Instead, you take the damage. Youll be able to get a very good amount of use from this feature across several combats in a typical adventuring day. Otherwise, Champion Challenges movement restriction is extremely powerful. So, a detail that has been left out up to this point to avoid confusion is that the Crown Paladin is a mounted combatant almost exclusively because of this feature. While these characters are still capable of doing some impressive burst damage with Divine Smite, theyre at their best when they can use their positioning to take control of the battlefield. This extremely adaptable race is perfect for your tanky self! So, this does have a few advantages over the Protection reaction. Whoops! I've played with a Crownadin in my party once. Lets chat in the comments! They uphold the law and all that it represents. Despite being that classic idea of what a defender knight is, I think theres still a lot of potential with this subclass. Not exactly a valid combat spell, but its fun. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilizations together and it must be respected. So Thats cool!
Geas is largely forgettable at this point except for very specific situations and even then its dicey. Perhaps more than most other subclasses, you will want to really consider the mechanics of each of these features. You start with a +2 racial bonus to Constitution, which is fantastic for your new life as a meatshield. Last but not least, granting advantage to your partys Wisdom saves is great. Keep in mind that this uses your reaction which means you can only do this once per round. For an hour. In the late game, its essential that every turn belongs to you and you alone. Few conditions spell disaster like being paralyzed or stunned. Youre gonna be essentially immune to paralysis or stun. Every battle is different and each of these features will be more or less effective depending on your positioning and party formation. Fitting with the name, Oath of the Crown Paladins have sworn themselves in service to a ruler, the law of the land, and the ideals of their nation. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'tabletopjoab_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_13',125,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-medrectangle-3-0')};You have sworn yourself to protect your sovereign, your nation, and the laws that hold it all together. If your sole reason to take this subclass is for Divine Allegiance, then please consider Redemption. Against dragons or creatures with natural attacks and multiattack, youll probably reduce a significant amount of damage. The king who exposed to her the, I could not believe that the Oath of the Crown was disliked, or found to be underwhelming. Youre courageous in any situation that is thrown at you, and you accept responsibility for the actions that you commit. In addition, keeping all enemies within 30 ft from each other means much easier targets for your allied spellcasters. A good one shot will have a mix of magical and nonmagical attackers so HAM could really put in the work. And youll need either Strength or Dexterity to deal realistic damage So Uh Youre in a bit of a pickle, huh?
You gain two options for how to use your Channel Divinity. Guardian of Faith is Solid. "Cure Wounds" cast on yourself for example would work on the steed as well as "Alter Self" or "Shield of Faith". Where would any King or Queen be without their loyal knights? If youre focusing on your Charisma, Banishment can be solid (especially against beings from other planes.) The. This is, admittedly, a weird option. Strength will take last priority after feats, and will not even receive a bump from its starting place. When armor and positioning fail, your Divine Allegiance allows you to take others pain on yourself instead. The Oath of the Crown is a very defense-focused subclass available to Paladins. 3) Necrotic Shroud (we'll talk more about this later in the post). And when in doubt, Bless! You make three attacks per turn, rerolling 1s and 2s. Interestingly, if you do decide to turn your back on your ruler for example, if theyre corrupt or become evil then this is one of the best non-evil ways to become an Oathbreaker. Whether zoning enemies to control the battlefield, taking damage instead of their allies, or rallying their forces back from the jaws of defeat, Oath of the Crown Paladins serve as their partys shield. The Oath of the Crown is tucked away in the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide as a subclass option for Paladins. Consider taking the Tough feat to better soak damage without needing to put too many points into Constitution Though youll still want some so you can have okay Constitution saves. Youve got more hit points and armor so you should be fine once you get some healing! In addition, youll get a few things that make it a bit easier to take damage without going unconscious Which will be extremely useful. Whether as a mercenary, soldier or faction agent, she excelled at violence. The advantage on death saving throws is always good. You will want to isolate key threats with Champion Challenge or Compelled Duel while still sticking close enough to your allies to provide passive support with Divine Allegiance and Exalted Champion. The Crown gives more impressive self-buffs, and has some anti-death benefits. This effect ends on the creature if you are incapacitated or die or if the creature is more than 30 feet away from you. These Paladins can make strong supporting tanks for their party thanks to their features and spell list. Instead, you take the damage. . Join the Scoundrel Game Labs Mailing List! Its the best way to get all the latest player guides, DM tips, news, reviews, and more for D&D 5e straight to your inbox! What is the Oath of The Crown Paladin in D&D 5e? The best use of this Channel is, of course, to get allies out of unconsciousness And it does that perfectly! to build Dexterity instead of Strength, just to have a ranged option. Since stun effects tend to be Constitution saves which you dont have proficiency in naturally the double roll can save you. How useful this feature is really comes down to what kind of campaign youre in. This is a good ability But Wizards literally just overshadowed it when they printed Volos Guide to Monsters. Part-time Druid, Full-time Hobo. Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel Subclasses Guide, War Cleric 5E Guide | Tips, Builds, and More, was full of interesting ideas. The Oath of the Crown is a little weird compared to most other archetypes (other than Redemption) in that their level 20 ability lasts for 1 hour.
