However, this remains an active area of concern requiring additional effort in the coming years.
[4] Relating to working group recommendations LL3 and multiple recommendations from OPWM. The group should address future building and renovation projects.
As licensing continues towards subscription based costing there are questions for the research community and regards to continued use of licensing in a way that supports research and allows for creative work. This includes support for specialized recording and media capture facilities and spaces that support physical computing, makerspaces, motion capture, etc.). We recently completed a major enhancement of cellular coverage inside all campus buildings, though this will require continual management as technology evolves (think 4G moving to 5G and beyond over this planning cycle).
This should include moving SAP to support all functionality through its web-based platform, as well as a responsive design for all web pages to make moving from one device to another seamless. In 1996, a task force was constituted through the Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC), to produce both tactical and strategic recommendations. This can help PIs understand the appropriate expectation to have for approval of their project. Instead, faculty model for students how to find, mix, modify and integrate content and use face-time for discussion, problem solving, labs and individual projects. Duke has already created a protected research enclave, the Protected Research Data Network (PRDN), in which appropriately vetted collaborators can work with various kinds of sensitive data. Once in place, implementation of new business function is much quicker and less expensive building on existing services.
Implementation will involve refocusing existing staff effort and through activities under 3.4.1 above.
Continued attempts to aid in streamlining device purchasing and increased accessibility to all areas of IT while more transparency provided to interactions with IT.
Moving forward, we can emulate mainstream App developers, and leverage the crowd and our users.
Addressing this will involve a phased approach to refresh and deferred maintenance of our critical fiber infrastructure as it approaches the end of its useable life of 20-25 years. Duke has been cautious compared to some of our peers in embracing the cloud to meet critical institutional needs, and yet we have indeed employed cloud providers when a thorough analysis indicates the decision makes sense (our Office 365 email environment, and our Sakai learning management system, are two examples). Identification of a single shared function has the advantage of eliminating redundant functions. Perhaps some become makerspaces or innovation labs, while others provide high-end, on-demand virtual reality or video-conferencing capabilities. In the meantime, we should: Our data network is critical to almost everything we do at Duke. 29, Appendix IV: Report of the Working Group on Administrative and Business Systems. Any data archive must include policies for and restrictions related to access and use of those data. This requires understanding where information is, and how to get it. The use and generation of media content is changing the way learning takes place in classrooms. 14 0 obj
Students, faculty, and staff will continue to bring their personal computing devices and expect accesses to perform their work. To support the development of new applications and to support efficient operations for the university as a whole, we need an enterprise-wide awareness of current data and services, as well as policies and tools for greater access to real-time information across the campus. Duke should design systems and enhancements to support continuous evaluation and improvements, but also creating a mechanism for users to provide feedback whenever they use Duke systems. o?$vB58m] xP:?xoQ)=~FxuyGFp}<

Maintenance of this environment once our original NSF seed funding ends will require additional expenditures going forward. Within the next decade, we imagine university researchers confronting their computing and data needs in much the way they now deal with email: few will know or care exactly where their data reside, how computational resources are brought to the data and by whom, and how the technical aspects of multi-site collaborations are implemented. Since 2005, the mobile computing revolution has put a highly capable networked computer in most everyones hands nearly all the time along with national advertising campaigns extolling the virtues of such devices across our personal and professional lives. Adopting a strategic stance to embracing the above benefits students and faculty dealing with an increasingly complex learning environment. Benefit: A SOA will allow cross department/school/division collaboration and data. Therefore, Duke should support and maintain a list of services. Moving forward, Duke should encourage different approaches to coordinate data collection and re-use data. Duke will not be alone in facing this challenge as new expectations and mandates also become clearer, but it is prudent to expect that significantly expanded resources may be needed to meet this need, and the needs of compliance training for content developers over this planning horizon. Benefit: Increased satisfaction and efficiency/productivity. Drivers include adoption of cloud-based computing and storage, and personal video entertainment (e.g., Netflix). Gap Analysis: The group agreed that this gap is pretty significant. As multiple software packages are required during analysis, they will be installed with the click of a button. The enterprise should promote and enable the principle that the business of Duke requires that everyone in the enterprise be able to know what data and services exist.
Building toward the goal of having all classrooms support 21st century pedagogies, with customizable space and standard digital technologies. Leverage identity and/or access tokens for third-party applications.

Phone: (919) 684-2200, Duke Apple Podcasts Policies and Guidelines, Duke eAccounts Application Privacy Policy, Appendix I: Report of the Working Group on Living and Learning, Appendix II: Report of the Working Group on Research Computing Support, Appendix III: Report of the Working Group on Communications and Infrastructure, Appendix IV: Report of the Working Group on Administrative and Business Systems, Appendix V: Report of the Working Group on IT Security, Appendix VI: Report of the Working Group on Support Models, Procurement and Licensing, Appendix VII: Report of the Working Group on Online Presence, Web and Mobile, Center for Instructional Technology (CIT),,,,,,, Continuing acceleration in the pace of change in information technology, Increasing complexity of technology services and their integration, Service needs of a globally-distributed university community, Changes in the way that faculty and students use technology and access knowledge, Security threats that are ever-changing and increasing, Institutional goals and priorities of the 2017 Duke University Strategic Plan, Administrative and Business Systems (ABS), Support Models, Procurement and Licensing (SMPL). OITs aggressive exploration of newly evolving networking technologies with grants from NSF and other sources in recent years positions us to already offer, perhaps uniquely among our peers, instantaneous deployment of dedicated very high speed networking circuits between arbitrary locations on campus.
