of woodworking equipment from Woodpeckers. 0000158100 00000 n, it's not bad. 0000078094 00000 n 0000124180 00000 n 0000004102 00000 n 0000001776 00000 n Become an UNLIMITED member and get it all: searchable online archive of every issue, how-to videos, Complete Illustrated Guide to Woodworking digital series, print magazine, e-newsletter, and more. Very Heavy. Rabbeting a shelf; Strength vs. appearance, Editor's Letter: A new tool with every project. 0000005238 00000 n
Click Instant Price wherever you see it on our Brighton Woodworking Machinery website at Rockwell RC-51 (22-460) Used 20" rojek sliding 12" table saw /planer jointer/auto feed, Planers, grinders, table saws, band saws, mechanic tools, misc, DEWALT 12-1/2" 15 Amp Heavy Duty Planer with 3-Knife Cutter Head, HOC CT320 BARTELL 12 INCH FLOOR PLANER + FREE SHIPPING + 1 YEAR WARRANTY, FORESTWEST 6" 1.5HP Jointer with Built-in Dust Chute, Ridgid 18v Octane 3-1/4 inch Brushless Hand Planer (tool only), FORESTWEST 13" 2HP Planer with Spiral Blade & Granite Table, FORESTWEST 13" 2HP Wood Planer with Built-in Dust Chute, FORESTWEST 12" 2.5HP Wood Thickness Planer & Jointer Combo, Tools - Accessories - Sears Craftsman Radial conversion kit, GENERAL INTERNATIONAL 24 INCH THICKNESS PLANER, HOC TORNADO BARTELL SHOT BLASTING DUST COLLECTOR + FREE SHIPPING + 1 YEAR WARRANTY, MAKITA 3-1/4-inch Planer We Sell New and Used Tools (SKU# 4478)(JV1310490), Replacement planer knives for DeWalt 12-1/2. 0000090759 00000 n For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 0000078770 00000 n Home Depot is clearancing these planers, bought one today, $75, hard to beat. - Aluminum fence can easily move and quick lock at 90 & Tools - Accessories - Sears Craftsman Radial and table saw conversion pieces to jointer, planer, shaper bits kit. 0000083845 00000 n you gonna be hanging doors anytime soon?
HWnc 8/,b@~Eme9m,q su A full Garage and Wood New planer for sale used once works great 13 inch deck with folding guides and rollers, Used but frankly decent condition, just needs new blades and a cleaning. on sale for about $30.00. It features a 6.5 AMP motor that delivers more output power, with a two-blade cutter head and, Old piece of cast iron, connects with belts very heavy, I can throw in a motor for an extra 20bucks. When joining, you agree to Builder Depot contacting you via email with information about goods, offers and services. ,|6(`fT=+/KKO.Nd~umS/z!j'2,d2-u+mXuaV[VO_qn\k<3Ut5Cf*zGde-ry}KebIr[fMu(rl> 4n:
Our biweekly podcast allows editors, authors, and special guests to answer your woodworking questions and connect with the online woodworking community. Has castors and side lift bars. I've had the Bosch for about They picked the model you are looking at as the "Best Value". 0000004391 00000 n There is a world of difference. 1/2" or 3/4" Resaw Blade for 14" Rikon Bandsaw? I will investigate further different brands and models. Get all our latest offers and special deals direct to your inbox. %PDF-1.4 % All rights reserved. 0000145231 00000 n you can get details here:, This forum post is now archived. Sears 15 amp 3/4 Inch plunge variable router with hd router table for same. ones for over 25 years, and would not go a week without one if this one quits. Bosch{German made} biscuit joiner. 0000109119 00000 n hb```b```g``oga@ 6(G""4 @n`hbzgX,wbzxk0F,d- 'd=>4edn][^_qS7. 0000069024 00000 n Great for getting wider stock surfaced for the planer. 0000091569 00000 n Brand new sealed in box. However, I have had one of the Makita 6+" - Professional die-casting aluminum tables. Heavy duty planer. 0000090485 00000 n
0000004535 00000 n 0000125067 00000 n Mastercraft thickness planer 12 1/2" capacity, max depth of cut 1/8". 2022 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. 0000069312 00000 n As noted, they are very useful for rough planing one side of wider stock to prep it for final smoothing and thicknessing with a planer. The local tool store has a Bosch 3-1/4 power planer (model 1594K) on sale for $140. Also worked great installing new windows in an old farmhouse, boarded in with rough boards of different thickness, to provide a flat nailing surface. #Cl2F0h2vcm0cnb;KXx6a\AE>%@U[W1x/:q.+00FJbaYt7G= 1,=P10hEE14iP l0 endstream endobj 853 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[167 614]/Length 43/Size 781/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Use Distance Search to find Ads based on where you are and how far you want to travel. All models are available with the newly developed CON-TACT free System. Almost new. 0000109772 00000 n Perfect for maintaining alignment during regular operations, or, add a wedge to add a bevel to doors FINANCING AVAILABLE - WWW.HOCANADA.COM - 1(844)440-4014 Tornado Bartell Shot Blasting Dust Collector Whether fine dust or rough material, the CONTEC dust collectors impress by their high performance and multiple applications. 0000083143 00000 n 0000078365 00000 n Fine Homebuilding Magazine did a review of what they called hand-held planers a couple months or so ago.

