A waste chemist will come to your lab and pick up your waste.
You'll see your inventory appear. Fill a 1 gallon (1G) mayo container halfway with DI water, and place it in the fume hood. Use your PSU Access ID and Password to sign in to the system. In accordance with regulatory requirements, the Institute maintains Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan for the Cambridge campus.
EMP is available to assist with waste identification and storage issues. Call (352) 392-8400 for assistance with this form.
Radioactive waste: This information can be found at Radiation Safetys radioactive waste webpage.
Chemical hazardous waste that is generated from laboratory equipment, such as HPLC units, should be collected as follows: Chemically contaminated sharps include: needles (with or without syringe attached), razor blades, and pipette tips. The Hazardous WasteChecklist was developed by EH&S to help UW staff prepare for periodic hazardous waste inspections by the Department of Ecology, but it can be used at any time. If the items for disposal are in your chemical inventory, select them using the checkboxes and then Save List. ), Universal waste pickup (batteries/bulbs/aerosols, etc. or The EHS Office provides green SAA stickers for such purposes. Non-bulk containers must be brought down during the second half of the pick-up. All personnel transporting chemical waste must be trained on the hazards of chemical waste, safe handling techniques and procedures to follow in the event of a spill.
Pick-up form must include all hazardous waste to be collected including specific content for each container.
Our goal is to provide for the disposal of hazardous waste in a safe, efficient, and ecologically sound manner, while meeting all of the applicable regulations.
With that in mind, we will contact you requesting as much information as possible.

If your department, lab, or center (DLC) requires one of these storage locations, contact the EHS Office and a representative of EMP Hazardous Waste Program will provide guidance and training, as well as, inspect your storage area on a weekly basis.
Once you have created your ONYEN please allow 24hrs for this information to be updated in the Campus Directory system before trying to login here. Legacy chemicals are unwanted chemicals left behind by a previous occupant of your laboratory space. Corvallis, Oregon 97331, Forklifts and Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT), Chemical Waste Labeling and Determination Tool, Full Sheet of hazardous waste labels in fillable PDF (Avery template 5164). Instructions can be found on the SharePoint Sign in page.
Go to Definitions Page for detailed explination, Hazardous Materials Manager - General Inquiries
Documented required training for chemical waste management.
8:30-12:00, 1:00-4:30 Satellite accumulation areas are visually inspected by the lab each week to ensure compliance. Environment, Health & Safety | 1120 Estes Drive Extension, CB#1650 | Chapel Hill, NC 27599, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
When all chemicals in the container add up to 100%, you will beasked for container information including type and volume/weight information. In-depth information on waste management can be found in the various manuals and information links found on this webpage.
For more information, refer to Section 3 of the Laboratory Safety Manual, take the Managing Laboratory Chemicals online trainingor call 206.616.5835. Do not accumulate the same type of waste in two different containers at the same time. Waste-like chemicals are not likely to be used in the future. Chemical wastes:The container must be labeled as unwanted material or hazardous waste, depending on your location, and submitted for a pickup online. Place the dry picric acid container into the 1G container of DI water and allow it to sit and absorb the water for at least 24-hours or until the DI water turns yellow, Once the water has turned yellow, open the 1G container in order to access the bottle of picric acid and open the bottle of picric acid to allow the chemical bottle to be submerged into the water, Close the 1G container with the submerged picric acid bottle, red tag the bottle (picric acid, water; corrosive) and request a pickup from the labs SAA or place in the labs MAA, Clearly identify constituents on red tag and indicate associated hazards, Place the container in a secondary containment bin with a green SAA sticker, Use a quick connect for 20L containers or larger in order to provide a closed container, or, Drill a fitted hole in 4L or smaller bottle cap for tubing, which must be a tight fit to provide a closed container, Pyrophoric chemicals (lithium, magnesium, potassium, etc), Heavy metals (mercury, chromium, lead, arsenic, etc.
(Read the instructions below for containers larger than four liters). Do not transport materials on public streets.
Laboratory staff should take the online training for Managing Laboratory Chemicalsor periodic classroom training. You can: 1.

Fax: (814) 863-7427Contact Us, Radiation Protection Office fluorescent lamps) and thermometers. Do NOT cross streets with waste.
All other containers used to accumulate hazardous waste or universal waste must have a completed UW Hazardous Waste Label. EHS provides guidance for maintaining compliance and offers annual training to those managing Universal Waste streams on campus, specifically within the Department of Facilities. Stay under maximum accumulation limits for each type of waste (54 gallons for most chemical waste, 1 quart for extremely hazardous waste - see the Chemical Waste Management section of the Laboratory Safety Manual).
Make sure that the waste accumulation location is under your control (i.e. If working with these materials, please work with EHS to prepare a lab/process specific SOP to ensure safety requirements are met. Each hazard class should have a separate secondary container. Special care must be observed when handling these materials and wastes and precautions must be implemented.
