Oakland Montessori Schoolchildren learn to build community from their engaged parents and teachers, through conversations and lessons about caring for their surroundings and their friends, and by developing their own ideas. Additionally as children turn three, there is an extra-curricular Spanish program available. It is Montessori based (supported by a prepared environment)with ongoing staff development. As for open spots, I think it's pretty full; I think they have two openings right now. To me, that is most important of all. We've been very happy there. The director and teacher did not respond to this question. The most important aspect of OMS is that my son loves going to OMS everyday and everyday he's picked up, he has a smile on his face! Urban Montessori CharterSchool | ph: 5108421181 | f: 510-479-0063, for general questions[emailprotected] | attendance notes[emailprotected], records requests[emailprotected]| website feedback [emailprotected]. Select any title to view the full question and replies. Kim, Oakland Montessori has been a very positive experience for our family. We were allowed to observe only under very controlled circumstances, for example, we were not allowed to play with the child but asked to sit on a chair and not touch our own child during observation. So, basically, it's a non-issue. Care is taken to stimulate the young children with a variety of sensorial, manipulative, art, fine and gross motor activities that develop self-esteem and teaches socialization skills. (The other children were not sent home.). Were proud of our campus, our school, and our teachers. Take a look at Oakland Montessori School. Nothing was said to the other kid. Very happy OMS parent. We received no response. She said that our child had been very unhappy for almost 6 months but was starting to participate with others. They said that there wasn't anything they could ''do'' for my child and that these kinds of issues were not their ''area of expertise''. During this 30-40 minute observation, parents have the opportunity to view the class in action and see the children during the Montessori period, in order to determine if their child may be a good fit. We recognize that maintaining a respectful community where all students achieve, differences are valued, voices are heard, and power is shared requires constant dialogue and hard work; that we must create the safe spaces to openly check each others biases and assumptions, and talk openly about power and privilege, in order to model the society and community we wish our children to become part of. All rights reserved. Combining current research on childrens developmental needs and Maria Montessoris proven principles, we guide children to develop the emergent skills for success they will need in the future: participation and leadership, problem-solving, creative thinking, perseverance, and focus. Learnabout our partnership with SEC, a companyowned and operated by former US Secret Service Agents, to ensure the highest level of safety and security possible. There has been recent upheaval at OMS because one of the teachers went on maternity leave and one of the two old buildings was torn down and a new building built over the summer/fall. I do not recommend Oakland Montessori to parents of small children. The director's phone # is 482-3111. Subscribe to be among the first to receive new blog posts from Apple Montessori Schools. Our curriculum includes weekly Spanish classes, as well as optional physical education and recreational sessions. We assist our childrens efforts in exploring their diverse world as a group and as individuals. It was all I could do to stay focused on my agenda, school safely and staff training, and not start screaming back at them. I believe he is in a facility. With 2 active boys, we are grateful that there are tons of options for ourdoor games and exploration. To be eligible for enrollment, your child must be one to five years of age on or before the day you intend your child to start. She is thriving there. We asked, she responded that no, in fact she was not going to teach that class and that someone else (whom we had never met, never the less evaluated) was to teach the preschoolers. Fortunately, his lip was only split on the inside and his teeth were not knocked loose. Worst yet was the fact that several staff saw his condition and nobody even thought to give him first aid or to report to anyone else that an injury had occurred. Maria, the head teacher and Kathy, the other teacher for the Preschool program are really wonderful with my son and let me know what he is up to there. We offer the children freedom of choice within limitsa long work period and a multi-year program make sure everyone gets a chance to try everything. The staff is a bit older and very experienced, all have Montessori certifications, and are all loving and supportive of the children. My child is happy, safe and loved there. We reached out politely by text, the teacher's preferred means of communication, in order to touchbase about our child's wellbeing and routine. Our child had previously been a very happy student at another preschool. In all it was a rich experience to watch children become normalized, confident in themselves and devel tagjag, Our son attended OMS last year (2000 - 20001) for kindergarten, and it was a great experience for all of us. When I mention my concerns, I do feel that I am listened to and that is always a good feeling. We recently moved to Piedmont and looked at several other preschools near our new home - Montessori and others. They let her take her time adjusting to the classroom environment, and never forced her to participate until she showed signs of being ready. It certainly ended up not being the best place for us and my child is now much happier elsewhere. Apple Montessori Schools Raises A Lifetime Amount Of $202,540.12 For Ronald McDonald House Charities, How the Pandemic Is Affecting Babies (And What You Can Do About it! They whole team really knows each child and takes great pride in giving that child exactly what they need to have a successful day. They do learn how to put things away! OMS is not a warm and fuzzy place. Safety and security are paramount.

