When the Dark Elves attacked against Asgard by sending in their Dark Elf Harrows to attack Asgard's defenses, Odin led a troop to put down the rebellion in the Asgardian Dungeons led by Kurse. Related:Eternals: Every MCU Easter Egg & Reference. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. If not, The Avengers quote from Thor ruins this line set-up too. Odin stormed into the room as Eir was conducting tests on a strange illness that had befallen Foster and demanded that she return to Midgard. After the battle, Odin's forces took the Casket of Ancient Winters from one of Laufey's temples, ensuring that the Frost Giants could never attack any other worlds ever again. Asgardian Patton Oswalt Making An Eternals Spinoff With Harry Styles? The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. There are overt mentions for Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange, Josh Brolin's Thanos, Chris Evans' Captain America, and Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man alongside Kingo's mention of Chris Hemsworth's beautifully coiffed Asgardian hero. Odin and Hela rule over all the Nine Realms. Odin revealed that he not only stole the Casket, but Laufey's son who was left there to die. The guard, however, was actually Loki in a disguise. When seeing Odin, Thor desperately admitted that he could not defeat Hela without his hammer, which she destroyed, and that he is not as powerful as Odin was. During the furious Battle of Tnsberg, Odin lost one of his eyes, but eventually, the Asgardians came out victorious over the Frost Giants, with Odin defeating Laufey in single combat on top of a temple within Jotunheim. He had effectively led the Einherjar into victory in countless wars over all the Nine Realms. While Thor screamed out in mourning agony, Odin watched on helplessly as his adopted son fell to his presumed death. Odin by now had realized that Hela was a central part of the prophecy of Ragnark and destined to be killed by Surtur, the Fire Demon he had battled and weakened long ago. Every resident of Asgard, including Heimdall and Lady Sif, showed their respect for their queen and the soldiers. He once co-wrote a book about beer, published a football fanzine in honor of Newcastle United, and was once part of a beloved radio double act. Odin then ensured that Thor was safe while the Frost Giants reacted to their near extermination at Loki's hands. Kingo and Fandral can be right together, but Thor's own memory should surely trump both, making Kingo's claim a plot hole, or Thor's Avengers line one. Korg will also be there, and we cant wait for the one-liners hes bound to deliver. Odin was the son of Bor, the second king of Asgard. Loki was left to die by his cruel father because of his small stature. He then sent Mjlnir to Earth as well. He was dedicated to using his power for keeping the peace between the Nine Realms. With so many questions to be answered, were happy that the clock is ticking down to the big premiere of Thor: Love and Thunder. Many years later, Odin decided to retire as King of Asgard, intending to make Thor King in his place. [6], Odin explains the responsibility of being king. However, Shady Acres Care Home was bulldozed and destroyed, upon arrival. Wednesday originates from Woden's Day, a day named after Odin, also known in mythology as Woden. [5], Odin fights against the Frost Giants' armies. [2], The appearance of Odin was used by Loki to rule the Asgardians for some time after Loki's faked death on Svartalfheim. With the whereabouts of Odin at the end of. Bor ultimately died in battle as well, Odin ascending to the throne as king of Asgard and peacekeeper within the Nine Realms. He commented that Norway was beautiful and revealed it took him a while to break Loki's spell over him, noting that Frigga should be proud of him. Allfather[1]Odin Allfather[1]The Most Powerful Being in the Nine Realms[1]King of Asgard[2]Protector of the Nine Realms[2]Old Fool[3]Odin of Asgard[4]God of the Heavens[4] Some time after Odin was left on Earth, his retirement home was destroyed and he eventually overcame Loki's strong enchantment. He loves Clueless. pic.twitter.com/EYAbK2X9qM. Game As they grew older, Odin gave Thor the mighty hammer Mjlnir to use as his weapon of war, while Frigga taught magic to Loki, giving them each their own power to protect the Nine Realms. When Odin, Lady Sif and their squad of Einherjar soldiers returned to the upper chambers, they discovered that the army of Dark Elves had successfully invaded the palace and killed dozens of the Asgardian soldiers and destroyed Odin's own throne with a Black Hole Grenade. When his sons found him, Odin was nearing the end of his long life. When Odin realized that the Valkyrie had been defeated and killed by his daughter, Odin personally entered Hel, once again emerging victorious over Hela, and re-imprisoned her. Actors/Actresses Remember, only this site's policies fully apply in this site. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Whatever the case may be, we know were in for a colorful, crazy, funny, and all-around over-the-top ride when Thor: Love and Thunder makes its way onto screens on July 8. TV Series Desiring to destroy the Dark Elves once and for all, Odin met with Fandral and Volstagg to discuss military plans only to learn that they were almost completely defenseless against this threat. [1] During one of these visits, Odin brought the Tesseract from his vault and brought it to Tnsberg, Norway, where he left it in the care of devout Asgardian worshipers.[7]. Odin then discussed a pressing matter with his son; his infatuation with Jane Foster, recommending that Thor instead seek a romantic relationship with an Asgardian rather than a human, suggesting Lady Sif for Thor's affections as she clearly had strong feelings for him. While ruling Asgard as Odin, Loki cast a spell on his father and exiled him to Earth, leaving him dazed at Shady Acres Care Home: a retirement home in New York City. He had made peace with his fate and died peacefully while in the company of his sons, apparently content he would be reunited with Frigga in the afterlife and leave Thor as the new King of Asgard.
