Cod Plane: A full round moulding plane used by plane makers to custom cut profiles to special order. Plane the wedge so that the pressure goes to the bottom of the mortise, and when driven home it will slightly spring on top; afterwards shoot the ends and trim. I enjoyed watching the video.But I wanted to use the post to ask a question. The sizes graduate from 1/2 in. Quartersawn beech is really hard to find. But yes, a shelf seems more practical. Matt showed me how to make an ogee which was the first time I've really used a hollow and round and even though it didn't turn out perfectly, it was addicting. They will probably wonder what is a hollow and round. Broken wedges can be remade or repaired. Irreparable planes are a good supply of old beech.Often, the soles of these old planes will be slightly warped or not coplaner as you mention above. I could put a mirror at the end of the bench and use such reference lines to get square edges.And like Tico, I wonder how you get so much done.

There'll be no end of custom mouldings on your work now! What would you like to see more of on Handplane Central? It's a great question.Joseph, ahhh, who doesn't love a tool chest? When you get to the wider, more complex moulding planes, the thickness of the handhold increases, but I don't know those dimensions.The blanks for my planes are roughly 9.5" long x 3.5" tall. Your video clip makes using a moulding plane look easy. Seasoning it for years is a wise idea. What is that book with the planes in it a old tool catolog? Well it was back to the drawing board and instead of just sketching it on a piece of paper, I needed something that a little more accurate and permanent. 24), and plane off the springing, being very careful not to go through the line, otherwise the whole of the moulding will have to be set out again. I am going to make a pair, however I havent decided what I should use for the boxing yet. 14. I thought that might like to see the picture is my high precision jig for tapering the iron. The box is cut from a log about 8 in. It is important when filing in the iron of all beads that the bevel of iron should be filed well back, otherwise it will not cut at the side, and the shaving will choke. Wedge thickness is not standardized but 18th c. molding planes had more graduated wedges than did 19thc ones, which tended to use only a few standard thicknesses. This plane is the reverse shape of the desired moulding and is used to cut the profile on a plane blank more quickly and consistently. wider than the rebate; for instance, in a moulding plane 1 3/4 in. Fig. There are a few other things that he does that are a bit unusual also. long, and as they mostly work on the spring, they are not required to have the grain of the wood so straight as in a flat plane. You could print a scale on your chart table. Caleb isnt going out of his way to produce many planes for sales for the obvious reason that most of us cannot afford them so why bother directing effort into a product that produces no income. Our ancestors were clever blokes!Steve, apple is really nice to work with, but it moves a lot. Old street stopped taking orders because they are 2 years behind and with obvious health problems and how long it takes to make a set do you honestly think they are making money out of this. Hi SylvainI tried sizing the boxes on Excel to achieve a somewhat scaled chart (usable as a ruler, but it work kinda..) I then put marks on my printed copy (checked off a ruler) for two inches, divided in two, on one side I leave it blank (its an inch long) on the other I subdivided down to 1/8 of an inch ( the sequence steps in a set) I can then check from 1/8 (Bob No 1) to 2 inch wide (Bob No 16)And yes you can find H&R up to 3 In. If you dont mind Id like to ask for your advice when I get to the point of making a couple snipe bill planes. Check that the blade's profile matches the sole's profile. But let's face it, all the use most of these planes will get in a lifetime in our shops doesn't really add up to much in the way of wear.By the way, I think Matt beds his planes at 55 degrees. Then with a saw cut in the mouth along the bed and front line down to the springing line on the sole and through the side just to the handhold; with a small chisel push with the hand and knock the core out, and with a thin chisel sink down to a level with the springing line and the back line of mortise; then bore from the centre of the mortise to the centre of the mouth, and take a small saw float and open the mortise; pare the bed clean, and with a square float (see Fig. 18. from the back of the plane on the sole and each end; this is the fence line. Matt Bickford, another new planemaker, uses quartersawn cherry. Those that are in the high salary brackets not the tradesman he cant afford them so he makes his own but the hobbyists they are the ones who can and will pay top dollar. Fig. You can buy one good new plane for a couple hundred, or two to four old planes for $75-$100 to get one or two good users.When I'm looking for molding planes, there's a few things I look for. I am not the sort of person who learns from videos well and even I found it worthwhile. As I said before, he also marks his layout lines on his stock and then planes half of them off just to then redo them, which seems like a waste of time in my opinion. Don't forget to tick what you already have with a H or a R.Sylvain. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If not, you should get it, it will answer most of your questions. (The pics below show the progress of a pair of side snipes.) Out of the 8 ones I pulled from my plane tills, only 5 have a blade width of 1-1/4 in wide, which makes them all No 16 (as mostly stamped) in one "other" numbering system. Kari, can you tell me the dimensions of the plane blank? It does however behave when sanded. 17. In one of your pictures, there is a blueprint of the snipes bill plane that you are making. Good luck making your plane! Front view.,, Work a new magazine for the hand toolwoodworker. 13 and 14) are the most used moulding planes. 24); then draw line B C from the point C; this is the fence line. Beauties, Kari! If you don't have Tod's or Larry's dvds, I highly recommend them. With that I mean something I can refer to every time I make a new plane, and I will be making a lot of them. Tico, here's how I do it: I work from a home office, I don't have kids, I have a supportive partner, and I ignore the weeds. If you do get ahold of a nice big beech log, don't forget about your buddies! Jeff talked about using the Moseley design when he made his own half-set. in width, and they are all 9 1/2 in. However, I do think the difference is minor, and as you've noted, parallel irons can be made to work just fine.On buying old molding planes, I've found it's sort of hit or miss when buying online. from the square of the ovolo line down, and take the short end of the springing square and strike a line F G from the point measure right across, which gives the stop fence line; then measure with the compasses from the point where the fence line meets the stop line 5/8 in. I have seen some that are way out of whack. They do work apparently well though. long; the mouldings of all are parts of circles varying from 1/4 in. Bluing of the iron is of no consequence at this point in the process, that can all be taken out when it is hand filed to the final shape. What should I look for when considering buying vintage molding planes (if at all)? The same rule applies to mouthing as in hollows and rounds; the moulding is stuck by a backing plane the reverse to the bead, (see Note 1) but if this is not to be had the moulding will have to be stuck by sharp rounds called cod planes (see Fig. Fig. He talked about laminating and I remember Larry saying not to do that, but I can't remember why. File in the iron, harden and temper, grind the face straight and the back a little hollow; then, if the bed is pared a little hollow likewise, there will be no difficulty in bedding. 23, will now be explained. I hope he'll be at WIA so I can see them in person. I was wondering if we could get/purchase your plans for your snipe bills? Jeff Murray, a reader of the blog from Greenwood, Indiana got in touch about John Moseley moulding planes. Those look great Kari, as always. This is on my list to get a half set of hollow and rounds among with a post and beam drill press and my shop will be 100% unplugged exept for my lights and tv for watching woodworking DVDs. Great looking planes Kari. Check that the blade looks like you can still grind it. Kari,Fantastic job on the planes! Backing Plane (Mother Plane) for Ovolo Sash Saddle template. 461) level the bed, and then stick the moulding. Anyway, here are my drawings for the no.15, they are in A3 and in inches. These photos served as a base reference point, theres no measurements I could work from but judging by eye, I know that the smallest 1/8 planes wedge must be about 1/4 thick and the thickest to be about 3/8 and I have a plane that has a 1/2 thick wedge. Dang! Fabulous Kari!I know I'm going to want to make some of these someday and you inspire confidence. ; )Bob, using a mirror--what a great idea! The Lie Nielsen blades still need to be hardened after shaping, though. Thanks for sharing your information! recommends products with links to online stores, some of which are part of affiliate programs. I don't get it your bio says you're a full-time business owner. 5, p. 8. These are planes used by plane makers for getting out mouldings to drawings, and are of various thicknesses from 1/16 in. Traditionally it's done with quartersawn beech but that's really, really hard to find in 16/4.