The aide told him to go outside and play. OMS did a great job in preparing her for Head Royce. The GLM village is a place where children can learn and grow, all while developing strong, loving and respectful relationships with their peers and school adults. Our school is based on the teachings of Maria Montessori, in combination with Design Thinking, and Arts Integration. I have a son who went there several years ago and my daughter is currently in her 2nd year there. One of the teachers is from Guatemala so they have a unit on that country each year. Our son thrived in the mixed grade format of the school. Oakland Montessori Schoolhas lots of room to spread out inside and outside: our spacious rooms give everyone enough room to work and explore, and our expansive yard provides hours of creation and exploration. Parents, Sign in to post a review on this page. Caring and fun, they might text pictures or email videos that would put some light into my day. Weekly Spanish classes are included for all children enrolled. Anon. Kerrie, Our daughter went to OMS for three years and is in kindergarten this year. Thank you! The qualities developed at this age are a foundation for future learning and living, and come about through modeling, discussion, and support as well as direct and indirect teaching. The Montessori philosophy and concepts are introduced to our one year olds in a very relaxed atmosphere with a focus on socialization, independance and positive interactions with one another. I did not blame the kid, I don't think he meant to hurt my son, I think he was acting out things he had seen on TV. In my experience with the director, she is frustrating and a poor communicator en mass, but I have found that when she is much better to deal with one on one, personally, and has been flexible to meet my needs on a few occations. The director mentioned there was an incident with a neighbor who has a mental illness behaving erratically and scaring parents off. Montessori education uses a child-initiated approach to learning. Our children always have innovative ideas for how to solve problems, learn new things, and even how to paintand at Oakland Montessori School (OMS), we respect and support their creativity. When I told the director of the injury, I was told to take my kid to the doctor right away. So if you are interested in OMS, be specific about asking which classroom your child would be in. My son's teacher, though a nice person, was totally out of her depth and received no support from other staff. And he is actually selling the home; workers are in the process of fixing it up, and it's about to go on the market. At our previous school, my child had played happily with others daily. We offer appropriately sized furniture, cooking supplies, and couches our entire environment is designed so it fits the children. Pretty ambitious and the parental involvement is what makes it possible. We left a message with the assistant teacher. Our only disappointment was that OMS only goes through third grade. My son was 3 1/2 when he started at OMS and after attending the school for a year, we were told that my son was hitting other children. Later I requested an interview with the director to discuss her first aid policies and how she trains her staff to deal with emergencies. Fortunately I happen to arrive fifteen minutes early for pick-up that day and found my son injured and only semiconscious. Another benefit to OMS that sets it apart is its huge outdoor space. I enrolled my 3 year old here because of location, the lovely outdoor area, and because I had had a very positive personal experience with Montessori preschools in the past. Since we knew that getting into other private schools after that would be difficult, we chose to enroll him elsewhere for this school year. I like that it has all the pureness of Montessori in terms of the curriculum and energy, but is balanced with other enriching activities such as art, music, cultural and language exposures. Finally, I think that the most important thing is to go with what makes your child comfortable. We are located on a beautifully wooded and landscaped lot, just minutes from the center of Oakland with easy access to local highways. It seems like a lovely school and the outside space is incredible but when we went there were many open spots. We asked what the staff was doing to trying to help him transition. Our parents, friends, and families bring their passion and knowledge to school to share with everyone. I'm considering sending my daughter there in the fall. Both my husband and I felt that we had been victimized by a bait-and-switch. as she cried, then sobbed