Regardless of the shape, their facial features almost always remain delicate and childlike even in adulthood. Abstractly, we can associate the gamine style essence with the themes of rebelliousness, creativity, and playfulness. Therefore, gamines look best in compact, small-scale designs and shapes. Well, this is not quite the same effect that we got on Aja. Kate looks incredibly elegant and sophisticated in this kind of dress as well. And the themes that this essence communicates are sensuality, maturity, luxury, and indulgence. If anything, she looks very regal, elegant, and sophisticated. And Romantics look amazing when they wrap their curves into clothing that doesn't leave much room for the imagination. You probably have the classic style essence. Let's take a look at another signature style of the ingenue style essence: delicate, playful patterns. Consequently, a Classic's features are neither very angular and sharp nor very round and soft, but sit perfectly balanced between the two extremes. The dramatic style essence thrives on unconventional designs. Comfort is high on the priority list of this type, and clothing is therefore relaxed and loose - even a bit messy. Kristen has the natural style essence, and even though she's still not tall, this outfit is very flattering on her. This essence conjures up images of baby animals and delicate flowers. Accessories look best when they retain the original shape of the material they are made out of - such as stones for a necklace.

A signature style of the romantic essence is the tight-fitted dress (which may be rushed and draped). This is not quite the same effect that we got on Jourdan. Abstractly, we can associate the classic style essence with the themes of conservatism and aristocracy. Timeless patterns such as houndstooth or even cable knits can work on this style essence.
Understated is not a word related to this essence. The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity.Ingenues and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of delicacy, idealism, and childlike innocence. Long and oversized garments will overwhelm this type. The ingenue style essence is a petite essence. The angelic style essence is ethereal - it floats and flows. Individuals with the angelic style essence tend to be tall and narrow. The symbol of the dramatic style essence is the feline jungle animal, so it only makes sense that Dramatics look good in animal prints. For the classic style essence that means following the balanced, symmetrical lines of individuals with this style essence. Where other types would look outdated or stiff in such a style, a Classic portrays elegance and regality. A signature style of the angelic essence is the long, flared (or draped) dress. The natural style essence is the sportive, casual yang style essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of activeness and a laid-back, easy-going nature.Naturals and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of nature, the outdoors, and activeness. Consequently, individuals with the dramatic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of dignity and theatricality. Quite the contrast to what she looks like in gamine clothing! Romantics are often of average height (neither extremely tall nor very petite). Note: The following characteristics are typically associated with this style essence. She doesn't even look okay in the ruffle dress.
Adjectives like intense, dignified, poised, theatrical could be used to describe people of the dramatic style essence. This mix of classic with some romantic looks amazing on her. This looks amazing on Sofia. She looks stunning, cool, and very comfortable in the playful looks of the gamine style essence. She doesn't look like herself in these clothes. Due to their playful and creative designs, retro and vintage styles work extremely well on the gamine style essence. This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. Although this style essence is feminine like the romantic essence, it is a childlike, innocent cuteness as opposed to the mature, sensual femininity of the Romantic. But light-coloured lace is preferable because it communicates innocence. Adjectives like sexy, 'womanly', and glamorous could be used to describe people of the romantic style essence. The gamine style essence is the combination of yang and playful theatricality, also known as the playfully dramatic yang essence. You probably have the dramatic style essence. Consequently, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of rebelliousness and playful boldness. Let's take a look at another signature style of the dramatic style essence: creative and unusual patterns. This does not happen on Emma because she naturally has a boyish appearance. If you can look effortlessly cute and girly without looking childish, there's a good chance you have some ingenue essence in you. In the same vein, classic designs are simple with as little detail as possible that would distract from the Classic's symmetry. If you can carry off a sexy outfit and you don't look like you're trying too hard, there's a good chance you have some romantic essence in you. Classics are often of average height (neither extremely tall nor very petite). Now let's see what boyish clothing does to someone who does not have the gamine style essence. And it's exactly that which makes Katrina looks amazing in dramatic clothing. Individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to look sweet and gentle compared to others. Someone who has the dramatic style essence looks powerful and elegant when wearing a man suit. Adjectives like sporty, laid-back, and casual could be used to describe people of the natural style essence. If you can carry off an elaborate outfit and you don't look like you're trying too hard, there's a good chance you have some romantic essence in you. The dramatic style essence is bold. Consequently, individuals with the natural style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of relaxed sportiveness. They don't actually do anything for her and just hang from her body. She looks incredible and very comfortable in the ethereal looks of the angelic style essence. Now let's see how a tight-fitted dress looks on someone who does not have the romantic style essence. The gamine style essence is the playfully dramatic yang essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of rebelliousness and boyishness.Gamines and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of rebelliousness, creativity, and playfulness. Individuals with the gamine style essence tend to have a petite or short body type, as it is this smallness of the body parts that makes gamine clothing look great on them.
For the gamine style essence that means following the delicate, petite, rounded lines and soft curves of individuals with this style essence. Similarly to the compact designs, prints are best when they are small-scale. But that's only half of the equation. Androgyny is a mix of both feminine and masculine characteristics. This essence is all about a mysterious, otherworldly image. This essence is all about a dignified, intense, and highly expressive image (not to be confused with the expressive boyishness of the Gamine). On the contrary, this essence exudes an understated elegance and therefore looks best in neutral, basic colours that don't distract from the Classic's physical features. Shorter dresses and jackets, short skirts, and shorts are all better suited than long and narrow designs. And because Dramatics tend to be tall and narrow, they are not easily overwhelmed by oversized garments. Individuals with the romantic style essence can pull off sexy looks with glamour. Height is not a characteristic aspect of this style essence, it is their signature curves that lead the way. Individuals with the angelic style essence can pull off fairytale looks with glamour. This essence is all about a mature, sensual image (not to be confused with the innocent prettiness of the Ingenue). This is a casual essence. They also often have a distant look in their eyes, as if they were somewhere else entirely, again lending them that air of mystery. To make the effect even more visible, let's look at Anne when she's wearing her essences: This mix of romantic with classic and natural looks so amazing on Anne. This essence is all about a relaxed image (that does not look sloppy). Consequently, a tight-fitted dress will just pronounce her straightness - the opposite of what this kind of clothing is supposed to do.