Paralysis and Stun are both really, really bad status effects; any turn where youre unable to act or react is not one this archetype wants to be part of. On a failed save, a creature cant willingly move more than 30 feet away from you. This Paladin is unfailingly loyal to whatever creed youve decided to work with. A total of 20d6 is actually pretty efficient for a healing spell. It stops teleportation effects, burrow speeds, fly speeds, or any other way a GM would have an NPC escape a fight.

Warding Bond plays similarly to your level 7 feature by letting you reduce the damage an ally takes by taking some of it on yourself. Some love it and others hate it. 2) Good healing and damage resistance abilities. Ultimate Undying Warlock: HP Siphoning Build. As a bonus action, you issue a challenge that compels other creatures to do battle with you. Crown Oath Paladins really want some Charisma. As the title suggests, in a couple weeks, I have a one-shot coming up where I'll be building a level 8 Vhuman paladin, and could use some feat suggestions, as I've never played the class before. What do you think? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Except the range is 10 ft. And it increases to 30 ft at level 18. Champion Challenge is one of the best Taunt effects in the game. As always, these are the optimized feats but there are some other less ideal options that the reader might consider: Sentinel (paired with the Necrotic Shroud fear affect of the Fallen Aasimar, we can pull an Oathbreaker Dreadful Aspect strategy (see my, Rosnolir was tainted at a young age by abhorrent images of violence displayed to her via a divine connection to a guardian spirit. Especially if you have multiple party members that have been dropped to 0 hit points, this can be a powerful feature that does exactly what the name says! It has additional utility of saving the life of your party member in worse-case scenarios. Advantage on saves to resist paralyzing or stunning effects is great. CHA 16 (+3), STR 16 (+3), CON 13 (+1), DEX 12 (+1), WIS 10 (+0), INT 8 (-1). Both are great options for taking hits and compelling duels. This is the full guide to the Oath of the Crown Paladin in D&D 5e! Charisma takes top priority in terms of stats but this build is going to be wonky with feat taking. Tabletop Joab is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Paladins bonus actions are usually spent on magic, so spending them on healing 2d6 is far from bad. Allies within 30 feet of you have advantage on death saving throws. And, well, rolling twice on Wisdom saves will make sure you dont give your turn to an enemy. If your movement is in any way restricted, you actually cant keep up with an enemy who wants to get away from you. The total damage dealt to the party remains the same, so its not exactly damage reduction. You dont need to spend any money, and youll get great resistances. But hey, the Crown has plenty of unique flavor and options to view. Wisdom saves tend to be effects like Dominate Person or Command; spells that force you to fight your allies. If you just really want to ruin some creatures day, you could potentially keep them under this effect forever as long as you dont move more than 30 feet away from them. (Grabbing the Tough feat for the extra hit points is a great idea as well for Divine Allegiance.). This is a great spell list. I think I'd boost Con/Cha, since it's a bit low.Your Fighting style would be Great Weapon Fighting. By restricting combat to within 30 ft of you, you can stop any melee fighters from approaching the backline. The subclass lends itself to being a knight of the round table, sure, but with the right story and race combination, suddenly the Oath of the Crown bears one of the most interesting flavors (Avenged Sevenfold's "Hail to the King" plays somewhere in the background). This damage to you cant be reduced or prevented in any way. But hey, the Crown has plenty of unique flavor and options to view. The reason I would do Cha over Con is for the boost to Aura of Protection, mainly. It might have even driven her insane, psychopathic. Depending on your campaign, youll probably want Nimble Climber the most for water campaigns, Underwater Adaption is a bit better. If magic weapons arent especially common even at this level, youll be resisting a ton of damage. Zone of Truth is a great out-of-combat spell, allowing you to more easily gather information with Intimidation. Getting Stoneskin is a pretty good benefit. Both of these are somewhat impressive. Funny enough, youll notice that theres no maximum duration to this feature. Champion Challenge. The downside is that 30 ft range. Aura of Vitality is solid. Or Well, I guess air-shield, since youll be born from the union between the elemental and material planes. If you dont act, then who will? And if two enemies are 30 ft away from you one above you, one below you you actually have no choice but to let one escape from your Champion Challenge for free. Would love your thoughts, please comment. considering Champion Challenge does not end, this seems like a perfectly reasonable length of time. Might be good if your Monk is getting destroyed and you want to heal yourself a little longer Otherwise, not exactly fantastic. Marked apart from the rank-and-file guards of the city, Oath of the Crown Paladins are the elite guardians. If you find yourself on the Elemental Plane of Air, Manta Glide might be correct. If your movement is in any way restricted, you actually cant keep up with an enemy who wants to get away from you. This is another key feature to the Oath of the Crown Paladin. Command can be useful as well, but its a bit more situational. The Oath of the Crown subclass suffers from a really strange problem, almost unique to the Crown Oath. Afterwards, you can gain grapple options, acidic ranged attacks, or bonus AC while not wearing heavy armor. This is one of the better capstones for the Paladin subclass. No matter what barbarians assault your citys walls or what chaos may take hold within them, the defense of civilized society begins with you. Are you prepared to swear your Sacred Oath and be a defender of your people?