For example: I have +200 cold damage gloves, and I use Frost Bolt with base damage 250-300, damage is 450-550. Will a skill that deals lightning damage now also deal 1-3 fire damage? Well, the only things that really boost your fire damage aside from +skills is + % to fire skill damage. Does that still not have a lot of effect? When I used + [element] damage items in Diablo 2, I always felt like it increased that element's damage on my spells too.

If I am not wrong, this will only be added to a melee or bow skills that do fire damage like exploding arrow or fire claws.

The attack rating might actually be usefull at that level depending on what your fighting and possible whether you have a skill that enhances attack rating. Im glad I didnt delete it, yes I do have buffs that increase attack rating! Say you are a wizard and you are using Ray of Frost.
Enigma / Chains of Honor / Skin of the Vipermagi with fire facet / Armor with 4x fire facets, Magefists (not sure if this boosts Inferno), 2x Stone of Jordan / Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band. as a side note: GC's can roll skillers from ilvl 50 (act 3 lower kurast nightmare). itll certainly be fun, especialy if you spam it in circles to get that full screen full of balls of fire effect but sadly youll be bored sooner or later. The fire damage is useless (atleast that amount). 3-piece Trangs + Ormus Robes (Firewall) might work even better than 4-piece Trangs (I've seen it done, but providing the link isn't allowed). If you hover near your attack rating you can see the chance you have to hit your last target, you could see if this 44 ar helps for the time being, wont be an endgame Gc so if you want to sell it to a vendor (or throw it away) its not the end of the world, but might be usefull for a little while. Press J to jump to the feed. 1-2 fire damage means 1-2 fire damage added to your meele attacks. Can someone please answer this or point me to a place that explains these stats? The only case where that damage is going to be enhanced is if you run conviction to lower enemy resistance or if youre attacking with vengeance. Got it! What does this actually mean?
Thank you! Ill just have to read what conviction is. Another question: how can I see ilvl? A newbie here - HELLO - I still cant figure out how all stats work on D2R, my question is Im level 20 Paladin and find a grand charm ,it says adds 44 to attack rating and 1-2 fire damage. in Diablo 2, if it said "Add 3-10 cold damage", it would only affect melee swing, because it was melee damage + bonus cold damage. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. You go punch Ranakishu. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Will my basic attacks deal physical+fire damage?
I'm not even mentioning the mana problems you'll face. I do not think there is any confirmation on exactly how these mechanics are calculated but I have a interesting guess about how it works. This subreddit is for people who want to discuss Diablo 2 and Diablo II Resurrected. Thanks! Was my feeling wrong? On weapons at least, it literally adds that element damage to your attack, whether it's a melee swing or a spell cast (as far as I can tell) I believe the spells base element will always be the animation such as your arcane orb will always cause the enemy to die using the arcane death animation, but the weapon you are using with +10 holy damage should add into that. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. + elemental damage items, and how they affect spells. does not apply to spells and stuff.
What about if its a SC with +1xx or +2xx psn damage? They are in most cases useless. You must log in or register to reply here.
Even though it states that, the property still adds to oskills. He will take an additional 1-3 fire damage.