Contact the Environmental Management Program of the EHS office with any questions concerning your photographic waste. University Park Chemical Waste Pickup Schedule, How to create a chemical waste disposal request (Click HERE), How to update an employee record (Click HERE). Waste NOT Accepted: No medical wastes (pathological or biohazard) (310) 794-7745;no radioactive wastes(310) 825-5396;and no controlled substances will be accepted 310) 794-5143, (310) 794-1664 can be accepted at chemical waste pick up. Livi Isringhausen manages and provides services for Waste Disposal processing, Recycling, and Compliance.
Phone: (814) 865-6391 Learn more about Chemical Labeling Stations?
Segregate materials according to hazard classification for transportation.
This section outlines management regulations for the following waste streams: Universal wastes are a special classification of hazardous waste and tend to meet the following criteria: If universal waste items are not managed under the universal waste regulations (310 CMR 30.1000), they may be accumulated, collected, transported, stored, treated and disposed of in compliance with the hazardous waste regulations (310 CMR 30.000).
Biochemistry Stores We may ask you such things as what you think it might be, where the container was found, what kind of work the lab did; we may also ask you to take a picture and send it to us. Closed on UW employee holidays. Saturated wipes and paper towels, contaminated gloves and glassware, broken glass, and spill cleanup materials contaminated during use with chemicals or from spill cleanup, must be collected in a proper container with compatible materials. An example of a material requiring a stabilization by a licensed environmental vendor includes peroxide forming chemicals with peroxides well over 100ppm or those with crystals formed inside or on the cap of the bottle. This is not typical for general photography, but specialty films such as X-ray or aerial photography film, or old (pre-1951) movie film should be evaluated for hazardous characteristics prior to disposal. GatorLink Username@ufl.edu, On the UF Authentication screen use: You can request collection of "waste-like" chemicals as hazardous waste. Applicable Buildings: Only buildings that are listed are allowed to drop off waste at the locations in which they are associated.
You will go through the process of searching for each chemical in the container, indicating a percentage of each. Cell Phone: (314)-277-0423, Jason Allen provides services for Waste Disposal processing.
EMP conducts the weekly inspection of all less than 90-day storage areas. Chemicals that are corrosive, flammable, toxicor explosive are "hazardous." If you are unwilling or unable to determine if your chemical or chemical mixture is hazardous, fill out and send a Waste Evaluation Request and EH&S will send you the answer. These labels come in a booklets of 20 and are self-adhesive. What makes a waste hazardous? If we can get enough knowledge about the generator, we may not have to charge for this waste. (at least 10% air space). You can remove or add additional chemical waste before submitting the final list to EH&S via the Submit Report to EH&S button. 036 Bagley Hall Young Hall: The first half of the pick up is for solvent bulking only.
Film, negatives, and paper may also contain levels of silver or other materials which would classify them as a hazardous waste. Before they become waste-like. "Waste-like" chemicals are items with faded labels, deteriorating containers, leaks and/or other obvious signs that the chemicals are not being used. If prompted, on the Microsoft account screen, log in as shown below: (352) 392-3261, Bites, Scratches, Cuts & Abrasions from Animals, Bloodborne Pathogen & Needlestick Exposures, Building Permit Application Subcontractor List, Hazardous Waste Management Notification Form.
Review spill kit informationand ensure you have one on hand, They are widespread among industry and households, They are commonly found in medium to large volumes, They exhibit low-level hazards to human health and the environment, They contain hazardous materials that may be recycled, Used mercury-containing light bulbs, such as fluorescent and UV light bulbs, All used rechargeable batteries including sealed lead-acid batteries remember to tape the terminals to your 9V and lithium batteries to prevent fires during storage and transportation, Mercury-containing equipment such as thermostats, thermometers and mercury switches, Contact your local Repair & Maintenance Zone and/or place a request through, If placing a request via Atlas,select Full Catalog in the left menu and then search on Service Requests, Select Create Request and then select Recycling to submit your request, Working within the glove box, or controlled environment, contain and completely submerge the waste materials in mineral oil, Label the container with a red tag, spelling out the chemical constituents, indicating ignitable and reactive as the associated hazards, and dating the container, Place it in the labs SAA and submit a waste collection pick up, Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for this process lab coat, nitrile gloves, and safety glasses and conduct all work within a chemical fume hood. Finally, remember to update your chemical inventory with MyChem.
Any elemental mercury and devices containing elemental mercury should be collected in a container to prevent breakage and mercury spills.
You may also print out your own UW Hazardous Waste Labels, either by printing the labelsand filling them out, or by filling out the labels first and then printing. Fax: (814) 865-7225, Privacy and Legal Statements | Copyright Information, Accessibility | Hotlines | Contact Us| OPP Website, The Pennsylvania State University 2015, PCB-Containing Building Material Management, Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Implementation, University Park/Hershey Shuttle and Courier Rules, Industrial Hygiene (Exposure Recognition & Control), Theatre Rigging Equipment Inspection Program.
This process will also ensure you have the appropriate fire extinguishing method available for these water-reactive chemicals.
As of 4/28/2019, all non-universal waste containerslarger than fourliters must have a UW Hazardous Waste Label (see above) and a second label indicating "Hazardous Waste"and the primary hazard: Download these labels for use on containers larger than four liters: Anexample of a properly labeled container larger than four litersis shown below.