As Allfather, Odin battled great beasts, invaded other realms, destroyed demons and monsters, devastated whole worlds, and laid waste to mighty kingdoms. Between teenage Groots bad language, Draxs deadpan, and Valkyries sarcasm, audiences are in for a world of well-timed back-and-forth performances. Hela refused to back down, however, and attempted to take the throne from her father by force. After faking his death, Loki cast a spell on Odin, banishing him to New York City while masquerading as Odin and ruling Asgard himself. He then stripped Thor of his powers and in the name of his father Bor and Bor's father before him, banished Thor to Earth for his arrogance. As he began insulting and degrading his son, Loki tried to step in, but Odin ordered him to be silent. To suggest he was familiar enough with Midgard to have been there as a child makes no sense. [8] Odin sent Thor to retrieve Loki using his dark Magic, at the cost of his own and Thor's health. Knowing that Thor would not listen, Odin suggested that he at least try to enjoy his victory over the Marauders by joining Fandral and Volstagg for celebrations in an Asgardian bar while having drinks with the people of Asgard.[2]. Odin wore an all black armor and oversaw the ceremony where his wife's body was placed into a ship and transformed into glittering mist resembling stars in the universe. Movie Species A one-stop shop for all things video games. Asgardian Royal FamilyCouncil of Godheads
Once Thor had returned from the Battle of Vanaheim, they discussed the newly secured peace across the Nine Realms as Odin thanked his son for everything he had done. In Marvel's Eternals, Kumail Nanjiani's Kingo claims to have known Thor in the past, but that creates a major plot hole in Phase 1 event movie The Avengers. Odin's efforts at benevolence were crowned with success, bringing a period of stability that he would later refer to as the "Great Beginning". Captain America: First VengeanceThor, The Mighty Avenger (mentioned)Thor: RescueThe Avengers: The Avengers Initiative (mentioned)Thor AdaptationThor: The Dark World PreludeThor: Crown of Fools (mentioned)Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation (carving)Thor: Ragnarok PreludeAvengers: Infinity War Prelude (mentioned)Avengers: Endgame Prelude (mentioned) Real Name Odin said he was willing to sacrifice every soldier needed to avenge Frigga and defeat Malekith. Odin raised both Thor and Loki as brothers, attempting to never allow Loki to feel any different from his brother or allow him to know his true Frost Giant nature. Wait - Didn't Black Widow Have The MCU's First Mutant? After conquering the Nine Realms, Odin underwent a change upon realizing that only through peace can the Nine Realms truly be united and desisted with further conquest. We offer unique information that impacts everything you care most about in the world, all in one place. Previously seen at WhatCulture for more than a decade, Simon's work has been featured at FilmSchoolRejects, and HeyUGuys. In his youth, Odin was a ruthless war king who had no qualms violently conquering the Nine Realms with his daughter, Hela. The plot also builds off the back of Phase 3 in a way that would have been impossible without Avengers: Endgame, even if it's not entirely necessary to have seen any MCU movies before Eternals. As always, the film features a dynamite cast including Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Tessa Thompson, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Taika Waititi, Russell Crowe, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista, Matt Damon, and Luke Hemsworth. He had never revealed to Loki his heritage, hoping that by hiding it, his adopted son wouldn't feel disparate from his family. God of War and WisdomGod of the HeavensPrince of Asgard (formerly)King of Asgard (formerly)Member of Council Godheads Overwhelmed by Loki's furious accusations, he fell into the Odinsleep. During the ancient times, he was worshiped as the god of wisdom by the inhabitants of Earth. Odin and Frigga had a child together, a boy they named Thor. Portrayed by The new film will see him and the Guardians, along with Valkyrie and Jane, who will reveal herself to be Mighty Thor, seek to bring down Gorr the God Butcher before he demolishes all the Universes Gods, including Thor. He placed an enchantment on Mjlnir that allowed only the worthy to wield it. While he was a good king who cares about the peace of the realms, the ghosts of his past self and his initial anger that once controlled him can show, as he was willing to sacrifice as many Asgardians as necessary if Malekith had attacked again, showing to be just as ruthless as Malekith at the time, as Thor noted, due to the intense grief, rage, and need for revenge coursing through him after Frigga's death. He's covered the full spectrum of movies and TV shows, from hunting Easter eggs to breaking down Grease in the detail it deserves. Odin said that even after he had survived so many previous battles, his wife still worries for him; she reminded him that it was due to her worrying that he had survived for so long. During a final battle on Vanaheim, Thor along with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three managed to defeat the Marauders and force them to surrender. 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However, Odin knew that as the Aether had finally been found, the army of the Dark Elves, led by Malekith the Accursed would return seeking to finally reclaim their most powerful weapon once again.[2]. As such, he was wise and honorable. Odin discovered his adopted son who confronted Odin about his true origins, having turned blue upon touching the casket. Odin collapses and falls into the Odinsleep, As he took in this news, Loki demanded to know Odin's reasons for such a deception, Odin revealed that he wanted to gain a permanent peace between Asgard and Jotunheim by having Loki rule the world of the Frost Giants.