Around the different Slavic regions, religious beliefs tend to vary. But if this is true, why does Norse god have name whose etymology comes from Slavic languages? Little is known about the two of them from primary sources, but it's generally agreed that Czernobog, whose name translates to black god, was a dark and possibly cursed deity who was associated with death, misfortune, and overall calamity. Slavic: followers of Rodnovery (the modern reconstruction of ancient Slavic pre-Christian religion) believe in restoring national spirituality. Dazhbog (sun god) and Jutrobog (moon god). Odin, the wanderer, was the Homo Sapiens hunter/gatherers who brought Indo/European languages with them. It was only through love that harmony could be restored in the world. All cultures, across eras and geographies, have pondered the same eternal question how was the world created? Museums around the world are filled with statues of gods and goddesses once worshipped by the ancient Greeks, Romans or Egyptians. All of the various Slavic tribes honored Dzbog. Slavic paganism: Slavic Native Faith / Vedism / Orthodoxy / Old Belief / Rodnovery (this term varies depending on which Slavic country you happen to be in, but it is believed to be derived from the words rod meaning ancestral or indigenous and vera, meaning faith or religion). Then join the online course created by the authors of Slovakia: The Legend of the Linden and Czechoslovakia behind the Iron Curtain, Dr Gabriela Bereghazyova and Dr Zuzana Palovic. It is quite informative as to the possible origin especially of the word for "grandfather" in the dialect of Frosolone, (home of my paternal ancestors) in the Molise region (definitely a lot of Albanians in Molise) where instead of "nonno" they use "tatone" which would roughly mean "big father." Freya and Lada are both goddesses of fertility. Dazbog, The first part of the name is daj a form of the verb to give, while the second part bog means god. Perun is heavily masculine, and is representative of the most active parts of nature. Perun, Slavic God of the Sky and Universe, Veles (Volos), Slavic God of Cattle and the Underworld, Marzanna, Slavic Goddess of Death and Winter, Svarog, God of the Sky in Slavic Mythology, Hecate: Greece's Dark Goddess of the Crossroads. They do not bow down before their gods, but instead ask them for guidance and pay homage to them in a variety of ways including (but not limited to) prayer, rituals, sacrifices etc. He is an arch enemy of Perun, and is responsible for storms. Marzanna is the deity associated with the death and dying of the earth as winter moves in. Best wishes! PRAV/RULE was the realm of the divine and supreme truth, JAV/REALITY, the tangible reality in which people live and the world in-between, and NAV/UNDERWORLD, as the home to the lower aspects of existence. Perun * In Slavic mythology Perun is the highest god of the pantheon and the god of thunder and lightning. This could have lead to the erroneous linking of Odin, Vodan with MercuryBut this would put Slavic speaking people in Germania in the the first century AD A can of worm has been opened. This type of ritual is described in the next section. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Slavic mythology: Rod, and the birth of a new universe, Slavic mythology: Veles, King of the Slavic Underworld - Kafkadesk. Rod is also the name of the supreme god in Slavic mythology, so it could also be translated roughly as faith in Rod. He is associated with the oak tree, and is a god of war; in some respects, he's a lot like the Norse and Germanic Thor and Odin combined. In some legends, he is accused of stealing Perun's wife or children and taking them down into the underworld. He created a system of opposites, but not before creating the greatest force that there has ever been love as the means to unite opposing forces. For example: Belobog (black god) and Chernobog (white god). No one knows if Slavic religion had a universal pantheon of gods like other Indo-European people, but we do know that the gods were honored in different ways around the Slavic world. But when we take a closer look at most recent theories and scientific breakthroughs, we can begin to spot parallels between cutting-edge scientific knowledge and the wisdom of the old world. His other attributes were the fire, mountains, the oak, iris, eagle, firmament (in Indo-European languages this was joined with the notion of the sky of stone), horses and carts, weapons (the hammer axe and arrow) and war. Dzbog is the patron of the hearth fire, and offerings were made to him so that the fires would keep burning through the cold winter months. Despite