Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in, Update your device or payment method, cancel individual pre-orders or your subscription at. , Word Wise
And Joshua 24:32, it is reported, that the bones of Joseph were buried without making any mention of the rest.
~ John Calvin, "Commentary on Genesis, Pt 1", How the name of Jeremiah crept in, I confess that I do not know nor do I give myself much trouble to inquire. ~John Calvin, "Commentary on Romans",, Hebrews 11:21 ~ Example of Apostle of Hebrews Misquoting1 Kings 1:47. Numbers 10:11 with Exodus 19:1 ) XI. According to Calvin, Paul intentionally "changed" the quotation of Psalm 68:16 into its "opposite meaning" by replacing "gave gifts" to "received gifts" in his quotation in Ephesians 4:8. That it is, as the astronomers assert, an opaque body, I allow to be true, while I deny it to be a dark body. Numbers 11:1 And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord. ASIN 1. Against murmuring I. NUMBERS CHAPTER 11 The murmuring of the people, for which the fire breaketh in upon them, Numbers 11:1 . Hebrew were as complainers, Psalms 78:19 . Let the astronomers possess their more exalted knowledge; but, in the meantime, they who perceive by the moon the splendor of night, are convicted by its use of perverse ingratitude unless they acknowledge the beneficence of God. Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. But Moses maketh mention only of the bones of Joseph, (Genesis 1:13.) But Paul has followed the Greek version, which answered his purpose here even better. (11) Lat., And the people was, as it were, fainting (fatiscentes,) if, was displeasing in the ears of Jehovah. Fr. , Lending Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 6, 2020. Having made a brief quotation from the Psalm, Paul took the liberty of adding a statement, which, though not contained in the Psalm, is true in reference to Christ a statement, too, by which the ascension of Christ is proved to be more illustrious, and more worthy of admiration, than those ancient manifestations of the Divine glory which David enumerates. Calvin says that the Apostle's in their use of the Old Testament, "were not so scrupulous in this respect, as not to accommodate themselves to the unlearned [..] and in this there is no danger". Calvin notes that the Apostle did not correct the error, but allowed it to remain as an accommodation. In his commentary on Numbers 8:26, Calvin concludes that the text is incorrect, but in this instance, he blames the error on the carelessness of a Scribe, despite the lack of manuscript evidence to support such a conclusion. For, first, since it is placed above the element of fire, it must of necessity be a fiery body. it is called the fire of God, as having been plainly kindled by Him, lest any should suppose that it was an accidental conflagration. As there were, therefore, about twenty-four thousand that were overthrown by the Lords hand that is, above twenty-three, Moses has set down the number above the mark, and Paul, the number below it, and in this way there is in reality no difference. Apres il adveint que le peuple fut comme gens discouragez, (margin, despitez,) ce que despleut aux aureilles de lEternel; afterwards it came to pass that the people were as persons discouraged (or fretted) which displeased the ears of God. This is one of those places from which we may conclude that the points were not formerly used by the Hebrews; for the Greek translators could not have made such a mistake as to put staff here for a bed, if the mode of writing was then the same as now. ", 8. Note that Calvin doesn't attempt to vindicate Matthew of this blunder, but accepts it plainly as an error that should be corrected, without being hindered by whomever put down the wrong name, whether it was in sources to Matthew, by the Author of Matthew, or due to a later scribal error. Does this item contain inappropriate content? Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! See the marginal rendering. From the fact that God is appeased at the intercession of Moses, we gather that temporal punishment is often remitted to the wicked, although they still remain exposed to the judgment of God.

Read Jerome's Commentary to understand why Matthew would have intentionally supplied the wrong name. Please try again.
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); John Calvin on Errors in Scriptures (Quotations from Calvins Commentaries),,,,,,,,, , X-Ray Lastly since the Spirit of God here opens a common school for all, it is not surprising that he should chiefly choose those subjects which would be intelligible to all. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. This sense will suit very well, and thus the proper meaning of the word will be retained. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader. THE STRAIN OF THE DESERT JOURNEY Numbers 11:1-35 THE narrative has accompanied the march of Israel but a short way from the mount of God to som the Murmuring Flesh-lovers Numbers 11:1-15 We cannot wonder at the people's murmuring. Calvin says that the apostles, and in this case "Paul does not always quote the exact words of Scripture, but, after referring to the passage, satisfies himself with conveying the substance of it in his own language." Numbers 11:7 . This history is recorded in Numbers 25:9, ~ John Calvin, "Commentary on Corinthians, Vol 2", Acts 7:16 ~Example of a Historical Error in Scripture by Luke. The application then of this passage is the following: Since all the sins of mortals must serve to illustrate the glory of the Lord, and since he is especially glorified by his truth, it follows, that even the falsehood of men serves to confirm rather than to subvert his truth. Though the word, may be taken actively as well as passively, yet the Greek translators, I have no doubt, rendered it passively, contrary to the meaning of the Prophet. W. (13) Lat., fuisse demersum. A.V. To me the word fainting (fatiscendi) seems to suit best; for they failed, as if broken down with weariness. , Screen Reader Let them be for lights It is well again to repeat what I have said before, that it is not here philosophically discussed, how great the sun is in the heaven, and how great, or how little, is the moon; but how much light comes to us from them.71 For Moses here addresses himself to our senses, that the knowledge of the gifts of God which we enjoy may not glide away. : And whereas he saith afterward, they were laid in the sepulcher which Abraham had bought of the sons of Hemor, it is manifest that there is a fault [mistake] in the word Abraham. This is amazing. 11:21.
Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. : And when the people complained, etc. This item has a maximum order quantity limit. It is interesting that even in so shor CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES Numbers 11:1 . The Apostle hesitated not to apply to his purpose what was commonly received: he was indeed writing to the Jews; but they who were dispersed into various countries, had changed their own language for the Greek. The greater light I have said, that Moses does not here subtilely descant, as a philosopher, on the secrets of nature, as may be seen in these words. ", ~ John Calvin, "Harmony of the Law", Pt 2, Genesis 1:14-16 ~Example of Scientific (Astrological) Error, In Calvin's commentary on Genesis 1:14-15, he considers two cosmological errors in these accounts: 1) that the Moon is not larger than Saturn and 2) the Moon is a dark, opaque body and not an luminary. (11) The ambiguous signification of the participle (12) causes the translators to twist this passage into a variety of meanings. Some answer, that Moses speaketh of Joseph for honors sake, because he had given express commandment concerning his bones, which we cannot read to have been done of the rest. , Text-to-Speech Moses makes two great luminaries; but astronomers prove, by conclusive reasons that the star of Saturn, which on account of its great distance, appears the least of all, is greater than the moon. ", ~John Calvin, Commentary on Hebrews,, 1 Corinthians 10:8 ~ Example of Factual Errors by Paul when quoting Numbers 25:9, John Calvin identifies a factual error in 1 Corinthians 10:8, where Paul records 23,000 but the source value is 24,000. In this word another inverted nun (, n), to mark the fact of the People's turning back And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it ; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among th And when the people complained The when inserted here much flattens the sense, and leads the mind to wrong ideas respecting this event.