The leadership change, according to Dahal is also imperative in terms of corporate governance. As BAFIA has provisioned tenure of the BFIs CEO for four-year and that they can serve only for two consecutive terms of eight years, BFIs are increasingly looking for new generation leaders to lead their organizations.
His banking career began from the then Grindlays Bank (now Standard Chartered Bank) where he worked for almost two decades. Maskay, who started his career at Nabil Bank, has more than three and a half decades of experience in banking.
He also worked at Siddhartha Bank.
No: 43/047/48;Information and Broadcasting Department Regd.
Some of their contemporaries such as Parshuram Kuwar, Shobhan Dev Pant, Surendra Bhandari, Tulsi Ram Gautam, and Shambhu Nath Gautam have left the banking sector.
Manoj Neupane is currently leading the Century Commercial Bank after the resignation of Tulsi Ram Gautam from the banks CEO.

The new generation CEOs, according to Dahal, are as capable as the older ones.
Pipalbot, (Way to Ghattekulo) Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
As the tenure of current CEO Bhuwan Dahal ends, Sanima Bank will have a new CEO in the next 4 months.
As first-generation CEOs gradually resign, second-generation bankers are taking a leadership position in Nepali banking. A few months back, Century Bank CEO Tulsi Ram Gautam had resigned. He is a charismatic leader with vision and has sound interpersonal relationship skills with different stakeholders.
Anupama Khunjeli of Mega Bank, Santosh Koirala of Machhapuchche Bank, Krishna Bahadur Adhikari of Nepal Bank, Sunil KC of NMB Bank, Ganesh Raj Pokhrel of Citizens Bank International, Roshan Neupane of NIC Asia Bank, and Ajay Bikram Shah of Laxmi Bank are the executives who have made their way to the top by climbing the corporate ladder.
He holds a Chartered Accountant designation.
For any CEO, an eight-year period is a long time during which he/she has ample opportunity to implement the things he wanted, said Dahal. Copyright
In the last two months, CEOs of three commercial banks have stepped down.
The bank board has promoted him as Acting CEO after the exit of Gautam. Kumari Bank was able to attend several milestones including the acquisition of seven different BFIs thereby making the bank one of the institutions in the nation with drastic business growth under the able leadership of CEO Bhandari, as per the media statement. Peoples Review Weekly
CEO Mr. Bhandari bids farewell to his banking career with 35 rich years of banking experience where he served in the top executive position for the last 21 years. Following the exit of Surendra Bhandari, Kumari Bank has made Anuj Mani Timilsina as Acting CEO.
And, one of the things is to prepare the successor..
In the last 2-3 months, CEOs of five commercial banks have either resigned or did not wish to extend their term.
1.02 Arba, Gold Gains Rs. Khanal is an experienced and old banker with a simple disposition.
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of Information) : 669/074-75. The search for new-generation leaders began after the Banking and Financial Institutions Act (BAFIA) set a four-year term for the CEO of a bank and only two consecutive terms. Anamnagar -29, Kathmandu
With effect from Wednesday, the board of directors has appointed him as CEO for a four-year term. Dahal who led the bank for two terms says the succession plan following his departure is ready.
Dhungana Appointed as CEO of Nabil Bank Gyanendra Prasad Dhunganahas been appointed Rajendra Prasad Koirala The rise of the US economy in the 1990s A Generational Change in Banking Leadership in Nepal. Bhandari who has more than two decades of experience in the Nepali banking sector previously served as the CEO of Century Commercial Bank.
Bankers who have been working in the Nepali banking sector for a long time are Ashok Rana, Ratnaraj Bajracharya, Narayandas Manandhar, Gyanendra Dhungana, Jyoti Pandey, and Anil Keshary Shah. Malla, Computer Layout: Shankar Aryal In some banks, Deputy CEOs have taken charge. The board meeting of the bank has appointed Senior Deputy CEO Mr. Anuj Mani Timalsina as an Acting CEO to be effective from Shrawan 1, 2078.
KATHMANDU: APRIL. Employment for a Person with Disabilities, HRM Practices in the United States A Perspective on the Past, Present and Future, Employee Engagement Thinking Beyond Celebrations, Managing Compensation as a Retention Strategy, We need policies to increase profitability of the agribusinesses and export-oriented industries, Nepali banking sector offers many opportunities for young graduates who are planning to join BFIs, People Management in a Post Pandemic World. Khanal was appointed CEO at a meeting of the banks board of directors on Tuesday.
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The banks BOD entrusted the responsibility to Kandel after the retirement of Shambhu Nath Gautam. Sanima Bank CEO Dahal sees the change in guard in banks as obvious.
Any organization cannot have innovation if there is a leader for a long time. The retired CEOs, according to Dahal should be ready for the advisory roles and guide the new leadership. Kumari Bank has seen off its CEO Mr. Surendra Bhandari who retires from his position on Asad 31, 2078 after serving as the CEO for the last four years.
