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Intention to use e-banking services in the Jordanian commercial banks, Consumer trust in banking relationships in Europe, Customer retention measurement in the UAE banking sector, Analyzing Consumer Behavior In Banking Sector Of Kosovo, Measuring customer experience in banks: scale development and validation, Measuring service quality of banks: Scale development and validation, Assessing the Self-service Technology Encounters: Development and Validation of SSTQUAL Scale, Consumer Trust in Service Companies: A Multiple Mediating Analysis, An exposition of consumer behaviour in the financial services industry, International Journal of Business and Management, The purpose of this paper is to construct a valid and reliable scale measuring consumer behavior with respect to banking industry.
0000002276 00000 n Impact of the Customers Behaviour Changes on Marketing Mix of the Banks in Slovakia. 0000002597 00000 n 0000053626 00000 n %PDF-1.7
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0000054424 00000 n xref Impact of the Customers Behaviour Changes on Marketing Mix of the Banks in Slovakia, University of Economics, Faculty of Commerce, Department of International Business Dolnozemsk cesta, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. %PDF-1.4 % 0000057493 00000 n 0000052114 00000 n 0000052383 00000 n Our research was conducted on a sample of Slovak consumers (for 2013 and 2014) in analysing changes in their behaviour and comparing them with the research conducted by Cetelem, which was based on an evaluation of 12 European countries including Slovakia for 2013 and 2014.
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Customer behaviour, banking sector, financial and economic crisis, international business, international marketing strategy.

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