many Slavic areas being heavily Christian, there is still an interest in the old Slavic folk gods. Staffed with a growing team of passionate journalists and local contributors, our Krakw office is fully dedicated to covering all-things Polish, from reporting on the latest news to promoting fascinating local initiatives across Poland. Perhaps this is an ancestral thing, or maybe it is simply because there are so many similarities between the religions in the two regions; hence why I decided to write an article comparing them! Perun lived in the highest branches, so that he could see all that happened. In Slavic mythology, the gods and spirits are polarized, and typically represent oppositesdarkness and light, masculine and feminine, etc. In the evening, as Zorya Vechernjaja, she closes them again so dusk will take place. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Veles often takes the form of a serpent and slithers up the sacred tree towards Perun's domain. Are you curious to learn more about their ancient Gods and Goddesses? The weak verb *wjanan, also derived from *waz, gave rise to Old Norse a 'to rage', Old English wdan 'to be mad, furious', Old Saxon wdian 'to rage', and Old High German wuoten 'to be insane, to rage'. In it the author gives detailed analysis of the Anglo Saxons, and shows us that both Angles and Saxons were just terms used for complex federations of south Baltic Germanic, Norse and West Slavic tribes. Who or what was the mysterious force brought about this planet and all the creatures that inhabit it? The. Belobog (black god) and Chernobog (white god). (LogOut/ They are fiercely proud of their roots, and pay as much respect to their ancestors as they do their gods. Perun was honored with shrines and temples in high places, such as on mountain tops and groves of oak trees. For example: Both Odin and Rod are the chief gods of their respective pantheons. I think youll agree, they both have much in common!

Velika molba, poto su tekstovi vani i za nae citate , moe li da nam pronae ko su pisci odnosno kreatori sajta (bloga) i kako moemo doi do njih.Upravo tvrdnje iznete u tim tekstovima potvruju da nezavisna istraivanja , voena u adekvatnom pravcu i bez predrasuda (zapadnih) mogu dovesti do istih ili slinih rezultata. As the soil goes cold and the crops die, Marzanna dies as well, only to be reborn in the spring as Lada. Another theory is that the souls of the dead went to Nawia the land of eternal happiness, but that they could return to the land of the living several times throughout the year during rituals dedicated to the forefathers (Dziady). (LogOut/ That all being said, I find it interesting to think that if indeed the two languages are related as you have described that perhaps what was in the Slavic languages a root word meaning "to walk," if it did indeed "transfer" to Old Norse seems to have then changed to mean "frenzy." I have done plenty of study, but sadly I have discovered that there is very little reliable information published about Slavic paganism that has been translated into English. In many traditions, Marzanna is represented as an effigy, which is typically burned or drowned as part of the cycle of life, death, and eventual rebirth. Therefore, please forgive me and do let me know if there are any mistakes! Slavs believed that when Dodola milks her heavenly cows, the clouds, it rains on earth. ;) As always, Serbian Irish, a very pleasant, thought provoking read. Slavic: there is, sadly, hardly any surviving documents pertaining to the ancient Slavic pagan afterlife. There are no surviving writings of Slavic prayers or myths, and what is known of their gods comes from Christian chroniclers. Ever since the dawn of humanity, spirituality and later religion and science have searched for the answer. The tree was dedicated to Perun Dub. Basically they are the closest genetic cousins. In order to discover its great wholeness, it would have to break off into dual opposites. Come back to your roots The old gods are calling. Slavic: World Tree/Tree of Life, a humongous oak tree which represents the worlds axis. They pay homage to their gods, and live rather conservative and traditional lives. The light and the darkness are destined to be forever engaged in a struggle of good versus bad. Svetovid's four heads stand for the four sides of the world that this all-seeing god is looking at. By Dr Gabriela Bereghazyova and Dr Zuzana Palovic. The adjective *waz (or *w) was further substantivized, leading to Old Norse r 'mind, wit, soul, sense', Old English ellen-wd 'zeal', Middle Dutch woet 'madness', and Old High German wuot 'thrill, violent agitation'. Additionally the Old Norse noun i 'rage, fury' and Old High German wuot 'madness' derive from the feminine noun *wn, from *waz. She watches over them in childbirth, and is associated with domestic duties such as spinning, weaving, and cooking. Could the time have come to reclaim what has been lost? ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, Wigington, Patti. Both religions are polytheistic, meaning that they recognize multiple deities. Slavic pagans also offered food and drink, and lit fires in cemeteries to celebrate their own day of the dead (now called Zaduszki in Poland, although it is still celebrated in other Slavic countries under different names). It is called Uralic. As with Norse paganism, there are also elements of prayer and ritualistic practices. In Slavic legend, a sacred oak tree was the home of all beings; the top branches were the heavens, the trunk and lower branches the realms of men, and the roots were the underworld. Perunovm attribute of the ax - the weapon of Slavic warriors. Up until then, consciousness was all there was. I will soon publish few more articles about this link and you will see how deep the rabbit hole goes :). Norse: Odin, Thor, Freya, Loki, Tyr, etc. At midnight, she dies with the sun, and in the morning, she is reborn and awakens once more. Representing both the Morning Star and the Evening one, Zorya is, like other Slavic gods, found with two or sometimes three different aspects. The Slavs understood that in order for there to be light and life, there had to be darkness and death.
But what about the Slavic mythology?
But, it was unknown to itself.
In some dialects of South Slavic languages word "od" or "hod" means walk. He would travel across the heavens each day through his twelve kingdoms. Retrieved from The thing about Odin's name is that this is just one of many "strange" links between the Germanic and Slavic cultures. Little is known about Helgafjell, but it appears to be a sort of limbo between the others. The Giving God, was a god of the Sun and he was one of Svarogs sons. I've been told that one of the names of Odin is "All Father." They appear in the plural or as a single entity. Dzbog, or Dadbog, is associated with both fire and the rain.
His thatched scarecrow is burnt in a bonfire on the holiday of "Ivana Kupala" (the day of Summer Sunstaying). Is odin = odi on = the one that walks, travels? This is the cycle of life and the very principle of wholeness. In regards to etymological issues, according to my various sources, Odin and its etymological origins means "frenzy," which, as you state, would relate to ideas like rage, not unlike the rage the berserkers are said to have entered before battle, "possessed" as they were, by Odin. Svarog is associated with smithcraft and the forge. The father of Dzbog, Svarog is a solar god and is often paralleled with the Greek Hephaestus. She is sometimes portrayed holding a penis in each hand, because as the goddess of fertility, she is the overseer of male potency or the lack thereof.
Lada is a spring goddess of beauty and love in Slavic mythology. This would put the Neanderthal as the Vanir with the language line which led to modern Finnish. Wigington, Patti. Rod and Lada were not a couple per se, as much as they were co-creators. Myths and legends that the people created, and used, to make sense of the complex world around them. Norse: many Norse pagans perform Blots, which are essentially sacrificial rituals. It is very intriguing to compare the gods and goddesses of these two pantheons, as they bear striking similarities. Tasked with the mammoth task of helping consciousness discover itself, Rod decided to bring the world into all being. In some legends, he appears as a demon, and symbolizes all things evil. It is not about winning or losing, but about maintaining the fragile equilibrium between the two. In some parts of the Slavic world, Svarog is blended with Perun to form an all-powerful father god. Radegast | A god of Slavic mythology associated with fertility, agriculture, war, hospitality, fire & the evening sky. Kupala God of summer, husband of his sister Marena. Norse: Yggdrasil, a colossal ash tree which holds the Nine Worlds. Many deities and mythical creatures live within the branches and roots of the tree. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. According to legend, Svarog is asleep, and it is his dreams that create the world of man; if Svarog awakens from his slumber, the realm of men will crumble. They would place offerings and recite poems upon the burial mounds of their ancestors, and they also believed that the dead walked among them during the ritual.