The IT literacy of Duke community members is important to our communitys ability to fully leverage the capabilities made possible by industry advances in IT. Duke has recently obtained (through RENCI) connectivity to Internet2 circuit service (I2-AL2S), enabling on-demand high-speed connectivity to other academic institutions and national labs. Seven university-wide IT working groups were constituted in order to develop a comprehensive IT plan for Duke that can support needs and ambitions of the broad range of university IT stakeholders.
No other automated notifications should be sent. While Duke provides for-credit courses to its registered students on virtually all aspects of modern information technology, that curriculum remains relatively inaccessible to a large part of our community. Resource implications: There are no particular resource implication in choosing and elaborating on such a framework resource implications are implicit in, say, the framework requiring more robust infrastructure for a departmental webserver than currently exists. through a governance body) a set of consistent standards for user experience (for all stake holders on campus as well external visitors) at Duke branded websites (i.e.
Recommendations: provision for VPN appliances and related security appliances with sufficient capacity to meet user expectations; investigate better peering with residential ISPs for reduced latency and improved bandwidth.
However, the need for information across these systems has increased, as has the number of different systems, making it difficult to identify necessary data, aggregate it, and interpret it correctly. Based on the analysis of our current environment undertaken by these working groups and by closely considering the goals outlined in the 2017 Duke University Strategic Plan, we have identified three major goals for this new IT planning cycle: This present plan outlines specific strategies for achieving these goals. As their role in setting up and maintaining IT equipment wanes, it will give rise to an equally important role of matching research needs with nodes in larger networks that transcend a single campus.
Risks: Top down approach carries risk of missing important requirements or unknown business needs or activities in different Duke organizations.
We have also provided the university research community with meaningful access to advanced networking technologies through our existing infrastructure investments and through NSF-sponsored activities (i.e. These advances, along with the increasing specialization and complexity of IT tools and services drive the need for us to provide training opportunities to help all of our community members take full advantage of new and emerging capabilities.
The effort to better understand what is offered, what effort would be involved, etc. This can be achieved by some mix of enhancing the security skills of existing staff, and focusing some new hires on hybrid professionals who have both security and subject matter expertise. Mobile devices require this type of infrastructure. yQu@/vNi?P|0.|*~1Mg. The permeation of smart phones and mobile devices has created expectations for responsive apps that let users quickly and easily perform common functions. Departments that have dedicated local IT units involved in purchasing follow the standards of the Duke Purchasing Program through the Duke Technology Center, but the departments without local support, or that have small IT units that are not connected to the larger IT community are likely still unaware of these standards. In response, the present 2017 Duke University IT Strategic Plan recommendations represent a synthesis of relevant inputs from across an array of university stakeholders (schools, university-wide working groups, and various administrative units).
Get all the latest information on Events, Sales and Offers. New tools should not only take into account the new BYOD[22] reality - making sure that content and activities are mobile accessible and platform agnostic - but should also reflect common interfaces and approaches found in current consumer technologies. Dukes classroom configurations vary significantly across the academic units; many rooms are already capable of recording and delivering excellent media experiences, while others are in need of reconfiguration and upgrade. Most often current local support is a subscribed offering. We should continue to invest in the ongoing upgrade, replacement, and expansion of the campus fiber plant. Classrooms and other learning spaces are equipped with a diverse range of devices.
Allowing use of grant funds for purchasing (at minimum we need to know if subscription software can be purchased with federal grants). Our process involved establishing seven IT strategic planning working groups which contributed strategic recommendations across the following areas (see appendices I-VII for the full working group reports): All recommendations from the working group reports were consolidated into an overarching set of top-level recommendations and implementation cost estimates by the IT Strategic Planning Steering Group. all official websites of schools, departments, institutes, programs etc) regarding look & feel, security, accessibility (both, regarding WCAG 2.0aa and international reach), mobile compatibility etc, create digital assets registry / site registry, set up set of minimum security requirements for each class of asset, hold registered manager/owner of asset accountable, Set up a process (or organizational structure) to determine needs and resourcing for web presence across all units on campus (consulting on whats needed and where?
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Instead of using technology to supplement, replicate or compete with campus course formats, a 21st century university will use technology to create educational opportunities that cannot be done in traditional classrooms and to ensure that face to face time is centered around highly engaging, student-centered activities instead of content delivery. Since 2006, Dukes communications infrastructure has converged to an integrated Internet (IP) network supporting voice services (VoIP), data services, and video, supplemented with ubiquitous cellular coverage in partnership with commercial providers. [ 11 0 R] For example, users should be able to easily report problems with the WiFi network that takes advantage of GPS services and geolocation services from mobile devices.