on the ground. Tanya (the owner) is committed to having a school with families that represent Oakland's rich diverse community- most recently celebrating Chinese New Year with a parade and presentation during circle time. Good luck in your school choice. Copyright 2022 Oakland Montessori School. Basically, there are 20-some kids in the preschool classroom and something like 5-7 in the toddler room. That says a lot to me about the director and the teachers. Apple Montessori Elementary School can be accessed easily in nearby Wayne. We make sure children have the opportunity to do everything for themselves: make snack and serve it, clean up after themselves and each otherincluding any accidental spillsand they can even grind wheat for bread. This is a pretty high-involvement preschool compared to others we have experienced. I would recommend interested persons visit the school and get a sense of how it feels as a fit for you and your child. He was told to lay down and rest. There are some mixed reviews from a few years ago so I am eager to hear from current or recent parents about their experiences. Children are encouraged to explore, experiment, understand their environment in a way that stimulates and challenges inner drives, while providing a warm, nurturing, and safe environment.

They then suggested that my child may be physically acting out when he gets ''tired of talking'' because of his stammer and also asked me if this might be caused by my husband not spending enough time with our son. Visit us to see our whole-child approach in action, meet our nurturing educators, and explore the many ways your child will thrive at Apple. Inside and outside, our children explore, discover, learn, and play. In spite of being ''unreal'' all the OMS graduates I know of have done very well in all kinds of other schools. It is a low-key Montessori preschool in the Dimond district with caring teachers and management and a lovely, large playground. My son received first aid only when I demanded that ice be brought immediately. Happy at OMS, Hi, I have read the various postings on the Oakland Montessori School, which seem to be mixed. Oakland Montessori Mom, I recently visited the Oakland Montessori School and liked their campus/facilities. Teachers know your children very well and have great recommendations on how to support them in their development. It feels really good there for me and for other parents that I know - I'd recommend this school for sure (and I have to lots of friends)! Our kids met teachers, children and families from a variety of cultures, social backgrounds and attitudes. Teachers continually rotate activities that explore world culture and geography. Can anyone provide any insight as to whether that situation has improved (or whether the negative posts are isolated cases that don't fairly reflect the school)? Our appreciation for the school continued throughout the year, even though we discovered that two of the 23 elementary students had some behavior problems. Full and part time options are available to both our infant/toddler and preschool programs with both part and full day care programs to accommodate our working family schedules. Most importantly, HE is happy at the school. My son begged to be let back in school with his friends and promised that he would ''be good''. I have been very happy with it! We also love the field trips, veggie garden, family get-togethers. Mixed age classrooms with a fully immersed academic Montessori program. There is some overlap - e.g. There is a huge emphasis on outdoor play and the kids spend several hours outside each day. As in all Montessori schools, they learn about the solar system, holidays, numbers, the calendar, and weather. Urban Montessori is a tuition-free TK-8 public charter school located in Oakland. Our school contains a specifically designated FasTracKids room for multi-sensory, interactive learning. I am impressed by the warm, caring, home-like environment as well as all the fun, academic learning in addition to gymnastics, art, Spanish and music that fill the days. We were discouraged from entering the school classroom at drop off or pick up. My daughter is enjoying her second year of preschool there and my family and I have been extremely pleased with the atmosphere, curriculum and staff at the school. Our daughter has attended Oakland Montessori School since last spring. Parents are expected to ''volunteer'' 10 hours a year per child (they charge you if you don't), bring snack materials for the class two weeks per year, and provide your kid with diapers/changes of clothes and lunches. The registration process begins with an adult only tour.