Pay attention to both ladies' facial features. She looks stunning, dignified, and very comfortable in the bold looks of the dramatic style essence. Similarly, accessories should be delicate and dainty. Aja looks very natural and comfortable. This doesn't necessarily read as ultra-skinny - although it certainly can - but simply as a narrow, sharp straightness as opposed to a very soft, rounded, and curvy body type. Kim, in contrast, again doesn't look like she's made an effort. Emma looks very natural and comfortable. Ingenues often have a round or heart face shape. Where other types would look like they were wearing a fancy dress costume, an Angelic almost looks like a goddess or a mythical creature. Neither has vey mature features. Let's take a look at another signature style of the classic style essence: simple dresses with minimal jewellery. Where other types would look like they're wearing children'c clothes, a Gamine portrays coolness and self-assurance. They are often drawn to cute things. Notice how the ladies in the following examples all have playful appearances and a hint of innocence in their faces. It makes them look majestic and powerful. Gigi's best look, on the other hand, is the natural style. The angelic style essence is flowing and wants to be wrapped and draped. Gamines often have a whimsical looks. The ingenue style essence is a delicate, gentle essence, not a bold one. Consequently, it cannot be missing in a romantic wardrobe. This essence conjures up images of mythical creatures, fairies and mermaids, and the cosmos and galaxies. Earthy greens and browns, off-whites etc. Textures and materials should convey luxury and quality. A signature style of the ingenue essence is the short, (often flouncy) dress. A signature style of the dramatic essence is the man suit. With Emma it's the opposite. She looks quite put-together and stylish. Consequently, individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of youthful femininity and innocence. She has a different type of beauty. Check out Kate Middleton: Does Kate look old-fashioned and boring in these outfits? The best garments for any style essence are those that mimic and repeat that essence's natural lines, shapes, and themes. Aja's best look, on the other hand, is the ingenue style. This is a very regal look, and Kate can pull it off comfortably. Shorter dresses and jackets, short skirts, and shorts are all better suited than long and narrow designs. To achieve this look in clothing, Dramatics look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: Individuals of the dramatic style essence often have slightly asymmetric features. She doesn't look like she's wearing a fancy dress costume. To make this effect more visible, let's see what Kristen looks like when she's wearing her essences: Now this looks amazing! Signature patterns of the natural style essence are tribal and botanical patterns as well as bohemian patterns. Let's take a look at another signature style of the natural style essence: oversized, shapeless garments. It's more of a boyishness that let's you know they've been up to no good. Layering is also possible with accessories. Check out Zoe Saldana: Does she look like she's wearing her husband's clothes? In addition, we said that the ingenue style essence is associated with youthful innocence and playfulness. So where best to take its colours from than from nature itself? Consequently, individuals with the romantic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of sensuality and glamour. This essence conjures up images of toys and wild baby animals. Both have a childlike appearance. But they also don't look sloppy in them. So the boyish clothes clash with her natural femininity and the result is a somewhat more masculine appearance. This doesn't necessarily mean that only short people can have the gamine style essence, but the body is compact in a way that makes long and oversized clothing overwhelming. She doesn't look like she's wearing a fancy dress costume. The angelic style essence is closely linked to mythical creatures - and those creatures often have wings. For the angelic style essence that mean And the themes that this essence communicates are mysticism and otherworldliness. Extravagant collars, extra buttons and pockets are not something the classic style essence requires. Consequently, asymmetry in clothing and accessories is not only very flattering but also adds interest to an outfit. The ingenue essence is a petite essence with compact designs, which don't go well with Katrina's primary feature: her height. Although this style essence is balanced and thus neutral, it is not androgynous like the gamine style essence. And the lips may have a bowed shape. Adjectives like gentle, cute, and pretty could be used to describe people of the ingenue style essence. Their features communicate an easy-going, approachable nature. This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. Sofia's best look, on the other hand, is the romantic style. But the clothing has to move - it can't sit still. You probably have the gamine style essence. There is typically some irregularity in the facial features of a Natural - just like wild landscapes. They tend to be energetic and impish and poke fun at fashion. On Gigi, activewear looks stylish, on Kim it looks sloppy - as if she just didn't make an effort. Consequently, individuals with the classic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of timeless elegance and formality. Let's take a look at another signature style of the angelic style essence: iridescent garments. On Jourdan, this style is complementing and highly flattering, but on Kristen, this look is just disappointing. Mythical creatures best sum up this style essence. They are seemingly more elegant and formal compared to others. Dark lace is often what lingerie is made of - and for good reason. She looks pretty, cute, and very comfortable in the girly looks of the ingenue style essence. Premium materials are also required for accessories. Unusual and creative patterns are one of the hallmarks of the dramatic style essence. The classic style essence is a blend of yin and yang. Emma looks comfortable and effortless in this kind of style, but Scarlett Johansson does look a bit like a woman trapped in boys' clothing.