Makita 7.8 amp plunge router. 0000027930 00000 n Features: - Phenomenal value with a level of quality unparalleled at this price. This Japanese built machine is solid cast iron and made to last. 0000124681 00000 n You appear to be at a point in your life where you should make that move, rather than be tempted by those lesser tools. Click for full details. 0000004439 00000 n Commenting has been disabled. Based on the radius, a new location list is generated for you to choose from. Comes with extra blades. 0000142642 00000 n Pick up in Standard. What are they good for?
0000148871 00000 n 0000150907 00000 n In original box. I don't know how useful they are for fine woodworking, but they are great for trim carpentry and other construction related tasks. However, Ive never needed one. $250, Electric Planer JET Equipment and Tools Model # JJ-60S Stock # 708455 Motor, 3/4 HP, Craftex Cx-20 planer Good condition Only used for a few projects Open to trades Located near Evansburg $2500. 0000153496 00000 n Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building! 0000084538 00000 n These videos can also be found on youtube. Get complete site access to video workshops, digital plans library, online archive, and more, plus the print magazine. 0000109384 00000 n Home Depot now has them for $129. Craftsman Planer 12 wide 110v still in good shape. It sounds like just the tool I need to get large slabs relatively flat before proceeding with hand planes. I've had the Bosch for about 6 years Chris. 0000004075 00000 n 0000068794 00000 n 0000004702 00000 n very nice tools for fitting entry doors and the like. Electric Planers have been designed to decrease the time and energy used with a hand planer, making it easier and quicker to use an electric planer. 0000091489 00000 n 0000004216 00000 n hbb8f;1Gc4>Fh| 0 l| endstream endobj 782 0 obj <>/Metadata 165 0 R/Pages 161 0 R/StructTreeRoot 167 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 783 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 784 0 obj <>stream Planers, grinders, band saws, table saws, file cabinets, Wrenches, screwdrivers. Features: - Granite table provides a sturdy non-marring surface. Delta planer, extra set of blades, heavy duty stand with wheels, 4" dust hook up Delta jointer, newer blades, heavy duty stand with wheels, 4" dust hook up Dewalt 3pcs router, standard, plunge, d MAKITA 3-1/4-inch (6.5-Amp) Planer (120V) Makita 1900B 3-1/4-Inch Planer delivers power, cutting capacity and ease of use.
Extra blades.
I use it sparingly for door trimming as noted and to re-flatten work-benches. Ideal for professional construction framing, window and door installation, and fine woodworking. 0000069107 00000 n Price is $900 OBO. BTW.. the sole on mine has a groove from front to rear in the middle. 0000110382 00000 n UNLIMITED membership - Get access to it all. Includes the manual and stand. Rob Millard uses a Makita power plane for flattening stock. 0000084653 00000 n 0000124708 00000 n Excellent working condition. Model RDW-168 Automatic 16" Planer by Rexon. They are noisy, chip spitting little demons that can remove a lot of material fast if you don't have or feel like using a hand plane for "hogging off" material. It seems like a good price and it has me tempted. 0000091043 00000 n Rollers were resurfaced Mastercraft Planer for sale with stand in really good condition. Post your classified or want ad in Canada Power Tools. Model R8481B. +7'% gOD Makes short work of roughing out canoe paddle blades! Made for the absolute toughest applications and floors.