You can get tapered irons for side-escapement planes from Lie Nielsen. As you can see Ive only worked out for one, but how do you work it out for each plane? This can be hard to do online and I've gotten a few that were irreparable because of this. ; ), Thanks once again Kari. As per the table shown previously they would be No 9, 18 or 20, They are both stamped 16 but one has a blade 1-1/4 the other 1-3/8 wide. by 2 1/4 in. With these thin moulding planes, I bet it's not as much of a problem to laminate pieces. The boxing that I used was Osage Orange, native to North America, a very hard, bright orange wood and capable of receiving a fine polish and with a speciic gravity of 773,6 kg/m3. Thanks for your post on making a pair of snipe bill planes. It should be perpendicular to the face of your board in order to cut the right profile. The method of making a template for a 5/8 in. Again, this can easily be fixed with a little sandpaper, a few dowels, a chainsaw file and a lot of patience.I think the most important things to avoid are planes with significant dry rot, moisture damage (usually easy to tell by water stains in pictures), significant cracks in the body, bad warpage, super wide worn out mouths, and significant pitting in the back of the iron. I've also thought about checking with some of the local tree services to see if they ever cut any beeches. mwh, you can fix up some moulding planes. Then with the springing square mark the lines from the points made from the other tracing. What did you make them out of? to 7/8 in. Ive read quite a bit about the techniques involved in making your own hollows and rounds, but Jeff makes it sound very easy. I found a tool, with markings John Moseley & sons with the London address, also marked JT OSBORNE PRODUCTS, also says RT JONES on it,solid wood, looks like its for making moldings or something, can I send a photo & get you thoughts ? Hand planes, Stanley planes, infill planes & planemaking. After this is done, measure from the fore end on the sole 3 1/2 in. If so, is this typical for molding plane blanks or are some bigger depending on the blade type / configuration? Click here.). Fig. Steps 1-5 | Beginners Guide to Hand Tool Woodworking, Step 1: Understand & Buy the Right Woodworking Hand Tools, Step 2: Setup your Woodworking Workshop & Tool Storage, Step 3: Learn how to Refurbish, Tune & Sharpen Hand Tools, Step 4: Learn How to Use Woodworking Hand Tools, Step 5: Learn How to Design Furniture for Woodworking Projects, Steps 6-10 | Beginners Guide to Hand Tool Woodworking, Step 6: Learn How to Choose Stable, Strong & Beautiful Wood, Step 7: How to Make Wood Square, Flat, Straight & Smooth, Step 8: JOINERY: LEARN HOW TO LAYOUT & CUT JOINTS, Step 9: Learn How to Assemble, Fasten & Glue-up Woodworking Projects, Step 10: Learn How to Finish Woodworking Projects, Resources: Choosing, Refurbishing & Using Moulding Planes with Bill Anderson, Grinding and Shaping Moulding Plane Irons, Make aWooden Molding Plane with Bill Anderson, How to Choose Wood Lumber for Woodworking | 7 Easy Steps, How to Square, Flatten, and Dimension Rough Boards with Hand Tools, How to Make a Mortise and Tenon Joint with Woodworking Hand Tools, Privacy Policy, Rules, Terms & Conditions. Also, irons often don't match the profile of the plane because of plane stock shrinkage or a ham handed sharpener. The snipes bills have persimmon "boxing," which is what Clark and Williams use. These guys that are making planes are trying to make a living out of it and to do that they need to run it as a business. The latter is called half pitch. Very nicely done. long by 1 1/2 in. Hi ToddSorry for the late reply, just saw your commentsYes, the book is called Wooden planes in 18 century America (part of a 2 books set)By Kenneth D Roberts and yes, that is a tool catalog on top of it, Sandusky Tools Co.You can see more about these in a previous post of mine, back on 14 Oct 2015; About wooden planes restorations, Step 1 identificationCheers Bob, Molding or Moulding planes? We run our website based on principles of integrity, and dont recommend any product that we wouldnt use ourselves. ; )Travis/GG, I forgot to mention that the line on the toe is called the spring angle. Same maker, different time period, different numbering system, London Pattern Lathe Turning Tool Handles, Favourite woodworking reference's: Books on tools. I've never used a moulding plane, and don't know much about them. Granted, its only for a few of the largest planes but its gonna happen. Fig. But I dont have the balls to make the walls that thin, instead Im going to make it 1/8 thick which will make the wedges thickness to be 9/32, which is the same width as the tang. Believe me, my angle grinding skills greatly improvided by doing this. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Then take the springing square S, and place the fence F of the square firmly to the back of the plane, as shown in Fig. Then take a tracing of the drawing; place this on the end of the plane, and mark the different lines of the moulding so as to get angles for the different members. Hopefully some other people will offer their thoughts. :o)John, thanks for the info about Matt's planes. width for the larger ones; the smaller ones are ploughed down from 1/4 in to 3/8 in. Thanks, Dean. The way to make a plane to an architects drawing, as for instance Fig. Beads are mostly slipped on the side to the 1/2-in. from the springing line down, bring the short end of the springing square to the measured point, and strike a line C D. This gives the depth of fence, and is the line of the square of the ovolo down. While the planes will work with a parallel iron, a tapered iron is an improvement. Jeff. Springing Square with Fence to Back of Plane to Set Out Moulding. Something about blocking moisture. size, the usual way is to have the wood 1/4 in. Take the compasses and measure 5/8 in. This is one of the irons that I cut out of a piece of tool steel with a cut off wheel on my angle grinder and then changed to a grinding wheel to taper the tang. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All common ovolos and O.G.s stick on the same distance as they do down. I can foresee a trip to the Woodwright's School in Tarboro, NC to make a period toolchest to house them in. Dean, here are dimensions for less complex moulding planes, including hollows and rounds. If I bought a log and rived it into billets, in four or five years I'd have quartersawn beech coming out of my ears! document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Always stick the hollow first and square with the back; see that it does not wind, then stick the round to it; then let in the iron and pare away to the thickness of iron for mouth, and clean and finish the mortise for the wedge, which must next be let in. I dont know if I should ask him, is it impolite to do so, will he get offended???? Next to hollows and rounds, bead planes (Figs. The total cost of materials was $144 to make 17 moulding planes and 2 snipes bills. Round No 12. I expect he will get lots of attention from show-goers. Lovely planes Kari. It isnt as difficult as one might imagine to make a moulding plane. The pic below shows Jeffs plane (top) with one of his vintage Moseleys below. If this is done well it will be hard to see the join; the object of slipping is to enable the plane to work close up to a moulding. No tool maker goes out of his way to rip anyone off they charge accordingly much like we all do, only massive corporations will rip people off. I look at it as part of the hunt for a good deal. Agreed on Larry's video. on each square line of the ovolos to give the sizes of the squares; then with the compasses strike an arc touching both points of the square. This was one of the DVD's listed on the Lie Nielsen site. Then from the line in top measure 1 in., strike a line, and from that line on both sides a line to the mouth line on the sole. Cheers Peter. I started out to make maybe 3 sets of hollows and rounds, but ended up making a half set minus the #4 hollow of John Moseley and 2 snipes bill boxed with osage orange. Any product claim about a service or product should be verified with the manufacturer. Matt's planes are great. Then we will see them in your shop posts. Nice post. In the video by Todd Herrli, he advocates using laminated stock for the body of the planes and if you do some research, you will find that this isnt recommended. Thanks for sharing. The theory is that the wood wont properly breathe because the glue layer impedes the moisture and this can cause cracking or splitting. Click here for Practical Plane Making (Part III), Part I|Part II|Part III|Part IV. I realised with each planes different width, the wedges thickness will also be different. I used this because I just happened some and thought that it would make a good boxing material. I guess I was wondering if the cherry sole would get dinged or compressed, but you're rightprobably not in our lifetime. in thickness, and all are fully boxed. to 5 in. and could be stamped No 9, No 16, No 180 and etc. If using for architectural uses or for furniture uses, chances are, you would uses different range of different sizes. Gauge a line 1/2 in. Can you share this document or at least point me in the right direction on where to get it? Done with the sewing machine cabinet swap, Sizing up Hollow & Rounds moulding planes. This is the size of the mortise. So I turned to clicked on his hollows and rounds. Does this pose any problems?Jamie Bacon. etc.I'd welcome any feedback from the moulding plane users out there. to 3/8 in. Will it make sense to someone who finds it a hundred years from now? The foregoing instructions apply to all kinds of moulding planes, the only difficulty is in setting out the different mouldings; the method of doing this will be explained further on. I have done 50 degrees myself, which seems to be what you are using. I agree in principal with your assessment on the laminated pieces of qsawn beech he puts forward in the video. The moulding planes were really neat to make especially since I made 11 of the irons from scratch using an angle grinder. The snipes bills turned out real nice, Im looking forward in making my own set of moulding planes and others profiles as I too cannot afford to spend $3000 for a small set of hollows and rounds. First is to make sure the wood is solid and not dry rotted. I've been waiting for this post as I was following your class progress on Twitter. NOTES: I really don't think the cherry will impair the function at all. I've made four Krenov planes, though, and they seem to be fine. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A very random collection of words and pictures related to traditional woodworking tools and their uses. Using moulding planes is definitely addictive! With a parallel iron, the iron can slip back as the only thing holding it in place is the friction between the wedge and bed. Today was supposed to be the day when I was going to start on the moulding plane build and I ran into a brick wall again. for the O.G.s (see Fig. Forgot I had it thanks for the tip and reminder. This feature allows me to do a final trimming to make the plane a perfect length. Just came across it. 15. its full circle being 2-1/2 in Dia. Most, if not all, of the the lumber yards that Ive spoken with that carry qsawn beech wont carry 12/4 or 16/4 product as it cracks too much during the drying process. They are very well-made 19thc planes with sharp boxing and a nice wedges. Herrli