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',134,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-medrectangle-4-0')};if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',134,'0','1'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-medrectangle-4-0_1')};.medrectangle-4-multi-134{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Use it to give your Cleric more actions, give your whole party a boost, and spend your channel on something universally good. As always, I determine story after I've chosen a race, so of course this choice fits the backstory quite well. It is for this reason that she grew up to take work in the industry of violence. Protection has the benefit that you might prevent damage in general, but this just makes it so youre the only person in the fight who is taking damage. offers a really good race with the Genasi. Use a glaive or halberd (whichever you like, they're the same mechanically). Two chances to roll a 20 might pick you off the ground without the need for any healing magic, and two chances to avoid a 1 is essential for survival. At each of the levels that you see on the table, you gain bonus spells. Compelled Duel is almost guaranteed to be on your spell list to begin with, so having it always prepared changes little. This damage to you cant be reduced or prevented in any way. If you find yourself on the Elemental Plane of Air, Manta Glide might be correct. I can also infer that people shy away from the Oath of the Crown as they feel it is too "on the nose" for a paladin. Youll still need a full movement action. As an action, you gain these 3 benefits; You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. The most awkward thing about it really is that the Oath of Redemption Paladin basically took this same feature but made it better. Most Paladins will focus on their Strength (or Dexterity if theyre doing a Dex build), but Oath of the Crown Paladins rely on enemies failing their saving throws to function well. Through honor, commitment, and service to king and country, they have found themselves among a distinguished few. 18 in Str, 17(+1) in Cha, 12 in Con, 11(+1) in Dex, 10 in Wis, and 8 in Int. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a32b8db910e4987cea3f4ea2676e09e8" );document.getElementById("i9ea156c18").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tasked with upholding the law and protecting all that it represents, you have sworn the Sacred Oath of the Crown. It seems like opinions on the Oath of the Crown tend to be pretty split. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. Occasionally calling themselves Guardians, they get a +2 to Constitution, and can throw another +1 onto Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma; your choice! Starting at 15th level, you have advantage on saving throws to avoid becoming paralyzed or stunned. Youre courageous in any situation that is thrown at you, and you accept responsibility for the actions that you commit. As a bonus action, you can bolster injured creatures with your Channel Divinity. This might be one of the few Paladins that you want to build Dexterity instead of Strength, just to have a ranged option. As is the nature of the spell, "while mounted on the [Paladin's] steed, [the Paladin] can make any spell that targets [themselves] also target [their] steed." As an Oath of the Crown Paladin, you are your partys noble shield. D&D Character Builds & Homebrew for the Devoted Storyteller, Kind of late to the show, but just wanted to share, that "Spirit Guardians" doesn't work with "Find Steed". Used well, this can actually be an excellent feature. These Paladins are commonly members of specific orders of knights. In others, itll be completely worseless. The 20th level feature of this subclass is no reason to disparage it, as Exalted Champion is still good, Ultimate Long Death Monk: Temporary HP Tank Build, Ultimate Knowledge Cleric: Skill Monkey Build, Ultimate Storm Sorcerer: Close-Quarters Caster Build, Ultimate Conjuration Wizard: Demon Summoner Build, Ultimate Crown Paladin: Mounted Lockdown Build. Posted by Joab | Apr 23, 2022 | Class Guides, For Players, Paladin Guides | 0. Guardian of Faith is very situational and usually wont be worth the spell slot.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',135,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-leader-1-0')}; If youre up against a spellcaster, Circle of Power is a brilliant buff that plays well with your Aura of Protection. You guarantee that your ally wont take damage, which can save lives. Circle of Power makes you effectively immune to magic, a great use of your spell slot. Theyll be sitting ducks while your party destroys them with ranged attacks and spells. I rolled an 18, 17, 12, 11, 10, and 8 for stats if that helps.
You dont necessarily have to be preachy or insufferable, but the law is also the law. The health restriction does limit its utility as just a generic healing spell, but you should be saving this for emergencies. These features combined allow us to make a supreme enemy lockdown build with the added bonus of mounted combat. The cantrips you gain from the Clerics spell list with this will be very useful! Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless. Getting knocked out ends it early, as does dying. The only downside here is that those effects tend to be rare so dont forget you have this! The heavy weapon option means you'll be able to take some relevant feats, which I think you should do, if you're going V. Human. Occasionally calling themselves Guardians, they get a +2 to Constitution, and can throw another +1 onto Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma; your choice!