Used but in good condition. Electric Planers are an indispensable tool for any woodworker, it can be used for a variety of different woodworking applications such as planning surfaces, chamfering corners and making rabbets. Use our Auto Quote system for Pricing & Details. DW734, details are in the title. Increase the search radius for more results. In-depth articles, up-close photography, and detailed illustrations. Get instant access to over 100 digital plans available only to UNLIMITED members. I don't have one yet but have used one. Mastercraft Planer with new blades. We have created these special content collections organized to give you a deep dive into a range of topics that matter. 0000004487 00000 n ?q:gfn}"sF@O&B am.z+kceiwSN{xnO4awx(?~Q7}BsGjaG|N:K&a@f ")zkn3Nn@l%2_7&]=l`D%%{tc8[$$"f{88c=wX1|aHM2c@6i,vMo9lpo*TMHt]F"n.]y0z5>$0TQ>. 0000043274 00000 n 0000084803 00000 n JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. ?not|;{{f~2g}&eNwT\x@xDbzbsk? Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building. wHN@ p$w@ sfq This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google,,, RONA 3 bladed electric hand planer (6amps), Mastercraft thickness planer. 0000155603 00000 n 0B]*@z;44IPt8*A `_J3atBNQ-lxS>,fYL For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 1/2 inch thickness planer Newly sharpened blades Good working condition $275.00 No internet at home Call or text me at 519-681-5995, Sears Craftsman 12 inch Thickness Planer $240, Makita 5005BA 5 1/2 inch Circular Saw $240 obo Mikita Power Planer model 1100 with case $180 obo can be sold separately huge discount if purchased together, $563.87 after tax Link to store:, 3 1/4 in. 0000002569 00000 n 0000124443 00000 n 0000003562 00000 n 0000139514 00000 n Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on how we use your details. Prewired for 230V. Google, Google Play, YouTube and other marks are trademarks of Google Inc. KPF300A Rojek 12" sliding table saw with scoring blade and shaper 3500.00 msp415 16"planer /jointer 2500.00 pf-31 powermatic auto feed 800.00. In fact he has a great set of video demonstrations on his web; 0000060570 00000 n Bought a couple from Princess Auto (Canada's version of harbour Freight, etc.) Very little use. Here is a link to their reviews. 0000146282 00000 n 0000078825 00000 n Makita 2030 Jointer planer 110V. Features Octane brushless technology, industry's only adjustable chamfer Browse the largest selection of Dewalt Tools in Western Canada, displayed in a 10,000sq/ft showroom! - Powerful motor, high efficiency, and durable. 0000091016 00000 n 0000004583 00000 n $350. Excellent working condition, long flat Jointer bed and level planing surface. 0000109799 00000 n
0000110462 00000 n Features: - Angle adjustable fence - Nice and portable 31 lbs in weight - Fitted dust collection bag - Spring loaded blade guard - Straight blade cutter head - Stock thickness indicator - Push stick Ridgid Cordless 18v Brushless 3-1/4 inch Octane Hand Planer. I will watch those videos when I get a moment. 781 0 obj <> endobj xref 781 74 0000000016 00000 n 0000082645 00000 n i have a freud power planer, very useful for rough jointing, rough planing, chewing big bumps off large lumber pieces, also for quick checking rough lumber for grain etc etc, i have rough planed a couple of tabletops flat too, I am using dewalt dw735 planer. 0000035439 00000 n 0000004328 00000 n 0000002763 00000 n Precision aligned, heavy duty bearings ensure low maintenance and trouble free operation of the machine. 0000069232 00000 n "^CB6LAih45MMZCZMK4zpOC/B/^^zz"dd2X2,BK!%R"}oS_]CK1m}vu' ( endstream endobj 785 0 obj [813 0 R] endobj 786 0 obj <> endobj 787 0 obj <> endobj 788 0 obj [/DeviceN[/Black]/DeviceCMYK 806 0 R 808 0 R] endobj 789 0 obj [/Indexed 816 0 R 213 819 0 R] endobj 790 0 obj [/Indexed 816 0 R 216 818 0 R] endobj 791 0 obj [/Indexed 816 0 R 148 817 0 R] endobj 792 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 814 0 R] endobj 793 0 obj [/Lab<>] endobj 794 0 obj <> endobj 795 0 obj <> endobj 796 0 obj <> endobj 797 0 obj <> endobj 798 0 obj <>stream
Features: - A combo of Jointer & Planer functions. *** Model 30-425 *** *** 600 Volt 3 Phase Electrics *** *** 10 Hp Main Motor *** *** 1.5 Hp Variable Speed Feed *** *** 1 Hp Raise & Lower Motor *** *** Sectional Infeed Roller & Chipbreakers *** *** 12. 0000004834 00000 n trailer <<99F26EDC0DEA40BDBA54DDB63BD7799D>]/Prev 1529931/XRefStm 2569>> startxref 0 %%EOF 854 0 obj <>stream Chris, My nephew has one of those, and I don't think much of it. 0000051927 00000 n Wood working tools and Mechanic Tools and Supplies. Using plastic. Easiest way to reach me is by phone or text. Saniflo Sanivite Kitchen/Utility Macerator, DeWalt DCP580N-XJ 18V XR Cordless Brushless Planer Body Only. H\j0~ 0000110312 00000 n 2020 Builder Depot Ltd. All Rights Reserved. I have had several other brands in this size, and quite frankly none of them impress me other than for rough hogging. 0000126472 00000 n FINANCING AVAILABLE - WWW.HOCANADA.COM - 1(844)440-4014 CT320 Bartell 12 Inch Floor Planer The largest and most aggressive floor planer engineered by CONTEC.