recommends laminating 8/4 in his video, but Larry Williams is really down on laminated planes in general so I've never been entirely clear on what to do about it. Then gauge for the springing-on of the sole, which graduates according to the different sizes from 3/16 in. All material on the Village Carpenter blog is original and copyright-protected and can only be used with the express permission from the author, Kari Hultman. But if you're going to make a coffin smoother or large plane, it might be different. All beads are the exact half circles with a quirk. A 1-1/4 in blade can cut a circle twice its size (twice its radius). Easy enough to be fooled, especially if they are both stamped No 16 and both Mathieson & son. Do you have the Larry Williams video on making side escapement planes? Nice nice NICE! 19, 20, 21, and 22. The same method is applied to common O.G.s; should the moulding be wanted flatter or deeper, the distance on or down must be varied accordingly. In addition to the two I own, I've seen the whole range at a show. for an ovolo (see Fig. Buying from antique stores or flea markets is a better bet because you can actually inspect them before buying, but the drawback is that the selection and availability is limited in most areas of the country. I have his and Tod's and love them both. I will probably use maple if I can't find quartersawn beech.Thanks, Doug and Jack! I just watched Todd's video about a month ago and have the itch to make a molding plane. Fig. Beautiful work as usual, Kari. I think that C&W tapers their blades so they always bed correctly. The scale boards required in setting out moulding planes are illustrated in Figs. :DVittorio, thank you! Larry's video is excellent. I've had good luck with ebay, but I've bought some worthless examples from there as well. I got a few pointers from his DVDS, but ended up with using my own methods when they made more sense. In other words, cherry isn't as hard as beech, so I wondered if the sole's profile would become altered over time. of No 16s or equivalent. The act of planing causes backward force on the iron. Jamie, you're right--Tod does not taper his blades, but I don't see that's it's a problem. After this is done, take a cod plane (see Fig. From C measure along line C B a distance of 15/16 in., and draw line D E at right angles to C B; this is the stop fence line, and indicates the depth of the moulding. But it's pretty easy to seat non-tapered blades. One thing we can glean from these tables is the fact that most start at 1/4 in (Greenfield start at 1/8) and progress in sizes by 1/8 in up to 2 in and yes, there are some bigger! Still he mentioned wanting to switch to beech eventually because it's "proper".Pete, Btw, great work on your moulding planes! and strike the mouth line; from the bed line strike on both sides of the wood the pitch of the bed. So I turned to autocad and started drawing away, but before I could draw anything, I needed good reference photos of what 18th century moulding planes look like, and tweak them to suit my build. This is only one plane, I still the rest to draw and I wonder if the top half goes down in increments of 1/4 or less. Anyway, there is an appendix with a bunch of files in Larrys video that should tell you all you need. Most workshops operate around $40 p/h plus cost of materials and other general expenses. Nice post. Excellent post Kari! I have a couple of profile plane bodies but have never got around to making the blades. :). A half set, even or odd, will progress in size by 1/4 in and is more than adequate for most situations, hence why not everyone bought a full set. They have slightly bigger blade width. Make sure the wedge isn't broken or if it is, that you can make a replacement. One of these days I'll have to pick one up (i.e., purchase one).Love the vertical line on the end: never seen it before, it it's a tres clever idea.--GG. along the stop line, and take the springing square to the point measure and strike a line HK; this is the line of the square of the ovolo. One person's woodworking journey, with a focus on handtools, a nod to the past, and an appreciation for the creative spirit. (LogOut/ I love the soundtrack!All the best,Doug. I have a number of irons that I got off of eBay, but Im not reluctant to make my own irons, which I did during the construction of the half set of moulding planes. 11 shows the pattern of pitch board used for cabinet-makers moulding planes, and Fig. They go down in increments, but by how much? :) I have Larry Williams' how to video and hope to put the knowledge to use someday soon.Pete. Your email address will not be published. Feel free to ask more questions anytime. The video is almost as fun to watch as it is to plane! Making the blades is what scares me about this. Those would make good videos. He knows way more than I do about antique planes. (LogOut/ How much would be reasonable to pay for a vintage molding plane? 16) and 1/2 in. Backing Plane: Also called a mother plane. 13. However, what do you do when you need a blank that fits a 2 3/8 cutter and all that you can get is 8/4 rough qsawn beech that 2(ish)? I spoke to a tool maker and asked him who is your biggest clients and he was honest when he answered the hobbyists who are bankers, accountants etc. So I stayed with the quarter sawn solid beech that has been the tried and true method for a couple of centuries or so. wide the rebate taken out would be 3/4 in. I'll tap on Bob Razeiski's shoulder to see if he'll add to this thread. Regarding the tapered iron, I actually agree with Larry Williams on this. I got a supply of irons and set of floats back in the fall at an LN tool event, so I'm all set to follow Larry Williams' DVD to fill out my random collection of antique hollows and rounds.