Copyright 2022 The HRM Nepal | All Rights Reserved. Your email address will not be published. After Govinda Gurung left Civil Bank to join a bank in Myanmar, Civils Deputy CEO Sunil Pokharel has been promoted to the post of CEO.
Shravan Lal Maskay has been given the responsibility of acting CEO of the Bank of Kathmandu (BoK) following the retirement of CEO Shobhan Dev Pant. Before joining Citizens Bank, he served as Management Expert for 14 years. Bankers say there must be a succession plan to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. As of now, six banks have CEOs who are second-generation bankers.
The Nepali banking sector which is currently grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic is also in the midst of leadership change. Neupane had joined the Century Bank in October 2017 and was promoted to Deputy CEO in August 2019.
Ltd, Dilli Bazar, (Way to Ghattekulo), Kathmandu, Nepal, C. D. O. Regd. They have been trying to bring newness and innovation to banking, be it deposit in mobilization or lending, said Dahal.
Prior to his appointment as the Chief Executive Officer, he had headed various departments of the Bank playing crucial roles. Many bankers say that leadership transition becomes smooth whenever the new leaders are groomed from within the organization. All Rights Reserved.
Generational change is an obvious process. His area of expertise includes overall business operations and development. Growth Sellers which was established in 2008 not only did the business but also worked towards introducing new chapters through various mediums to make the HR fraternity stronger. Sundar Prasad Kandel is currently leading Siddhartha Bank as Acting CEO.
Timilsina who has more than two decades of experience in the Nepali banking sector previously served as the CEO of Century Commercial Bank.
He had joined Civil Bank in May 2019 as Deputy CEO. Pokhrel also had a stint with NIC Asia Bank and Nabil Bank before moving to Myanmar in 2016 to work for UAB Bank and AGD Bank.
Khanal has been in the banking sector for nearly a decade and a half. All of these executives have over two decades of experience in banking, which has also smoothen the generational change in leadership in banks. VIEWS EXPRESSED IN ARTICLES PUBLISHED UNDER BYLINES ARE SOLELY THOSE OF THE AUTHOR. 27 Ram Chandra Khanal has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kumari Bank.
He was previously the CEO of NIC Asia Capital Limited. Consultant Editor Emeritus: Mana Ranjan Josse, Contributing Editor: Prof Dr Shashi P.B.B. Only two and a half months ago, the board of directors of the bank had given the responsibility of CEO to Khanal.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer/Company Secretary/ Information Officer, Assistant Chief Executive Officer- Internal Audit Department, Chief Administrative Officer/ Spokesperson/ Grievance Handling Officer.
Even though he is yet to leave the bank, Sanimas board is not looking for a new CEO, as a new generation within the bank is ready to take charge.
1000 Per Tola in Nepalese Market Today; Silver Trading at Rs.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pokhrel has been leading the Civil Bank after Govinda Gurung resigned from CEO to work in a bank in Myanmar.
Khanu was given the responsibility of Kamu CEO after the then acting chief executive officer of Kumari Bank, Anuj Mani Timalsina and deputy chief executive officer Manish Timalsina resigned from the bank. Ganesh Raj Pokharel, a professional banker with more than 25 years of experience, is one of the founders and the Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Bank International Ltd. Published by Periwinkle Prakashan Pvt. Similarly, after the end of the tenure of Surendra Bhandari, Anuj Mani Timilsina has been appointed as Acting CEO of Kumari Bank. Kathmandu, 8 February: The Board of Directors of Kumari Bank Limited (KBL)has promoted Chief Operating Officer Ram Chandra Khanal to the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer and given the responsibility of Acting Chief Executive Officer, effective from February 8.
Contact: (977) 1-4517352 Webpage Director: Yem KC Your email address will not be published. This is why the banks BODs are increasingly looking to appoint CEOs from within their own organizations rather than bringing from outside. To give this a continuity we had an idea and planned to introduce a knowledge based magazine and today after one and a half decade the idea is successfully turning into reality.
Email: [emailprotected]; [emailprotected], copyright 2019 and all right reserved to People's Review | Site By : SobizTrend Technology, New cooperative bank coming to financial market, Border Security Act for international border security in the offing, Central bank increases interest rate to 8.5 percent, Nepal Army seeks two choppers from the US, Communists are forging alliance because of the Congress, U.S. attempts to smear Chinas foreign aid policy denounced, Draupadi Murmu becomes Indias first tribal woman president.
Siddhartha Bank CEO Shambhu Nath Gautam, Bank of Kathmandu CEO Shovan Dev Pant, and Kumari Bank CEO Surendra Bhandari have ended their association with their respective banks.
Pokharel, who started his banking career in 1991, has long experience of working in Nepali as well as foreign banks. He holds an Executive MBA degree in Finance from Kathmandu University; and MBA (Marketing) and BL (Banking) degrees from Tribhuvan University.